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OTTO WILHELM RAHN Bom: 18/2/ 1904 Parents: Karl and Clara Rahn (nee Hamburger) Birthplace: Michelstadt am Odenwald 1910: Humanistic Gymnasium in Bingen am Rhein, then Giessen 1922: Law studies in Giessen, cont, in Freiburg and Heidelburg. 2 gets to know Albert H Rausch, who speaks french too. Crisis 1925 ~ 28: Interrupts studies to learn trade as bookseller, (works as travelling salesman) 1927 Beginning of a seven year correspondence with A. H. Rausch. 1928; Changes studies to literature, but doesn’t finish, Gets to know Raymond Perrier, 19y old at the time and living at Rahn’s parents to learn German, (source: letter to Rausch 29.11.28) October 1929; BERLIN. Meets PAUL LADAME during work on PABST Film ‘Vier von der Infanterie’ (Poss. “Westfront’) Collaborate on screenplay *XYZ’ [“X.Y.Z" eine Ehekomédie von Klabund, dem Pseudonym des Schriftstellers und Lyrikers Alfred Henschke ( 1890, gest am 1928)], (confirmed by Ladame, but bumt in 1998) 25.11.29 Berlin, Lieber Herr Rausch!....Auch mein freund Raymond brent darauf Sie kennen zu lemen, Sie werden Ihre helle Freude an ihm haben. “Glaubt mir, wie shoen so ist er treu.” (Wagner, Der Fliegende Hollaender) Wir leben bereits seit einem Jahr zusammen und lieben uns mehr als je. Wundervoll... July 1930: Rahn travels to Geneva, living with Perrier. GENEVA.doc Rahn teaches at a local school. 8.8.30 [Letter to Rausch:] Cher Ami, ... ch bin mit meinem Freund Raymond seit 3 wochen hier am Genfer See und bereite unsere Ucbersiedlung nach Paris vor... Mitte des Monats werden wir abreisen.... Durch gute Pariser Bezichungen ist es mir gelungen, eine Gemeinschaftsarbeit fuer einen ?film...zu arrangieren... (Otto is in Nyon) Acording to HJ. Lange RAHN is in Ariege in August 1930 and meets COMTESSE Miryanne DE PUJOL-MURAT (or Murat-poujol according to Rene Trexler-Walde) who lives at the Chateau de Lalande pres Carcassone, She has close contacts with the POLAIRES, a group propounding the views of HANS HORBINGER (b. 1860, propounder of the World Ice Theory. Glacial Kosmogonie, Kaiserslautern 1913) He also meets DEODAT ROCHE, a former STEINER pupil, at this time. December 1930: Rausch is in Paris. (source: Otto’s letters to Rausch) Otto is in Geneva at this time. 22.12.30 Otto possibly in Paris. (Card without envelope to Rausch). [In Paris lernte Otto Rahn einen Kreis von Literaten und Privatgelehrien kennen, und das sicherlich unabhangig von Albert H. Rausch, obwohl sich der Schriftsteller Rausch ab 1930 selbst oefter in Paris aufhielt. Noch vor der Machtergreifung der Nationalsozialisten wird Albert H. Rausch seinen Hauptwohnsitz ganz nach Paris verlegen, wo er zeitweise als Pressechef fir das Internationale Rote Kreuz arbeitete. Besonders wichtig fur Rahn war in diesem Kreis der aus Toulouse stammende Poet und esoterische Schriftsteller Maurice Magre.] Contacts: poet ALBERT CASSOU and MAURICE MAGRE, (Wrote: ‘Le Sang de Toulouse’, 1931; ‘La Clef de Choses Cache’ 1935; 13 volume ‘In Search of Wisdom’, 1941. MM Claims that Nicetas left behind a manuscript that was part of the treasure hidden in cave of Omolac after Montsegur. 11.1.31 Otto writes to Rausch on piece of paper with the Paris Hotel des Ambassadeurs letterhead. Otto is in the Hotel Segur. 