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Kayla Chapman


April 20, 2016

1964 Questions

1. Do you think it would be as traumatizing now if our president was assassinated?

Would the country be as lost as it was when Kennedy died?
2. How can one say it was a year of "quietude" when racism was such a heavy issue
during the 60's? I feel like this concept was biased towards white America.
3. Is it safe to say that the Beatles were the foundation of younger generations
imitating what they saw and idolized in the public eye?
4. Do you think people, specifically college kids, are as concerned with politics as
they were in the 60’s? Ex: like the biggest Class of Michigan
5. Do you think there will ever be another bill as big as civil rights? Or did the 60’s
capture all the major injustices?
6. What was the government doing in the 60’s to break through racism and crooked
cops that let civilians partake in their hate crimes?
7. Has Mississippi ever overcome its racist ways?
8. If it weren’t for music speaking towards political issues, do you think the younger
generations would be as involved? If entertainers sang more about everyday
issues would the younger generation care more?
9. Did Lyndon Johnson ever take any presidential/ military action to provide
consequences of the burning of freedom schools?
10. Will there ever be a year as monumental as 1964? A year with so much change, or
is our work here done?

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