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International Competitiveness

 Enseignant(s): S.Garelli
 Titre en français: Compétitivité Internationale
 Cours donné en: anglais
 Crédits ECTS: 6 crédits
 Horaire: Semestre d'automne 2013-2014, 4.0h. de cours (moyenne hebdomadaire)
 séances
 Formations concernées:
Maîtrise universitaire ès Sciences en économie politique
Maîtrise universitaire ès Sciences en management
Competitiveness integrates all the facets of economic and management policies to bring a higher level of
prosperity for nations and profitability for enterprises. It is also the most used and abused term in
modern economics. The course thus provides students with the fundamental knowledge of international
competitiveness for enterprises and nations, and allows them to simulate competitiveness strategies.
The course highlights the mechanisms of competitiveness both in enterprises and nations. From the
enterprise point of view, it emphasizes turning traditional generic strategies, such as cost leadership,
differentiation and focus, into modern competitiveness strategies. It highlights the tools available for the
selection of competitive strategies and the management techniques available for implementation. The
course gives a special attention to process competitiveness and then proceeds to discuss the elaboration
and consequences of global strategies. From the nation point of view, the course describes how nations
manage their competitiveness, especially in terms of attractiveness, aggressiveness, globality, proximity,
risk-taking or social cohesiveness. It gives special emphasis to the cluster theory, the management of
foreign direct investments, and the impact of value systems. The course features case studies, which
benchmark the competitiveness of major regions of the World, such as the Americas, Europe, Latin
America, Asia, the Gulf countries, etc.
“Top Class Competitors – How Nations, Firms and Individuals Succeed in the New World of
Competitiveness”, by Stéphane Garelli, published by Wiley, UK, USA, 2006

1ère tentative

Ecrit 3h00 heures
Non autorisée
Non autorisée
Session normale : écrit, 3heures, doc non autorisée Closed book, no calculator allowed

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