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Open Access Article Journal of Biomolecular Structure &

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Volume 29, Issue Number 2, (2011)
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Vocabulary of Definitions of Life Suggests a Definition Edward N. Trifonov1,2 1Genome Diversity Center, Institute of

Evolution, University of Haifa, Mount
Abstract Carmel, Haifa 31905, Israel
2Department of Functional
Analysis of the vocabulary of 123 tabulated definitions of life reveals nine groups of defin-
ing terms (definientia) of which the groups (self-)reproduction and evolution (variation) Genomics and Proteomics,
appear as the minimal set for a concise and inclusive definition: Life is self-reproduction
with variations.
Faculty of Science, Masaryk University,
Kotlarska 2, CZ-61137 Brno,
Key words: Consensus; Definientia; Evolution; Origin of life; Self-reproduction; Variations;
Czech Republic

Over 100 of definitions of life exist today (1, 2) – learned opinions each one of
which is, or has been in the past, defended not without a reason though generally
met with skepticism. The skepticism is multiplied by the above number, leaving
almost no chance for new formulations which, however, continue to appear. An
excellent overview of the current status of the problem is given by a special issue
of the journal “Origins of Life and Evolution of Biospheres” (3). Sixteen papers of
this issue, expert opinions, display a variety of philosophical and historical aspects
of defining life, and inevitable limitations of about every approach and view point.

The definitions are more than often in conflict with one another. Undeniably, how-
ever, most of them do have a point, one or another or several, and common sense
suggests that, probably, one could arrive to a consensus, if only the authors, some
two centuries apart from one another, could be brought together. One thing, how-
ever, can be done – sort of voting in absentia – asking which terms in the definitions
are the most frequent and, thus, perhaps, reflecting the most important points shared
by many. Such analysis is offered below, revealing those most frequent terms that
may be used for tentative formulation of the consensus.

In the Table I the vocabulary of words used in 60-definition set of Barbieri (1)
and 90-definition collection of Popa (2) is presented. The non-redundant total size
of two collections is 123 definitions. All words of 3 or more letters are taken for
the survey, excluding connective ones (“the”, “and”, “that”, etc.). The words that
appear more than 4 times in the collections are presented in the Table I (the full
list is available by request). The “life”, as definiendum, is at the top of the list.
Inspection of the list reveals that amongst frequent words the ones closely related
to, e.g., “life” group (such as “living”, “alive”) appear as well. This suggests
combination of various words in groups by their common meaning. The Table II
displays several such groups, topmost by their scores. Words of each group are
present in at least 30% of the definitions analyzed. The groups of smaller size
(not shown) contain, essentially, only words with the same root (e.g., definition, Phone: +972 4 828 8096
Fax: +972 4 824 6554
defined, defining, etc.).
260 Thus, the consensus of the life definition patched from these nine definientia would
be: Life is [System, Matter, Chemical (Metabolism), Complexity (Information),
(Self-)Reproduction, Evolution (Change), Environment, Energy, Ability,…] where
Trifonov the square brackets correspond to some compact expression containing the words
listed within. For example, one possibility is:

Life is metabolizing material informational system with

ability of self-reproduction with changes (evolution),
which requires energy and suitable environment. [1]

Since the analysis described, inevitably, is not free from some arbitrariness in
assignment of the words to this or another group, it would be desirable to compare
it to a similar study conducted by an independent laboratory. The work of Kompan-
ichenko (4) offers such independent analysis. In that work the definitions of life are
taken from the collection of papers and definitions (5) that preceded the publication
of Popa (2). Kompanichenko considered definitions given by 63 authors from the
book of Palyi et al. (5), and extracted from the definitions 19 major “unique funda-
mental properties of biological systems”. Instead of words the notions of the prop-
erties have been used, often expressed by several words, differently by different
authors. The largest category, according to Kompanichenko, is “Capable of evolu-
tion including the increase of complexity, hierarchy and the display of self-perfecting
logic” (close to “Evolution” in our list) – 32 authors. The fundamental property
“Capability for self-reproduction” (“Reproduction” in our list) has been mentioned
by 27 authors. Another fundamental property, “Capability for self-replication”
(11 authors) also would go to “Reproduction” group, 38 authors together. Note that
according to the “notion count” of Kompanichenko our categories “Evolution” and
“Reproduction” appear at the top of the list, while by “word count” (this work) they
rank more modestly. Then follow “Performance and control of metabolism, includ-
ing autocatalysis, cyclic chemical processes, feedback loops, and active transport”
(“Chemical” of our list) – 25 authors, “Ability to extract (free) energy and matter
from the environment” (“Energy”, “Matter”, “Environment”, and “Ability” in our
list) – 16 authors, and “Capacity to accumulate, re-organize… and transmit genetic
information” (“Complexity”/“Information”) in our list) – 13 authors. Remaining
13 properties considered by Kompanichenko are mentioned by smaller number of
authors (1 to 7) and are not reflected in our list of major terms. This approach, obvi-
ously, is not free from subjective assignments as well. It is remarkable, however,
that eight of nine categories of our list of major terms are also at the top of the list
of Kompanichenko.

Table I
List of most frequent words in the definitions of life.

Life 123 Organic 11 Internal 7 Capacity 5

Living 47 Alive 10 Replication 7 Different 5
System 43 Evolution 10 Being 6 Force 5
Matter 25 Materials 10 Change 6 Form 5
Systems 22 Reproduction 10 Characteristics 6 Functional 5
Environment 20 Existence 9 Entity 6 Highly 5
Energy 18 Defined 8 External 6 More 5
Chemical 17 Growth 8 Means 6 Mutation 5
Process 15 Information 8 Molecules 6 Necessary 5
Metabolism 14 Open 8 One 6 Network 5
Organism 14 Processes 8 Order 6 Objects 5
Organization 14 Properties 8 Organisms 6 Only 5
Complexity 13 Property 8 State 6 Organized 5
Ability 12 Reproduce 8 Things 6 Reactions 5
Itself 12 Through 8 Time 6 Self-reproduction 5
Able 11 Complex 7 Way 6 Some 5
Capable 11 Evolve 7 Based 5 Three 5
Definition 11 Genetic 7 Biological 5
Table II 261
Groups of words with similar meaning.

LIFE 123 COMPLEXITY 13 Definition of Life

living 47 information 8
alive 10 complex 7
being 6 other related words 46
biological 5 Sum 74
other related words 8 REPRODUCTION 10
Sum 199 reproduce 8
SYSTEM 43 replication 7
systems 22 self-reproduction 5
organization 14 other related words 33
organism 14 Sum 63
order 6 EVOLUTION 10
organisms 6 evolve 7
network 5 change 6
organized 5 mutation 5
other related words 40 other related words 20
Sum 155 Sum 48
organic 11 external 6
materials 10 other related words 15
molecules 6 Sum 41
other related words 36 ENERGY 18
Sum 88 force 5
CHEMICAL 17 other related words 17
process 15 Sum 40
metabolism 14 ABILITY 12
processes 8 able 11
reactions 5 capable 11
other related words 26 capacity 5
Sum 85 other related words 1
Sum 40

Although the extract [1] above may already appear as a reasonable definition, one,
of course, would like to have it more concise, and desirably, containing compo-
nents that are both necessary and sufficient, either alone or in combination. The
possible shorter definitions would be, of course, subject of a thorough evaluation,
inviting new discussions of the definition problem, but on a new basis of limited
number of relevant terms. Below one rather plausible reduction is suggested. First,
some of these consensus terms implicitly involve others. For example, existence of
metabolism implies both energy and material supply which also represent environ-
ment. Self-reproduction (replication) appears to be the most inclusive term of the
nine groups above, as it implies metabolism and system as well. That is, if the self-
reproduction is going on, it can proceed only on condition that metabolism, system,
energy and material supply are also in place. The complexity (information) can be
considered also as product of self-reproduction with changes (evolution), on the
evolutionary route from simple to complex. We are, thus, left with two indepen-
dent notions: self-reproduction and changes (evolution). None of these two implies
another one. They, actually, exclude one another, as self-reproduction is exact copy-
ing, no changes, while changes can not relate to exact copying. These two notions can
be combined in a third one: an almost exact self-reproduction or self-reproduction
with variations, suggesting, thus, a tentative minimalistic definition.

Evolution (and natural selection) means changing inheritance, that is, causing vari-
ations in self-reproduction. As it has been said by Darwin (6): “… if variations
useful to any organic being ever do occur, assuredly individuals thus charac-
terized will have the best chance of being preserved in the struggle for life; and
from the strong principle of inheritance, these will tend to produce offspring
262 similarly characterized” (6, Chapter 4, italics by ENT). The definition of life based
on only two terms extracted from the vocabulary of definitions, and consistent with
Darwin’s views would be, thus:
“Life is self-reproduction with variations”. [2]

Here the tandem self-reproduction with variations should be considered as one

indivisible term of very clear Darwinian meaning. Of 123 different definitions only
18 contain this pair of definientia, in combination with other defining terms of the
Table II. The most succinct among them is one by Oparin (7):

“Any system capable of replication and mutation is alive”.

The vocabulary approach implemented in this work is conceptually close to the

“Principal Component Analysis” (8, 9) which is applicable to large ensembles of
quantitative data. The data are reduced to several independent (“orthogonal”) com-
ponents, and the major principal component is extracted that covers most of the
data. Similarly, our vocabulary of definitions is reduced to several groups of words
with different meaning. The same procedure of extraction of a single “principal
component” has been used in derivation of consensus temporal order of engage-
ment of amino acids in early evolution (10, 11). The order has been established as
a consensus of a large number of rather different chronologies suggested by vari-
ous authors. As this order correlates well with thermostability of respective codon-
anticodon pairs, the reconstruction of the Evolutionary Chart of Codons became
possible. From the properties of the Chart several important features of the earli-
est stages of molecular evolution have been predicted, and confirmed by sequence
analyses (12, 13). The earliest steps of the evolution of the codons also suggested
two major stages in the origin of life – self-reproduction (exact replication of the
ideal RNA duplex in the above theory, one strand of which is repeating triplet GCCn,
while another strand is complementary GGCn), and variations (appearance of point-
mutated versions of GCC and GGC in the subsequent replications). That ended
logically in the definition of life – self-reproduction with variations (14), identical
to above [2]. In its earlier version – almost precise replication – it appeared in the
collection of definitions of life gathered by Barbieri (1). (That formula has been
excluded from the analysis above and did not enter the vocabulary).

According to this model-based definition, any experimental work involving the

GCCn* GGCn replicator would border the life-nonlife transition. The definition of
life, thus, is naturally required for the exploration, at least as a practical guide in the
research (15). Thus, it is not purely philosophical and historical matter anymore. This
was one of the motivations for the linguistic analysis described in the paper. The
derived definition [2] is minimalistic both by definientia involved and, independently,
by structurally minimal size of the presumed earliest replicator to which the definition
fully applies (14).

One unforeseen property of the minimalistic definition is its generality. It can be

considered as applicable not just to “earthly” life but to any forms of life imagi-
nation may offer, like extraterrestrial life, alternative chemistry forms, computer
models, and abstract forms. It suggests a unique common basis for the variety of
lives: all is life that copies itself and changes.

One important question to address: is the minimalistic definition both necessary

and sufficient? Even most primitive forms of observable life are still too complex,
to claim that they can be reduced to the above simple formula. The applicability of
the definition can only be tested on much simpler artificial life-like models which
one day will, hopefully, be designed and brought to life, by providing artificially
produced necessary ingredients. This day is not far away. A self-catalytic gen- 263
eration (“cross-replication”) of plus-strand and minus-strand ribozymes from their
constituent 14-mer and 52-mer RNA chains has been recently accomplished (16).
The system also allows to introduce and to monitor evolutionary changes in the
Definition of Life
ribozymes. It does not include, though, the elementary template polymerization
steps one would expect the simplest self-reproducing system to have. The experi-
mental chemical template polymerization has been intensively studied during last
two decades (for most recent review see (17)). An efficient complementary primer
extension on C15 template has been achieved in “protocells” by using chemical
RNA analog (18). No evolutionary changes have been observed so far in the sys-
tem. Yet simpler setup, with oligo-riboA in aqueous solution has been developed,
in which the chain of RNA could elongate indefinitely, apparently, due to forma-
tion of “complementary” contacts between polyA chains (19). In this work similar
extension of oligoG ligated to oligoC has been observed as well, with incorporation
of complementary Gs. “Creation” of a bacterial cell with chemically synthesized
genome (20) has to be mentioned as another case of a system at the border life-
non-life. This is, actually, a very large scale bacterial transformation where the
transforming DNA has been, indeed, chemically synthesized according to natural
design – previously fully sequenced genome, with some changes. The synthesized
genome did replicate many rounds. However, it should be considered as very much
assisted replication as it was provided with an initial natural cytoplasm. No evo-
lutionary changes in the design have been monitored. Nearly fully artificial life
with the properties described by the above minimalistic definition has been created
many years earlier, by Sol Spiegelman – his famous monster of replicating degen-
erate products of mutating Q-beta RNA. The monster RNA versions have practi-
cally lost any sequence similarity to their viral ancestor, in the process of ingenious
evolutionary game (21). This has been an assisted replication as well, since the
experiments have been performed in presence of natural replicase. However, this
protocol is, probably, the most promising starting model for eventual design of
simplest truly artificial life, since for modern peptide chemistry the synthesis of an
active analog of the replicase, perhaps, is as plausible as the chemically synthesized


Author is grateful to anonymous reviewers for thoughtful comments, criticism and

suggestions towards improvement of the paper.


  1. M. Barbieri. The Organic Codes. An introduction to Semantic Biology. Cambridge Univer-

sity Press, Cambridge (2003).
  2. R. Popa. In Between Necessity and Probability: Searching for the Definition and Origin of
Life. Series: Adv Astrobiol Biogeophys, Springer, NY, pp. 197-205 (2004).
  3. J. Gayon, C. Malaterre, M. Morange, F. Raulin-Cerceau, and S. Tirard (guest Eds.). Special
Issue: Definitions of life. Origins Life Evol Biospheres 40, 119-244 (2010).
  4. V. N. Kompanichenko. Int J Astrobiol 7, 27-46 (2008).
  5. G. Palyi, C. Zucci, and L. Caglioti (Eds.). Fundamentals of Life. Elsevier SAS, Paris (2002).
  6. C. Darwin. Origin of species, John Murray, London (1859).
  7. A. I. Oparin. as referred to in (2) (1961).
  8. K. Pearson. Philosophical Magazine 2, 559-572 (1901).
  9. I. T. Jolliffe. Principal Component Analysis. Springer Series in Statistics, 2nd ed., Springer,
NY (2002).
10. E. N. Trifonov. Gene 261, 139-151 (2000).
11. E. N. Trifonov. J Biomol Struct Dyn 22, 1-11 (2004).
12. E. N. Trifonov. Isr J Ecol Evol 52, 375-387 (2006).
13. E. N. Trifonov. J Cosmology 10, 3374-3380 (2010).
14. E. N. Trifonov. Res Microbiol 160, 481-486 (2009).
15. S. Pino, E. N. Trifonov, and E. Di Mauro. Genomics, Proteomics and Bioinformatics 9,
7-14 (2011).
16. T. A. Lincoln and G. F. Joyce. Science 323, 1229-1232 (2009).
264 17. J. S. Schrum, T. F. Zhu, and J. W. Szostak. Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol 2, a002212
18. S. S. Mansy, J. P. Schrum, M. Krishnamurthy, S. Tobé, D. A. Treco, and J. W. Szostak.
Trifonov Nature 454, 122-125 (2008).
19. G. Costanzo, S. Pino, F. Ciciriello, and E. Di Mauro. J Biol Chem 284, 33206-33216
20. D. G. Gibson, J. I. Glass, C. Lartigue, V. N. Noskov, R.-Y. Chuang, M. A. Algire,
G. A. Benders, M. G. Montague, L. Ma, M. M. Moodie, C. Merryman, S. Vashee,
R. Krishnakumar, N. Assad-Garcia, C. Andrews-Pfannkoch, E. A. Denisova, L. Young,
Z.-Q. Qi, T. H. Segall-Shapiro, C. H. Calvey, P. P. Parmar, C. A. Hutchison III,
H. O. Smith, and J. C. Venter. Science 329, 52-56 (2010).
21. D. R. Mills, F. R. Kramer, C. Dobkin, T. Nishihara, and S. Spiegelman. Proc Natl Acad Sci
USA 72, 4252-4256 (1975).

Date Received: March 17, 2011

Communicated by the Editor Ramaswamy H. Sarma

Appendix 265
Full list of the words making groups of the Table II.

LIFE 123 polymer 1 Definition of Life

living 47 polypeptides 1
alive 10 polysaccharides 1
being 6 protein 1
biological 5 proteinaceous 1
animate 4 substances 1
beings 3 water 1
animated 1 Sum 88
Sum 199 CHEMICAL 17
SYSTEM 43 process 15
systems 22 metabolism 14
organization 14 processes 8
organism 14 reactions 5
order 6 molecular 4
organisms 6 production 3
network 5 metabolic 2
organized 5 metabolize 2
assembly 3 chemistry 2
building 3 produces 2
components 3 decay 1
composed 3 degradable 1
ensemble 3 degradation 1
aggregates 2 exchange 1
automata 2 precursors 1
consists 2 processing 1
ordered 2 produced 1
arrangement 1 regeneration 1
automaton 1 reparation 1
automatons 1 synthesis 1
biosystem 1 synthesize 1
built 1 Sum 85
consisting 1 COMPLEXITY 13
contain 1 information 8
containing 1 complex 7
ensembles 1 code 4
multilevel 1 entropy 3
networks 1 knowledge 3
orderly 1 patterns 3
organizational 1 communicate 2
organize 1 molecular-informational 2
rearrangement 1 pattern 2
self-organization 1 program 2
self-organized 1 reading 2
Sum 155 algorithmic 1
MATTER 25 complicated 1
organic 11 computational 1
materials 10 digital 1
molecules 6 feedback 1
material 4 feedbacks 1
compounds 3 feedback-loops 1
nucleic 3 informational 1
polymers 3 informationally 1
proteins 2 informationally-controlled 1
acids 2 information-storage 1
fluid 2 instructional 1
substance 2 instructions 1
acid 1 low-entropy 1
aqueous 1 maximally-complex 1
bioelements 1 message 1
carbon 1 program-controlled 1
carbon-based 1 programs 1
molecule 1 self-correction 1
monomers 1 self-instruction 1
oligosaccharides 1 self-reading 1

266 Appendix (Continued)

sequence 1 mutability 1
signal 1 modifies 1
Trifonov Sum 74 mutandis 1
REPRODUCTION 10 mutations 1
reproduce 8 mutatis 1
replication 7 variant 1
self-reproduction 5 Sum 48
self-replication 3 ENVIRONMENT 20
autopoiesis 2 external 6
autopoietic 2 conditions 3
multiplication 2 surroundings 3
proliferation 2 biosphere 1
replicate 2 condition 1
self-replicating 2 conditionally 1
self-reproduce 2 conditioned 1
self-reproducing 2 environmental 1
copies 1 environments 1
copying 1 medium 1
perpetuate 1 microenvironment 1
perpetuated 1 supply 1
proliferating 1 Sum 41
recreate 1 ENERGY 18
reproduces 1 force 5
reproducibility 1 thermodynamic 3
reproducing 1 engine 2
self-duplication 1 forces 2
self-generating 1 power 2
self-generation 1 powers 2
self-perpetuating 1 energetically 1
self-producing 1 energy-dependent 1
Sum 63 energies 1
EVOLUTION 10 engines 1
evolve 7 thermodynamical 1
change 6 thermodynamics 1
mutation 5 Sum 40
changes 4 ABILITY 12
evolutionary 2 able 11
mutate 2 capable 11
variation 2 capacity 5
errors 2 capacities 1
evolved 1 Sum 40
evolves 1
Journal of Biomolecular Structure &
Dynamics, ISSN 0739-1102
Volume 29, Issue Number 4, February 2012
©Adenine Press (2012)


A Conversation on Definition of Life Ramaswamy H. Sarma
Department of Chemistry,
In his letter of submission of the Definition of Life paper (1), Edward Trifonov State University of New York at Albany,
indicated Albany NY 12222, USA
“The subject is very much debatable, the analysis may appear to some controver-
sial, and the claim – outrageous. That also means, that the paper could be sug-
gested for open discussion. I am ready to confront any challenges.”

Well, I thought, let me see what the referees have to say. One referee in part

“I happen to disagree with Edward Trifonov, and yet I strongly recommend the
publication of his paper. The reason is that the definition of life is an extremely
important issue but also one where there is virtually no objective approach.
Trifonov’s paper is probably the first of this kind, and it is for that reason that it
should be circulated. When it is published, it shall be possible to discuss it and
eventually propose something better, but there must be a starting point.”

Interesting, this referee disagrees with the author, but wants me to publish the paper
to start a Conversation among his peers. Wow! What a magnanimous gesture!
And a second referee in part said:

“And indeed, the resulting definition thus laboriously “refined” from all the pre-
vious ones strikes the reader as very concise and straightforward. I must confess
that my first reaction to this move by the author was “how come nobody thought
about it so far?”

All in all, this paper combines a brilliant and rigorous analysis with a profound
scientific and philosophical result. It certainly deserves being published “as is”
in any leading scientific journal.”

Then we heard from referees about the absence of reproducibility, controls, and
the utter lack of the consideration of central elements in life such as “beauty”,
“truth” and “love”, a definition of life devoid of life and soul, manufactured from

I thought that the effort by Trifonov was an interesting intellectual adventure that
warranted open comments and discussion by scientists and philosophers research-
ing in life, its origins (2-6) and evolution (7-11). So I extended them an invitation
and most of them agreed to provide the comments. Prof. Pier Luigi Luisi did not
write a formal response to Trifonov’s paper, but wrote me the letter reproduced
verbatim below:
Corresponding author:
“Dear Rama Ramaswamy H. Sarma
Phone: 518-456-9362
I have been thinking about it, and definitely decided not to invest my time to Fax: 518-452-4955
write an article, as it would be to give relevance to what I consider a poor piece E-mail:

598 Sarma

of science-and I do not want to do that. I would like how- P. L. Luisi. The Emergence of Life: From Chemical Origins
ever to briefly explain to you the reasons for my negative to Synthetic Biology, Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge UK
stand. (2006).”

