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Proper Ri gh teouinesy » nebrews So yy | The Seconol Piece of Armour jn Ph eSiany Chapter CIS the Armor oF £/, Atrowsnest for Prot: tion of your ches = Why do you need. prove tio ? who 7S. Atha c King you! TAR previous VerSeS in Sphe Stans Reiluy phox F the attack 7) trom the olevi) andl. Khe Power of ofark Ae sS, Anol- 1 QueSS what phe devs) 3 gag | Straight for php vista) organ S othe heart Rp lungJ AR wagts to take yov ovtas 3 eonals fesSib/?. | we have tO Place the Aragur ok LHighteouSpeJs on our Selves to Proteft {3 From phe attack of the He y;/. | There a re two Kinds. of C19 hte ovs ness. There 1S Selk Fight eon sy. cand there j3 the righteousaes) i'm pute i toall believers in Christ made Fass OR ‘be cause CariSthas taken away » TAR Sind oF the world aS Sohn TAR baptSt Said fn. Sohn. 124 Brheld The (amd of Gad who takes away the | | Sin af the worl ol: Heprew §. SHS eF8 Ws vd “Now every o2& whe lines an milk 1S 10 eXpsrisnce with rhe meSSage about righ teow ness - TF you have heen achristlon For aA nvm ber ok years bs fh Dyears 13 press ok 33 years and Stri) on TAR mys 1K rhen you alk in explerpenced and have nor yet bern wear ed have naorye# moved from the Mr )k to Solid food - Seo What/'S theme SSage oF Lrg h teovi sed) - whatry rae proper Hr maul oF Fight povinedy So wecan protest ovr heapt.. Firtt let us vader Stand what 7 “ ach 1 eov Se So. proper tangin sors Cates if yoy EF never Sin ae . All Sin demands Justice No mathe how SMa} Phe Sin ® Pa ment aal toot made for that Sins Aomere Lim Jory Forgive we daeS not take awa Uh. Phere has to bea poymeat Thars why HegrewS Tiat TeilS v5 withouf- rae Shedding of blood there ¢3 no remission of dfad- . | Se Tight oA a5 oN armou ry Not SeiA rr ghteoviarss , Living 11g bp 4eing good ‘dyes pot Moke W Ba yratyy | 9g : P for Sins. Yav Caan or five goo eaavgh feo gtt Into heavy, oye Sin “wi'l} put yeu out forever. Ons Singad your forever Sepy ote d | Krom. Goof. Righteoviness yf aor. Lby Auman will or efforp ~ Romans 416 Knol how ola yoy K Now jf you ave Sty on. the Mijk and have no timoved to Solr Food? ~ IE you Still think aaod Jn fey ~ tions ate the key 40 unlack Pre olen eternal Ie. thot Key doet a ae Service ia th chueeh , Family, Psitign ~Lepu tation , good wark ord desire wrll nok bud ¢« laddeiy +o heaven that Sev even Mpport a Feather. We Lannot earn God'S mercy. LF we Covld i+ woulel NOt he merey. TAIS Rlief of works SOYA My WAY | fo heaven MS Seif VEGA POV wos TA; S wi) cregee MM. ar Maul tharys- a Paper tan. ae AL CPh Q's TRIS VS For dy grace | you have been Saveo Frey h faiph and phar not of your Selves iP rs TAX ol. This Gir #1 only povisie ave Gret of Go becavs% a Pay ment for out Sias heen Made FS SS Up Fels oS fh Ais anguiSh aa (adg& “He will See rrout o he wi) b& Saris tied with Art kaow my righteous Servant will Tus ni by Many and Aawrll Carry thier pa/qur bres. ppeovd ness i$ Aaled on tre work of carists THES IT TER sport» Romans S419 chris amr hy AGT afailed endeavour bu ta divins Aectonp hayanen 7 Tae dfevil 5 sob () to make us in egfeckive for the King oom ok Gock ana) Rae can get ove he liek oF 079 br eodsne tops based ‘on ove wart % ekfortt 2 yov wi) bx defeated you wp) aevil know If you have dont, eaoupa: Rememher SeSvS Sard a Ma tthen 5+ 20 pw For Tt) you that un ISS Yov/Tarr coos Surpasses that of the PAarasers an rhe feacherd of tht Jow’ You wil) Cor tau ly notenmy the Krag dam of Goo | Ouvr-y) hinished Pro Per fightsov. TO Mov? Krom the MALIK pg ThA Meat requires « Proper vady Stond- | 149 oF TIg ht soul Aes, Our Pr ght eouly rts ‘Va gift made Pesbible dy pie death burial yeSSuye SHoA ayd Lift OF IsSus chyy y+. AS Any as we | Trvyp dn Sar/SH we can Trvst IN his Clg hteavs sess that ex c3 edt the ri gh reou) ges) of The Phar arees, We ore given a Prom/Se /q Suse BY thet Jasv8 wii) make wv) Stonal IA THR Pr eSerce of hiS glory Slam elesS and with great Joy. TesvS wil) presegp you Mame eis With ThyS vad Standing or Fighteousneyy you wil) place | armoue On Youl Self that s/n SO PM Pah Ie when Phe arhacks - L of the dey!) hy dovtl an feos) Come yovore Pro pected ay FAR | Viohteoviges?S of ch PPSH PAR : _fP%o Par 1/1 G4 peovS p esd. {2 SONG Victor A_SeSvpa - Seriprvrey vse HEBSINTY, Jy 1:2Y, fbs:13 } Rom Vib, CPA RIE HB 9 AA Om FVi1b6, Ls $3: /) SAL, WHPSI0 Brae Rom & b%, wy, As AY 2h ey apie tay 9 tuo Aggy Ay no A WwORRAR hu Rav 228,

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