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Birla Institute of Technology & Science, Pilani

K. K. Birla Goa Campus

Course Handout (Part II)
In addition to Part-I (General Handout for all courses appended to the time table)
this portion gives further specific details regarding the course

Course Nos. : CS/IS F211

Course Title : Data Structures and Algorithms
Instructor-In-charge : RAMPRASAD S. JOSHI (
Instructor : Ashu Sharma (

1 Objective
The primary goals of the course are:
• To introduce structures for storing data and algorithms for accessing/manipulating
data or for solving other problems.
• To introduce techniques for designing such structures and strategies for design-
ing algorithms.
• To introduce techniques for analyzing the complexity of algorithms and tech-
niques for using such analysis in design.

2 Scope
The course covers design, implementation and applications of data structures includ-
ing trees and graphs, algorithm design techniques using examples from sorting, search-
ing, graph theory,networking and number theory. Discussion of designs will include
complexity issues and implementation issues. Implementation mechanisms including
Object Oriented techniques will be practiced by the students while implementing the
design. The scope of the implementations will include coding as well as testing and
performance evaluation.

3 Text and Reference Books

3.1 Text Book
T1. Cormen T. H., Leiserson, C.E., Rivest, R. L., and C. Stein. Introduction to Algo-
rithms, MIT Press, Third Edition (PHI:2009).

3.2 Reference Books
R1. R. G. Dromey. How to Solve it by Computer, PHI.
R2. Brian Kernighan and Robert Pike. The Practice of Programming, Addison-
Wesley, 1999.
R* Use any programmnig manuals and programmnig language references for the labs.
Refer to GNU/FSF documentation of gcc, gcj, python/ipython, gdb, make,
bash, gnuplot, octave, etc.

4 Course Plan
4.1 Modules
Module Scope Learning Objectives
I Introduction Data modeling, Data abstraction, Data representation
II Performance Complexity Analysis, Complexity model for algorithms, Performance
Analysis measurements, I/O complexity
III Implementation Recursive data definitions, Recursive and Iterative Implementation of
Issues repetitions, Dynamic Allocation
IV Linear Structures Lists(Static and dynamic), Random v/s sequential access, Restricted
access lists
V Sorting To learn different algorithms for sorting their design, efficiency and
VI Searching and To learn the design and implementation of searching techniques and
Hashing storage structures suitable for efficient searching, Hashing and Hash
VII Non-Linear To learn the use of trees for: searching, capturing non-linear acyclic
Structures –Trees relations, representing recursive data, Tries
and Text
VIII Non-Linear To learn the use of graphs for capturing non-linear relations and to
Structures –Graphs learn the design of algorithms for computing properties of those

4.2 Lecture Schedule
Lect. Module Topics References
1 I Course Introduction; Course Motivation, Data: Modeling, –
Abstraction and Representation
2-4 III & V Divide-and-Conquer –Review; Sorting (by Insertion or Merge) T1 –4.1
5 II Analysis of Algorithms –Time and Space Complexity, Complexity Notes
5-7 II & V Quick Sort –Design Elementary Analysis; Comparison of Sorting T1 –4.3
techniques: Online/Offline; Random Access / Sequential Access,
8 II & V Quick Sort –Analysis; Randomization; Performance; T1 –4.3.1 &
Improvements Notes
9,10 V Lower bounds on Comparison Sorting; Sorting by Distribution T1 –4.4 & 4.5
(Bucket & Radix); Searching
11,12 III Recursion –Recursive Data Types, Design of Recursive Functions / Notes
Procedures, Tail Recursion, Conversion of Recursive Functions to
Iterative Form.
13,14 III Solving Recurrence Relations. R1 –4.1–4.3
15,16 IV Linear data structures Lists, Array implementation of Lists, Access T1 –2.1 & Notes
Restricted Lists (Stacks and Queues); Searching and Order Queries.
17–19 II & VI Hash Tables: Approaches; Implementation Issues; Complexity & T1 –2.5
20,21 II & VII Generalized Trees –Traversals and applications. Binary Trees, T1–3.1
Search Trees (BST);
21,22 II & VII Balancing of Search Trees –Red Black Tree T1 –3.2
23,24 II & V Heaps: Binary Heap –Priority Queues; Heap Sort T1 –2.4
25,26 II Limitations of Divide-and-Conquer (or top-down approach) and R1 –16.1; R1
Introducing Dynamic and Greedy approach –16.2
27–29 VII Text Processing –Basic Algorithms and Data Structures (e.g. Tries, T1–9.1,9.2,9.3
Huffman Coding, String search / pattern matching).
30–32 VIII Applications of BFS & DFS T1 –6.3
33–35 VIII Path Computations –Single Source Shortest Paths: Dijkstras T1 –7.1; T1 –7.2
algorithm; All–pairs shortest Paths: Floyd-Warshall’s
36-38 VIII Minimal Spanning Trees –Greedy Algorithms (Kruskals & Prims) T1 –7.3 & Notes
39-40 – Course Summary and Review. –

5 Evaluation Scheme

S.No Evaluation Weightage Date Nature of

Component Component
1 Test-1 50/290 See Timetable Closed Book
2 Test-2 50/290 See Timetable Open Book
3 Lab 90/290 27/1, 10/2, 2/3, 60/90, Best 3/5,
16/3, 13/4 Open All
Lab Compre 24/4, 9am-1pm 30/90, Open All
4 Comprehensive 100/290 See Timetable Partly Open

6 Chamber Consultation
Tuesday (11am –1pm) & Thursday (11am –1pm). Seek an appointment.

7 Notices
All notices concerning this course will be on the News forum of Photon
server. But announcements in the class and the labs will be paramount.

8 Make-up Policy
Prior Permission is must and Make-up shall be granted only in gen-
uine cases based on individual’s need and circumstances. No marks will
be awarded without make-up for that component. For lab components,
make-up may be granted with the discretion of the instructors and TAs.
If we do not relent, be content with the best 3/5 formula.

CS/IS F211

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