What Trifonov does, is to make a kind of average of all In my letter of invitation, I made it explicitly clear that their
possible life definitions of life, giving to everyone the comments would not be subject to the normal peer review
same statistical weight. A democratic decision. But sci- so that they could express their personal points, views, and
ence does not work this way. It comes to my mind the sta- evaluation of Trifonov’s paper without interference from the
tistic that some politicians do: given a group of scientists referees. This is perfectly fine because the comments them-
who says: two and two makes four; and another group who selves are not research articles which require mandatory peer
say: two and two make six–the politicians say, well, let us
evaluations, but just pure comments, and referees inserting
not argue, let’s make so that two and two makes five...
moderation and balance into the comments is not right. These
This kind of statistics is simply wrong, non-sense things comments are brief items with a short list of references, and do
should first be eliminated. Of course this necessitates an not contain original research data. They are essentially open
arbitrary act of  courage-this is the responsibility of the referee reports. The comments are published without dates
scientist. received and without the name of the Communicating Editor
because they are not regular research articles. Finally this
And then the basic result of our Author, that life is repro- Journal is publishing the section consisting of this editorial,
duction and variation-which means, change, evolution... the 19 comments and the author response as Open Access.
my God, we have been debating  for so many years that This is because this Journal strongly believes that doctoral
this is not simply so. The old grand mother of our author is students in biochemistry and molecular biology will benefit a
not capable of reproduction, but is (I hope) still living, and
great deal from a study of these comments; and Open Access
so are all  women of this planet over 60 years. Not able to
reproduce...and then not living? And  to decide whether
publication enables this.
an oak tree is living, you wait a few hundred years until
it reproduces? Reproduction is important, but it is a con- I have received comments from 19 laboratories across the
sequence of life, it can be there or not, it depends...this is globe. I thank all of them for reading Trifonov’s paper and
so obvious, and common sense is much more important expressing their opinion. I am particularly grateful to Nobel
than statistics. Laureate Jack Szostak for visiting Albany, delivering the
Keynote address at the 17th Conversation, and chairing the
And the confusion with variation-changes, evolution: a session on origin of life there and for participating in this
colony of bacteria which is not reproducing in a measur-
able time scale-is not living? and again, to decide whether
something is living you wait until you measure changes?
which kind of? References

1. E. N. Trifonov. J Biomol Struct Dyn 29, 259-266 (2011).

As I told you, Rama, these issues were already debated 2. J. W. Szostak. J Biomol Struct Dyn 28, 1059-1059 (2011).
in my old paper (1998) on the definition of life and in my 3. U. J. Meierhenrich, J.-J. Filippi. C. Meinert, J. H. Bredehöft,
book on the emergence of life-long ago. Trifonov does J.-i. Takahashi, L. Nahon, N. C. Jones, and S. V. Hoffmann. J Biomol
not mention all this, and he is right, in the sense that I am Struct Dyn 28, 1060-1061 (2011).
now completely on another place; let me only add that, 4. G. Costanzo, S. Pino, F. Ciciriello, and E. Di Mauro. J Biomol Struct
when I read a paper, I always ask myself whether this is Dyn 28, 1061-1061 (2011).
something I would suggest to my students. In this case, 5. J. P. Ferris, P. C. Joshi, M. F. Aldersley, and J. W. Delano. J Biomol
my answer is definitely negative, as they would not learn Struct Dyn 28, 1062-1062 (2011).
anything-they would probably get more confused. 6. A. E. Engelhart, R. Buckley, E. D. Horowitz, and N. V. Hud.
J Biomol Struct Dyn 28, 1063-1063 (2011).
7. W. L. Duax, R. Huether, D. Dziak, and C. McEachon. J Biomol Struct
Dear Rama, although my decision is definitive, if you Dyn 28, 1066-1067 (2011).
want/need to use some of the material in this letter, you 8. A. Y. Panchin, E. N. Shustrova, and I. I. Artamonova. J Biomol Struct
can do it, thanks for the trust. Dyn 28, 1068-1068 (2011).
9. L. D. Williams, C. Hsiao, J. C. Bowman, C. R. Bernier, J. Peters,
Luigi D. M. Schneider, and E. O’Neill. J Biomol Struct Dyn 28, 1071-1072
References 10. T. J. Glembo and S. B. Ozkan. J Biomol Struct Dyn 28, 1068-1069
P. L. Luisi. About various definitions of life. Origins of Life and 11. A. Goncearenco and I. N. Berezovsky. J Biomol Struct Dyn 28,
Evolution of the Biosphere 28, 613-622 (1998). 1065-1065 (2011).

Journal of Biomolecular Structure & Dynamics, Volume 29, Number 4, February 2012
Journal of Biomolecular Structure &
Dynamics, ISSN 0739-1102
Volume 29, Issue Number 4, February 2012
©Adenine Press (2012)


Attempts to Define Life Do Not Help to Understand Jack W. Szostak

the Origin of Life
Howard Hughes Medical Institute and
Department of Molecular Biology and
Attempts to define life are irrelevant to scientific efforts to understand the origin Center for Computational and
of life. Why is this? Simply put, the study of the ‘origin of life’ is an effort to Integrative Biology, Massachusetts
understand the transition from chemistry to biology. This fundamental transition
General Hospital, 185 Cambridge Street,
was the result of a lengthy pathway consisting of many stages, each of which is
the subject of numerous scientific questions. Simple chemistry in diverse environ- Boston, Massachusetts 02114
ments on the early earth led to the emergence of ever more complex chemistry
and ultimately to the synthesis of the critical biological building blocks. At some
point, the assembly of these materials into primitive cells enabled the emergence of
Darwinian evolutionary behavior, followed by the gradual evolution of more com-
plex life forms leading to modern life. Somewhere in this grand process, this series
of transitions from the clearly physical and chemical to the clearly biological, it is
tempting to draw a line that divides the non-living from the living. But the location
of any such dividing line is arbitrary, and there is no agreement on where it should
be drawn. An inordinate amount of effort has been spent over the decades in futile
attempts to define ‘life’ – often and indeed usually biased by the research focus
of the person doing the defining. As a result, people who study different aspects
of physics, chemistry and biology will draw the line between life and non-life at
different positions. Some will say there is no life until a well defined set of meta-
bolic reactions are in place. Others will focus on spatial compartmentalization, on
the various requirements for Darwinian evolution, or on the specific molecules of
inheritance. None of this matters, however, in terms of the fundamental scientific
questions concerning the transitions leading from chemistry to biology – the true
unknowns and subject of origin-of-life studies.

Beyond the arbitrary nature of efforts to define the boundary between non-life
and life, this effort is illusory for a deeper reason. As one focuses experimentally
on any of the ‘defining’ properties of ‘life’, the sharp boundary seems to blur,
splitting into finer and finer sub-divisions. As an example, let us look at the emer-
gence of Darwinian evolution, which is often cited [e.g., see Table II, in ref. 1]
as a key aspect of the definition of life (with good reason, as Darwinian evolu-
tion is indeed the unifying characteristic of all of biology). Certainly once cells
with genetically encoded advantageous functions existed, classically defined
Darwinian evolution had begun, and most people would define such cells as alive.
But what about the previous steps? Such cells would likely have been preceded by
protocells, with replicating genetic information, but lacking coded functions that
provided a cellular advantage. At this stage, replication with heritable variation
would have existed, and whatever process drove replication would most likely
have had biases that led to changes in the genetic structure of the population over Corresponding author:
time. Would that minimalist form of evolution qualify such protocells as being Jack W. Szostak
alive? Going back even further, consider genetic molecules replicating in solution E-mail:

600 Szostak

or on particulate surfaces – again, biases in replication would What is important in the origin of life field is understanding
lead to selection for sequences that are better templates, i.e., the transitions that led from chemistry to biology. So far, I
easier to replicate. Even the assembly of the first genetic have not seen that efforts to define life have contributed at all
polymers would have had biases, leading to non-random to that understanding.
population structures. Darwinian evolution itself emerged in a
series of stages, step-by-step, gradually leading to the almost
infinite potential for organismal variation seen in modern
biology. And yet, to define a single point along the progres-
I thank Noam Prywes and Aaron Englehart for helpful
sion as the point at which Darwinian evolution first emerged
comments on this manuscript.
would be difficult. More importantly, such a definition would
not further our understanding of the transitions involved or
the nature of the physical and chemical forces driving those
transitions. 1. E. N. Trifonov. J Biomol Struct Dyn 29, 259-266 (2011).

Journal of Biomolecular Structure & Dynamics, Volume 29, Number 4, February 2012
Journal of Biomolecular Structure &
Dynamics, ISSN 0739-1102
Volume 29, Issue Number 4, February 2012
©Adenine Press (2012)


Trifonov’s Meta-Definition of Life Ernesto Di Mauro
Dept. of Biology and Biotechnologies
“Charles Darwin” University
What is a Definition in the Realm of Biology? “Sapienza”, P.le Aldo Moro, 5, 00185
Roma, Italy
The problem of definition is at the basis of the problem of understanding. Any level of
understanding of any natural phenomenon or object entails its description, followed
by the comparison (in our brain or in the pages of an Herbarium, or by a computer
program) with similar phenomena or objects. Between comparison and understand-
ing we encounter classification. The problem of classification is not solved.

The tradition we are acquainted with is the Linnaean System. Simplifying

(too much, I am afraid), according to this system every organism belongs to a
Species and to a Genus. The properties allowing the organism to be encased in
a Species are, in semiological terms, Dictionarian (that is: “context-free”). The
characters for the Genus are Encyclopaedian (“context-dependent”). Given that
the two categories are based on principles that do not belong to the same category,
in terms of logics the System is ambiguous. Linnaean classification has had some
use essentially because it empirically approximates the definiendum to the closest
functional happenstance. The upper floors of the System (Families, etc.) suffer
from the same approximation. Similar ambiguities characterize other Systems.
Aristotelian classification was, in spite of its almost bi-millennial life, even more
logically ill-based. To the point that when a careful analysis was made, it was
recognized by Porfirius that applying its principles with some rigour one would
quickly hit the limit set by penuria nominum, scarcity of names, impossibility to
classify providing the appropriate labels.

The era of genomics has clarified this point with precision. Each genome is itself:
similarities abound, as differences do. The basic structural, functional and infor-
mational principles of living entities are the same since the very beginning of their

These principles essentially consist of the organization of a genotype (the egg)

gathering, maintaining and transmitting information related to itself and to a phe-
notype (the chicken), harnessing and directing energy and matter into the further
organization, maintenance and transmission of the egg. From the earliest infor-
mation to the extant enormous (and informationally limitless) genomes no inter-
ruption exists (by definition), no firm border can be traced. Shuffling genes from
one genome to others, constructing genetic chimaeras made of genes originated
in different Kingdoms or, simply, just performing meta-genomics of flasks of
sea water shows the principle of penuria nominum in contemporary terms. In the Corresponding author:
Ernesto Di Mauro
realm of biology there are no barriers, definitions are elusive. Phone: +39.06.4991.2880
Fax: +39.06.49912500
That’s where Trifonov’s thought comes into play. E-mail:

602 Di Mauro

A Radical Approach warm little pond (5). There is where it is believed that every-
thing started, where the first molecules began accumulating,
The contribution of this paper is in its hidden radical criti- replicating and evolving information. His three decades-long
cism, and in the solution it proposes. Gnomic approach consists of the compilation and analytical
comparison of essentially all that is known about sequences
My personal opinion is that no acceptable definition of life (nucleic acids, proteins and, in between, coding functions)
exists, yet. According to the most popular one, life is “a self- looking for the very first principles. Gnomic is description
sustained chemical system capable of undergoing Darwinian aiming to definition.
evolution” (2). This is very close to the definition provided
by Oparin: “Any system capable of replication and mutation I believe that he has come very close to the solution: “The
is alive” (3). However, life is a process, not a system. In addi- earliest steps of the evolution of the codons also suggested
tion, if a definition relies on the variation (evolution) of its two major stages in the origin of life – self-reproduction (exact
definiendum, it is intrinsically a description, more than a defi- replication of the ideal RNA duplex in the above theory,
nition. This does not diminish its empirical value, in a sense one strand of which is repeating triplet GCCn, while another
very close to what we have mentioned about the purport of strand is complementary GGCn), and variations (appearance
the Linnaean classification System. Rather, these two defini- of point-mutated versions of GCC and GGC in the subse-
tions help to make the point: we are dealing with descrip- quent replications).” (1, and references therein). Accord-
tions, not definitions. ingly, studies involving the GCCn*GGCn replicator border the
life-non life transition (6), reducing it to initial experimental
Trifonov’s title implies exactly this: all definitions are relative. analysis (7). The identification of plausible first replicators
would help to pinpoint the events that lead from dis-order to
Corollary: a relative definition is not a definition. In a given order, and ignite the process that we are struggling to define,
frame of reference a law is absolute, or is not. Comparing the first “selves”.
the proposed definitions, as he does, is extremely useful (and
original). Especially so if done with the rigour and the wide- I thank E. N. Trifonov for bringing up the important and often
angle that characterize his Gnomic (4) approach. What turns overlooked definition in reference 3.
out is that comparing the definition distilled from his reported
tabulation of the 123 definitions analyzed (namely: “life is
self-reproduction with variations”) with the currently most 1. E. N. Trifonov. J Biomol Struct Dyn 29, 259-266 (2011).
accepted “life is a self-sustained chemical system capable of 2. J. Joyce. in D. W. Deamer and G. R. Fleischaker (Eds.), the foreword
undergoing Darwinian evolution”, the only common term is of “Origins of Life: The Central Concepts”, Jones and Bartlett,
Boston (1994).
“self ”. Which may well be the final minimalist definition of
3. A. I. Oparin. as referred to in: R. Popa. In Between Necessity and
life, encompassing them all. Probability: Searching for the Definition and Origin of Life. Series:
Adv Astrobiol Biogeophys, Springer, NY, pp. 197-205 (2004).
A Way Out from Ambiguity 4. E. N. Trifonov and V. Brendel. Gnomic–A Dictionary of Genetic
Codes (1986), VCH. Balaban Publ., Weinheim, Germany.
5. C. Darwin. The life and letters of Charles Darwin (1888); Vol. 3,
The difference between description and definition is not just
p. 18. Letter to Joseph Hooker. John Murray, London.
semantics, is categorical. May the two categories be recon- 6. E. N. Trifonov. J Cosmology 10, 3374-3380 (2010).
ciled? Trifonov’s reasoning provides a solution: at the cross 7. S. Pino, E. N. Trifonov, and E. Di Mauro. Genomics, Proteomics and
between the two lays, in the realm of biology, Darwin’s Bioinformatics 9, 7-14 (2011).

Journal of Biomolecular Structure & Dynamics, Volume 29, Number 4, February 2012
Journal of Biomolecular Structure &
Dynamics, ISSN 0739-1102
Volume 29, Issue Number 4, February 2012
©Adenine Press (2012)


Defining Life: An Exercise in Semantics or A Route Eugene V. Koonin1

to Biological Insights?
National Center for
Biotechnology Information,
Asking ‘What is X?’ questions is a natural human inclination, and because all National Library of Medicine,
scientists that have so far published are undoubtedly human, they discuss such National Institute of Health,
issues often enough. ‘What is Life?’ almost by definition is the king of such ques-
Bethesda, MD 20894
tions as far as Biology is concerned (1). Indeed, in the article which I address in
this commentary (2), Edward Trifonov cites a recent special issue of the jour-
nal Origins of Life and Evolution of Biospheres that consists of 16 articles fully
dedicated to different aspects of defining Life and the features of the resulting
definitions (3). Certainly, this is evidence of considerable attention to the subject.
Yet, in itself the question ‘What is Life?’ hardly can be considered scientific.
Falsification is impossible: whenever one finds an apparent counterexample, i.e. an
entity that possesses all attributes included in the given definition that, however, is
“clearly” not alive or conversely, an entity that lacks some of those attributes but
is “obviously” a life form, some kind of intuitive understanding of the living state
superseding any definition is involved. Even corroboration of a definition of life
that would involve finding more and more diverse entities fitting the definition is
compromised by the same problem: to count a case as supportive, an independent
criterion is required, but this can only be intuitive.

So we seem to ‘know it when we see it’ but defining life is an elusive goal and
apparently an inherently meta-scientific (metaphysical) task. The metaphysical
character of the quest for the best definition of life does not necessarily imply
that the exercise is futile. On the contrary, it is easy to envisage at least two areas
of utility for such definitions: didactic – better teaching of the fundamentals of
biology and heuristic – formulation of new falsifiable hypotheses and perhaps
identification and study of novel life forms. I will not address the didactic aspect
here but will briefly discuss the potential heuristic power of life definitions after
first commenting on Trifonov’s approach and conclusions.

Trifonov goes about the derivation of a consensus definition of life in a manner that is
unusual in scientific treatises but that has served him fairly well in previous work on
the order of appearance of codons in the genetic code (4). The approach consists in
compiling as many (supposedly) independent definitions as possible and then com-
paring vocabularies of these definitions to derive a consensus, the “essential core”
that in itself may be hoped to provide for a better (the best) definition. There is no
genuine scientific justification behind this approach and no guarantee that the numer-
ous compared definitions are not all based on common misconceptions. In part, this
indeed could be the case. Trifonov’s core/consensus, additionally reduced through
elucidation of apparent dependencies between some of the core terms, provides for a Corresponding author:
sensible, intuitively plausible “minimalist definition”: almost exact self-reproduction Eugene V. Koonin
or self-reproduction with variations (2). It is certainly interesting, as Trifonov points E-mail:

604 Koonin

out, that this “objectively derived” minimalist definition of life believe) that would lack any of the major operational attributes,
almost exactly matches the definition given about 50 years by in addition to replication. The operational components seem
none other than Alexander Ivanovich Oparin, the famous even to be pre-requisite for the evolution of replicators fitting the
if notorious Russian biochemist who propounded the first con- above criteria, hence the informational definition of life pre-
crete physico-chemical scenario for the origin of life. supposes the existence of some forms of metabolism, energy
transformation and compartmentalization. However, all life
Yet, all its simplicity and appeal notwithstanding, the mini- forms on earth, with the exception of viruses which are obligate
malist definition appears to be neither necessary nor sufficient, intracellular parasites, encompass a much stronger connection
not even internally consistent. A simple implication of infor- between replication, chemistry, energy and structure: the repli-
mation theory (and more fundamentally, thermodynamics) cating moiety (genome) encodes key information on the opera-
is that error-free replication (more precisely, any informa- tional components (primarily in the form of proteins).
tion transmission process) is impossible (5). Hence the
phrase self-reproduction with variation is actually redundant Is encoding operational components in the genome a necessary
because any replication process will be characterized by some attribute of life? This does not appear certain at all, and here
intrinsic error rate. The problem is exactly the opposite: it we come to the potential heuristic value of life definitions. Let
has been shown by Eigen and others that for stable informa- us formulate a hypothesis: there are purely informational life
tion transfer (inheritance) down the chain of generations to forms in which genomes carry only the minimal information
be sustained, the error rate must not exceed a certain critical required for replication whereas all operational components
value known as error catastrophe or mutational meltdown are supplied by the (conducive) environment. Actually, hypo-
threshold (6, 7). Thus, a necessary condition for life to evolve thetical ‘information-only’ replicators are among the essential
is not simply replication and not ‘replication with variation’ features of several origin of life scenarios because emergence
(a tautology) but replication with an error rate below the of complex genomes encoding operational components prior to
sustainability threshold (Trifonov’s ‘almost exact self- the advent of an efficient replication mechanism appears effec-
reproduction’ fits the bill but appears imprecise). Another tively impossible (5, 10). This hypothesis may be hard to falsify
feature of a self-reproducing system that appears necessary but it certainly can be corroborated under two types of settings:
for evolution is the phenotype-genotype feedback, or more in the laboratory and in extraterrestrial biospheres if and when
precisely, differential effect of errors on the replication rate. such are discovered. Exploration of putative life outside earth
Such differential fitness effect of mutations is a necessary belongs in the future but vigorous attempts to create in the
condition of selection, both in its purifying and positive laboratory an evolving system of replicators employing exog-
(Darwinian) incarnations. Hence replication with an error enous supplies chemicals and energy are underway, and certain
rate below the sustainability threshold, with non-uniformly progress has been achieved with ribozyme polymerases (11).
distributed fitness effects of errors could be a candidate for a However, these experimental systems remain a far cry from the
necessary and sufficient definition of life, or probably more efficient replicators required to start the evolution of life. Thus,
precisely, a criterion for identification of life forms (5). the jury is still out on the ‘information only life’ hypothesis.