25.2.31 Otto back in Geneva (letter to Rausch) Otto is planning to start a publishing company. In the meantime he seems to be teaching. November 1931: Otto moves into a room in the Pension of Louis Bernadac in Ussat- les-Bains Gets to know ANTONIN GADAL who is conducting a Heimatforschung February1932 ‘March1932: Digging in Ariege in caves of Ussat-Omolac [see also Dec, 1933 Orradio.doc] ‘April1932 May 1932: Otto signs a 3 year lease for the Hotel ,,Des Marroniers“ June1932 July1932 August1932 Early September 1932. Visit by P. Ladame who finds him nervous and in financial difficulty. Writing KREUZZUG GEGEN DEN GRAAL and digging. Around this time his parents visit him too. 6 October1932: Business is declared bankrupt, records: Court of Foix. Accused of being a spy. Pays some of his debts( see publisher:?), leaves France According to Gadal OR spends some time in Paris on the way out. (source Christian Koenig.) 20-24 November1932: at Saint-Germain-en-Laye, near Paris,(Letters to Gadal) 22 December1932 at 7?Foix, Nouvel-Hotel du XIX siecle.(source Bemnadac) 18 February1933: Otto’s birthday. 29 years old. March1933 April1933 May1933 June1933 July1933: At Heidelburg (Letters to AG) August!933. Cycling holiday with HANS GREBE to Wilnsdorf bei Siegen where Konrad von Marburg destroyed a heretic school in 1233. 7 September1933: At Rueg Alte Mainzergasse, Frankfurt am Main. (letters to AG) October1933 7.10,33 Rahn writes to Rausch about the links between the German Minnekirche and the Cathars, The German heretics were called ,Runkeler’, and they were based in Wilnsdorf, not far from the Druidstone mountain, A Cathar hermit was living here in the chapel of the castle of Lord GERMELHAUSEN when Konrad von Marburg attacked and ultimately raised Wilnsdorf to the ground, The hermit escaped with the youngest son of Germelshausen who was apparently the historic Christian Rosencreutz. The symbol of the German Minnechurch was the rosy cross. Rauschlet doc Article in the BERLINER ILLUSTRIERTE: ‘WHAT HAPPENED IN THE PYRENEES CAVES’ Radioprogram: ‘Was ich in der PYRENAEN Hoehle erlebte.” ‘Tuesday afier the 7/9/1933, radio program * Geschichter der Rauber von Lombrives” ‘Autumn 1933: ‘Kreuzzug gegen den Graal’ published by Urban Verlag in Freiburg /Breisgau, Gets to know SVEN SCHACHT, who is working at the Suedwestdeutschen Rundfunk director of the , Youth* section. He is the nephew of the president of the Reichsbank, Hialmar Schacht. Also friendly with DIETMAR LAUERMANN, member of the ‘Youthgroup ,,Graues Corps“ and writer of radioplays for Youth programs, Becomes member of “Reichsverband deutscher Schrifisteller’ in Berlin, ‘November1933 December1933: 15.12.33 Rahn’s contribution to WOLFGANG FROMMEL?s radio series: ,Vom Schicksal des deutschen Geistes" is transmitted, titled: Freund Humanus. Zum 130 Todestag von Johann Gottfried Herder."* ORradio.doc Rahn writes in a letter to Frommel that he should send a copy of his book (,Dritten ‘Humanismus") to WILFRID BADE, a senior member of the Propaganda Ministry and writer of various political tomes such as Die SA erobert Berlin", 1933; Goebbels and Horst Wessel Biographies, 19338-1936 etc., whom Rahn had met during a business lunch, ,He could be very important for your work, January1934 February1934: Otto's Birthday, 30. Gets to know ADOLF FRISE, publisher, Frise recounts meeting Rahn in mid- February at the Hotel Kaisethof in the Wilhelmstrasse, Grete Urbanitzki, journalist from Vienna was present, March1934 April1934 May1934 Whitsun1934: OR briefly in Paris (source: letter to Gadal, 25/6/34) Meets MADAME RIVES 25 June1934: at the Pension Rothe, Bunsenstrasse 11a, Heidelburg. Source: letter to Gadal of this date) 26]une-13 July1934: Possible dates for 14 days spent in Munich (AG letters) 30 June1934: ROEHM PUTSCH. 