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The union of egg and sperm is the genesis of our existence. Being born is the

privilege that God sent us to see and experience life. In contrast, death is the end-stage

of life. It is beyond one’s control and generally generates great concern and anxiety,

among human beings. Moreover, that single universal event that affects all of us in ways

more than we care to know (Latha KS,et al.,2013). Some view death as the most crucial

situation that will vanished all they have. On the other hand, some perceive death as the

natural process of life that must accept as they increase in age and it is not the end, but

a temporary transition into a different phase of life (Mater, 1993).

As people grew, the aspects develops and changes too. That means, viewing life

and death depends on the person itself and people may or may not experience anxiety.

According to Erik Erikson, Older adults aged 65 above need to look back on life and feel

a sense of fulfilment. Success at this stage leads to feelings of wisdom, while failure

results in regret, bitterness, and despair. At this stage, people reflect back on the events

of their lives and take stock. Those who look back on a life they feel was well-lived will

feel satisfied and ready to face the end of their lives with a sense of peace. Those who

look back and only feel regret will instead feel fearful that their lives will end without

accomplishing the things they feel they should have. In addition there are lot of factors

contributed to death anxiety especially on elderly. For example studies from Wu et al

(2002) showed that among elderly, a high level of death anxiety was associated with

younger age, a high level of psychological distress, and the presence of recent stressors

but was unrelated to number of physical disorders, gender, personal income, marital and
employment status, and religious affiliations. Also, from Azaiza et al (2010) results that

Death anxiety was related to gender and education for elderly living in the community, but

social support and self-esteem were additional correlates for those living in nursing

homes. Fostering a sense that one has a supportive social and familial network is

important in decreasing death and dying anxiety among elderly. It would also be

beneficial to provide information and knowledge that might relieve some of the anxiety

they experience.

Furthermore, according to Positive Psychology Program, life satisfaction is defined

as one’s evaluation of life as a whole, rather than the feelings and emotions that are

experienced in the moment. Life with a purpose, family, socially, and goal-oriented can

increase satisfaction with life, and a meaningful life can enrich a feeling of sufficient

closure preventing one from creating unconscionable anxiety and antagonistic attitudes

towards death. Studies from Tate (1983) life satisfaction was predicted by number of

friends, good health, and, surprisingly, by having fewer offspring living in the same place.

Health problems, change in living conditions, and relatively high educational level were

predictors of death anxiety. It was concluded that life satisfaction and death anxiety are a

function of past and present life experiences and conditions.

Considering elderly are the experienced ones, they are capable of giving

explanations and views about life. It is a substantial opportunity to measures life

satisfaction and how they will overlook death at their age. Determining the factors that

lead to death anxieties will enable nurses to provide them a holistic nursing intervention

about death. It is considered also a proficient chance for the family to get acquainted

about their love ones view when they will be at the end life stage. Serves as a preparation
for them to accept that everything would be come to an end in a manner and acceptable



The study aims to identify factors that lead to life satisfaction and death anxiety

among elderly in Kalilangan, Bukidnon.

1. What is the demographic and socioeconomic profile of the respondents, in

terms of:

a. Age

b. Gender

c. Religion

d. Civil Status

e. Ethnic group

f. Occupation

2. What are the factors influencing life satisfaction and death anxiety among

elderly, in terms of:

a. Current Health Condition

b. Financial Problems

c. Family

d. Psychological Distress

e. Marital Status

f. Physical Condition

g. Social Support

h. Educational level
3. What is the level of life satisfaction among elderly?

4. What are the cognitive and emotional factors of elderly people toward death?


The general objective of this study is to identify factors leading to life satisfaction

and death anxiety among elderly in Kalilangan, Bukidnon.

Specifically, this study aimed to:

1. Determine the demographic and socioeconomic profile influencing life

satisfaction and death anxiety of the respondents, in terms of:

a. Age

b. Gender

c. Religion

d. Civil Status

e. Ethnic group

f. Occupation

2. Identify factors leading to life satisfaction and death anxiety among elderly,

in terms of:

a. Current Health Condition

b. Financial Problems

c. Family

d. Psychological Distress

e. Marital Status

f. Physical Condition
g. Social Support

h. Educational level

3. Determine the level of satisfaction among elderly.

4. To examine the cognitive and emotional reactions of elderly people toward



The researcher believe that this study will be the route in effectuating

programs for geriatric clients. The findings thereof will be salutary to the


To the Department of Health, it will be beneficial to them because

this will be serve as their assessment tool in empowering and proposing

programs that focuses in elderly people. This will be the few steps that they

can present to the government so, the elderly people could have a comfort

life although they are near to end stage already.

To the Community, the study will support activities that could foster

the life of elderly people. That they will not be treated as different and weak,

perhaps they will be having their own plays for every programs. On this way,

the community will stand a great role in decreasing the stressors of elderly

people in facing the death anxiety.

To the family, the results will prepared every member for the right

time. This will encourage the family to emplace bond and time to create
more memories with their love ones. It aids them to understand their love

ones too, and how they could interact well.

To the health care providers especially nurses, it will help in

prioritizing interventions in geriatric clients. Identifying and understanding

our client will lead us to become a better nurses not just a health care

providers, but as part of a family too. Being therapeutic from inside out,

particularly dealing with elderly will decrease their worries in life.

To the elderly, this study will help you understand and prepared for

whatever happens. This will widen your views in life and death, and be a

way to accept death in a comfort way, when the right time comes.

To the future researcher, this will provide you insights to go further

on my assessment and learn to love and care geriatric clients.





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