Both Trifonov’s consensus definition and the amended one A remarkable feature of all known biological replicators is
given here are strictly informational. Any biologist will imme- their digital character: these replicators are polymers consist-
diately feel that “something is missing” in these definitions. ing of multiple types of monomers. Such polymers appear
In broad outline, these missing components are: i) chemistry uniquely suited for information encoding, so a plausible
(metabolism), ii) energy conversion, and iii) structure (vari- hypothesis seems to be that digital properties are necessary
ous forms of compartmentalization); for brevity, these may for life. This hypothesis certainly would be falsified by the
be denoted operational components of life forms, in contrast (remarkable) discovery of analog life forms.
to informational components (8).
To summarize, I believe that the ‘democratic’ approach
Even more damning for the informational definitions of life, it applied by Trifonov to the definition of life problem did not
may appear that these definitions are easily falsified by com- lead him far astray and converged on a natural and sensible,
puter viruses and all forms of ‘artificial life’ that replicate, if not quite precise, informational definition. In my view,
mutate and evolve (9) but arguably are not actual life forms. although life definitions are metaphysical rather than strictly
However, such falsification is illusory for the simple reason scientific propositions, they are far from being pointless and
that these evolving entities themselves are produced by highly have potential to yield genuine biological insights.
evolved life forms. Clearly, the emergence of such life forms
(and human civilization in particular) was a pre-requisite for References
the advent of these replicators – they are not life forms as 1. E. Schroedinger. What Is Life?: with “Mind and Matter” and “Autobio-
such but clearly are derived from life forms. We are currently graphical Sketches” Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (1992).
unaware of life forms evolved from inanimate matter (or so we 2. E. N. Trifonov. J Biomol Struct Dyn 29, 259-266 (2011).

Journal of Biomolecular Structure & Dynamics, Volume 29, Number 4, February 2012
Defining Life: An Exercise in Semantics or A Route to Biological Insights? 605

3. J. Gayon, C. Malaterre, M. Morange, F. Paulin-Cerceau, and S. Tirard. 7. J. Summers and S. Litwin. J Virol 80, 20-26 (2006).
Origins Life Evol Biospheres 40, 119-244 (2010). 8. R. Jain, M. C. Rivera, and J. A. Lake. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 96,
4. E. N. Trifonov. J Biomol Struct Dyn 22, 1-11 (2004). 3801-3806 (1999).
5. E. V. Koonin. The Logic of Chance: The Nature and Origin of 9. C. Adami. Nat Rev Genet 7, 109-118 (2006).
Biological Evolution FT press, Upper Saddle River, NJ (2011). 10. E. V. Koonin. Ann N Y Acad Sci 1178, 47-64 (2009).
6. M. Eigen. Naturwissenschaften 58, 465-523 (1971). 11. T. A. Lincoln and G. F. Joyce. Science 323, 1229-1232 (2009).

Journal of Biomolecular Structure & Dynamics, Volume 29, Number 4, February 2012
Journal of Biomolecular Structure &
Dynamics, ISSN 0739-1102
Volume 29, Issue Number 4, February 2012
©Adenine Press (2012)


Merits and Caveats of Using A Vocabulary Radu Popa

Approach to Define Life
Portland State University,
P.O. Box 751, Portland,
The field of “defining life” is rich in artful wording yet lacking in cohesiveness. OR, 97207, USA
Opinions about the necessity and possibility to produce a definition of life range
widely. At the extremes (and without necessarily being wrong) some authors may
claim that a technically accurate definition of life is not needed or impossible.
Assuming that a definition for life is needed and possible, it has to obey two basic
requirements: to be coherent relative to what we already know about life, and the
philosophy used to produce the definition has to be clear of systemic errors. The
method proposed by Edward Trifonov to define life (1) is a minimalist vocabulary-
based screening, combined with a personal interpretation of the meaning of the
findings. Is this method consistent with the requirements listed above, and what
novelties it introduces in our understanding of life?

The method proposed is seemingly simple. Take a large collection of definitions

of life and calculate the frequency of different words (Table I in the original
article). Identify the most common words and the words with similar meaning
(Table II in the original article) and combine them in a first-hand definition. Then,
shorten by eliminating terms and concepts that imply each other, in a way that
allows essence and causes rather than trivia and consequences to be retained in a
final definition.

Following this logic, the manuscript (1) should have ended with the analogy with
Principal Component Analysis (p. 262). The author however finds more thrust
to continue the manuscript past this point, by discussing issues such as thermo-
stability, GC rich sequences, information complementarity and RNA-related
“almost precise” replication. If the aim of this study (1) was to summarize why
RNA-related molecules are important for biological life on Earth, then I find
it insightful. If one however expected for this study to be a non-earth-centric
attempt to define life, the focusing of the closing arguments on physical-chemical
and informational properties of a particular class of molecules is distracting and

It is also necessary to analyze the validity of the key premise of this paper. It is
obvious that the scientific community cannot bring itself together to produce and
support a singular definition for life. The motives and the diversity of various
opinions are not discussed here, only their consequences on a vocabulary-based
strategy to define life. The essence of a vocabulary method is that words and ideas
that are the most common must also be the most important. This is true to a point.
It does apply very well to fields where basic research has more or less ended, yet Corresponding author:
it makes it difficult for pioneers and novel theories to gain recognition, irrespec- Radu Popa
tive of how right they are. For example, if we promote a scientific model based E-mail:

608 Popa

on popularity, then Alfred Wegener was correctly ignored At the syntactic level a definition cannot be constructed as
in 1912, when he promoted the concept of continental drift. a popular saying that leaves grammatical parts in limbo. In
One example from the field of the origin of life is Kunin’s order to be useful, the construction of a definition has to obey a
contribution, which was used to explain the initiation of a liv- specific set of minimal rules. The expression, “Life is self-
ing system as a symbiosis between two molecular networks reproduction with variations” albeit inspirational, does not
(e.g. a protein-made RNA polymerase cooperating with an inform whether life is a physical system or the property of a
RNA-made protein polymerase) (2). This great contribution physical system. This “definition” does not clarify whether these
to understanding the essence of life would be considered features are restricted to life or if they may also occur in other
“unworthy of mentioning”  by a vocabulary-based method, systems that are not alive. Lastly, is this “definition” sufficient to
simply because it is seldom cited in origin of life models. explain life or is it just one important aspect of it? The analysis
from (1) correctly replaces this truncated definition with a gram-
If we leave it to a computer-selected one-word-at-a-time matically correct one developed by Oparin (6): “Any system
vocabulary to define the essence of life then some seldom, capable of replication and mutation is alive”. This is not however
yet worthy, characteristics of life would be dropped as little sufficient reason to accept Oparin’s definition of life as complete,
relevant. Take for example complex concepts such as “adap- because it still lacks many important properties of life.
tive evolution”, “cryptic information” and “energy dissipative
systems”. The combination “adaptive evolution” is richer in Last but not least, can life exist that is not RNA-based? If the
meaning than the term evolution. Evolution and variability answer is YES, then no need exists to pound on the RNA-world
exist in both alive and non-alive systems, yet living systems drum in order to explain what life is. If NOT, then the author
have an edge for survival by being built for “adaptive evolu- (1) has to state that no alien life can exist unless it is based on
tion”. Also, in all life forms that we recognize on earth today RNA-like molecules, which everybody will probably doubt. To
the genetic information is encoded. This is a very important summarize, one recognizes in a vocabulary method the need to
attribute of life because it allows living entities to accumulate resolve present ambiguities about defining life though, in my
a collection of virtual realities (dissimilar states) that are all opinion, not the best avenue for reaching this goal. This aside,
possible but do not interfere with each other, because when the reader interested in the subject of defining life and explain-
one is expressed all others are hidden. Obviously, the simple ing its early evolution will find sufficient substance in (1) to
term information is too poor in meaning to describe the com- make this article worth reading and instructive. Ultimately,
plexity of what life does. Lastly, if we discard the connection “We may never agree on a definition of life, which will remain
between the energy dissipative properties of living systems forever subject to a personal perspective. The measure of one’s
and their capacity for self-control we loose the very reason for scientific maturity may actually be his/her latest definition of
the origin of life (3, 4). life and the acceptance that it cannot be ultimate” (7).

Can life be reduced to a collection of dimensionless qualities, References

or it has some properties that require reaching specific size 1. E. N. Trifonov. J Biomol Struct Dyn 29, 259-266 (2011).
before a system can become alive? The obvious example is 2. V. Kunin. Orig Live Evol Biosph 30, 459-466 (2000).
the complexity-level analysis made by Stuard Kauffman (5), 3. P. Bak. How nature works. Copernicus, New York (1996).
which a vocabulary analysis will simply ignore. The lesson 4. E. Chaisson. Int J Astrobiol 2, 91-101 (2002).
5. S. A. Kauffman. The origins of order, Oxford University Press,
learned from Dr. Trifonov’s approach is that we can circum-
New York (1993).
vent such limitations by analyzing major consequences of 6. A. I. Oparin. Life: its nature, origin and development, Academic
being alive rather than analytically dissect and list all life’s Press, New York (1961).
properties and achievements. 7. R. Popa. Orig Live Evol Biosph 40, 183-190 (2010).

Journal of Biomolecular Structure & Dynamics, Volume 29, Number 4, February 2012
Journal of Biomolecular Structure &
Dynamics, ISSN 0739-1102
Volume 29, Issue Number 4, February 2012
©Adenine Press (2012)


Self-Generated and Reproducible Dynamics in Aditya Mittal

“Gene Years” Represent Life
Kusuma School of Biological Sciences,
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi,
In a recent article (1), Trifonov has developed an approach, conceptually inspired New Delhi 110016, India
by principal component analysis (PCA), for arriving at a consensus definition of
“life” as “self-reproduction with variations”. In appreciation of the sound analyti-
cal effort applied rigorously on a comprehensive body of literature, I will refer to
both the approach and the definition as “Trifonovian”. The Trifonovian approach
has to be commended in its effort to evolve a minimalistic, and at the same time an
all-inclusive, definition of life. In fact, from the literature on molecular components
of living systems, the Trifonovian definition of life is clearly a direct reflection of
the ideas of “consensus” sequences at the level of DNA/RNA and (in specific cases)
even proteins, and homology modeling (including minimal functional “motifs”) in
protein structures. Thus, while appreciating the Trifonovian approach, it is also
important to carefully consider the severe limitations of consensus/similarity
approaches (applied for the molecular components) that have pushed the limits of
experimental (both computational and wet-laboratory) biology into increasingly
complex/sophisticated formalisms that have unfortunately not provided univer-
sal insights till date. In fact, some universal insights have been achieved only by
comprehensive (computational and/or wet-laboratory) rather than consensus based
approaches (2-5).

Limitations of the Trifonovian Definition of Life

A definition is expected to “explain” (and not just summarize) the meaning of

a term. Scientifically, a definition has to be able allow extraction of parameters
that will enable a mechanistic understanding of the term in view of the scientific
method of “Observation → Hypothesis → Experiment → Mechanism”. Thus,
the obvious question arises – why is a definition of life required? My answer
to this question involves the following aspects – A definition should allow
(a) extraction of parameters, open to theoretical analyses and/or experimentation
(computational/wet-laboratory), useful in providing mechanistic insights into
life – eventually leading to “rules” that can allow classification of a system as
living or non-living, and, (b) a clear establishment of both necessary and suffi-
cient requirements to be able to not just provide an understanding on the origin(s)
of life but also lead to methodologies towards synthesis of life de novo. In this
regard, the Trifonovian definition fails to address the above aspects either par-
tially or in totality. For example, “variation” in the definition of life is subject to
variation in the environment. If the environment was a static/stagnant variable,
then “variation” in the definition of life would not be required (since “variation”
Corresponding author:
in life is not observed in a static/stagnant environment). Further, the Trifonovian Aditya Mittal
definition fails to address the molecular dilemma in realizing self reproduction Phone: 191-11-26591052
within the constraints of conservation of mass and energy (i.e., exchanges with E-mail:

610 Mittal

the environment must be built-in). On a trivial (and some- the central dogma (6) are shown, though a few recently dis-
what philosophical) level, the Trifonovian definition fails to covered exceptions to the central dogma have be reported
classify “sterile” living systems (e.g., male mules) as a part recently (7-9). A living cell has evolved through presence
of “Life”. of a single or several proteins resulting in phenotypic traits
that are retained or lost in response to environmental changes.
Molecular Outlook for Developing a Definition of Life Interaction between the components of the proteome and the
environment results in governing the dynamics and balance of
Extending the spirit of appreciating a requirement for the defi- the proteome to keep the cell as a unit of life in a given envi-
nition of life, let us carefully consider our understanding of ronment. Coding to construct this proteome is well guarded
a living system from the molecular perspective in terms of a in two layers of code, neither of which readily interacts with
unit of life, i.e. a cell. Figure 1A shows the basic molecular the environment. “Variations” in this unit of life, in response
machinery of a unit of life. The molecular entities involved to environmental changes, can result from either the feedback
in giving a cell its identity as a living system in terms of from the proteome to the genome, or, interaction between the

(A) Environment

Phenotype – Protein (Proteome)

Coded Message – RNA

Code – DNA (Genome)

Cell – Unit of Life


(B) Environment Figure 1:  Molecular understanding of life and

evolution. (A) A cell, considered (and defined) as a
unit of life, is shown as a grey box. The molecular
entities involved in giving a cell its identity as a
Cell – Environment 1 living system in terms of the central dogma are
shown. The environment is shown as a blue box.
Components of the proteome interact with the envi-
ronment (shown by bi-directional black arrow).
Phenotype – Protein (Proteome) Coding to construct this proteome is well guarded in
two layers of code, neither of which readily interacts
with the environment. “Variations” in this unit of
life, in response to environmental changes, can result
Code/Coded Message – RNA (Genome) from either the feedback from the proteome to the
code i.e., the Genome (shown by the uni-directional
Virus – “Non-Living” by itself dashed black arrow), or, the more direct interaction
between the code and the environment (shown by
the bi-directional red dashed arrow). (B) An exam-
Cell – Environment 1
ple of RNA virus (white box) is shown, where the
code/coded message interact with two levels of envi-
ronments (cell – grey box: Environment 1, and the
Environment of the cell/free-virus itself), in addition
to the interactions of the proteome.

Journal of Biomolecular Structure & Dynamics, Volume 29, Number 4, February 2012
Self-Generated and Reproducible Dynamics in “Gene Years” Represent Life 611

code and the environment. The former is responsible for accu- Note that I have specified the two features in form of paramet-
mulating variations over time leading to the slow process of ric variables that can be scientifically explored. Definition of
evolution. For example, a protein not involved in interaction life must specify its ability to self-generate (rather than self-
with the environment is gradually not present in a form to pro- reproduce with variations in response to the environment). The
vide any feedback and thus is not further synthesized from the term “self-generation” accounts for a variety of self-assembly
code. The resulting loss of this protein inside the cell gives rise processes within living systems. The terms “reproducible
to different phenotypic traits (variation). However, if the latter dynamics” account for organized kinetic processes required for
was possible, substantial variations would be observed in liv- maintenance and self-generation properties of living systems.
ing systems at very short time scales. Even more drastically, They also signify the importance of reproducing the dynamics,
in many cases life would not self-reproduce, since substantial rather than the individual components behind the dynamics.
variations would occur even with minor changes in the envi- In fact, at a molecular level, several features observed in and/or
ronment. Simply put, if the code was directly interacting with for living systems show dynamic behavior that, while stochas-
the environment, minor changes in the environment would tic in the actual initiation, follow clear and systematic kinetic
yield sufficient changes in the code that could be amplified to modes from starting of an event to their completion regardless
form new life forms, rather than self-reproducing life forms. of the system and the technique (10-12). Finally, I would like
Every reproduction cycle would give rise to a new life form. to propose that analogous to the astronomical unit of “light
Figure 1B shows an example of RNA virus, where the code/ years” (for length-scales in the universe) it will be useful to
coded message interact with two levels of environments, to develop an evolutionary unit of “gene years” that can allow an
support the above. For the virus, cell is the first level of environ- understanding of time-scales for evolution of life and length-
ment that it has to interact with, referred to as Environment 1. scales for genomes in the proposed definition of life.
However, since the virus has direct interaction of the code
with its environment in addition to the proteome interacting References
with the environment, changes in the living form of virus is 1. E. N. Trifonov. J Biomol Struct Dyn 29, 259-264 (2011).
observed at very short time scales. This is true for all known 2. G. N. Ramachandran, C. Ramakrishnan, and V. Sasisekharan. J Mol
RNA viruses (without exception). Thus, it is essential to Biol 7, 95-99 (1963).
appreciate that it is the phenotype that interacts with the envi- 3. A. Mittal, B. Jayaram, S. R. Shenoy, and T. S. Bawa. J Biomol Struct
Dyn 28, 133-142 (2010).
ronment, and only those living systems have survived (or will
4. A. Mittal and B. Jayaram. J Biomol Struct Dyn 28, 443-454 (2011).
survive) in terms of self-reproduction in which the genotype 5. A. Mittal and B. Jayaram. J Biomol Struct Dyn 28, 669-674 (2011).
(i.e., the code for creating phenotype) is not (or minimally) 6. F. Crick. Nature 227, 561-563 (1970).
capable of interacting with the environment. 7. C. Kimchi-Sarfaty, J. M. Oh, I.-W. Kim, Z. E. Sauna, A. M. Calcagno,
S. V. Ambudkar, and M. M. Gottesman. Science 315, 525-528 (2007).
8. M. Sharma, V. Hasija, M. Naresh, and A. Mittal. J Biomed Nanotechnol
Self-Generated and Reproducible Dynamics
4, 44-51 (2008).
in “Gene Years” Represent Life 9. F. Zhang, S. Saha, S. A. Shabalina, and A. Kashina. Science 329,
1534-1537 (2010).
Based on the above discussions, and inspired by the Trifonovian 10. A. Mittal, E. Leikina, J. Bentz, and L. V. Chernomordik. Anal
approach, it is desirable to utilize the comprehensive body of Biochem 303, 145-152 (2002).
11. A. Mittal, E. Leikina, L. V. Chernomordik, and J. Bentz. Biophys J
literature for arriving at a definition of life. However, it may
85, 1713-1724 (2003).
be more useful to extract some universal concepts/principles 12. T. Gattegno, A. Mittal, C. Valansi, K. C. Q. Nguyen, D. H. Hall,
discussed in Trifonov (1). It is clear that two key features must L. V. Chernomordik, and B. Podbilewicz. Mol Biol Cell 18, 1153-
be built into a definition of life: Kinetics and Self-assembly. 1166 (2007).

Journal of Biomolecular Structure & Dynamics, Volume 29, Number 4, February 2012
Journal of Biomolecular Structure &
Dynamics, ISSN 0739-1102
Volume 29, Issue Number 4, February 2012
©Adenine Press (2012)


A Minimal or Concise Set of Definition Bor Luen Tang

of Life is Not Useful
Department of Biochemistry,
Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine,
Trifonov’s interesting analysis (1) appeared to have highlighted a minimal set National University of Singapore, MD7,
of popular vocabulary in the literature that constitutes a “concise and inclusive 8 Medical Drive Singapore 117597,
definition” for life. Defined as such, “Life is self-reproduction with variations”.
Republic of Singapore
The linguistic and philosophical worth of the paper notwithstanding, its scientific
value is, however, questionable. This minimized definition of life misses out on
an important property, namely life’s capacity for integrating chemical processes
that sustains the living entity’s low entropy (i.e., metabolism). Importantly, the
definition has no bearings on the origin of life (2-6), and ignored the myriad of
possible transitions from a collection of abiotic chemical reactions to a form that
could be subjected to Darwinian selection (7, 8). Though undoubtedly “concise”
enough, it is far from being “inclusive”.

A quick glance at the definition of “Life is self-reproduction with variations”

brings to mind two potential deviations, both of which might nonetheless be rec-
ognized as life. Firstly, obligate parasites (the simplest of which being viruses) are
in the strictest sense incapable of “self ”-reproduction. Intriguingly, the number
of viruses on the planet exceeds that of cells almost by an order of magnitude (9),
and the pivotal role of viruses in the evolution of the biosphere is now increas-
ingly recognized (10). Secondly, terminally differentiated cells, of which neurons
would be prime examples, are incapable of replication. Neurons are nonetheless
metabolically active, long living entities that last the life span of the animal. For
that matter, senescing eukaryotic cells, which had exited the cell cycle and could
no longer undergo cell division, could remain metabolically active for a good
length of time. On the other hand, at least from a biocentric perspective, a self-
replicating computer virus or a Von Neumann probe (11) programmed to allow
variations or mutations in their replications, which are not usually considered
as leading candidates for life forms, could have their candidature legitimized by
Trifonov’s minimized definition. Although the author deemed the generality of
the minimized definition as being an “unforeseen” and favorable property, it could
just as easily be viewed as an undesirable oversimplification.