14 July1934: At: Alberto Alpino, Plancios, Presso Bressanone (Brixen), Italy. (source: Bernadac) Note discrepancy between this date and one given by Adolf Frise, 5 Avgust1934: Article: “Heinrich Minneke” in Frankfurter newspaper. AF reads it and writes Rahn a postcard. OR replies with posteard from GENEVA and next day sends telegram asking AF to fetch him from MILAN station. Rahn has no money. According to AF Rahn was ‘On the run from cleaning up operations following the Roehm putsch of 30 JUNE 1934.” Septemberi934 October1934 November1934 20 December1934 still in Brixen (letter to AG) ‘Notes that he was in MUNICH for 14 days before returning to the mountains. “A tolerant an generous thinking man cannot live in the country that my fatherland has become." ‘Iwill eventually forget the bloody acts which I witnessed, and whose victim I might have become, like my friends’ Hopes to go and live in France by next January. February1935: Otto is 31 March1935 April 1935: 2.4.35, Suedwestdeutschen Rundfunk Frankfurt transmits ,Gralsuche. Eine Reise durch ,Monsalvats‘ Berge, Hoehlen und Urkunden. Directed by Werner Pleister. Mid-April: Frise meets OR unexpectedly. Describes Rahn as smoking up to 100 cigarettes a day. Around this time GABRIELLLE WINCKLER-DECHEND who is working in Wiligut/Weisthors office, reads ,Kreuzzug...“ and brings it 0 Weisthor’s attention ‘who speaks to Himmler about him. Arranges flat and all he needs to live. KARL MARIA WILLIGUT, since 1934 member of SS under pseudonym, WEISTHOR. Head of RA Ill in “Rasse- und Siedlungshauptamt’ and eventually a Brigadefuehrer (Brigadier-General) in the personal staff of the Reichsfuchrer SS OR works for Weisthor in RUSHA, the Race and Settlement HQ May1935: A. Frise notes a meeting in Rahn’s new flat in Tiergarten in Berlin, He wonders how Rahn found him. OR wearing SS uniform, and has a young man ordering his papers whom Rahn introduces as his secretary, OR officially only member of SS from 12.3.1936 Otto Rahn’s SS particulars in Bundesarchiv: Obersturmfuhrer ‘SS Fuhrer Ausweis nummer: 276 208 Partei mitgliedsnummer: 5499962 Issued November1938 June 1935 July1935 August1935 27 September1935 - 21 October1935: OR travels in Germany, Westerwald, Hessen, Bavaria. Letter of this date to Weisthor. Requests permission to travel to: ODENWALD, WESTERWALD, a ruin at WILDENBERG AT AMORBACH, LICHTWEISHOHLE BE] WIESBADEN, SPORKENBURG, DRUTGERESTEIN, STEIMEL, HELLENBORN, WIDERNSTEIN, Steinanlagen der DORNBURG, ROSPE, WILLNSDORF - seat of the German heretics, destroyed by KONRAD VON. MARBURG, WAMBACH, ASBACH, and other places which can only be mentioned orally. This journey is noted in a report to Himmler date 19/10/1935. Himmler’s journal, 3 November1935 notes “Report back and to be kept secret. journeyplan.doc December1935 February1936: Otto is 32 ‘March1936 24, April1936: Assistance to Himmler by tracing his Ahnenerbe.