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Harmony Page 1 of 3

Dérive is a systematic investigation into the harmonic possibilities of

the following six note row:

E flat : A : C : B : E : D

This row reveals a set of non-repeating intervals - tritone, minor third,

semitone, fourth, wholetone. Each pitch being drawn from the letters
in the last name of the Swiss patron and conductor Paul Sacher,
who commissioned and supported the work of many leading
composers of the twentieth century.

In the first 27 bars of Dérive, Boulez structures the chords of the

piano part from different permutations of the intervals of this row.
Each is built around the Eb with the intervals shifted along one - the
second chord starts with a 3rd, third chord with a semitone, fourth
with a 4th. A sixth interval is created from the original row by
returning to the Eb:

Chord 1

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Chord 2

Chord 3

Chord 4

Top of page

At bar 27 new inversions of the opening chord sequences are

presented in a linear fashion to produce a simple crotchet based
melody embellished with grace notes taken from the melodies past
or future direction.

Dérive: bars
27 - 32

This method of merging chords or melodic lines is used to great

effect at bar 41 where each instrument plays through a closely
related series of falling pitches based on overlapping layers of the
opening chords. The contrasting rhythmic strands creates a vibrant
heterophony which softens to leave a brief duet between flute and
piano before returning to static trills underpinned by the harmonies of
chords 3 and 6 in bar 45 and chord 1 in bar 46. 10/17/2004
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Dérive: bars
41 - 46

All audio examples are provided with kind permission by Nimbus Records: CD
NI5167 London Sinfonietta/George Benjamin

introduction : Dérive : a guide to Dérive : harmony : texture :

tempo : influences : words : definitions

boulez : composing : workshops : support : contact 10/17/2004

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