A more disappointing feature of the minimized definition is its failure to con-

nect with the problem of the origin, or emergence of life. Although probably not
by design, results of the author’s linguistic analysis appear to bias towards the
“gene-first” or “replicator-first” school of thought, and have rather marginalized
the “metabolism-first” theories. Various forms of the gene/replicator-first theo- Corresponding author:
Bor Luen Tang
ries, including the “RNA world” (12), depict the emergence of a self-replicating Phone: 65 516-1040
molecule and a self-replicating process that could be subjected to Darwinian Fax: 65 6779-1453
selection. The metabolism first models, on the other hand, emphasize on the E-mail:

614 Tang

importance of self-sustaining prebiotic chemical reac- “inversion of the balance free energy/entropy contribution
tions that culminates into the earliest form of metabolism. and the rise of the key biological properties” (20).
Examples of these include the classical Wächtershäuser’s
“Iron-sulfur world” (13), and later proposals such as the In view of the above, it seems reasonably clear that a popular
thermodynamically sustainable autocatalytic cycles as or consensus minimalistic definition of life may not be very
expounded by Shapiro (14). Both schools of thought have useful, and could in fact be misleading. This notion does
merits in certain regards, while harboring their own short- not undermine the two principal features of the definition,
comings. These have been extensively discussed elsewhere namely “self-reproduction” and “variations” (which implies
(8, 15, 16) and shall not be elaborated. Suffice to note here a propensity to undergo Darwinian selection), but rather
that the minimized definition fails to capture the large vari- suggests that our understanding of life in the universe might
ety and possibility in terms of prebiotic pro-metabolic reac- actually benefit from a broad definition with a wide range
tions that are chemically conceivable, and their transitions of vocabularies. A more wordy definition may appear more
into Darwinianly selectable life. cumbersome, but it’s worth the trouble. In the context of
Trifonov’s paper, definition (1) is more useful than definition
A further consideration of this disconnection between this (2). The latter, like Spiegelman’s monster, is less exciting.
minimized definition with life’s origins concerns the sites
involved. In a sense, the exact physical and chemical prop-
erties of life could be situation and locale dependent. On this References
planet itself, life could have emerged more than once (18), 1. E. N. Trifonov. J Biomol Struct Dyn 29, 259-266 (2011).
and at different geological sites (7, 8). The minimized defi- 2. J. W. Szostak. J Biomol Struct Dyn 28, 1059-1059 (2011).
nition fails to illustrate the myriad of possibilities of life’s 3. U. J. Meierhenrich, J.-J. Filippi. C. Meinert, J. H. Bredehöft,
emergence in space and time – such as those from the hot J.-i. Takahashi, L. Nahon, N. C. Jones, and S. V. Hoffmann. J Biomol
Struct Dyn 28, 1060-1061 (2011).
hydrothermal vents of early Earth 4 billion years ago to the 4. G. Costanzo, S. Pino, F. Ciciriello, and E. Di Mauro. J Biomol Struct
warming organic lakes of Titan another 4 billion years from Dyn 28, 1061-1061 (2011).
now (17). 5. J. P. Ferris, P. C. Joshi, M. F. Aldersley, and J. W. Delano. J Biomol
Struct Dyn 28, 1062-1062 (2011).
Along a similar line of thought, I could not share the author’s 6. A. E. Engelhart, R. Buckley, E. D. Horowitz, and N. V. Hud. J Biomol
Struct Dyn 28, 1063-1063 (2011).
optimism that “… day is not far away” when life could be cre-
7. B. L. Tang. J Br Interplanet Soc 58, 218-222 (2005).
ated in a test tube. Never mind that Spiegelman’s monster (19) 8. B. L. Tang. Prog Nat Sci 17, 500-510 (2007).
represents a state of degenerated complexity that is unlikely 9. A. Abroi and J. Gough. BioEssays 33, 626-635 (2011).
to eventually acquire a degree of respectable, self-sustaining 10. L. P. Villarreal and G Witzany. J Theor Biol 262, 698-710 (2010).
metabolism that is capable of adaptation and evolution, all 11. R. A. Freitas, Jr. J Br Interplanet Soc 33, 251-264 (1980).
12. W. Gibert. Nature 319, 618 (1986).
other attempts to model life to date have involved starting
13. G. Wächtershäuser. Prog Biophys Mol Biol 58, 85-201 (1992).
materials that are far too complex that would have been 14. R. Shapiro. Q Rev Biol 81, 105-125 (2006).
available prebiotically. There is no evidence that a Miller- 15. R. Shapiro. IUBMB Life 49, 173-176 (2000).
Urey type experiment ever yielding polymers of a significant 16. J. Perató. Int Microbiol 8, 23-31 (2005).
length, not with the opportunity and rate of a chain terminating 17. R. D. Lorentz, J. I. Lunine, and C. P. McKay. Geophys Res Lett 24,
2905-2908 (1997).
reaction far exceeding that of spontaneous polymerization. In
18. P. C. Davies and C. H. Lineweaver. Astrobiology 5, 164-163 (2005).
Kompanichenko’s terms, we have no idea of the condition(s) 19. D. R. Mills, F. R. Kramer, C. Dobkin, T. Nishihara, and S. Spiegelman.
that would generate “oscillating prebiotic microsystem at a Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 72, 4252-4256 (1975).
balanced bifurcate state”, let alone those that would facilitate 20. V. N. Kompanichenko. 4 Int J Astrobiol 7, 27-46 (2008).

Journal of Biomolecular Structure & Dynamics, Volume 29, Number 4, February 2012
Journal of Biomolecular Structure &
Dynamics, ISSN 0739-1102
Volume 29, Issue Number 4, February 2012
©Adenine Press (2012)


On the Misgivings of Anthropomorphic Consensus Richard Egel

Polling in Defining the Complexity of Life
Department of Biology,
University of Copenhagen Biocenter,
In a recent paper (1) Edward N. Trifonov has turned his statistical expertise on Copenhagen, Denmark
one of the most enigmatic questions still vexing our scientific conceptions of the
universe: What is life? – If applied ingeniously, statistical methods are marvelous
tools indeed, but yet, they hardly breed miracles on their own. To be sure, profes-
sor Trifonov has done wonderful work before, scrutinizing the system of coded
protein synthesis for innate secrets by sophisticated statistical analyses (2-4).

To start with, many others have put forth various definitions of the living state as
such – in contrast to non-living matter, which pervades most of the observable
universe. By tabulating 123 versions of such learned statements (partly overlap-
ping, that is, but slightly or distinctly different from one another), and to simplify
matters, Trifonov (1) has now applied his statistical tools on the wording of these
definitions. – Would the grouping of major terms by related meaning, as followed
by word counts of occurrence in the major groups, yield any superior, canonical
relationship? – Nota bene, not just a meaningful concept at a superior level, but
a universally applicable, novel and minimalistic definition of life as such, to the
inclusion of “any forms of life imagination may offer”? – Although he does not
meticulously discern what properties should be required of such a universal defi-
nition, Trifonov proposes to have found exactly that, as merely based on just two
terms: “Life is self-reproduction with variations”. In fact, this punchline was put
forth earlier (4), as an aphoristic rephrasing of Darwin’s principle.

The author must have found it reassuring that an earlier hunch of his could be
extracted as a consensus from a much larger sample from the expert literature,
although only ~15% (18 of 123) happened to contain a pair of terms related to his
condensate. Moreover, by explicitly referring to Oparin [as cited in (5)] – “Any
system capable of replication and mutation is alive” – Trifonov moves close to
implying that his minimalistic definition may not only be necessary but even suf-
ficient for sorting out the living state from non-living matter. On the other hand,
he likens his statistical vocabulary approach to a “Principal Component Analysis”
(aimed to reduce a complex data set to an array of subsets that vary independently
of one another) – with the “extraction of a single principal component” (the major
one, covering most of the data), which might serve as the main characteristic of
the living state – so far, so good.

Yet, as the author himself is quite aware, “Even most primitive forms of observ-
able life are still too complex, to claim that they can be reduced to the above
simple formula” (1). Hence, it is rather premature to adopt his simple formula Corresponding author:
as the defining principle of “any forms of life imagination may offer ”. As to Richard Egel
my personal imagination, for that matter, I should not hesitate to subsume frost E-mail:

616 Egel

tracery on a window pane or frostwork-type mineralizations the principles of fuzzy sets and fuzzy logics (7). This should not
in cave deposits under this generally defined set of natural phe- be denounced as fuzzy thinking in a pejorative sense. Rather, it is
nomena. They actually replicate certain preexisting patterns, to appreciate the appropriateness of variance-loaded terms and
and do so with many variations, but calling them life-like categories for about every aspect of the natural world, including
for more than a rather superficial resemblance should be life with all its intrinsic complexity and evolutionary history.
besides the point, I guess. At the initial stages, life’s emergence had to cope with much
higher degrees of variance than what is presently observed in
There are good reasons to suggest, therefore, that Trifonov the current biosphere. Hence, putting coordinate restraints on
should not stop at the very first principal component of his stochastic variance in ever so many independent categories by
statistical vocabulary filtering approach. Additional compo- natural selective processes should be at the forefront of how to
nents, likewise both principal and indispensable for zoom- understand the living state.
ing in on the essence of life, should not lightly be dismissed
beforehand. Alternatively, the intended meaning of the main To illustrate the anthropomorphic character of certain
part in his favorite component – self-replication – should be unreflected definitions, I should like to draw on a compari-
specified so distinctly and concisely that “no form of non- son of German and English conventions concerning food
living matter imagination may offer ” might ever qualify for intake. While it should sound sensible enough in German to
having that capacity. If, and only if this precondition has been “define” the human species as “das ‘essende’ Wesen”, the
met can self-replication be considered equivalent conceptu- direct translation into English would make no sense: “the
ally and empirically to life as such. – And what a big if that ‘eating’ creature” would cover most animals alike. British
is, since now the burden of defining the complexity of life in pragmatism, at least on this issue, allows animals at large to
simple terms has shifted to defining self-replication and its eat their food as well, whereas “essen” in German is a decid-
preconditions at the same level of life-like complexity. edly human privilege, in contrast to “fressen”, as used for
the equivalent activity in animals. Such a pseudo-definition,
In this brief discourse I have deliberately focused on the main however, would be rather trivial indeed, “a human being is
part of the composite formula, “Life is self-reproduction a human being, Period!”.
with variations”, since the secondary part does not add a new
dimensionality to the problem at all. To be precise on this, In summary, the statistical vocabulary approach of Tifonov (1)
“self-reproduction without variation” would be entirely ficti- to extract a simple defining formula for the intrinsic complex-
tious, in that it can never be realized as a natural process. In ity of life amounts to an enchanting exercise on the border
fact, in the course of biological evolution – of earthly life as we between basic science and aphoristic poetry. I was somewhat
know it – the multiple sources of stochastic variation in repro- reminded of my first visit to the United States in the mid six-
ductive processes have progressively been narrowed down to ties, when a frenzy florished among high school kids to come
acceptable and affordable levels, but eliminating each of such up with the most fanciful variation on “Happiness is ...”.
sources once and for all is beyond the bounds of possibility.
Why should the essence of life as such be defined in idealistic
or anthropomorphic terms in the first place? Who would actu- 1. E. N. Trifonov. J Biomol Struct Dyn 29, 259-266 (2011).
2. E. N. Trifonov. Gene 261, 139-151 (2000).
ally benefit from such a canonical definition if it ever existed? –
3. E. N. Trifonov. Phys Life Rev 5, 121-132 (2008).
While most biologists in general do not care, it is foremost some 4. E. N. Trifonov. Res Microbiol 160, 481-486 (2009).
non-biologists trying to comprehend the enigmatic origins of life 5. R. Popa. In Between Necessity and Probability: Searching for the
from non-living matter who are convinced that their goal cannot Definition and Origin of Life. Series: Adv Astrobiol Biogeophys,
be reached without having defined life as such beforehand. Yet, Springer, NY, pp. 197-205 (2004).
6. R. Egel. Integrative perspectives: In quest of a coherent framework
not all such scholars share this conviction, and personally I very
for origins of life on earth. In Origins of Life: The Primal Self-
much tend toward the sceptical side on this dividing issue (6). Organization. Egel, R., Lankenau, D.-H., and Mulkidjanian, A. Y.
In defence of this sceptical stance, I consider it more relevant for (Eds.), Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, GE, pp. 289-360 (2011).
a comprehension of biological complexity to familiarize with 7. G. Bruylants, K. Bartik, and J. Reisse. C R Chimie 14, 388-391 (2011).

Journal of Biomolecular Structure & Dynamics, Volume 29, Number 4, February 2012
Journal of Biomolecular Structure &
Dynamics, ISSN 0739-1102
Volume 29, Issue Number 4, February 2012
©Adenine Press (2012)


The Complexity of Life: Can Life Foong May Yeong

be Simply Defined?
Department of Biochemistry,
Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine,
In the interesting article by Trifonov (1), the definitions of Life were analyzed MD7, 8 Medical Drive,
from a variety of sources and 10 groups of terms were compiled. Based on these Singapore 117597
terms, the author attempts to provide a succinct definition of what “Life” is; that
is, “Life is self-reproduction with variations”. While the terms underpinning the
definition clearly provide a reasonable characterization of Life, there appears to
be a lack of certain key elements of what “Life” embodies.

One of the main issues with the definition as based on the vocabulary used is that
there is no mention that Life, as it had evolved (2-6) on earth, came about without
a purpose. One of the definitions the author had quoted was from Kompanichenko
who stated that the category of terms that encapsulates the definitions of Life
is one that includes, among other characteristics, “the display of self-perfecting
logic”. First of all, there is a slight problem with the term “self-perfecting”, as it
tends to give the impression that there is a teleological attempt by “Life” to drive
towards a particular aim such as survival or an increase in complexity. Secondly,
words under the category of “Ability” more often than not promote the perception
that living things are consciously able to respond physiologically to external envi-
ronment and to evolve accordingly, rather than there being a selective pressure
exerted by the external environment, thereby sieving out organisms not suited for
survival in that particular circumstance.

As argued by Richard Dawkins (7), “Life” evolved without an aim or a purpose.

As such no pre-determined conditions existed that favoured a particular life form
over another or any life forms for that matter. Conversely, organisms are not capa-
ble of evolving specifically to adapt to various conditions on Earth. The process of
evolution, as expressed by François Jacob (8), is one of “tinkering”, during which
the selective process “works on what already exists, either transforming a system
to give it a new function or combining several systems to produce a more complex
one”. That vestigial organs or lack of a perfect design in organisms (9) can be
found today supports this notion. While the author (1) was relying on terms previ-
ously used to derive a concise definition of Life based on the frequencies of their
usage, I would suggest that there could be a description to reflect Life as an entity
or property that is amenable to (natural) selection without a purpose (direction).

In addition, words such as organization and information under the groups “system”
and “complexity” do not completely embody the idea of “emergent properties” that
relate to developmental biology at the individual organism during embryogenesis,
as well as for the entire collection of living organisms. As put forth by Oyama (10),
there appears, at least during the development of a multicellular organism, to Corresponding author:
be more than the information encoded by genes. Indeed, the interaction among Foong May Yeong
cells is critical during development to ensure the proper unfolding of the resulting E-mail:

618 Yeong

organism. Such an important essence of “Life”, where invari- The definition of Life is important as it is needed for philo-
ant properties such as information encoded in the genes and sophical and practical reasons (12). Given the complex nature
how cells interact with its environment determine how multi- of “Life”, it might require a more elaborate definition (13) to
cellular organisms develop, might need to be included in the cater to specific applications (14) than simply being distilled
definition of “Life”. from the vocabulary of previous definitions of “Life” to be of
practical use.
Likewise, the terms under the section on “evolution” appear
to fall short of representing the full complexity of how organ- References
isms can evolve as part of being a living thing. Currently, there
1. E. N. Trifonov. J Biomol Struct Dyn 29, 259-266 (2011).
is a trend towards examining the “evolvability” of organisms
2. W. L. Duax, R. Huether, D. Dziak, and C. McEachon. J Biomol Struct
as an extension of the ideas behind the Modern Synthesis Dyn 28, 1066-1067 (2011).
of evolutionary biology (11). This is based on the authors’ 3. A. Y. Panchin, E. N. Shustrova, and I. I. Artamonova. J Biomol Struct
count of 364 papers in which this word had been used (11). Dyn 28, 1068-1068 (2011).
Simplistically, “evolvability” can be loosely referred to as 4. L. D. Williams, C. Hsiao, J. C. Bowman, C. R. Bernier, J. Peters,
D. M. Schneider, and E. O’Neill. J Biomol Struct Dyn 28, 1071-1072
the propensity of a genotype to generate variability and as
such, determine the success of a species during natural selec- 5. T. J. Glembo and S. B. Ozkan. J Biomol Struct Dyn 28, 1068-1069
tion. While the notion of “evolvability” has not been formally (2011).
defined and empirically validated, based on the authors argu- 6. A. Goncearenco and I. N. Berezovsky. J Biomol Struct Dyn 28, 1065-
ment, I suggest that the concept might eventually be a more 1065 (2011).
7. R. Dawkins. The Blind Watchmaker: Why the Evidence of Evolution
useful one to explain mechanistically how different species of
Reveals a Universe without Design, W. W. Norton & Company (1996).
organisms could have arisen. This term does not seem to be 8. F. Jacob. Science 196, 1161-1166 (1977).
encapsulated in the short definition of “Life” that is provided 9. S. J. Gould. The Panda’s Thumb: More reflections in Natural History,
(1) and it is not clear if it could be in the future. Furthermore, W. W. Norton & Company (1982).
the definition should encompass the notion that while the var- 10. S. Oyama. The Ontogeny of Information, Duke University Press
ious properties of “Life” as complied (1) are carried within
11. M. Pigliucci. Nat Rev Genet 9, 75-82 (2008).
each living organism, it is the collective existence all living 12. J. Gayon. Orig Life Evol Bioshp 40, 231-244 (2010).
things as a result of organisms interacting with the environ- 13. R. Popa. Orig Life Evol Bioshp 40, 183-190 (2010).
ment that we are able to witness the phenomenon of “Life”. 14. J. D. Oliver and R. S. Perry. Orig Life Evol Bioshp 36, 515-521 (2006).

Journal of Biomolecular Structure & Dynamics, Volume 29, Number 4, February 2012
Journal of Biomolecular Structure &
Dynamics, ISSN 0739-1102
Volume 29, Issue Number 4, February 2012
©Adenine Press (2012)


The Role of Logic and Insight in the Search Gerard A. J. M. Jagers

for a Definition of Life   op Akkerhuis
Center for Ecosystem Studies, Alterra,
In a recent paper Trifonov (1) has carried out a statistical analysis of the fre- Wageningen University,
quency of the vocabulary used in 123 existing definitions. The goal is to identify 6700 AA Wageningen, The Netherlands
the most important words and to use these for phrasing a commonly acceptable
definition of life. Trifonov arrives at the conclusion that “(self-)reproduction and
evolution form the minimal set for a concise and inclusive definition: Life is self-
reproduction with variations”. Also a more lengthy definition is presented: “Life
is metabolizing material informational system with ability to self-reproduction
with changes (evolution), which requires energy and suitable environment”.
Trifonov’s work is part of the important and long standing quest in science and
philosophy for a commonly acceptable definition of life (2-7). While reading
Trifonov’s publication a few questions came to my mind.

The first question is why the author suggests using a vocabulary method instead
of insight when defining life? I am worried that although the use of vocabularies
may represent a proper tool for identifying keywords and the like, the methodol-
ogy seems fundamentally inappropriate for suggesting definitions. Would any
definition process not require the logical integration of scientific insights and
thorough testing by confronting them with ‘difficult cases’? It is not clear to me
how vocabulary studies meet such criteria, because the ranking of words accord-
ing to frequencies seems blind to the underlying logical relationships.

My second question involves some methodological aspects of using vocabulary

analyses for creating definitions.

1. Can lists of definitions reflect recent developments? Innovative insights

will in general require several years to become generally referenced in
the literature. In addition, recent studies will generally relate to advanced
scientific insights and may not use ‘conventional’ wording. Would this
effect potentially bias lists of definitions towards past and potentially aged

2. Has the list of definitions been checked for dependence of information? It

is general practice to use ‘old masters’ as a basis when improving defini-
tions. Such practices are likely to cause biases towards certain words in
definitions inspired by the most influential examples.

3. How to extract meaningful results if vocabulary studies take words lit-

Corresponding author:
erally? Definitions frequently originate from different ‘worldviews’. As Gerard A. J. M. Jagers op Akkerhuis
a consequence, the meaning of the words may differ between defini- E-mail:
tions. For example, some people use life for indicating all ecosystems

620 Jagers op Akkerhuis

and organisms on earth (‘life’ on earth), while others in a stringent way, the author of this comment developed
think of the length of the period between birth and the Operator Hierarchy (9, 10). This hierarchy represents a
death (he had a long ‘life’) or of daily existence (my ‘ladder’ ranking all types of physical particles and types of
‘life’ as a teenager). How has the study accounted for organisms, generically indicated as ‘operators’, according to
the summation of words with different meanings? discrete transitions in the complexity of their organisation.
As has been advocated in a previous publication about the
4. Would the vocabulary method recognize the confusion definition of life (11), this ladder offers a fundamental basis
that presently exists with respect to the word ‘life’? for defining life as a common property of all types of entities
Many well-known definitions of ‘life’ actually refer to on the ladder (the operators) that are equally or more com-
concepts related to ‘living’, for example metabolism, plex than the cellular operator (bacteria s.l.). From this point
activity, reproduction, etc. As has been suggested by of view, talking about life implies a focus on the presence
the author of this comment, it may be profitable to sci- of the level-defining organisation in selected operators. As
ence when life would be used to describe organisation, long as the level-defining organisation is present, the entity
while living is used in relation to the dynamics of those represents life. And when an entity that represents life is
organisations representing life. This distinction was dynamically active, it is living. Consequently, death implies
already recognized by the famous Société de Biologie the loss of the level-defining organisation. Biologists gener-
in Paris (8). Examining frozen or dried bacteria, the ally consider all the operators with a minimum complexity
Society concluded that the potential to revive an anabi- of the (bacterial/prokaryotic) cell as organisms. The com-
otic stage is an inherent aspect of the organisation of plexity ladder of the operator hierarchy thus offers an under-
the material of which the object consists and that it is lying logic connecting the concepts of life and the organism.
equally persistent as the molecular state of the matter The ladder therewith solves an old circularity problem that
forming the system. The society concluded: “La vie, occurs when life is referred to as a property of organisms,
c’est l’organisation en action”. In other words, living while organisms are defined as living beings. As has been
refers to the dynamics of organization(s) that represent discussed in (11), the operator based definition of life deals
life. How would vocabulary studies assist in identify- without problems with a broad range of ‘difficult cases’.
ing which organisation(s) represent life?
Assuming that defining life requires the logical integration of
5. How do vocabulary studies distinguish between scientific insights and thorough testing of the results by con-
‘appropriate’ and ‘inappropriate’ definitions? With- fronting them with ‘difficult cases’ I was inspired to a range
out such distinction, the most popular concepts will of questions about specific aspects of the use of vocabulary
always be partly associated with inappropriate defi- study for defining life. I find it worrisome that the method
nitions. How can statistics on vocabulary circumvent seems not to invoke insight and that the resulting definitions
the problem of deciding about the ‘correctness’ of a seem to have problems with simple test cases. I hope the
given definition? author can take away my worries in his response.