(Kapiteldocuments from this date attest.) OR at Homberg/ Oberhessen. May1936 8 June1936: HANS VON KALCKSTEIN replies to a letter that OR is away in Iceland and expected back in July July1936: Travels to ICELAND as part of study group, with leaders of the SS, Other members: PAUL BURKERT and HANS-PETER DES COUDRES August1936: Olympic Games Ladame visiting journalist meets OR on street wearing SS uniform. One must eat sketch, September1936 October1936 November1936 December1936 OR neglects to furnish his own Ahnenerbe Nachweis, January 1937 (thirtyseven): Promoted to Oberscharfuhrer, Meets DR MED. FRANZ RIEDWEG who joins SS as doctor. February1937: Otto is 33 March1937 April1937: ‘Luzifers Hofgesind’, ‘Court of Lucifer’ published by Schwarzhaupter Verlag, Leipzig. OR promoted to Untersturmfuhrer May1937 June1937 July1937 20 August!937: OR guest at marriage of Frau Hartmann, starts a fight with Lieut, Horst Buchrucker. [Horst Buchricker: ~Er mokierte sich uber die Wehrmacht und dariber, daB ich nicht in der Partei war. Er fihlte sich wohl zurueckgesetzt, da auch ich in Uniform war. Wir hatten beide etwas getrunken und da ich ihm koerperlich ucberlegen war, spreizte er sich. Lauthals drohte er mir, an anderer Stelle gegen mich vorzugehen. Er machte auf mich einen sehr undurchsichtigen Eindruck. Wahrscheinlich fuhlte er sich in unserer Runde fehl am Platz. Er hatte wohl auch Bezichungen, wie weit, kann ich nicht sagen. Man spiirte, er wollte nach oben.” 27 August1937: Karl (Mabler) of Arolsen is accused of dishonourable behaviour in internal disciplinary hearing of NSDAP. OR implicated. In declaration he swears off alcohol for 2 years and is required to do 4 months duty at DACHAU, stripped of his rank, 1 September1937: DACHAU stint begins, First 13 weeks on the ‘Front’, From 28 November1937 - 21 December1937 part of 7. SS-Totenkopfhundertschafien, led by Kurtz, SS-Hauptsturmfuhrer. Dachau under the command of SS- GRUPPENFUHRER EICKE. Totenkopfverband ‘Oberbayern’, Dachauassess.doc After this he writes Himmler a friendly letter and completes his Ahnennachweis, Winter1937-38: Argument with previous publisher ALBERT VON HALLER about money. [Albert von Haller nach Gesprachsnotizen: Rahn sei, so lange er ihn kannte, immer in Geldschwierigkeiten gewesen, Er (Haller) habe keine Moeglichkeit gehabt, vom Verlag aus zu helten. Er sei ja nicht Inhaber gewesen, das war ja Justus & Gottel. Rahn habe sich dann eine Erpressung ausgedacht, um an Geld zu gelangen. Rahn habe ihn zu einer Besprechung eingeladen, in ein Café am Potsdamer Platz. Haller kommt nicht mehr auf den Namen, es war aber ein ganz. bekanntes Café~ wo sich die Literaten trafen, Als er ankam, saB Rahn mit zwei SS- Offizieren in voller Montur am Tisch, Vor dieser erlauchten Gesellschaft brachte Rahn das Thema auf seine Geldschwierigkeiten und er, Haller, sei doch verpflichtet, ihm mit einigen 1,000 Mark zu helfen, Die $S-Offiziere stimmten ihm zu, Er (Haller) miisse als Deutscher doch Rahn helfen, der hohe Verbindungen zum Reichsfuehrer- SS habe, das sei eine nationale Sache. Daraufhin sei Haller aufgestanden und ‘weggegangen. Seitdem sei Rahn fur ihn erledigt gewesen.] January1938 (thirtyeight): Lectures on Court of Lucifer. KURT EGGERS introduces OR, 27 January1938 at Munchen, Georgenstrasse 34 (source OR memo to Himmler) Health problems. OR requests leave, lives in Munich, visits Switzerland? February1938: Otto is 34 March1938 25 April1938: OR makes oral statement critical of Dr Riedwegs ‘germanisation’ to ULLMANN. OR requested to make written statement, Himmler dismisses criticism of Riedweg as defamation. 8 April1938: at Werderstr. 8, Pension Schotzky, Freiburg L. Br.