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LET’S SMASH SKULLS WARHAMMER FANTASY BATTLE RULES enable you to Serre ent DTTC a tobe LC top. Players take command of power- Pea CPM Tits RCE OMe Ure EKO McRae Can Oe PVM artes foro Moen | are deadly real. The box contains three rules books — COMBAT, BATTLE MAGIC and ao BESTIARY; charac- oe Cee ENE os ECU MTCC TTA a scenario - The Magnificent Sven, THE NEW SECOND EDITION FEATURES A COMPLETELY REVISED AND EXPANDED KULES SYSTEM hah fa fal. EUS So Ce OU ONT NTE WL Melton ns EXE a oaa yee ONO We ie eacco eta er NL Red Branch Road, Columbia, MD 21045, Dever ence ener WORKSHOP (US), 911OF WELCOME TO THE = THIRD CITADEL COMPENDIUM ot again the never-reating entrails af the Citadel Secst have heaved forth» now edition of The Citadel Compendium. — This fedition is our most heavily illustrated yet, simply beiraming with ‘pow and redesigned models. Citacel miniatures are made for Gamers and collectors; oach and every model is hand-crafted by our Tatornous design zombies and brought to you via the machinstions of our dedicated, hard-working ond hardly-maltrested-at-all staff. ‘The Compendium is published once 9 year, forming a catalogue of Citadel miniatures that wall remain available throughout that year. Tis esttion will remain good for the whole of 1986 - or untit we Skeide te publish a now sdltion (probably around the back-end of the yean. This Compendium replaces the previous edition, and ‘models illustrated in the eld catalogue, but rot in this one, may no Tonger be availatie: unfortunately, our moulds have only’ a short life span, and it it not postble’ to keep models in production forevers In addition to the models Mlustrated herein = wo eat them the Compendium Selection - Citadel produce many more for each individual code, ‘You can find eut about additional modets only by Keeping a close wateh on your retailer’ stork, ant by heepion up to Gate vio the Citadel Journal magazinn, The Journal ls published Imogulaty, approximately four times a yaar, and contsine m hott af articles on aaraing, modelling and all aspects of fantasy models The Journal alo lilustrates a selection of new models for tho Compendia ‘Selection, enabling you to Keep. abreast of new Gevelopmnents in the fantasy feld. We hope that youll enjoy the Citadel Compendium. If you have ‘any ideos for new models, gare of articles why not drop usa line? Sedly, we are unable to reply ta every sing lattor we receive, but ‘well 80 our bests an SALE. helps. Soy dont delay = your ides ey help shape the future of fantasy models and qornes Similarly, let tus have your lntters and artwork for publiention ~ if wa like” your tcontsibation we'll print it in a future Joumal or Compendium for aioe CoRRETP us scar ein BecoGmatesnon MTOR Hie Loar cuse Bear yore sete Models ato availabte from all thesa entighting world soanning autlets. Those shown in toned boxoe are the tole distributors for Citadal todels in their respective countries. ee Denur ors Taneurs SUBSCRIBE TO THE CITADEL eas DIDGARCENERO VEN ‘COMPENDIUM AND JOURNAL! ranaco me uogscantes ref yew arc t ern ht you ese te endfor Cite macnn CONCESSION sTACET SRR GEC hte SSE SARS eee SE and ee ieriowpucretanouines 70 FOULS wep Horan RLE JOUFFROY. ‘et 10.4686 19301, Fors inane Bras EvAEUX CITADEL MINIATURES (CHEWTON ST, EASTWOOD, NOTTINGHAM, UK. TRADE ENQUIRIES Tel (0773) 769731. MAIL. OR 73) 759822 j INTRODUCTION Weleoneto the hind Citadel Compediam contents ALL BEER AND SKITTLES How tobuilda fantasyinnby Gary Chalk Paint BELLICOSEBESIARY E Fall colour photographs of painted model bythe experts CHAOS BATTLEBANNER COMPETITION Anewsompetiton- design achaos nner foryour Warharamerregineats THE QUEST OF KALEB DARK. HOW TO BUILD A FANTASY INN By Gary Chalk THE REASON WHY Fantasy literature is full of inns and taverns. The Prancing Pony at Bree, Cankmars silver Eel and the Vulgar Unizom in Santunry's ‘Maze are all unique ane yet all cesomble each other in one respet = hair shontole.” Thieves go te a tavern to plot wizard to see fut information, ané adventoress to hinng about, look acho and, Fopefully, get nired. Anyone who is anyone will, at some time oF nother, tie up Ns horse outside ané swagger in to the taproom calling for ale. Aa the fantaty en soos xy much traf, ie quite « useful modat {for 9 role-player or tabletop general to poseess. As well co Froviding avenue for the ever popular ‘bat-room trawly it can Frovide 2 (Felatively) safe haven during the Blact-Ridet searon and Give an encumbered adventurer a charice to part with aoine of Ns Sash. As virtually any tabletop town or village will contain an