My third question involves the testing of definitions based References

on vocabulary analysis. Any commonly acceptable definition 1. E. N. Trifonov. J Biomol Struct Dyn 29, 259-266 (2011).
must be able to deal with ‘difficult cases’. What happens if 2. R. Popa. Between necessity and probability. Searching for the definition
we undertake this exercise using the above definitions? How and the origin of life. Advances in Astrobiology and Biogeophysics.
about a sterilized cat? If I understand the above definitions Springer (2003).
3. D. E. Koshland, Jr. Science 295, 2215-2216 (2002).
well, this cat would not be a living being because it cannot
4. C. Emmeche. Ultimate Reality and Meaning 20, 244-264 (1997).
‘self-reproduce’. Even a normal fertile cat is a problem. It 5. M. A. Bedau. What is life. In: Sarkar, S. and Plutynski, A. (Eds.),
cannot ‘self’-reproduce, because it needs the male’s sperm. A companion to the philosophy of biology, pp. 455-603 (2007).
And a frozen bacterium? While being frozen, it is neither 6. C. E. Cleland and C. F. Chyba. Does ‘life’ have a definition? In:
metabolically active nor can it reproduce. Not life accord- Planets and Life: The Emerging Science of Astrobiology, Woodruff,
T., Sullivan, I. I. I., and Baross, J. A. (Eds.), Cambridge University
ing to the above definitions. But a frozen bacterium still pos-
Press (2007).
sesses the structure of life, which can be demonstrated when 7. J. M. Maynard Smith and E. Szathmáry. The origins of life. Oxford
it resumes living activity after being thawed. How to value University Press, Oxford (1999).
the above definitions in the light of these results? 8. P. Broca. Mém Soc Biol 3me Série II, 1-139 (1860).
9. G. A. J. M. Jagers op Akkerhuis and N. M. van Straalen. World
Futures, the Journal of General Evolution 53, 329-345 (1999).
In relation to the above questions, I would like to invite the
10. G. A. J. M. Jagers op Akkerhuis. The operator hierarchy, a chain of
author to take an interest in a recently developed frame- closures linking matter, life and artificial intelligence. PhD thesis,
work that uses the evolution of complexity as a basis for Raboud University, The Netherlands (2010).
defining life. In order to analyse the organisation in nature 11. G. A. J. M. Jagers op Akkerhuis. Found Sci 15, 245-262 (2010).

Journal of Biomolecular Structure & Dynamics, Volume 29, Number 4, February 2012
Journal of Biomolecular Structure &
Dynamics, ISSN 0739-1102
Volume 29, Issue Number 4, February 2012
©Adenine Press (2012)


Life 5 Self-Reproduction with Variations? Helen Greenwood Hansma
Department of Physics, University of
Trifonov’s paper (1) is a delightfully clever, objective and quantitative approach California, Santa Barbara, CA 93106
to defining life. Doing a linguistic analysis of 123 published definitions of life,
Trifonov tabulates the words used in these definitions, to seek a consensus defini-
tion of life. This approach synthesizes some of the thinking and work of hundreds
of scientists, and non-scientists as well.

Popa (2) contributes 90 of the definitions used by Trifonov. Popa’s list of 90

definitions of life is an unusual one. Historically, it is impressive, running from
1855 to 2002. It is also very broad, including non-scientists such as Friedrich
Engels [“No physiology is held to be scientific if it does not consider death an
essential factor of life. . . . Life means dying.” From Dialectic of Nature (3)] and
unusual definitions, such as: “Life is a system which has subjectivity.”

Popa himself says that his list of life’s definitions serves only a general biblio-
graphic purpose, and he cites four bibliographies and discussions of definitions
of life that he says are more extensive than his own. Would any new insights be
gained by doing a similar analysis of more rigorous bibliographies of the defini-
tions of life, such as the four cited by Popa? Would it make sense to weight recent
definitions of life more heavily than older definitions of life, given that we have
learned much about life in recent decades? For example, in 1944, when Erwin
Schroedinger wrote his book, What is Life? (4), he predicted that life will be found
“working in a matter that cannot be reduced to the ordinary laws of physics.”

“Life is Self-Reproduction with Variations.” This consensus definition of life

from Trifonov’s paper (1) is reduced to only two concepts – Self-Reproduction
and Variation. It contrasts with the often-used definition from a panel for NASA
(National Aeronautics and Space Association): “Life is a chemical system capa-
ble of Darwinian evolution.” (5) In a paper based on this definition, Benner (6)
explains how ‘reproduction with variation’ is not an acceptable definition of life,
because crystals grow, incorporating defects; and they reproduce when powdered
and used to seed the growth of more crystals. What crystals lack is heritability, as
in Darwinian evolution.

Perhaps a better definition of life would be, “Self-reproduction with heritable

variations.” In Popa’s 90 definitions, I find only about 17 instances that might
be related to heredity, by summing the following search results: heritable, hered-
ity, hereditary, genetic, anagenetic, genome, mutation, and Darwinian. Perhaps
there are other relevant search terms that I have not thought about, or perhaps
‘heritability’ is simply not a common concept for defining life.
Corresponding author:
Helen Greenwood Hansma
What about viruses? There is good reason to argue that viruses are living para- E-mail: (or)
sites that are capable of reproduction but not self-reproduction. This classification

622 Hansma

of Viruses as Living is consistent with Trifonov’s linguistic might thus be said to start when the biogeochemical processes
analysis, in which there are 25 instances of reproduce/repro- started during the process of the origin of life.
duction/replication but only 5 instances of self-reproduction.
Whether or not viruses are alive, they are clearly on a con- One of the biggest needs for a definition of life is in the field of
tinuum between Living and Non-Living. The existence of exobiology. What does one look for, when seeking evidence
such a continuum complicates the search for an all-purpose for life on Mars, for example? We know about life on earth,
definition of life. but what about life as we do not know it? Trifonov’s paper is
clearly useful for determining whether life has been created
Do we need an all-purpose definition of life? On one hand, in vitro, as he describes in his paper, that cross-replicating
Dyson writes an entire book, Origins of Life (7), without ribozymes (12) evolve but do not replicate. Does Trifonov’s
explicitly defining life. Origins-of-life researchers do not nec- paper help those who are searching for life on Mars? Probably
essarily need a definition of life. For example, when I write not. Benner (6) addresses this problem by going beyond the
about the possible emergence of life between mica sheets (8), definition of life and into a range of questions, such as, Does
I am hypothesizing about a wide span of events from non- life require carbon? And, does life require water? Regarding
living to living. On the other hand, Hazen (9) says ‘scientists the first question, the response is that carbon forms stronger
crave an unambiguous definition of life.’ bonds than silicon, but only about one-third stronger.

In response to the problem of defining life, another 2011 In summary, Trifonov’s paper is not the final answer to the
paper (10) uses quite a different approach. This paper rejects question of ‘what is life’. It is, however, a brilliant approach
altogether attempts to define life, saying that the concept to the problem of giving scientists and non-scientists an
of life is ‘impossible to define’ and is thus a metaphysical unambiguous definition of life.
concept instead of a scientific concept. The proposed solu-
tion is to use ‘origin of evolution’ instead of ‘origin of life.’ References
‘Evolution,’ it says, ‘may be defined by “as few as three con- 1. E. N. Trifonov. J Biomol Struct Dyn 29, 259-266 (2011).
ditions”: [1] the emergence of “open non-equilibrium struc- 2. R. Popa. Between Necessity and Probability: Searching for the
tural systems,” [2] self-replication, and [3] the acquisition of Definition and Origin of Life. Adv Astrobiol Biogeophys (Springer-
“heritable structure/function properties.” Self-replication is Verlag, Berlin, 2004), pp. 197-205.
3. R. Popa. Between Necessity and Probability: Searching for the
comparable to Trifonov’s self-reproduction, though ‘replica-
Definition and Origin of Life. Adv Astrobiol Biogeophys (Springer-
tion’ is perhaps a worse term, because it is typically used to Verlag, Berlin, 2004), pp. 227-252.
describe the copying of genetic material, which is only one 4. E. Schroedinger. What is Life? & Mind and Matter (University Press,
element in the reproduction of an organism. Cambridge, 1944).
5. G. F. Joyce. In Origins of Life: The Central Concepts, in D. W. Deamer
and G. R. Fleischaker (Eds.), (Jones and Bartlett, Boston, 1994).
Origin of Evolution is especially problematic, given the use
6. S. A. Benner, A. Ricardo, and M. A. Carrigan. Current Opinion in
of ‘evolution’ in other contexts, such as cultural evolution, Chemical Biology 8, 672-689 (2004).
evolution of language, and evolution of the airplane. One is 7. F. J. Dyson. Origins of life. (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge
left with the question, Origin of Evolution of What? In fact, [England]; New York, ed. Rev., 1999).
a new scientific subfield is the ‘evolution of minerals’. (11) 8. H. G. Hansma. Journal of Theoretical Biology 266, 175-188 (2010).
9. R. M. Hazen. Genesis: The Scientific Quest for Life’s Origin. (Joseph
Life and minerals have co-evolved, according to Hazen, who
Henry Press, Washington, DC, 2005).
states that the earth had ~1500 minerals before the origin of 10. M. Tessera. Int J Mol Sci 12, 3445-3458 (2011).
life, increasing to ~4300 minerals today, most of which may 11. R. M. Hazen, et al., American Mineralogist 93, 1693-1720 (2008).
be the result of biochemical processes. The origin of evolution 12. T. A. Lincoln and G. F. Joyce. Science 323, 1229-1232 (Feb. 27, 2009).

Journal of Biomolecular Structure & Dynamics, Volume 29, Number 4, February 2012
Journal of Biomolecular Structure &
Dynamics, ISSN 0739-1102
Volume 29, Issue Number 4, February 2012
©Adenine Press (2012)


Life: Self-Directing with Unlimited Variability Wentao Ma*

on Self-Speeding
College of Life Sciences,
Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072,
In his recent report in this journal, E. N. Trifonov (1) suggests that life should be P.R. China
defined as “self-reproduction with variations”, based on a vocabulary analysis of
previous definitions of life. The method is novel, and the conclusion is interesting.
However, there are some problems in the analysis process, and the final assertion
of the definition of life needs more cautious and deeper consideration.

The initial analysis, especially concerning the nine word groups (so-called
“definientia”), is impressive, which in some degree could reflect people’s
common views up to now on the essential meaning of life phenomenon. This
analysis leads to a collective definition of life as “metabolizing material infor-
mational system with ability of self-reproduction with changes (evolution),
which requires energy and suitable environment” (referred to as “definition [1]”
in the original paper).

As the author says, this collective definition, though comprehensive, should be

worked on to reach a more concise one. This work is important because a satis­
fying definition should not be a collective one. However, the author does this
work in a way of some curtness. For example, it is mentioned that “metabolism
implies both energy and material supply which also represent environment”.
Though this seems true, on the purpose of taking out the words “energy”, “mate-
rial” and “environment” from the list, the author should say more than just one
sentence, especially considering “metabolism” is a word with quite different
interpretations. Furthermore, it seems that “self-reproduction (replication) …
implies metabolism … as well” needs a more detailed explanation rather than
“the self-reproduction … can proceed only on condition that metabolism … are
in place”. Instead, in a view of “replication (reproduction) first” in the origin
of life (e.g. 2, 3), a contrary statement could be expressed as “metabolism can
proceed only on condition that self-reproduction are in place”, because enzyme-
like functional molecules have to appear by chance again and again if they could
not be produced in a self-reproduction system. If it is considered that metabo-
lism does not need functional molecules complicated enough like enzyme but
only simple ones, for example, produced in some assumed chemical autocataly-
sis reactions, then again, the meaning of metabolism needs more explanation in
detail. In fact, approving the view of “replication (reproduction) first”, I agree to
the taking out of “metabolism” from the list, but not because “self-reproduction”
implies “metabolism is already in place”, instead, because metabolism could *Corresponding author:
be a thing derived from self-reproduction during evolution. Certainly, the Wentao Ma
sentence “the complexity (information) can be considered as product of E-mail:

624 Ma

self-reproduction with change (evolution), on the evolution- is some special rule for the life phenomenon over other phe-
ary route from simple to complex” seems enough to justify nomena in nature. In other words, we still need to know how
the taking out of “complexity (information)” from the vocab- things could self-reproduce in nature. In a recent report of ours
ulary list. (6), self-reproduction (replication) is explained in a chemical
background. The main conclusions are: first, self-reproduction
Based on the definition “life is self-reproduction with varia- (replication) in the substantial world could not mean others
tions” (referred to as “definition [2]” in the original paper), if but “an entity favors the production of its own”; second, the
variations is considered as a word equivalent to evolution (as major chemical mechanism for such favoring is catalysis,
the author mentioned), along the logic line above, the final which could be classed into the speed-favoring catalysis and
word left seems to be “evolution”. Apparently, evolution the direction-favoring catalysis (e.g. the enzyme-like function
“can proceed only on the condition that self-reproduction is is a speed-favoring one and the template-directing function
already in place”. Then, the most concise and conclusive def- is a direction-favoring one); third, correspondingly, self-
inition should be “life is evolution”, or more explicitly “life reproduction could be either favoring its own production in
is something capable of (Darwinian) evolution”, similar to speed (self-speeding) or favoring its own production in direc-
some early suggestions (see 4, 5 for reviews). tion (self-directing), or a combination of them.

However, this is apparently not a satisfying definition, Let us talk about some scenario in the origin of life to explain
because “Darwinian evolution” is per se a collective concept, these concepts. Life is very likely to have begun with RNA
only appearing as a concise expression. In other words, we (or RNA-like) molecules (the RNA world hypothesis) (7, 8).
still need to know what kind of things is capable of Darwin- Any RNA molecule could direct the chemical reactions
ian evolution. In fact, seeking a concise expression should of nucleotide-joining to produce its own species via an
not be the only criterion to construct a satisfying definition. intermediate complementary sequence, under the mecha-
A clear definition should catch the most fundamental mecha- nism of template-directing copying by base-pairing. That
nism underlying the corresponding phenomenon. Therefore, is self-directing. However, only some RNA molecules with
the definition “life is self-reproduction with variation” should characteristic sequences might spread in a pool of random
be appropriate but “variation” does not equal to “evolution”, RNAs in the competition for the limited common raw materi-
instead, it is a feature accompanying “self-reproduction” als, due to their enzyme-like function (so-called ribozyme)
which, together with the latter feature, leads to Darwinian favoring the self-directing process. Examples could be repli-
evolution. case ribozymes (catalyzing the template-directed copying) (8),
nucleotide synthetase ribozymes (9), etc. That is self-speed-
As a further consideration, however, we should notice that this ing. It is just natural selection that works in this evolution,
definition remains not satisfying, because “self-reproduction” and would further work on further evolution, selecting for
is a word typically used in the life science (biology), and more or higher self-speeding features, upon the prereq-
should not be used to define life unless we admit that there uisite that different characteristic sequences with these

Figure 1:  The scheme of the author’s logic (above the dashed line) and my further considerations in this comment (below the dashed line) concerning the
definition of life. (A) Constructing the collective (consensus) definition according to the list of common words. (B) Constructing the concise definition by tak-
ing out “redundant” words. (C) Constructing the most concise and conclusive definition along the author’s logic. (D) Spreading out the meaning of (Darwinian)
evolution to construct a clearer definition. (E) Spelling out the meaning of self-reproduction in a chemical background to construct a definition closer to the
essence of life in nature.

Journal of Biomolecular Structure & Dynamics, Volume 29, Number 4, February 2012
Life: Self-Directing with Unlimited Variability on Self-Speeding 625

features might appear by variation (in template-direct copy- implies the most conclusive feature of life, i.e. Darwinian
ing with some errors or other events, such as recombina- evolution. A scheme of the author’s logic and my further
tion). In modern life, DNA/RNA is the molecular base of the considerations in this comment concerning the definition of
self-directing and RNA/protein is that of the self-speeding. life is shown in Figure 1.
We could image a bacterium as an entity absorbing raw
materials to construct its own offspring (self-directing), Acknowledgements
in which process a lot of enzymatic reactions occur (self-
speeding). When a variation on the self-directing (originat- Financial support by the National Natural Science Founda-
ing as the change of its genetic information) appears and if tion of China (No. 30870660, 31170958) and the National
this variation could cause the change of the self-speeding 973 Basic Research Program of China (No. 2010CB530500,
(manifesting as the change of enzymatic efficiency or other 2010CB530503) is gratefully acknowledged.
phenotypes), Darwinian evolution might take place.
If it is emphasized that the Darwinian evolution should be
ongoing forever, or say, “with an open end” (5), the variation 1. E. N. Trifonov. J Biomol Struct Dyn 29, 259-266 (2011).
of heredity should be unlimited (10), carried by molecules 2. F. A. Anet. Curr Opin Chem Biol 8, 654-659 (2004).
like DNA/RNA or similar polymers, and the corresponding 3. A. Pross. Orig Life Evol Biosph 34, 307-321 (2004).
4. P. L. Luisi. Orig Life Evol Biosph 28, 613-622 (1998).
variation of phenotypes should also be unlimited, carried by 5. K. Ruiz-Mirazo, J. Pereto, and A. Moreno. Orig Life Evol Biosph 34,
molecules like RNA/protein or similar polymers. 323-346 (2004).
6. W. T. Ma, C. W. Yu, W. T. Zhang, P. Zhou, and J. M. Hu. Theory
Then the definition should run in such a way as “living things Biosci 130, 119-125 (2011).
are self-directing species with unlimited variability on self- 7. W. Gilbert. Nature 319, 618 (1986).
8. G. F. Joyce. Nature 418, 214-221 (2002).
speeding” or more concise “life is self-directing with unlim- 9. W. T. Ma, C. W. Yu, W. T. Zhang, and J. M. Hu. RNA 13, 2012-2019
ited variability on self-speeding”. This definition includes (2007).
considerations on the chemical base of self-reproduction and 10. E. Szathmary and J. M. Smith. J Theor Biol 187, 555-571 (1997).

Journal of Biomolecular Structure & Dynamics, Volume 29, Number 4, February 2012
Journal of Biomolecular Structure &
Dynamics, ISSN 0739-1102
Volume 29, Issue Number 4, February 2012
©Adenine Press (2012)


Classifying the Properties of Life Fabrizio Macagno
Instituto de Filosofia da Linguagem
In his paper “Vocabulary of Definitions of Life suggests a Definition”, professor (IFL), Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e
Trifonov (1) analyzes the vocabulary of 123 existing definitions of life in order Humanas, Universidade Nova de
to provide a path for finding a possible minimal agreement among scientists. To
Lisboa, Avenida de Berna, 26-C,
this purpose, he compares from a linguistic point of view the definitions provided
in different accounts of life and ranks the terms used therein according to their P 1069-061 Lisboa – Portugal
frequency. He then selects the most used words, which should also reflect the
most accepted concepts about life, and groups them under generic concepts rep-
resenting their common general properties (or meaning). For instance, “matter”
represents the class under which “molecules”, “organic matter” and “materials”
fall. Finally, he reduces the conditions that the most frequently occurring “defini-
entia” represent to the states of affairs or events that require them. In this fashion,
for example, “energy” and “material supply” are included in the concept of
“metabolism”, while “self-reproduction” comprises also its essential conditions,
“metabolism”, “system”, “energy” and “material supply”. The outcome of this
analysis is a definition of life as “self-reproduction with variations”. This defini-
tion is claimed to be “minimalistic” for two reasons. First, it is a kind of minimum
denominator of the definitions taken into consideration. Second, it is applicable
to the minimal structures that can be involved in the origin of life. Moreover,
the minimalistic definition is maintained to be generic, as it provides a unique
common basis for all varieties of life, including extra-terrestrial life, computer
models and abstract forms. However, this proposal raises two crucial questions.
Is “self-reproduction with changes” a good definition? Can this definition actually
provide a minimal basis of consensus?

One of the Possible Definitions of Life

The purpose of a minimalistic definition of life is to reach a minimal consensus.