(Source; OR memo to ‘Ullmann, member of the personal staff RFSS.) OR announces the beginning of a 2000 page manuscript entitled ‘Sebastian’ 18 May1938; Werderstrasse 8, Freiburg.(Memo to Ullmann) 9 June1938: at Muggenbrun, Todtnau/ Schwarzwald. (source OR memo to Himmler) 17 June1938: Announces plans to marry.(memo to Himmler) 27 June1938: Himmler delighted, requests a date soon. ANNA DACHS denies being betrothed to OR. Says he was obviously homosexual in statement to Lange in 1994, July1938 26 August1938: Raymond Perrier in Muggenbrunn with OR (memo to Himmler from RP Raymondlettertohimmler.doc) Is with Otto for the month of August (memo OR to SS-Hauptsturmfuehrer R. Brand, 24.6.38) September1938 1 October!938 OR drafted to autumn maneuvers. 9 November 1938: REICHSKRISTALLNACHT. OR works in Buchenwald. Some 20 000 people were sent to Buchenwald as result of Reichskristallnacht. 12 December1938 OR is excused further service in Buchenwald by Wolff. [Berlin Document Center/Bundesarchiv Potsdam: SS-Personalakten: Otto Wilhelm, Rahn, Der mit Wirkung vom 1.10.1938 zu den S$-Totenkopfverbanden kommandierte SS- Obersturmftthrer Otto Rahn ist von dem Fuhrer des Konzentrationslagers Buchenwald bis auf weiteres vom Dienst beurlaubt worden. Da Rahn zur Zeit mit der Bearbeitung des Neudrucks seines Buches “Luzifers Hofgesind” beschaftigt ist, hat SS-Gruppen fihrer Wolff angeordnet, daB das Dienstkommando von Rahn zu den $S- Totenkopfverbinden aufgehoben wird. Ich bitte, das Weitere zu veranlassen, Stabsfuthrer des Personlichen Stabes Reichsfulhrer-SS, Ullmann $S- Obersturmbannfuhrer] January1939 18 February1939: Otto is 35 28 February1939: OR memo to WOLFF. Asks to be released from the SS, for reasons so serious that he can only communicate them orally. 128. Februar 1939 Otto Rahn handschriftlich an den Chef des Persoenlichen Stabes SS-Gruppenfuehrer Wollf: Tegernsee, Adolf-HitlerstraBe 38 1/4 Gruppenfubrer! Leider muB ich Sie bitten, bei dem Reichsfithrer-SS meine sofortige Entlassung aus der Schutzstaffel zu befuerworten. Die Grande, die mich zu diesem EntschluB und dieser Bitte treiben, sind so schwerwiegender Natur, daB ich Sie Ihnen nur miindlich darlegen kann. Zu dieser Zweck werde ich in diesen Tagen nach Berlin kommen und mich bei Ihnen melden Heil Hitler! Otto Rahn, SS-Obersturmfuhrer Auf dem Blatt mit Bleistift der Vermerk: “ja” mit der Signatur von Heinrich Himmler. OR turns up at KURT EGGERS home psychically in a disintegrated state, Says he is escaping to suicide. OR leaves, saying he will take a train to Munich, KE says to Albert von Haller that OR has been accused of being homosexual by a man who was stationed with him in Bad Homberg in 1936 and was himself arrested for homosexuality lastdays.doc Dr KLOPFER state secretary to BORMANN regarded OR’s death as a state secret Rahn visited friends on his last journey. 8 March1939: in Hotel Zahringer Hof, Freiburg, Meeting with OTTO VOGELSANG, his first publisher. OV in letter dated 1960? to RUDOLF J MUND, author, “Himmler’s Rasputin’, describes OR as being relaxed, happy about the future, 11 pm OR travels on to Munich 17 March1939: Writes to SS-gruppenfuhrer WOLFF, requesting release from SS, Dismissal is granted and backdated to 22 February1939. DIETMAR LAUERMANN wrote to Lange 1994 that OR travelled over Neuhaus and Kufstein to Soell, probably by bus. Mid March1939: Testament of Peter Maier, son of Joseph Mayer, Rechaubauer am Erberg. ‘It was mid March 1939. At Rechauhof lay a metre of snow. The