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Learning Guide

Module Name: Introduction to Whole-Person Wellness

Course Name: Whole-Person Wellness
Learning Goals/Outcomes
Upon completion of this module, you will be able to:
 Define whole-person wellness
 Assess current wellness status
 Write a measureable Faith Step
 Get to know the community and the course

Learning Resources
Required Resources
 Chapter, whole-person wellness
 Assessment tool
 Faith Step document
Additional Resources
 Living Compass mapping chart
 Faith Step writing Instructions

Learning Activities
Activities for This Lesson
 Reading
 Assessment tool
 Write faith step
Discussion Questions
 What are three key components of whole-person wellness?
 Share any surprises and/or aha moments from your assessment score.
 What is your chosen faith step? Why did you choose this faith step? Are there
any challenges to meeting your goal?

Check your understanding. Can you ….
 Define whole-person wellness
 Assess your own wellness
 Create a faith step that is concrete and measurable

Lesson Evaluation: Graded Assessments

 Discussion Questions
 Faith Step Plan
 Reflection on wellness assessment

Form adapted from Smith, R. M. Conquering the Content. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass,

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