As Trifonov acknowledges (1), there are more than 100 definitions of life, and
many of them conflict with each other. The minimalistic definition captures the
list of the most recurring defining terms, based on the assumption that recurrence
reflects acceptance. A problem with this proposal can arise from the assump-
tions underlying the grouping of the characteristics and their reduction to generic
properties or more complex phenomena. A hypernym semantically includes hyp-
onyms, but this does not correspond to the fact that who accepts a more specific
concept is also willing to accept a more generic one, especially when the choice
amounts to exclude a distinguishing property. Moreover, more complex states
of affairs or events can include more generic concepts or precedent or essential
conditions, but causal precedence does not correspond to a logical or an epistemic
necessary condition. The effect of this double process of reduction is a definition
of life that risks incurring the same problems of the criticized Darwinian defi-
nitions (including their chemical and biological variations) (2, 3), characterized Corresponding author:
by the same characteristics of “self-reproduction” and “variation”. As Zhurav- Fabrizio Macagno
lev and Avetisov (4) put it, these characteristics are excessively discriminatory, E-mail:

628 Macagno

as on this perspective “it is hardly possible to specify life, the properties according to their frequency can be helpful for
including early life, before the emergence of the replication showing their degree of acceptability. However, such a princi-
machinery”. Moreover, sterile beings such as mules should ple can be combined with other criteria not only hinging on syn-
be excluded from the forms of life (5). Finally, the very con- onymy or causal inclusion. For instance, Kompanichenko (7)
cept of self-replication is one of the most controversial mat- started from a similar collection of definitional properties and
ters in the research on the origin of life, or rather “minimal then selected the fundamental ones based on their “discrimi-
life”. As Luisi (6) put it: nating power”, or rather their usefulness for the purpose of
distinguishing between categories. For instance, “accumula-
Even with the simplification of minimal life and way sta- tion of free energy” was chosen because it, better than other
tions, it is clear that the process leading to life is a contin- properties, allowed one to discern between active and passive
uum process, and this makes an unequivocal definition of systems.
life very difficult. In fact, there are obviously many places
in Oparin’s pathway where the marker ‘minimal life’
This systemic account is different in method and purpose
could arbitrarily be placed: at the level of self-replication;
from Trifonov’s one, as it is only aimed at providing a possi-
at the stage where self-replication was still accompanied
by chemical evolution; at the point in time when proteins bly shared biological definition of life. However, it points out
and nucleic acids began to interact; when a genetic code two methodological dimensions that can be seriously taken
was formed, or when the first cell was formed. into consideration in the classification of definitional proper-
ties. The first one is the selection of the kind of definition, and
The decision of choosing the two characteristics of self- consequently the choice of the concept to be defined (13). The
replication and variation can lead to controversies about the second is the grouping of the properties according to their
necessary condition of the definition, making it more specific definitional purpose. The type of definition, or better the defi-
and less general than many approaches to life origin require nitional sentence, is materially related with the purpose of the
(7). Moreover, the definition can be also controversial from definition itself. Ancient dialecticians distinguished between
the point of view of the sufficient conditions. The definition fifteen types of definitions (14), of which the most power-
mentions an activity (self-replication) but does not specify ful from a logical point of view was the method of genus-
any quality that the agent, or rather the logical argument, difference. The so-called “essential definition” was the only
needs to satisfy. As a result, life simulations can be classi- one that at the same time guaranteed the convertibility between
fied as actual forms of life, as claimed by functionalists who definiens and definiendum and provided a description of the
regard life as an abstract process. However, this theoretical fundamental semantic properties of the concept defined (9,
position, implicitly supported by the first Darwinian defini- 15). Modern scientific theories rely on similar types of defi-
tions (8), has been strongly disputed (2). The risk with this nitional methods (13), plus the operational (unmentioned in
minimalistic definition is the failure to meet the essential the ancient treaties) and the implicit definition (16-18), which
logical requirement of a definition, its convertibility with the cannot be properly considered as descriptions of the definien-
definiendum (5, 9), or rather, if we consider other scientific dum. All such definitional methods rely on the distinction
approaches to this logical conditions (4), its being “univer- between the semantic-logical properties of the predicates:
sal” and “minimal and specific enough”. the semantic categories (such as substance, having, doing...)
and the logical predicables (such as the genus-species or acci-
Definitions and Methods of Definition dental relation between predicates). For instance, “life” is a
noun abstracted from the predicate “to continue, to live” (19),
The collection of the properties commonly included in the therefore denoting a state of beings, or a property thereof, but
existing definitions of life and their reduction to a minimal not a substance, matter or entities, which can rather differenti-
description can be hardly accepted by the different approaches ate the biological living state (condition of chemical systems,
to the problem of life (5). Moreover, the choice of a definition as stated in some Darwinian definitions, see 6) from computer
of a controversial concept counts as an implicit support to a simulations. Some properties, as the ones used in operational
specific theory (6), or more generally speaking, a potentially definitions, (3) can be simply accidental, namely can charac-
controversial viewpoint (10). terize some forms of life, such as life on earth (11).

This issue becomes much more complicated if we consider Conclusion

that not only are definitions fundamental for finding a theoreti-
cal agreement, they are also essential for classifying entities. The definition of life drawn from the analysis of the proper-
A genus-difference definition cannot be effective for distin- ties listed in the existing definitions opens new possibilities
guishing between living and non-living beings in space or on of research. One of them consists in applying classical meth-
other planets (5, 11), while an operational definition cannot ods of property classification in addition to the frequency cri-
provide a theoretical ground for the origin of life (12). Ranking terion. On this view, properties will be grouped according to

Journal of Biomolecular Structure & Dynamics, Volume 29, Number 4, February 2012
Classifying the Properties of Life 629

their logic-semantic features characterizing their defini- 5. J. Oliver and R. Perry. Orig Life Evol Biosph 36, 515-521 (2006).
tional role. Such properties can be then selected according 6. P. Luisi. Orig Life Evol Biosph 28, 613-622 (1998).
7. V. Kompanichenko. Frontier Perspectieves 13, 22-40 (2004).
to their statistical acceptability or hypernymy (or rather 8. C. Sagan. Life. In Encyclopædia Britannica (2007).
genus-species) relations. Moreover, depending on the differ- 9. Aristotle. Topica. In Ross W. D. (Ed.), The works of Aristotle.
ent purposes of the definition (and definieda) it is possible Oxford: Oxford University Press (1969).
to formulate different potentially shared minimal definitions. 10. E. Schiappa. Defining Reality. Definitions and the politics of meaning.
The choice of alternative property classification criteria (for Carbondale and Edwardsville: Southern Illinois University Press
instance, semantic traits or observable properties) can make 11. C. Chyba and C. Phillips. Orig Life Evol Biosph 32, 47-68 (2002).
it possible to provide different statistically minimal kinds of 12. G. Bruylants, K. Bartik and J. Reisse. Orig Life Evol Biosph 40,
definition, adequate for and aimed at distinct purposes. 137-143 (2010).
13. C. Malaterre. Orig Life Evol Biosph 40, 169-177 (2010).
References 14. M. Victorini. Liber de Definitionibus. Frankfurt: Peter Lang (1997).
15. F. Macagno and D. Walton. Argumentation 23, 81-107 (2009).
1. E. N. Trifonov. J Biomol Struct Dyn 29, 259-266 (2011). 16. P. Bridgman. The Logic of Modern Physics. New York: MacMillan
2. C. Cleland and C. Chyba. “Does ‘Life’ Have a Definition?”. (1927).
In Sullivan, W. and Baross J. (Eds.), Planets and Life: The Emerging 17. W. Dubislav. Die Definition. Leipzig: Meiner (1931).
Science of Astrobiology (119-131) Cambridge: CUP (2007). 18. H. Dubs. Philosophical Review 52, 566-577 (1943).
3. C. Cleland and C. Chyba. Orig Life Evol Biosph 32, 387-393 (2002). 19. W. Skeat. The Concise Dictionary of English Etymology. Ware:
4. Y. Zhuravlev and V. Avetisov. Biogeosciences 3, 281-291 (2006). Wordsworth Editions (1993).

Journal of Biomolecular Structure & Dynamics, Volume 29, Number 4, February 2012
Journal of Biomolecular Structure &
Dynamics, ISSN 0739-1102
Volume 29, Issue Number 4, February 2012
©Adenine Press (2012)


Defining Life: Products or Processes? Robert Root-Bernstein
Department of Physiology, 2174 BPS,
Trifonov’s study of the language used to describe living systems (1) is an eye- Michigan State University,
opening glimpse into the assumptions underlying much of origins of life research East Lansing, MI 48824, USA
today. Unfortunately, for someone with a putative interest in words, Trifonov’s
attempt to create categories of words often suffers from a lack of sensitivity to the
precise meanings of words, as becomes evident in the meta-categories he invents
for analyzing his findings. Evolution and change are not the same thing as any
embryologist will tell you. Many things change without evolving. Any physicist
would cringe to see “force” subsumed under “energy”: The equation f 5 ma has
no energy term! These misunderstandings are not, of course, all Trifonov’s, but
undoubtedly represent fundamental problems in how biologists misunderstand
the principles applicable to describing living processes. Such misunderstandings
are themselves troubling.

Unfortunately, these misunderstandings extend beyond words to fundamental

principles as well. Trifonov’s definition of life as given by Darwin and Oparin are
both incomplete and misrepresent both men’s actual theories. Darwinian evolu-
tion requires not just “reproduction with variations” or “replication with mutation”
but also – critically! – non-random selection. If there is no selection or selection
is random, there can be no evolution. Discovering the selection processes operant
during prebiotic evolution is an unexplored area of great importance.

A second major problem with Trifonov’s approach, which to be fair is inherited

by him from his sources, is that it focuses on properties instead of processes. The
problem of understanding life is not simply describing a system that can replicate
and evolve through non-random selection. If these criteria were sufficient, then all
human inventions evolve. Indeed, we even have AI systems which employ enti-
ties that can acquire computer resources, use them to replicate, change through
mutation, and be non-randomly selected. The real problem of understanding life,
as Darwin and Oparin understood full well, is how it evolved without a designer
or programmer. Thus, the issue of what characterizes the properties of a living
system is subservient to the problem of how to evolve such properties through
natural processes that existed before any of the properties unique to life had them-
selves yet evolved. Clearly, whatever this process was, it had to be employ a
series of bootstrapping steps in which each new form of organization was able to
perform newly emergent functions. Describing and testing such an emergent pro-
cess is a fundamentally different, and far more difficult, problem than describing
the characteristics of living systems that resulted from it (2-4).

Indeed, restating the problem as one of processes rather than properties yields
Corresponding author:
a very different set of criteria for what it means to understand life and conse- Robert Root-Bernstein
quently a very different set of terms for describing it. Some of these criteria are Phone: 517-884-5039
listed in the following table, which I published recently (5). Notably, very few of E-mail:

632 Root-Bernstein

the terms in the Table occur in any of the lists summarized cannot function, this tells us nothing about how that minimal
by Trifonov, demonstrating how very different the process set was elaborated, integrated, and selected from the set of
approach to understanding life is as compared with the prop- molecules and genes that nature elaborated on its random
erties approach. walk toward life. So in defining life, we have to be clear about
why we want to define life: is the purpose to be able to make
The processes approach to understanding life also sheds a very and modify life, or is it to understand how life itself came into
different light on current attempts to engineer living systems. existence? Do we want to engineer life’s products or recap-
We must remember that even in the building of human edi- ture the processes of evolution itself? These are two very
fices and inventions, we often make use of scaffolds that leave distinct questions that will require very different approaches.
no traces on the final products they make possible. Imagine Unfortunately, too much of recent research in origins of life
trying to explain how to build a skyscraper without knowing has confused or even conflated the two. Perhaps Trifonov’s
about cranes, bulldozers or cement mixers! Any account of study will prompt us to reconsider which questions are of
the evolution of life must leave open the possibility, and even most interest.
the likelihood, that life itself benefited from metaphorical
“scaffolds” that have long been discarded yet were essential
to permitting living organizations to emerge. So even if we 1. E. N. Trifonov. J Biomol Struct Dyn 29, 259-266 (2011).
could manufacture in a laboratory each and every component 2. R. Root-Bernstein and P. F. Dillon. J Theor Biol 188, 447-479 (1997).
of a cell from its membranes to its metabolic machinery and 3. A. Hunding, D. Lancet, F. Kepes, A. Minsky, V. Norris, D. Raine,
K. Sriram, and R. Root-Bernstein. Bioessays 28(4), 399-412 (2006).
its chromosomes, and then mix these engineered components
4. V. Norris and R. Root-Bernstein. Int J Mol Sci 10, 2611-2632 (2009).
together to produce a functional cell, this would tell us noth- 5. R. S. Root-Bernstein. In: Busiak, V. and Navorro-Gonzalez, R. (Eds.),
ing about how life evolved. Even if we keep deleting genes Astrobiology: From Simple Molecules to Primitive Life, American
until we reach some apparent minimum without which a cell Scientific Publishers, pp. 285-314 (2010).

Journal of Biomolecular Structure & Dynamics, Volume 29, Number 4, February 2012
Journal of Biomolecular Structure &
Dynamics, ISSN 0739-1102
Volume 29, Issue Number 4, February 2012
©Adenine Press (2012)


Life? Seema Mishra
Department of Biochemistry, School of
Life! Needs a definition? Never thought about that. Life Sciences, University of Hyderabad,
Hyderabad, A. P. India-500 046
Life! What is it? Been thought about since childhood and surely from times

Are these two questions same or different? That depends upon semantics.

In his paper (1), Trifonov has put forth a definition: “Life is self-reproduction
with variations”. He came to this definition as the minimal essential set through
a linguistic as well as mathematical Principal Components Analysis-like analy-
ses of a vocabulary of 123 tabulated definitions of life. This vocabulary depends
on the most frequent words used to define life such as ‘life’, ‘system’, ‘energy’,
‘complexity’, ‘ability’, ‘reproduce’ among others.

This very easily comes to mind that it is the ‘words’ exactly that have come to
Trifonov’s aid in defining life. ‘Shabd’ (Sanskrit/Hindi) 5 Word.

Ah! English, not to forget the good old Mathematics’ role in trimming down the long
list here. Does not matter whether the English is written or pronounced. It is said
that the primal sound ‘Aum!’ or ‘Om!’ is the first word that a new-born child utters
immediately after being brought to life in the outside world and a few seconds before
the actual crying begins. Life forms other than human beings too have a way of com-
munication with each other and with human beings through sounds; that are ‘words’
in their context, but ‘sounds’ for us humans. Nonetheless, a parrot can be taught to
speak words while humans can mimic sounds created by these other life forms.

The semantics, a context can change a word’s definition. ‘Words’ can be consid-
ered a life form as well. A word likes to exist within the sphere of one particular
definition. Yet, along comes a context trying to change the poor word’s definition.
It is quite possible that because of its resistance to the change from its haven, its
changed meaning may be subtle. Take ‘teaching’ or ‘cheating’ as an example.
There is a variation in the sequence of alphabets in these two words. While in
preparatory school, one kid had probably never heard the word ‘cheating’. So,
whenever classmates would cry out for a child copying in the test, “Madam, he is
cheating, he is cheating!”, the kid would yell along “He is teaching, he is teach-
ing!”. Well, for one thing, this latter statement is also quite true, because the child
is teaching copying to others, of course. And so holds true for DNA sequence
variations as well, with the genetic code degeneracy coming to the rescue, leading
to a subtle change or even no change at all.
Corresponding author:
The gist is this: Changes do take place. But what endures is the invariant ‘Nature’. Seema Mishra
Inspite of all the fluxes, storms, landslidings, the earth retains its natural green E-mail:

634 Mishra

charm; the sky still reflects the same blue colour even if So, without the ‘replicase’ and the ‘natural cytoplasm’, artifi-
clouded by grey clouds once in a while. Inspite of RNAs and cial life creations would not have been possible.
proteins being among the few forms of genetic material passed
from generation to generation, DNAs continue to rule as the This means that Trifonov’s definition does not entirely fit the
major invariant ones. bill. And we have to find an invariant notion in the definition
of life, if we want life to have an immortal definition. What is
If life is self-reproduction, then what happens when it becomes that invariant notion then; springing from its source, flowing
a fossil? No possibility of self-reproduction is there. Yet, it along and transforming everything that comes in its path and
still continues to exist in museums. And in the memory. It returning to its source in an iterative cycle; which makes life
does not die. possible in terms of ‘self-reproduction’ (flow) and ‘varia-
tions’ (transformation)? A beautiful, soulful melody.
Trifonov writes, ‘One unforeseen property of the minimalistic
definition is its generality. It can be considered as applicable Let us look outside Science for a clue, a hint, an inspiration.
not just to “earthly” life but to any forms of life imagina- Just like Trifonov’s vocabulary list, it is far easier to see
tion may offer, like extraterrestrial life, alternative chemistry that a few words have remained that bind all the many life-
forms, computer models, and abstract forms’. This is a nicely forms across continents, cutting across the barriers. These are
philosophical statement. But what about the material things? ‘Love’ and ‘Soul’. No need to go through complex linguistic
Material things such as a classical rose-wood rocking chair, and mathematical analyses to reach these two words. Further
aren’t they beautiful and seeming to have a life of their own? search for the question that which of these two may represent
I don’t consider material things as life-less, they are also one more rational definition led to this knowledge propounded in
of the many life-forms. They exist. But what about their abil- Shrimad Bhagvad Gita (2):
ity to self-reproduce, would they be dead simply because they
can’t? “Acchedyo’yam adahyo’yam
akledyo’sosya eva cha
When we undertake research, practically speaking, what is Nityah sarva-gatah sthanur
it exactly that we want to do? To understand life and its achalo’yam sanatanah!”
innumerable little secrets and quirks. If not, then why do
research at all? What is it that we are seeking then? As M.Sc English Translation follows:
students, when we have extracted the DNA from its native
place, nothing matches the joy and wonder of seeing the “Sri Krishna said to Arjuna: This individual Soul is unbreak-
pure, white DNA strands entangled together forming a mesh, able and insoluble, and can be neither burned nor dried. The
just like the web of life. And then we want to know more Soul is everlasting, present everywhere, unchangeable,
about how it all forms a beautiful tangled web of life. DNAs immovable and eternally the same.”
and proteins working together in tandem, yet still left unde-
ciphered as to how exactly do they produce a life-form. Can we, then, think of the ‘replicase’ and the ‘natural cyto-
plasm’ above as ‘Soul’ which makes life come alive?
Trifonov further writes about the “Creation” of a bacte-
rial cell with chemically synthesized genome, ‘...However, Over to the invariant notion of life, then. ‘Life is Soul!’.
it should be considered as very much assisted replication as
it was provided with an initial natural cytoplasm’. And about
nearly fully artificial life-form created by Sol Spiegelman,
‘...This has been an assisted replication as well, since the exper- 1. E. N. Trifonov. J Biomol Struct Dyn 29, 259-266 (2011).
iments have been performed in presence of natural replicase’. 2. Shrimad Bhagwad Gita, Chapter 2, Verse 24.

Journal of Biomolecular Structure & Dynamics, Volume 29, Number 4, February 2012
Journal of Biomolecular Structure &
Dynamics, ISSN 0739-1102
Volume 29, Issue Number 4, February 2012
©Adenine Press (2012)


Is A n11 Definition of Life Useful? Marc Tessera
2 Avenue du 11 November 1918,
In his recent article in this journal, E. Trifonov (1) is in accordance with the Meudon 92140, France
seeming consensus among the specialists in the search for the origin of life
(chemists, geochemists, biochemists, biologists, exo/astrobiologists, computer
scientists, philosophers and historians of science) that there is an “obvious need
for a definition of life” (2). However Trifonov confirms the amazingly high
number of definitions of life, leading him to reflect that “scepticism is mul-
tiplied by the above number, leaving almost no chance for new formulations
which, however, continue to appear” (1). Then I have two main comments:

1. There is a major issue in the proposed new definition “Life is self-

reproduction with variations” from the analysis of the 123 tabulated
definitions of life: Trifonov claims that self-reproduction and changes
(evolution) are independent notions but they are not. First, evolution
and changes are not synonyms. Variations are not strictly required for
natural selection to operate and evolution to occur if there is a collection
of various populations of individual systems belonging to distinct lin-
eages that can be formed de novo: natural selection will be able to pick
amongst these distinct lineages and thus allow the collection of various
populations to evolve. Of course, if sporadic variations are possible in
some lineages and if these variations are heritable, then the number of
new emergent lineages would be much higher and the evolution much
faster. Second, evolution is a process that requires self-reproduction.
When considering the above collection of various populations it can
evolve by natural selection only if each lineage is self-reproducing.
More precisely, as a lineage is basically characterized by (at least ) a set
of common properties, the same set of common properties as that of
their parents must be reproduced in the descendents in order to maintain
the specificity of each lineage and the distinction between lineages and
thus allow natural selection to pick amongst lineages (3).

2. More fundamentally, scientifically speaking, I do not think any definition

of life useful. I fully agree with some scientists who consider that “there has
been a dramatic shift in the past years as the question of life is no longer a
search for principles of life but has been transformed into a historical issue.
The question is no longer ‘What characteristics are found in organisms but
not in inanimate objects?’ but ‘How were these characteristics progres-
sively associated within objects that we call organisms?’ (4). I agree also
that “it is always possible that somehow, whether on this planet or another,
Corresponding author:
an abiotic factor with properties totally unknown to us will be able to gen- Marc Tessera
erate a pattern indicative of evolution of natural selection. However, if Phone: 133-6-86-46-60-94
such a factor exists, the burden should be to explain why it is abiotic” (5). E-mail:

636 Tessera

Actually the concept of life is “too vague and gen- which can self-reproduce: the experimental vesicles with
eral, and loaded with a number of historical, tradi- amphiphile bi-layer membranes. These vesicles can grow
tional, religious values” (6). Although life is “a useful and bud, a kind of self-reproduction (8-11). However such
word in practice”, it is “not a scientific concept” (7). vesicles cannot evolve because they lack heritable properties
The concept of life is related to an indefinable state. independent of the local environment, i.e. independent of the
Any definition of life is subjective and arbitrary as is nature of the nutriments provided by the local environment,
the boundary between living and non-living systems and thus distinct self-reproducing lineages cannot emerge (3).
or pinpointing the moment when non living systems Only a collection of various self-reproducing lineages of indi-
would have become living. For instance, saying that vidual systems can be sorted by natural selection and thus can
virus or prions or vesicles with the capacity of evolv- evolve. Actually most of the so-called living systems appears
ing are living systems (or not) adds nothing more than markedly different from inanimate systems because they are
the definition of life one would propose. Finally the the end-products of Darwinian evolution, i.e. a continuum of
statement that any such boundary or moment exists changes spanning billions of years.
is not falsifiable: no experiment can be considered to
prove that it can be wrong. Therefore, as the distinc- There is no point in attempting to define life because of the
tion between living and non living systems is a matter irreducible metaphysical aspect of the concept. Instead it
of belief and not science, it is not only hopeless but seems more appropriate to focus on the process of Darwinian
useless to try to define this indefinable state related to evolution as the source of the primordial ancestor on Earth
a metaphysical question (3). and presumably similar systems elsewhere. The consensus to
be reached in the quest for the primordial ancestor must be in
By contrast the distinction between systems with evolvable defining the minimal process that allows Darwinian evolu-
capacity and systems without is not so problematic. For exam- tion to emerge and persist.
ple, among known open far-from-equilibrium self-sustained References
systems there are cyclones. Such systems have a rather com-
plex dynamic organisation which can only be maintained if 1. E. N. Trifonov. J Biomol Struct Dyn 29, 259-266 (2011).
cyclones are provided continously with matter and energy 2. S. A. Tsokolov. Astrobiology 9, 401-412 (2009).
3. M. Tessera. Int J Mol Sci 12, 3445-3458 (2011).
(i.e. warm steam water vapour) by the local environment (i.e. 4. S. Tirard, M. Morange, and A. Lazcano. Astrobiology 10, 1003-1009
the sea). The organisation of cyclones is relatively stable dur- (2010).
ing their relatively short span ‘life’ (only a couple of days 5. L. Chao. BioScience 50, 245-250 (2000).
on Earth, although the span of ‘life’ of similar systems can 6. P. L Luisi. The Emergence of Life: from Chemical Origins to Syn-
be much longer in some cases: e.g. the red spot of Jupiter – thetic Biology. Cambridge University Press: New York, NY, USA
which is actually an anticyclone). Such systems did not evolve 7. J. Gayon. Orig Life Evol Biosph 40, 231-244 (2010).
in a Darwinian sense and the dynamic organisation of such 8. P. L. Luisi, P. Stano, S. Rasi, and F. Mavelli. Artificial Life 10, 297-308
orderly vortex motion has been fundamentally the same since (2004).
ever. They cannot evolve in particular because they lack the 9. S. Rasi, F. Mavelli, and P. L. Luisi. Orig Life Evol Biosph 34, 215-224
capacity of self-reproduction. There is at least one example (2004).
10. P. Walde. Orig Life Evol Biosph 36, 109-150 (2006).
of abiotic open far-from-equilibrium self-sustained systems 11. B. H. Weber. Orig Life Evol Biosph 40, 221-229 (2010).