next farm. was 2 hours away. My two older brothers and I saw Rahn. Late afternoon, He went within thirty metres of the house, stood still and looked at his golden watch, then he turned round and walked down the valley towards the stream where we water the cows. My brothers and I found him on 11 May1939 beneath a tree by the stream. He had covered himself with his coat. We recognised him by his coat as the man who had walked by the house. Beside the body lay two small medicine bottles, one empty, the other half empty. Address of farm is SOLL/ STOCKACH, ERBERG nr 15, It has long been abandoned. - now it belongs to the family B. Leichner/ Kufstein. Body identified as OR by Gustr. LENTSCH. The body was transferred to Woergl Soell and BURIED there. Death Certificate: Standesamt Soell, Kreis Kufstein Otto Rahn, Christian, resident in Berlin, was found dead on 11 May1939 in Soell, Stockach nr 15. The deceased was born 18/2/1904 in Michelstadt. Day and hour of death unknown, possible the night of 13-14 March 1939, The deceased was not married. Written from an oral deposition of the police station Soell on the basis of his, passport. Soell, 3 June1939, Johann Ortner. OR reinstated into the officer's ranks of SS posthumously 23 October 1943: Memo from Naumann to Brandt: ‘...leider ist em Autor ein Missgeschick passiert, indem er wegen Vergehens gegen #175 vervolgt wurde...” INDEX PAUL ARQUES Historian? ELSA BALTRUSCH Member of Reichsfuhrer-S$ Personal staff, assistnt to Otto. (?) MR BABY BORMANN In the chancellory, PAUL BURKERT HANS-PETER DES COUDRES Working on the new library at Wewelsburg JOSEPH COUTARD Son of the man who hit Rahn for faking grafitti (2) DACHAU. First concentration camp under the sole command of the SS Training centre for SS personnel in the early years. 20 March1933, Himmler announces first formal concentration camp at Dachau at a news conference. Fike in charge (Records show 10 000 camps established by Germans. Berlin: 645 camps for forced labourers. Source: ‘Hitler's Willing Executioners’ Daniel Goldhagen.) ANNA DACHS ‘Met OR Freiburg 1938? Denies being betrothed to him. Claims he was homosexual. KURT EGGERS Writer Hometown: Dortmund. Introduces OR Lucifer talk SS-GRUPPENFUHRER EICKE In charge of Dachau from its inception. Rearranged it to suit SS. HERBERT FLEISCHMANN ADOLF FRISE publisher ANTONIN GADAL Based: Ussat-les-Bains Curator of local caves Wrote: “Auf dem Weg zum Heiligen Graal’;‘Das Erbe der Katharer’ ALBERT VON HALLER: One of OR’s publishers. Has argument with OR about money winter 1937-8 REINHARD HEYDRICH Himmlers right hand man, SD chief HIMMLER, HEINRICH Reichsfuhrer-SS from 17 June1936 1943: Became minister for the Interior, replacing Frick HANS HORBINGER Polaires propound his work HANS VON KALCKSTEIN secretary to OR from 1 Feb to 1 July 1936 Spy on OR? Married Himmiler’s sister in $$ uniform. Dr KLOPFER State Secretary to Bormann CHRISTIAN KOENIG Rosicrucian, ER, conservator of Gadals papers in Tarascon. Museum seems no longer extant KURTZ ‘S$-Hauptsturmfubrer, Dachau Fuhrer der 7. SS-Hundertschaft. OR’s direct in command at Dachau PAUL LADAME 3 Chemen Deux Bureux Beau Soleil GENF 1206 Political Sciences at Genever University, lectures about Information and misinformation, Wrote: ‘Les Mirages de Munich’; ‘Un Temoin de Xxe § cle” MAURICE MAGRE, Writer. Based: Paris (Wrote: ‘Le Sang de Toulouse’, 1931, ‘La Clef de Choses Cachee’ 1935, 13 volume “In Search