nm the Warharwner general san ute such a building many times to provide a varied rance of battle scenarios. Alcohetic t#o0p8 will ind # taverns wellstoceed bar far more attractive Unon fighting the enemy. Whether, as a general, you Grout theard this ae 2 anmayancn or a weledme distraction will ‘depend on the troops under your command. Vino in the Northlands ‘nll ever forget the chaos at the Battle of Qugman's Brewery. ‘A neutral inn, stuck in the midele of a notly-contested batitetels ‘can make for'en interesting ané unaual three-cornered gute, with the ino-Leopor and his quests tating en troops from the opposing armies. This would he especially true of an inn whose celles (ose floorplans and 9 map) extended in all directions under the table. Blocd-erazed tapsters and guests could pp up trom concealnd entrances all over the place, while intrusers entering the fittlo= (mod tunmale ond. vaults might find ail sorte of strango boaats lurking there, PLANNING: Bofere you rush to your wark-benches, the light of creativity ‘burning tightly in your nye, itis bast to'dy a tele planning, ot dawn a few rotes uncor the fellowing headings: ‘Size. Work out the overall size of the model first. The tavern In the phetographs is approximately 23 inches square, the size of one of my terrain modsles. Someone maseng thalt fit building would be well advised to try something e litle more modest. Once you Nave decided the qvaral alse, you can then warke put the number of reams that can be accommodated within the sate, Tt is better to have a few relatively large roams eathor than a fot Of small ones a figure’s bore can take Up an afl lot of space. A venall tavern Could have os few as Unree roots: the bar Reni, kitehon sh the ‘ownests living room ~ plus, peshap, a privy out the back. One last thing te remember about tho sizn of your model ix that when it ie wed you have to have somevther to put ite Dan" Make a ‘model larger than your storage space. “The Base, The bese of your model shovtd fit in with the rest of your wargames scenery, bath frem the point of view of colour and General texture, My ion wax based on 11" chipboard se aro my ther terrain modules. | Smaller medels auld use plyyand or hardboard. Dorrt use card for the base of any model of this size) as Hew! warp snd curl up at the edges, The stronger the bave, the steonger tha hate model wil be. Time, The larger the model, the Longer it will take to complete. If you dort have a lot of tima, make 3 email nulding. "You ent use {in unflnisved rodel and the longer it fe lett unfinished the more ely you are to ose Interest ine Style, As you can see from the photographs, "The Mian in the Moor! isbuilt ina weser-european mediovel style, using stone, tiles ant Falf-tkenbering. A inn built ins desert land’or in a forost half way pe mountsin would be built In a different style using locally Sbeained materiale. A dosort tavern sould probaly be built of ‘mud brick, while one in a forest would be constructed solidly of timbor. If you feel a Bit lost when deciding on the style of your building, try the juniar reference section of your local library. ‘These generally have lots of highly lustrated boots on history o Life in ether countries which can be very woeful, MATERIALS Material Uso Chiphoara/plyweodIneraboard The base ‘Mounting oad (available at art shops) Watts end raat ‘Trin card (availble at art shops) Roof tiles Petyatysone coiling ti terior walls) whero the thickness of the wall ean be seen, Irregularities and fillocis on the bate, Basa strip and rod Beans and doar and window framoe Belo black Chimney stack, Plastleara Paving stones Stonework texture on watls Tetrion recdy-mixed pastor oxture for walls and base Bostix/uhy Gluing together woot ant card ‘Wood Glue (Resin W, eto) Gluing ceiling tiles (other ‘lues tnelt tha) Emutsion palets Bulidiog walle ond basee Coiling” tho (other priate may molt thee) Citadel acrylic paint or "Hurmarot enamel paint Beams and other details Genes rat Lawnfopasa on base Ready mace trees/bushes Base decoration Ready made fencing 020 decoration CONSTRUCTION ‘The fist step in constructing the rode! is to draw out a rough plan ‘n'a piece of paper, with all the dimensions and door ard widow positions mated. This can sive you Tots of confusion and wanted Lime laser. Take your shect of rrounting card and, volng a ruler fonds eet-equare, transfer tha dimensions from your rough and dear 1p tho wall’ and’reof pices. Oraw the windows and doorways in positions It ig vital that you use a'set-squsre for this stage of the Dperation or the pieces will be sa inaccurate that none of thern will Tit together