Journal of Biomolecular Structure & Dynamics, Volume 29, Number 4, February 2012
Journal of Biomolecular Structure &
Dynamics, ISSN 0739-1102
Volume 29, Issue Number 4, February 2012
©Adenine Press (2012)


Thermodynamic Inversion and Self-Reproduction V. N. Kompanichenko

with Variations: Integrated View
on the Life-Nonlife Border Institute for Complex Analysis of
Regional Problems, 4 Sholom Aleyhem St., Birobidzhan 67016, Russia
The excellent work by Trifonov (1) adds to the discussion of extremely important
questions: “What is life?”, or “What is the difference between life and nonlife?”
At present these questions have acquired practical sense, in particular, due to
plural experiments on prebiotic chemistry and efforts to obtain an artificial cell.
Where is the border between a non-living prebiotic microsystem and the simplest
living unit? In the origin-of-life field these both types of systems are often fused
into the infinitive term “protocell”, no border between them. The Trifonov’s mini-
malistic definition “Life is self-reproduction with variation”, in my opinion, rep-
resents a profound insight into the foundation of life. It may serve as an important
criterion for the distinguishing an actually alive molecular structure/system, who
in the future will inevitably be obtained in laboratory conditions.

Some aspects of fundamental biology, Trifonov arises in his article, should be

discussed in more detail.

Definition of Life or Properties of Life?

There exist more than 100 definitions of life. Most of them are true but none
is comprehensive. In the opinion of the author of this comments life is such a
phenomenon that can not be embraced with an exhaustive definition. Due to this
reason, the author in his works (2, 3) deliberately did not give a definition of
life. Instead, four key biological properties were formulated on the basis of the
comparison of biological and non-biological systems: 1) the ability to concentrate
free energy and information; 2) the ability to exhibit an intensified counteraction
to external influences; 3) expedient behavior; 4) regular self-renovation on the
various levels, including self-reproduction. The essence of the properties could
be expressed by the author in the following thesis (or definition): a living system
concentrates free energy and information using the ability to exhibit an intensified
and expedient reaction to external changes extending its own existence through
self-renovation. In fact, the above-mentioned set of four fundamental biological
properties provides more opportunities for investigation of the origin of life than
the single thesis. The author’s goal consisted in consideration of the transition
“nonliving → living systems” from different sides; for this purpose the integrative
consideration of several properties was preferable in comparison with a single
definition. As for the Trifonov’s work, apparently, his goal is different: to provide Corresponding author:
the most compact and objective definition through creative integration of previ- V. N. Kompanichenko
ous efforts in this area. And this goal has been achieved by him. E-mail:

638 Kompanichenko

Life-Nonlife Border optimization (selection of each symbol in the sequence spe-

cifically for function) occurred in the course of internal circu-
Trifonov emphasizes two independent notions: self- lation of bioinformation, through continuous recombination
reproduction and changes (evolution); they, actually, and selection. In this way the inverse prebiotic microsystem
exclude one another, as self-reproduction is exact copying, becomes an active constituent with respect to the medium.
no changes, while changes can not relate to exact copying Simultaneously the environment becomes part of the physi-
(1). These combined notions are considered by him as a cal medium that is being actively influenced by life.
unique attribute of life, or the border between life and non-
life: all is life that copies itself and changes. According to the The Trifonov’s definition and the author’s origin-of-life con-
author’s inversion approach to the origin of life, the decisive cept are two different approaches to understanding of distinc-
step in the transformation of prebiotic microsystems into the tion between living and non-living systems. In spite of the
simplest living units (probionts) took place due to the ther- difference between them, they can be integrated.
modynamic inversion, i.e. radical change of the balances
“free energy contribution/entropy contribution” and “infor- The Author’s Interpretation of the Trifonov’s Definition
mation contribution/informational entropy contribution” into
negative entropy values (2-4). The thermodynamic inversion Why are the two opposite attributes, self-reproduction and
changes the direction of free energy, information and entropy changes, in the foundation of life, according to the Trifonov’s
transfer in the interchanging processes between the micro- definition? How could they arise? A possible answer can be
system and its surroundings: free energy and information found in the inversion approach to the origin of life (2-4).
start to be imported into the microsystem, while entropy is The approach offers that thermodynamic inversion might
exported outside. Simultaneously the exchange of substances occur only in a prebiotic microsystem oscillating around the
is reorganized to facilitate extraction from the surrounding bifurcation point under far-from-equilibrium conditions. In
energy-rich compounds, providing molecules suitable for the case of balanced oscillations the microsystem acquires
constructing new structures in the microsystem. Since the a bifurcate structure because of its intermediate position
inversion, functional processes arose and connected the main between two attractors – the initial and (potential) new states
types of biopolymers – sequences of nucleotides and pro- (Figure 1). There appears a paradoxical organization “sta-
teins. Unlike a polynucleotide or proteinoid chain artificially bilized instability” that preceded its transformation into the
synthesized in vitro, a functional sequence is meaningful (5). living unit in the course of thermodynamic inversion. Oscilla-
Functional sequences produce function at their destination tions of the microsystem around the bifurcation point are not
(binding site or ribosomal translation site). Algorithmic symmetrical: the forward transition over the bifurcation point

Figure 1:  Spectrums of the potential states of a chemical system oscillating around the bifurcation point (in the course of nonequilibrium transition from the
initial stable state into advanced stable state through the unstable point of bifurcation). A – trend to advanced higher-organized state; B – trend to advanced
lower-organized state; C' and C'' – reverse trends to the approximately initial state. On the left (from the bifurcation point) – restricting spectrum 1 focused on
the initial state, on the right – expanding spectrum 2 directed to the set of potential advanced states.

Journal of Biomolecular Structure & Dynamics, Volume 29, Number 4, February 2012
Thermodynamic Inversion and Self-Reproduction with Variations 639

brings new accidental change that reflects in the expanding definition of life reflects the consequences of prebiotic pro-
spectrum of the potential advanced states (Figure 1, right cesses on the early Earth.
part). The back transition is characterized with the restricting
spectrum of the potential states because the system strives to
return closer to the initial state (Figure 1, left part). Continu- References
ous oscillations lead to appearance of new and new changes 1. E. N. Trifonov. J Biomol Struct Dyn 29, 259-266 (2011).
in the microsystem due to the expanding spectrum of forward 2. V. N. Kompanichenko. Int J Astrobiol 7, 27-46 (2008).
transitions; some of them are conserved in congruence with 3. V. N. Kompanichenko. Planet Space Sci 57, 468-476 (2009).
the restricting spectrum of the back transitions. As a result, 4. V. N. Kompanichenko. In: Seckbach, J. (Ed.), Genesis – In The
Beginning: Precursors of Life, Chemical Models and Early Biologi-
such an oscillating prebiotic microsystem obtains two oppo- cal Evolution (Submitted to Springer, Dordrecht, NL, 2012).
site tendencies – to conservation and modification, at the 5. D. L. Abel and J. T. Trevors. Theor Biol and Med Model 2:29.
same time. In the author’s opinion, the compact Trifonov’s doi:10.1186/1742-4682-2-29 (2005).

Journal of Biomolecular Structure & Dynamics, Volume 29, Number 4, February 2012
Journal of Biomolecular Structure &
Dynamics, ISSN 0739-1102
Volume 29, Issue Number 4, February 2012
©Adenine Press (2012)


Life in Its Uniqueness Remains Difficult Uwe J. Meierhenrich

to Define in Scientific Terms
University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis,
Research on life’s genome and proteome and its possible origins is challenging 06108 Nice, France
and fascinating. Defining life in scientific terms, however, remains a highly dif-
ficult task. Over 100 definitions have been suggested in the course of generations
of philosophers and scientists and the list of definitions just continues to grow.
This points to an actual lack of a convincing consensus on the definition of life.
At the recent 17th Albany Conversation, June 14-18, 2011, New York, E. N.
Trifonov presented first results of a unique linguistic word count analysis, per-
formed on the large corpus of all definitions of life. This carefully performed
statistical analysis suggested (1) that Life is self-reproduction with variations.

In his most recent report in this journal E. N. Trifonov (2) describes the analysis
of 123 tabulated definitions of life in high detail. Some of these definitions were
also discussed in a special issue of the journal “Origins of Life and Evolution of
Biospheres” (3) reflecting on the difficulties of defining life. E. N. Trifonov argues
that most of the definitions do have some shared common sense suggesting that
one could arrive to a consensus. Even if the different authors cannot be brought
together – through space and time – E. N. Trifonov organized a sort of voting in
absentia by statistically analyzing individual words used in the set of definitions.
The words most frequently used might – according to Trifonov – reflect on their
importance, as shared by many of the authors. The careful analysis originated one
first attempt for the word count generated definition of life. It goes like Life is [a]
metabolizing material informational system with ability of self-reproduction with
changes (evolution), which requires energy and suitable environment. This first
life-defining attempt was discussed in the context of previous comparative lin-
guistic studies on the definition of life. E. N. Trifonov continued to search for
a more concise and shorter definition of life by extracting two terms from the
vocabulary of definitions. Trifonov concluded, as mentioned in the context of
the Albany Conference above, with the definition of life saying that “life is self-
reproduction with variations”. This definition can indeed be applied as a practi-
cal guide in topical origin-of-life research, for example on protocell formation
including the encapsulation and elongation of nucleotides (4).

Is this the ultimate and universal definition of life? – Probably not. Take a self-
reproducing malicious software script like a computer virus, a computer worm,
or a Trojan horse. Computer viruses spread from one computer to another via
a network or via internet by reproducing themselves. After several hundreds of
copies (and infected computers) random variations will provoke that the latest- Corresponding author:
Uwe J. Meierhenrich
generation offspring virus is not to 100% identical to the ancestor virus script. Phone: 133 (0) 492 076177
A computer virus performs self-reproduction with variations. It is not alive. Fax: 133 (0) 492 076151
Please note that variations observed in biological evolution such as mutations are E-mail:

642 Meierhenrich

Figure 1:  Wordle assembled keywords on the definitions of life.

non-directed variations. They are sudden, spontaneous, and on the temporal recruitment order of amino acids into early
random changes (5, 6) that do not imply any driving force proteins (7, 8). Further work should correlate the important
other than dissipating energy. PCA-derived recruitment order of amino acids with experi-
mental data on the formation of amino acids for example in
What about other definitions of life? (Figure 1) Wikipedia, the prebiotic atmosphere (9) and even in interstellar environ-
for example, posts that Life is a characteristic that distin- ments (10, 11).
guishes objects that have self-sustaining biological processes
from those which do not. The difficulty with this definition is
that it refers to biological processes. Biology – as explained
by Wikipedia – is defined as the study of life. Here we turn in 1. E. N. Trifonov. J Biomol Struct Dyn 28, 1060 (2011).
a circle. This is elegant but not helpful. Such as Your right is 2. E. N. Trifonov. J Biomol Struct Dyn 29, 259-266 (2011).
where your thumb is left. I do not attempt to give a competing 3. J. Gayon, C. Malaterre, M. Morange, F. Raulin-Cerceau, and
S. Tirard (guest Eds.), Special Issue: Definitions of Life. Origins Life
definition of life here. Being physico-chemist I would pre-
Evol Biospheres 40, 119-244 (2010).
fer definitions of life that incorporate life’s performance and 4. U. J. Meierhenrich, J.-J. Filippi, C. Meinert, P. Vierling, and J. P.
control of metabolism, including autocatalysis, cyclic kinetic Dworkin. Angew Chem Int Ed 49, 3738-3750 (2010).
processes, feedback loops, and active transport. Because such 5. P. Atkins. On Being: A Scientist’s Exploration of the Great
definitions may better help to detect and characterize life in Questions of Existence. Oxford University Press (2011).
6. U. J. Meierhenrich. Angew Chem Int Ed 50, 9240 (2011).
extraterrestrial and extrasolar planetary systems.
7. E. N. Trifonov. Gene 261, 139-151 (2000).
8. E. N. Trifonov. J Biomol Struct Dyn 22, 1-11 (2004).
Interestingly, the linguistic analysis applied by E. N. Trifonov 9. A. P. Johnson, H. J. Cleaves, J. P. Dworkin, D. P. Glavin, A. Lascano,
for the definition of life is conceptually close to a method and J. L. Bada. Science 322, 404 (2008).
known as Principal Component Analysis (PCA). PCA is a 10. G. M. Muñoz Caro, U. J. Meierhenrich, W. A. Schutte, B. Barbier,
A. Arcones Segovia, H. Rosenbauer, W. H.-P. Thiemann, A. Brack,
mathematical procedure extracting the major (principal) com-
and J. M. Greenberg. Nature 416, 403-406 (2002).
ponents covering most of the data for further statistical treat- 11. C. Meinert, P. de Marcellus, L. Le Sergeant d’Hendecourt, L. Nahon,
ment and analysis. As outlined by E. N. Trifonov (2) PCA N. J. Jones, S. V. Hoffmann, J. H. Bredehöft, and U. J. Meierhenrich.
has been applied by himself (ENT) to decipher a consensus Physics of Life Reviews 8, 307-330 (2011).

Journal of Biomolecular Structure & Dynamics, Volume 29, Number 4, February 2012
Journal of Biomolecular Structure &
Dynamics, ISSN 0739-1102
Volume 29, Issue Number 4, February 2012
©Adenine Press (2012)


Definition by Means of Indefiniteness Yuri N. Zhuravlev
Institute of Biology and Soil Science,
Humans recognize themselves as a part of humanity, of the biological world and of Russian Academy of Sciences,
life simultaneously. They identify themselves differently in each case. However, Far Eastern Branch, 159 100-letiya Ave,
in the absence of an accurate definition of life, the process of the identification
690022, Vladivostok, Russia
of humanity remains incomplete. The incompleteness of this process justifies the
numerous attempts to define life. Nevertheless, none of these previous attempts
has been indisputably successful. This previous lack of success implies that life
possesses some elusive feature(s) escaping the (current) definition. In a recent
paper (1), Edward N. Trifonov tries to find these features of life with a “word
count” approach. This work is akin to publications that analyze sets of published
definitions (see reference in ref. 1), but it differs from them in its level of gener-
alization. The definition obtained after such generalizations, is, I am afraid, only
loosely connected with the essence of life. Four comments below will illustrate
the reasons for my mistrust.

1. Concerning the approach. Any statistical analysis is fruitful if and only

if the sample is representative. In this case, there are two uncertainties:
whether the definitions for analysis were selected correctly and whether
the selected definitions actually include the principal features of life. Both
aspects are of importance because statistics cannot help to discover char-
acteristics absent from the sample. As I noticed above, the life possesses
some elusive feature(s) escaping the (current) definition so life cannot be
defined exhaustively at present time.

Statistical analysis (even if the second aspect of the problem, i.e., the con-
tent of the definitions, is incomplete) can be useful for studying the history
of scientific reflections about life. However, the latter is not the purpose
of the work reviewed here. The goal of the work is to give a “possible
shorter definition” of life “containing components that are both necessary
and sufficient”. To achieve that goal, all the words from the 123 definitions
of life published at different times were considered, and the frequency of
these words was calculated (Table 1). The relative frequency of use of the
words was not considered in the subsequent analysis. Instead, the words
were combined in 10 groups according to their common meaning, and the
6th group was given further consideration. The author was clearly under
the impression that the 6th group was chosen on the basis of word count.
However, this group was clearly chosen on the basis of an evaluation of the
inclusive capacity (although no measure of capacity was presented in the
text) of certain arbitrarily selected words. All of the subsequent analyses in
the paper are unrelated to word counts.
Corresponding author:
2. Concerning the subject under consideration. In discussions of the defini- Yuri N. Zhuravlev
tion of life, many authors use (explicitly or otherwise) the terms “life” and E-mail:

644 Zhuravlev

“organism” as synonyms (2). This shortcoming can be modification” (as a substitution of one versatile term for
discovered in many of the 123 papers reviewed. Strictly another such term, where the content of the two terms
speaking, this shortcoming makes the exploitation of overlaps in part) fruitful in any sense? Here, the author
the method of principal components unacceptable in uses the term “self-reproduction”, which he explains as
this case. This shortcoming explains (in part) the rea- “exact replication of the ideal RNA duplex …”, thus
son that “the definitions are more than often in conflict obtaining the definition that life is exact replication with
with one another” (because different subjects were variation (non-exact). Generally speaking, the neolo-
treated). In the paper reviewed, the author avoids this gism “self-reproduction” lies beyond intuition and even
topic entirely. However, to disregard the distinction beyond second law of thermodynamics, but its content
between life and organism is a shortcoming of great (used in the paper) was not specified by the author.
significance. To interpret life as an organism means to As result, clear Darwinian formula was converted in
overvalue the genetic constituents of the system and to the vague vulnerable allegation in which nothing of
underestimate all other features. Darwinian formula was conserved.

I hypothesize that a biological object cannot be exhaus- 4. The title of the paper, “Vocabulary of Definitions
tively defined solely in terms of its genetic constituents. of Life Suggests a Definition”, gives the impression
It is necessary to combine the internal and external defi- that the approach used was valid (almost without the
nitions of a biological object (3). The internal definition author’s participation) to produce the conclusion that
is primarily genetic and considers the biological object “all is life that copies itself and changes”. I believe
as a triad: Oint  5 (P, F, Ph), where p denotes program, that the author intervened in at least three principal
f – functions and ph – observables [see details in (3)]. instances: first, through the supposition (undoubtedly
The successions, recursions and compositions of map- incorrect) that the definitions considered include all
pings (on the basis of these three components) make the necessary and sufficient properties of life; second,
object. The external definition reflects the position and through the substitution of the word-count method for
role of the biological object in its surroundings (in unity a method of inclusive capacity evaluation; and third,
of living and non-living). Here, the object can be inter- through the transformation of the Darwinian formula
preted as a certain operator converting the surroundings: [operating with natural selection and organic beings
Oext 5 F:S1 → S2. This definition is more ecological. (4)] into the definition of life [operating (here) with
Separately, no definition can be sufficient to define a undefined subjects] and through subsequent “gen-
biological object. However, both definitions, even if eralization”. This tangled and dashed line, by which
taken together, are insufficient to define life as a system the author connected the word count results with the
because the multitude of biological objects is only a list meaningful laboratory experiments by Spigelman, can
of elements related to life, whereas the production of the be characterized as an operation of arbitrary treatment
system from its elements introduces novel properties but not that of compression whereas the latter opera-
that cannot be inferred directly from the characteristics tion is usually used in information theory to convert
of the elements. Thus, the definition of life as a system a string in the shorter string (5). As consequence of
must include characteristics absent from the definitions this arbitrary treatment, the image of the soap bubble
of biological objects. The potential infinity of life (in divided into two smallest bubbles is easily located in
contrast to the finite nature of objects) is an example the scope of the final definition of life (as it is given in
of such novel characteristics. Again, this topic was not the paper reviewed), but this waning image is inappro-
addressed by the paper and that remains unclear what is priate to recover the plethoric image of the biological
characterized through “exact replication”. object or of that of life as a system.

3. A comment regarding the attempt to improve Darwin. References

The short Darwinian formula “descent with modifica- 1. E. N. Trifonov. J Biomol Struct Dyn 29, 259-266 (2011).
tions”, which Darwin used to ground the theory of ori- 2. Yu. N. Zhuravlev and V. A. Avetisov. Biogeosciences 3, 281-291
gin of species (not the origin of life), was transformed (2006).
by the author into “self-reproduction with variations”. 3. Yu. N. Zhuravlev and V. A. Avetisov. In: Genetic Transformation,
M. Alvarez (Ed.), InTech, 29-52 (2011).
Even if one pays no attention to the legitimacy of such 4. C. Darwin. Origin of species, John Murray, London (1859).
a transformation, a question remains: are the pairwise 5. P. M. B. Vitanyi and M. Li. IEEE Trans on Inf Theory 46,
substitutions “reproduction/descent” and “variation/ 446-464 (2000).