of Wisdom’, 1941.) Claims that Nicetas left behind a manuscript that was part of the treasure hidden in cave of Omolac after Montsegur PABST German film-maker based in Berlin UFA RAYMOND PERRIER 26 August 1938: Letter to Himmler thanking him for letting him view Dachau. ‘My work will be even more effective...having seen your institutions.” Uncle Bret ? was honourary chancellor of the republic of Geneva, (OR memo to R Brandt, 24.6.38) OTTO RAHN SS particulars in Bundesarchiv Obersturmfuhrer SS Fuhrer Ausweis nummer: 276 208 Partei mitgliedsnummer: 5499962 Issued November 1938 According to Naumann (Director?, Propaganda Ministry) in a memo to R. Brandt, 23.10.43, says OR was persecuted following a violation of item 175. According to book ‘Third Reich’,?, item 179 is concetned with homosexuality and other perversions. Mistake? REICHSKRISTALLNACHT. 11/38 DR MED. FRANZ RIEDWEG Marries General von Blomberg’s daughter - Blomberg later resigns when it is revealed that his second wife is a “prostitute” Secretary to Altbundesrat MUSY who is making a film, RIETMAN (?) Mentioned by Ladame as a sponsor of Rosicrucians MADAME RIVES introduces OR to ISABELLE SANDY DEODAT ROCHE, a former STEINER pupil INGEBORG ROEHMER related to Rahn ROEHM, Leader of the SA. Killed on 30 June1934, RUSHA Rassen und SiedlungsHauptAmt Run by Walter Darre, minister for Agriculture 1928-42 All requests by SS members to marry were approved by RUSHA. ISABELLE SANDY Journalist? WULF SOERENSEN Book: * Stimme der Ahnen’ Knew OR (Ladame) Wife Lilly, later companion Edith Schilachtensee. Copied important documents? ss Origin: 1925, SchutzStaffel formed in the summer of that year November1926: SA reorginisation by von Pfeffer, reduced SS role, Himmler appointment begins formation of an elite, dedicated to Hitler. 1932: Takes over intelligence and espionage section from SA. REINHARD HEYDRICH builds the SD. ‘March1933: Himmler is police chief in Munich, By May, controls all Bavarian police forces and Dachau April 934: controls all political police forces in Germany. 30 June1934: Roehm Putsch, SA destroyed, Mainly by Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler, led by SEPP DIETRICH. Official newspaper: Das Schwarze Korps. Editor ?see Bankier, “The Germans an the Final Solution’ THULE GESELLSCHAFT Founded Early 1918 Founder: Rudolf Freiherr von Sebottendorf Base: Munich ‘Thought of itself as successor to “Germanen Orden” founded 1912 in Leipzig Members required to produce proof of ‘pure aryan’ ancestry Military wing: Thule-Kampfound ‘Newspaper: Munchener Beobachter Edited by: Dietrich Eckart, Hermann Esser, Alfred Rosenburg, renamed 1921 ‘Volkischer Beobachter’ HQ: in the Munich hotel, ‘Vier Jahreszeiten’ Members include: Hitler, Himmler, Hess, Alfred Rosenburg, Bavarian Socialist Republic formed in Munich three days before armistice, but foundered beginning march 1919 when leaders Eisner and Auer were shot by members of the Thule Gesellschaft ULLMANN. On the personal staff of Himmler VOLKISHER BEOBACHTER, 1921. Formerly Muenchener Beobachter. Editor: Dietrich Eckhart, member of the Thule Gesellschaft WEWELSBURG Ex-Gatekeeper: Wilhelm Kemper Prehistory an Archeology: Wilhelm Jordan Anthropologist: Dr Bernhard Frank Akmenerbe in dept. Sinnbilforschung: Dr Siegfried Lehmann WILIGUT-WEISTHOR Karl-Maria von Wiligut Leader of Abteilung RA Ill in RUSHA. $S-Oberfuhrer Promoted to Brigadefuhrer, belonged to Stab des