property. Using 9 ruler and a shaep eraftainifo or scalpel, cut the various phigers, Cut out the windows and any of the doors you wish to have ‘open on the finished model. left all of mine shut, using the bosic ‘mounting card to represent wood, auttining the doors with frames ut from trip Boles glued into position round tre odgo- ‘Tho nest stage of construction isthe wecdwork on the motels. Use bolae strip for the door and window frames. and thicker balsa rod for the edger of the beamre with 2 scalpel rounding off the sharp edges ard making thom slightly irregular. This will give thorn a far 1 realistic appearance than if thoy are loft wits a Mockery finianed look. Ral timber framing often employed wholo treo trunks with considerable twiete and tuens. These ware then shaped roughly with an adze (a mattockelice carpenter's tool) before teing placed in position. “nly nthe houses of the rion were beams Finfeved and squred off properly. Using Bost or Utu the finished beams are glued into position. As "The Man in the Moor was rather large and involved, ¥ decided to ‘apply beams only to the outside of the building, te interior wo0d- ‘work being confined t© door eames ond 0 raised’ gallery in the main Ber-room,” The number of fame you put on ie ap to you. Window ‘and doar frames ate also ued into position at this stage. The building walls are then glued into position on the bose, again ting impact aesive. The thickness of the mounting card allows the comers to bo siraply butted and glued: “Az the whole ateucturo i being mounted on a firm basa, this will prove to be quite strong ‘enough ‘The plasticard should row be eut Into a number ef rectangles of Gifferent sizes the maximum boing about half an Inch squaree ‘These con thon be gluéd in iengular groups on the bazo of the ‘model, dotn inside and aut, to represent paving stonos. Any parts ‘of the building wits stone walls should alo be treated in the Samm faye" re addition, te Corners OF any atone walls should be Carefully built over with platieard sastangles to ive the appearance of the hheavy stoneware found oq the corners of real buleings. NDt only {does this mate the building look mare realistic, it algo neatly hides the jain whore card is glued together. Any other steucturesy auch a9 fenéen ina yard walle priviog snd eo (on hold now be atuci In position onthe base. Thin down some Tettion plaster with water end, using an old brush, paint the interior walls, covering any plastigard stonework and peinting up to tho edgor of the bears. The Tleor should alse be Dinted over, the plnstor Ueing tad mt only to ereate texturay but fo fill any gape botwoon the walls ‘and bobo.” The oxterier baat ‘should now be painted with Tetsion, using @ thicker mix than wos {used on the walle, nile the plaster ie dryingy it can be quite 9 good idea to get on swith the roofs. The mounting cord roof plecae must hy ied using thin eard, this is the mast boring bit of the entire imadel ~ but it ‘dees alve'a very realistic elfect. Fitet cut the thin card inte strips fous 3° long by 378" wide. You will need enough of these to cover the toot area of your madet about 1! times, These strips should e nicked every 8" of a0) with & pale of aciasors to represent tips of tilen. Thoto thould then be glued to the mounting card oof sections, starting fram tse. bottom edge and working uy tverlagping each auccetsiye row. The crown of the roof should te foienee off with ¢ folded piece of thin card. The whole structure ean thon te plated with tioned down Tetrlon In ter Seine manner fa the wollee ‘The model can now te painted. For the Large arvas of walls, roofs and 8320, 1 would recammend vsing household emulsion points. Not ‘only can’ they te sad straigne trom the tiny But trey ex) ao be fixed with powder paint to give a large range of colours ond Ghadoe ‘at alow prion. Small amounts of wmulsian paint ate Brallable in tho form of Crown Matchpars, samples of polnt whieh feontain enough for several bullsings. Beare and ather details are best painted using Citacel or Humbrol paints, after the main areas have been painted and dry-rushied to pice eu the textaree ‘Tho modo ie nav randy for any little details that you fee! would ‘vo ths place character, | alled some miniature brewery posters but anything from a pot plant to a portrait of the landlord's mother wilt make tie place look lived In Cleatet prodsce a beautital ange of furiture, boda chair, tables and 40 09 to got the building feady Tor opering tine, and mary suitable figses for scallions, Serving maldh and the Inevitable awkward customers,

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