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A mission map by Dan Manning (ver. 1) 

We knew we needed a good night’s rest
and a cold one. The cold drinks might have
to wait, but one of us knew of a boat we
might just be able to stow away on for a 
while. Zombies don’t like water, right?

 One may see the length of the deck for three zones, but not through to the rear zones
 If in the rear of the yacht, you may see forward for three zones, but not to the front zone
(w/jet skis)
 You may see into the front or rear zones from an adjacent zone


Zombies must be in the same zone to attack. This means they must move into the zone
to do so. This poses a problem on stairs where only two actors may fit. This is resolved
by zombies pushing the actors (zombies or survivors) up or down the stairs. They then
occupy the limited stair space. The zombie will keep moving until they occupy a zone
with a survivor to attack.
(EX. LEFT): A zombie is moving onto the stairs. There are two actors there . The zombie will
“push” one actor down the stairs to the second half. The next zombie will push the other actor
to the bottom stairs. A third would push a zombie to the bottom stairs and the actor into the
hall. Each successive zombie pushes another up or down the stairs, crowding more into the
exiting room.
If there were 5 zombies that wanted to move on to the stairs, the survivors would end in the
hall, two zombies would be joining them, two would be on the bottom portion of the
staircase, and two would occupy the top portion.
The yellow areas outlined by black
Is it a zone or a room? The yellow lines on the
are doors. They are all closed/locked
carpet are considered zones. The marked area
and must be opened normally. Place
is all one room, but three zones.
a smashed door icon when opened.

This somewhat misleading marker is a

zone and not a door (even though it
appears to be outlined in black).
A mission by Dan Manning OBJECTIVES

We’ve slowly made our way to the
shore. In an old house we found a 
short wave radio. After a day of
tuning it, we picked up a voice. She said
she was trapped in the engine room on 

a yacht just offshore. We might not

have gone for her, but she thinks she
can get us out to sea to safety and 
we’re all tired of living day-to-day.
We’ll send in a small group to retrieve 
medical supplies for her and try to 
rescue the girl quietly.

The engine room, where the female
survivor has locked herself in, is
empty and cannot be searched.

Do not draw additional spawn
cards for the areas already
A mission by Dan Manning 

Well, that turned out to be more

trouble than we thought it would be.
We got the girl, but she is diabetic,
sick and needs a shot of insulin. On the

bright side, she is related to the boat
captain and knows the keys to the boat
are in the mechanic’s shed. She said we SPECIAL RULES
could get both the key to the shed and 

her medicine in the bunk house. We
heard some moaning in there and

someone has built a barricade in front
of the door, but we’re still going in. It’s
the only way to get the yacht going.

It’s not over yet…


2 new survivors: , Zombie spawn point:

Spawn points activated by the blue objective: ,

Door opened only with green key (green objective):

Objectives (4 regular, 1 blue, 1 green): x4, ,

Exit: Rubble: Dogz starting spots:

A mission by Dan Manning
With keys in hand, it was time to gather 
the others and get back to the boat. When 
we arrived at the outpost, we noticed a
distinct smell: the odor of death. The

partially destroyed building and narrow

passages seemed like the perfect
stronghold. Unfortunately, we were wrong. 

At least we wired the building with 

explosives in case we were overrun. Looks
like we’re going to need them. We’re not OBJECTIVES AND SPECIAL RULES
leaving without our friends though- if 

anyone is left alive. Wait. Do I hear

Y3 voices?

2 new survivors: , Zombie spawn point:

Door opened only with green key (green objective):

Objectives (1 red, 1 blue, 1 green): , ,

Y3 Exit: Rubble: Dogz starting spots:

A mission by Dan Manning

It has been a long time coming, but 

we’re back at the marina. We’ve picked
up a contact on the short wave radio
we’ve been using. It seems some other

survivors have made their way here as
well and didn’t fare quite as well as we

did. He says his friends are all dead
and he managed to barricade himself
in a room, but the dead are closing in
and he doesn’t have much time. We 
took a vote and decided it wouldn’t be
right to leave him, so we’re going to

free him, clear the boat of the dead
and get out of here. Word is, there is
an island somewhere out there…


Unusable and impassable zones

Usable/passable zones Impassable zones Barricade on ship door, not the dock No spawning on Y3

Designer’s note: Don’t let the red

arrows confuse or dissuade you. They
are just there for further clarification

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