Reichsfuhrers in SS Once in insane asylum, put there by wife? Member of Thule gesellschaft ? Initiated the acquisition of Wewelsburg in 19387 Developed the SS Death’s Head insignia. (Michael H Kater, ‘Das Ahnenerbe der SS 1933-45’ and Ulrich Hunger, ‘Die Runenkunde in Dritten Reich’) Denounced by Wolff GABRIELLE WINCKLER-DECHEND assistant to Weisthor WOLFF, KARL. Gruppenfiuhrer, in with Himmler, PA? REFERENCE Michael H Kater, ‘Das Ahnenerbe der SS 1933-45" Ulrich Hunger, “Die Runenkunde in Dritten Reich” Danie! Goldhagen: “Hitler's Willing Executiners’ MAURICE MAGRE: ‘Le Sang de Toulouse’, 1931; *La Clef de Choses Cache’ 1935; 13 volume ‘In Search of Wisdom’, 1941 RAHN ‘Kreuzzug gegen den Graal’ published by Urban Verlag in Freiburg /Breisgau, 1933, Berliner illustrierte: ‘What happened in the pyrenees caves” Radioprogram: ‘Was ich in der PYRENAEN Hohle erlebte.” 5 August 1934: Article: ‘Heinrich Minneke’ in Frankfurter newspaper. April 1937: *Luzifers Hofgesind’, ‘Court of Lucifer’ published by ‘Schwarzhaupter Verlag, Leipzig. Essay by Th Heinermann (2) *Mythen um den Ort der Gralsburg’ in ‘Welt als Geschichte’ 1940 RUDOLF J MUND, author, ‘Himmler’s Rasputin’ ‘Tuesday after the 7/9/1933, radio program * Geschichter der Rauber von Lombrives’ Kunis, Wildenberg, der Gralsburg im Odenwald Heinz Hoehne, Das Orden unter dem Totenkopf. Nigel Pennich:’Hitler’s secret Sciences’ Berben, Paul, ‘Dachau 1933-45, The Official History’ Dokument Centre, Berlin. Applications to 8S, letters? Bundesarchiv Koblenz. Members include: Hitler, Himmler, Hess, Alfred Rosenburg. Bavarian Socialist Repblic formed in Munich three dasys before armistice, but foundered beginning march 1919 when leaders Fisner and Auer were shot by members of the Thule Gesellschaft. VOLKISHER BEOBACHTER Editor: Dietrich Eckhart, member of the Thule Gesellschaft. WEWELSBURG Ex-Gatekeeper:Wilhelm Kemper Prehistory an Archeology: Wilhelm Jordan Anthropologist: Dr Bernhard Frank Ahnenerbe in dept. Sinnbilforschung: Dr Siegftie Lehmann WILIGUT-WEISTHOR Karl-Maria von Wiligut Leader of Abteilung RA III in RUSHA. SS-Oberfuhrer Promote to Brigadefuhrer, belonge to Stab des Reichsfuhrers in SS Onee in insane asylum, put there by wife? Member of Thule gesellschaft ? Initiated the acquisition of Wewelsbur in 1938? Developed the SS Death’s Head insignia, (Michael H Kater, ‘Das Ahnenerbe der SS 1933-45" and Ulrich Hunger, ‘Die Runenkunde in Dritten Reich’) GABRIELLE WINCKLER-DECHEND assistant to Weisthor REFERENCE Michael H Kater, ‘Das Ahnenerbe der SS 1933-45” Ulrich Hunger, ‘Die Runenkunde in Dritten Reich’ MAURICE MAGRE, (Wrote: ‘Le Sang de Toulouse’, 1931; ‘La Clef de Choses Cachee’ 1935; 13 volume “In Search of Wisdom’, 1941. RAHN‘Kreuzzug gegen den Graal” published by Urban Verlag in Freiburg /Breisgau.1933 Berliner illustrierte: ‘what happened in the pyrenees caves” Radioprogram: ‘Was ich in der PYRENAEN Hohle erlebte.’ 5 August 1934: Article: ‘Heinrich Minneke” in Frankfurter newspaper. Essay by Th Heinermann (2) ‘Mythen um den Ort der Gralsburg” in ‘Welt als Geschichte” 1940 RUDOLF J MUND, author, ‘Himmler’s Rasputin’ ‘Tuesday after the 7/9/1933, radio program * Geschichter der Rauber von Lombrives’ Kunis, Wildenberg, der Gralsburg im Odenwald. Heinz Hoehne, as Orden unter dem Totenkopf. Nigel Pennich:"Hitler’s secret Sciences’ Berben, Paul,’achau 1933-45, The Official History’

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