Journal of Biomolecular Structure & Dynamics, Volume 29, Number 4, February 2012
Journal of Biomolecular Structure &
Dynamics, ISSN 0739-1102
Volume 29, Issue Number 4, February 2012
©Adenine Press (2012)


The Definition of Life and the Life of a Definition Yair Neuman
Department of Education, Ben-Gurion
The meaning of life is probably of interest to any reflective individual. However, University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva,
the definition of life is of interest to a smaller circle of researchers trying to better Israel, 84105
elucidate the meaning of life in a reflective, critical, and constructive manner. To
critically evaluate a novel definition of life one has to take a step backward and
understand the meaning of definition. In this context, I would like to draw what I
consider an interesting analogy between our understanding of measurement and
our understanding of definition. At the beginning of human civilization, measure-
ment took the form of a one-to-one correspondence between natural numbers and
pre-defined objects. Therefore, measurement was identified with the counting of
objects that exist, and I emphasize this point, prior to the measurement/counting
procedure. For instance, the ancient man could have counted his wives by using
his fingers in the same way as young children learn to count objects. However,
modern science has turned the idea of measurement on its head in the sense that
measurement is now understood as the operation through which we define objects
whose existence cannot be trivially assured prior to the measurement process.
For instance, “potential energy” does not exist in a similar manner to fingers or
sheep. Potential energy as an object of scientific inquiry is operationally defined,
for instance, through the procedure of multiplying m, h, and g. Our understanding
of definition has been changed along the same line. Let me explain this argument.
Alchemy was obsessively involved with “purifying” the spiritual essence of mat-
ter the same as Plato was obsessed with purifying the essence of beings through
definitions. In retrospect, it seems that science has advanced not by purifying the
essence of objects, whether natural or conceptual, but by adopting the idea of
measurement/definition as (1) producing a novel object of contemplation (e.g.,
potential energy, imaginary numbers) and (2) pragmatically proving the benefits
of this new measurement/definition.

With this context in mind, I would like to discuss Trifonov’s interesting paper (1).
The paper is a highly intelligent attempt to define life by purifying its concep-
tual gist from a corpus of definitions. This methodology is in line with current
attempts to harvest “collective intelligence” (2) for understanding the meaning
of a concept. In this case, the collective intelligence is that of the experts who
defined life. Revealing the “most frequent terms” in the definitions is a right step
in this direction. However, the frequency of terms may represent their base-rate
in language rather than their informational value in the context of the defini-
tions of life! This is the reason why raw frequencies are rarely used in automatic
text processing but other, weighted measures are used (3). Clustering the words
composing the definitions under different titles is not a trivial task, as the crite-
rion for clustering and the justification for using it should be stated. Trifonov Corresponding author:
does not use a structured method for clustering but intuition only. Comparing Yair Neuman
his results to those of Kompanichenko is of minor use in establishing the validity E-mail:

646 Neuman

of the clustering procedure, as Kompanichenko’s data are transformed string is “genuine”, what is the precise mean-
not a gold-standard and do not follow a strict clustering ing of the “change” through which the algorithmic complex-
procedure. In this sense, comparing the intuitions of two ity of the string, for instance, increases? Can we argue that
researchers is of minor value for scientific validation as their the meaning of this “complexity” is necessary for defining the
intuitions may converge while having nothing to do with the meaning of the “change” and therefore complexity is not the
real state of affairs. I must emphasize that I have nothing “product” of change but rather a necessary term for defining
against intuition, but one has to remember that the clustering it? These questions and many more pop up while reflectively
procedure used in this paper cannot pretend to have valid- contemplating Table II in ref. 1. The final definition of life –
ity beyond intuition. Moreover, Trifonov’s attempt to seek “self-reproduction with variations” – is economical and
“components that are both necessary and sufficient” cannot impressive, and Trifonov concludes by arguing that the defi-
be accomplished through the clustering procedure. Cluster nition is “naturally required for the exploration” and that it is
analysis, in its statistical sense and common scientific use, not a “purely philosophical historical matter”. Researchers in
does not support the identification of necessary and sufficient biology are well familiar with the ideas of self-reproduction
features through which we may identify the essence of a con- and variation, and I wonder whether combining these compo-
cept. In addition, we should remember that Wittgenstein has nents in a minimalist definition of life produces a synergetic
already shown that different instances of a given concept do effect. Let’s return to the example of potential energy. While
not share a fixed set of features that may be analytically used h, m, and g are three “trivial” objects, their multiplication syn-
for defining it. To recall, Wittgenstein coined the term “family ergistically creates a new entity that can be further developed
resemblance” (4) as a part of his attack on essentialism. The (e.g., elastic potential energy, nuclear potential energy) and
idea behind “family resemblance” is that instances of a given used for measuring and understanding the physical world.
concept (e.g., Life) are “united not by a single common defin- How can we use Trifonov’s novel definition of life in guid-
ing feature, but by a complex network of overlapping and ing us toward a better understanding of life? Answering this
criss-crossing similarities.” (5). For instance, living systems, question is a must in evaluating the potential benefits of the
from the brain to the immune system and the fungi may be definition. Let me conclude my commentary by compliment-
generally characterized as “meaning making systems” (6). ing Prof. Trifonov for addressing a fundamental question in
However, the different expressions of “meaning making” do life sciences. Hopefully the questions raised in my commen-
not share the same features but “criss-crossing similarities”. tary may catalyze our understanding and the evolution of his
Based on the above critique, Trifonov’s justifications for the novel definition.
process of clustering and extracting the components raise
some questions. For instance, why “complexity (information) References
is a product of self-reproduction with changes (evolution)”? 1. E. N. Trifonov. J Biomol Struct Dyn 29, 259-266 (2011).
Is self-reproduction with changes the cause of complexity? 2. P. Levy. Collective intelligence. New York: Basic Books (1997).
In what sense? Let’s take a simple case in which a string S1 3. C. D. Manning and H. Shutze. Foundations of statistical natural
comprised of letters from a finite predefined alphabet is trans- language processing. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press (1999).
4. L. Wittgenstein. Philosophical Investigations. Oxford: Blackwell,
formed through copying + change into another string, S2. It
is trivial that for the long run, randomly shuffling S1 would 5. H.-J. Glock. A Wittgenstein Dictionary. Oxford: Blackwell (1996).
result in the increase of entropy that might be mistakenly 6. Y. Neuman. Reviving the living: Meaning making in living systems.
interpreted as increased complexity. If the complexity of the Oxford: Elsevier.

Journal of Biomolecular Structure & Dynamics, Volume 29, Number 4, February 2012
Journal of Biomolecular Structure &
Dynamics, ISSN 0739-1102
Volume 29, Issue Number 4, February 2012
©Adenine Press (2012)

Author Response

Definition of Life: Navigation through Uncertainties Edward N. Trifonov1,2
Genome Diversity Center, Institute of

I am pleased to receive such multifaceted response (1-19) to my paper (20). It Evolution, University of Haifa,
helped me to better realize what exactly I have done. Perhaps, the main thing Mount Carmel, Haifa 31905, Israel
is original motivation: how from 123 uncertain definitions of the uncertain phe-
Central European Institute of
nomenon described in uncertain terms to derive a consensus, without engaging in
the debates, which so far did not bring the consensus. As P. L. Luisi put it: “the Technology and Faculty of Science,
concept of life is too vague and general, and loaded with a number of historical, Masaryk University, Kamenice 5,
traditional, religious values” (21). The debates, therefore, have been intentionally
CZ-62500 Brno, Czech Republic
excluded from my analysis. No semantics, logics, semiotics, and alike, nor phi-
losophy in general were involved. With all respect to philosophy, mother of sci-
ences, I chose to keep away from it, with the risk of becoming “non-scientific”, and
engaged in the word-count approach, “vocabulary method instead of insight” (4),
which has never been tried for definition of life. The first consequence, of
course, is an understandable avalanche of protests, but a comparable flow of
praise as well.

Thus, the main motivation and the main point of the disputed paper was to bypass
centuries-long philosophical debates on the definition of life, “lacking the cohe-
siveness” (13), which, as I see it, continue to lead nowhere, and suggest an entirely
new approach on a new ground, well away from the old territory. This point is
not appreciated by most of the comments dragging instead back to the weathered
grounds (1, 2, 4, 6-16, 18, 19). “The risk with this minimalistic definition is the
failure to meet the essential logical requirement of a definition” (8). Yes, indeed,
as it was not geared to the traditional routines of definitions.

Another intention in deriving the minimalistic definition was to find, hopefully, a

practical guide towards potential minimalistic models of life. The resulting three-
word definition is considered by many as incomplete. A whole variety of defini-
entia to supplement it is offered: heritable variations (3), information, energy,
environment, thermodynamic inversion (5), error threshold (6), self-directing and
self-speeding (7), exchange with the environment, kinetics and self-assembly (11),
cell (11, 15, 18) (I do not consider cell as unit of life, see below), adaptive evolu-
tion (13), selection (14, 18), metabolism (16), lack of purpose, evolvability (18),
and ‘Love’ and ‘Soul’ (10). The last one deserves special comment. Following
Cartesian body/soul division I focused, as many others before, at the body (struc-
ture, mechanisms). The soul, as well as mind, consciousness, love remain firmly
in the philosophical and theological realm. Apart from additional defining words
full alternative definitions are suggested as well (e.g., 3, 4, 10).
Corresponding author:
Accepting the above suggestions would completely sterilize and smear the origi- Edward N. Trifonov
nal idea of the paper. A fable of S. Mikhalkov “Elephant-painter” suits here as Phone/Fax: 1972 4 828 8096
ironical metaphor. The elephant’s landscape painting was criticized by other E-mail:

648 Trifonov

animals for lacking Nile, and snow, and kitchen-garden… (22). often giving different names for the same thing, not mention-
The spectrum of the suggested additions to the definition also ing the eternal disagreements what would be the meaning
vividly illustrates the starting point of the paper: derivation of this or another word. The attempt to classify the words,
of the consensus definition of life by the way of traditional as in the disputed word-count paper, may only be fuzzy as
disputes leads only to further inflation of the definitions and well as the concluding definition., as it is, indeed (7, 19), The
to accumulation of disagreements. word “force” is good example (14). Strictly, it is not energy,
however, the only word group it may belong to is Energy.
“The minimized definition fails to illustrate the myriad of After all, force is dv/dt, and v2 is energy. Another example is
possibilities of life’s emergence” (16). The minimized defini- uncertain meaning of “exact replication” (19). Again, it may
tion is not to illustrate, but to suggest what is common for that belong, obviously, to Reproduction, rather than to any other
myriad. Another comment is “the question ‘What is Life?’ of the nine groups, irrespective of what exact meaning would
hardly can be considered scientific. Falsification is impossible” be given to it. “Evolution and changes are not synonyms” (17).
(6). But would not we still try to imitate life as close to its Yes, but the suggested groups of words with similar mean-
essence as possible? Why should we surrender to Popperian ings are not groups of synonyms. The “clear” Darwin’s
bounds, if current working hypotheses continue bring fruits formula “descent with modification” (19) is as fuzzy as self-
of new knowledge? reproduction with variations. Yet one more example of dif-
ferent understanding is derivative nature of complexity: it is
The philosophical disputes are often about terminology at the asked by one commentator “why complexity (information) is
expense of essence. Several comments are actually, termi- a product of self-reproduction with changes (evolution)”? (12),
nological (which term is better to use): Description instead while according to another comment (7) it goes without ques-
of definition (1), evolution instead of variation (7), processes tion: “certainly, the sentence “the complexity (information)
instead of properties (are not self-reproduction and mutation can be considered as product of self-reproduction with change
both processes?), understanding instead of definition (14), (evolution), on the evolutionary route from simple to complex”
and other. Is it, really, important how exactly one or another seems enough to justify the taking out of “complexity (infor-
thing is called when a simple (“naïve” some would say) com- mation)” from the vocabulary list”. Viruses “are in the strictest
mon sense picture is to be drawn? Few self-explanatory words sense incapable of “self ”-reproduction” (16). But the strictest
are put together, describing what would be the target in the sense is avoided intentionally, otherwise none of the words of
search for minimal system/process/network/transition at the the Reproduction group will go together. And no groups will
border between life and non-life. The “enchanting exercise” be formed at all.
(2) of word count is meant as the way out of terminological
multinode net, to the simplest “what to look for”. The recipe, One argument against the alleged redundancy of the minimal-
whether right or wrong, should be minimalistic, and one such istic definition is that “error-free replication (more precisely,
recipe is offered. I hope that the definition suggested will be any information transmission process) is impossible” (6).
useful in the search for the border, and I am glad that this This is clear case of misunderstanding: the “variation” in the
hope is shared, though not by all (see below). definition is meant, of course, as inherited propagated varia-
tion, not just error, that is mostly lethal.
I did abandon the rival grounds after suggesting the nine
definientia. They may serve as, again, a tentative minimal Classification of definitional properties (8) is a whole universe
set of relevant terms (notions, categories) to continue the of uncertainties. Every single classifying word would invite
debates, perhaps, on more fruitful basis. I did so with some disputes. For example, does “metabolism” belong to Chemis-
“curtness” (7) since, after all it is not exactly my territory. try, or to Life, or to System? The most frequent words of the
The suggested minimal definition is, obviously, debatable, vocabulary are “life” and “living”. Strictly speaking, they do
and “the final assertion of the definition of life needs more not belong to the same group of meanings, though common
cautious and deeper consideration” (7). One possible out- sense (or intuition) would put them together. How to classify
come is the construction with self-directing and self-speeding the words without coming to absurd extremes of a definition
(ibid). I suspect, however, that the debates would not go far (all inclusive definition, or meaningless one-two word stumps,
away from the minimalistic definition (if only one-two words like “living matter”, or “system and environment”)? By sug-
are added). gesting those nine groups of related words I have taken a risk
to find a golden middle that suits my intuition and common
“Lack of sensitivity to the precise meanings of words” (14) sense. And I do have reasons to believe that it is close to the
is common criticism. The 123 definitions are all fuzzy (2) in intuition and common sense of many.
various degrees. They emanate from enormity of the prob-
lem, and belief that only humble descriptions (1) may be sug- The end result of the “anthropomorphic consensus polling”(2) –
gested. The vocabulary of the definitions is fuzzy as well, nine or so word groups that could serve as definientia – is,

Journal of Biomolecular Structure & Dynamics, Volume 29, Number 4, February 2012
Definition of Life: Navigation through Uncertainties 649

essentially, there, no matter how accurately the groups are to the underlying logical relationships” (4), and “There is no
gathered. Excessive sensitivity to precise meanings would genuine scientific justification behind this approach and no
end, perhaps, in up to hundreds of word groups, to com- guarantee that the numerous compared definitions are not all
pletely blur the target. based on common misconceptions” (6). Yet it is “delight-
fully clever, objective and quantitative approach to defining
Is the definition so loosly constructed, vulgar for scholastic life” (3), and “sound analytical effort applied rigorously on a
perception, even non-scientific (e.g., 9, 16, 17), useful in any comprehensive body of literature” (11). More moderate criti-
way? Opinions divided. There are few on the positive side cism relates rather to suggestions on improvement: “Trifonov
(e.g. 1, 5, 6, 9, 12), while many disagree (2, 15-17). Does that should not stop at the very first principal component of his
definition have a euristic power (6), and what it is useful for? statistical vocabulary filtering approach” (2). This suggestion
One opinion is “the distinction between living and non living is, unfortunately, unrealistic as the statistical ensemble for the
systems is a matter of belief and not science, it is not only possible second component would be too small. Supplement-
hopeless but useless to try to define this indefinable state” (17). ing the list of definitions by data from other sources would be
And “How can we use Trifonov’s novel definition of life in justified (3) but these data have to be not single individual def-
guiding us toward a better understanding of life?” (12). “I initions, like the one by V. Kunin (25), as suggested in (13).
have not seen that efforts to define life have contributed at I operated with known collections of definitions, which I did
all to that understanding” (J. Szostak, 15). Yet, the Szostak’s not compile myself, not to get excessively biased. Property
definition “self-sustained chemical system capable of under- classification should have been performed (8). Weighted
going Darwinian evolution” is broadly quoted. It, thus, has measures of information capacity of various words should be
something in it that appeals to researchers of life. Is not that used, and structured method for clustering rather than intu-
a manifestation of some better understanding? My own defi- ition only (12). Inclusive capacity of the groups has not been
nition helped me to realize, for example, that cell, probably, estimated (19). “Attempt to seek components that are both
would not be needed as part of minimal definition. Thus, the necessary and sufficient cannot be accomplished through the
efforts to imitate the minimalistic life, perhaps, do not have clustering procedure” (12). At this point I would disagree,
to include the attempts to build the cell, as, say, in the work since the clustering was not used for that purpose in the
of Szostak (23). As it is put correctly in (14), “we have to paper. Rather some straightforward (non-scientific!) intuitive
be clear about why we want to define life: is the purpose to reasoning. The above suggestions are acknowledged and will
be able to make and modify life, or is it to understand how be considered in future work.
life itself came into existence?” I thought of pursuing both
targets. In the process of construction of the minimalistic life, Several cases of the “Is that life?” category popped up in the
hopefully, guided by the minimalistic definition, one certainly discussions.
will arrive to better understanding. The definition quite likely
has “potential to yield genuine biological insights” (6). “This “Frost tracery on a window pane or frostwork-type miner-
definition can indeed be applied as a practical guide in topi- alizations in cave deposits” (2) is suggested as a non-life
cal origin-of-life research” (9). An immediate concrete exam- example that fits to the definition. I would not agree with
ple is recent experiment with synthesis of Gn on template of this, since the replication of ice crystals shows variety of
GCCn, checking whether G would be occasionally incorpo- shapes, but the same variety that does not change. Each
rated opposite G as well, thus, evaluating possibility of mis- crystal type reappears unchanged. The indivisible pair self-
takes in the presumably ancient replication system (24). This reproduction/variation, of course, implies that the variation
system based on GCCn has been suggested as the “minimal is copied in the next reproduction cycle. Thus, the state-
process” (17) in (20 and references therein). The mentioned ment that “self-reproduction without variation” would be
work is part of an effort to design minimalistic system (pro- entirely fictitious, in that it can never be realized as a natu-
cess) in accordance with the minimalistic definition. ral process (2), is trivial. It simply says that every copying
is non-exact. But is the copying mistake always inherited?
Questioning the usefulness of the definition inevitably puts the Another example of the confusing non-life phenomenon
whole work under question. Indeed, some comments are firmly with life is “the soap bubble divided into two smallest bub-
negative (14, 19). Some, however, consider it as an important bles” (19). There is no variation component in it, and it is
contribution, resolutely so (1, 4, 5, 7, 12), or reluctantly (14). division, rather than replication. Sterilized cat and frozen
At the same time a frequent motif is that the definition of life bacterium (4), as well as mules (8, 11) are just manifesta-
is simply impossible (1, 5, 15, 19). tions of life, or aberrant forms of life – not a challenge to
any general definition. The fossil that “continues to exist
The methodology of the word-count work is, generally, in museums and in the memory does not die” (10). But it
accepted with interest. The extreme negatives are given by does not live either, as it does not make copies. On the
“The ranking of words according to frequencies seems blind other hand, “a computer virus performs self-reproduction

Journal of Biomolecular Structure & Dynamics, Volume 29, Number 4, February 2012
650 Trifonov

with variations. It is not alive” (9). By my definition it is. References

I thought that the two key features are “applicable not just 1. E. Di Mauro. J Biomol Struct Dyn, this issue
to “earthly” life but to any forms of life imagination may 2. R. Egel. J Biomol Struct Dyn, this issue
offer, like extraterrestrial life, alternative chemistry forms, 3. H. G. Hansma. J Biomol Struct Dyn, this issue
computer models, and abstract forms” (20). Similarly, con- 4. G. A. J. M. Jagers op Akkerhuis. J Biomol Struct Dyn, this issue
sidering the generality of the definition it is wrong to state 5. V. N. Kompanichenko. J Biomol Struct Dyn, this issue
6. E. V. Koonin. J Biomol Struct Dyn, this issue
that I “pound on the RNA-world drum” (13). 7. W. T. Ma. J Biomol Struct Dyn, this issue
8. F. Macagno. J Biomol Struct Dyn, this issue
In conclusion, after reading the comments I realized that 9. U. J. Meierhenrich. J Biomol Struct Dyn, this issue
although what I have done is not in the main stream of 10. S. Mishra. J Biomol Struct Dyn, this issue
research on definitions of life, and not fully justified method- 11. A. Mittal. J Biomol Struct Dyn, this issue
12. Y. Neuman. J Biomol Struct Dyn, this issue
ologically, the result, as fuzzy as it is, and, thus, questionable
13. R. Popa. J Biomol Struct Dyn, this issue
for some (but complimented by others) gives the tentative 14. R. Root-Bernstein. J Biomol Struct Dyn, this issue
self-explanatory concise answer to the questions “what is that 15. J. W. Szostak. J Biomol Struct Dyn, this issue
we are all looking for”, and “what to do to get it”, although 16. B. L. Tang. J Biomol Struct Dyn, this issue
exact wording may need some brushing to become academi- 17. M. Tessera. J Biomol Struct Dyn, this issue
18. F. M. Yeong. J Biomol Struct Dyn, this issue
cally approved. “The reader interested in the subject of defin-
19. Y. N. Zhuravlev. J Biomol Struct Dyn, this issue
ing life and explaining its early evolution will find sufficient 20. E. N. Trifonov. J Biomol Struct Dyn 29, 259-266 (2011).
substance in (20) to make this article worth reading and 21. P. L. Luisi. The Emergence of Life: from Chemical Origins to
instructive” (13). Synthetic Biology. Cambridge University Press: New York, NY, USA
I am grateful to all commentators, who joined my humble 22.
23. S. S. Mansy, J. P. Schrum, M. Krishnamurthy, S. Tobé, D. A. Treco,
efforts to move towards elusive target – origin of life – for
and J. W. Szostak. Nature 454, 122-125 (2008).
many suggestions and thoughts to contemplate. I hope to 24. S. Pino, E. N. Trifonov, and E. Di Mauro. Genomics Proteomics
continue the discussions beyond this time- and space-wise Bioinformatics 9, 7-14 (2011).
brief exchange, as many questions remain unanswered. 25. V. Kunin. Orig Live Evol Biosph 30, 459-466 (2000).

Journal of Biomolecular Structure & Dynamics, Volume 29, Number 4, February 2012

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