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Andres Ayala

Period 6
Article Supporting My Debate
1. 7 in 10 women believe across the country that abortion should be legal. They’ve passed
hundred of laws to restrict a woman’s ability to access safe and legal abortion care.
2. Many text have almost the same thing, how abortion should be a good thing because it’s
up to the partner whether or not to have a baby.
3. The author is trying to inform you how many women aren’t ready to create a family with
another. In addition, if women don’t have enough money to take care of a child, why
have it.
4. The audience are young teens who are trying to get informed into what they’re going to
have and the decision they’re going to chose. Some other audience can be adults who
are thinking about creating a family with someone.
5. The most important decision is how it says 7 in 10 women believe abortion should be
legal regardless what people think, it should be legal because you never know what your
future kid will pursue. Even if a women gets raped or does incest, they should still have
the kid and see what your kid can do.
6. This article is logos and ethos because it gives you research evidence about what
women in the U.S think. There is a poll about the percentage of women who support and
don’t support it.
7. A possible theme can be “Abortion is a smart decision” the reason why it’s a smart
decision is because many young teens becoming women get pregnant and can’t take
care of it since they’re in high school and thinking about their future.
8. This article helps me and informs me in the future whenever i make the decision in
making a kid with a girl, informing me how many teens aren’t ready to have a kid and the
side effects that occur.
9. They’re many thing i can change in the article, i can put each ethic that aborts babies
and those who are against it. A graph about how many kids got aborted from last year to
this year, comparing one another.

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