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1) Mecca

In the year of 8 th Hijra, the first Holy place of Islam comes under the Banner of Islam whereby
the blessed mosque becomes purified from the idols.

2) Medina

In the year, Prophet (Sal) established an Islamic State in Medina by making a hijra from the
homeland of Mecca following the 13 years of Dawah there.

3) Jerusalem

 The place of Mi’raj

 Comes Under Islam during the Caliphate of Umar (Rali)
 Expedition of salahuddin (Rah)

4) Al-khairoun

• The city was established under the army of Uqba bin Nafi (rali) 672 C.E.during his
expedition of Africa.

• Quotes:

“O Lord be Thou witness, that I have taken Thy Message up to the end of the land and if this
ocean were not in my way I would have proceeded to fight the pagans until none would be
worshipped except Thee.”

• It is also the city where first Islamic University was built by the Muslim woman Fatima
al-Fihri, 859 C.E.

5) Andalus

 711 C.E. Tariq bin ziyad (rah) opened the Spain. Between 711 and 1084 (AH 477)
 Al Andalusia became a magnificent land from which great scientific, astrological,
medicinal and mathematical concepts emerged

6) Bukhara (Samarkhand)

 the city (samarkhand) was opened (in a strong foot) 710 C.E. under the army of qutaiba
bin Muslim.
 Birth place of Prominent Scholars Like Imam bukhari, Ibn sina

7) Istanbul
• Quotes :"You will conquer Constantinople. Its commander is the best and its army (that
will conquer it) is the best.”

• Sultan mehmud 2 (Rah) (al afatih opened in 1453)

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