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20 In April Lyrie by (For Nenette) Music by ROGER SCHORE BILL EVANS Diva? BED Bla? aPAgg Fr ltt etn? 7g? You esl the charm of spring in A some things inthe Your Wie has “just begun in A Sy ee ty e 4 t i 4, Fu? Bree E’m? Aas Dy E Roly, DPF s) Ia bee Fle Ia si, the woolly = play- ground swing im Apr Sudden = ty the wie, SMSO tae SE MoT “one in He ean maken hai? nf Fin? Bhnl®Ebny Blan? Won Diva? Daj) sun + shine dis = clos - 6s soon there be. ros = 5, col) ge * wow = ee on a flow > en Gn? Psu Fn? Bre edn Aas your neat pro = pas = es twice ay Tg = tt ee EE INP ate = pment B Diva? Bmp) En! ABs Fmt pall Bn? 7a? Lowe blos - coms all =a = sound is A oe nos sin= gle pee pes vam a gmt A FA ithe Sin” ce - Fin? any E’n? Was Fro? Bo ay ght) And in the Then you'll take ewe, your Jose - iy tart has found a home. fo das, pare when eh — pid plans to. im hs fe thal dit Recowded by Meredith Anibrosio / Love Is Not A Game / Sunmyside SSC 1051D ‘TRO © 1978 end 1991 LUDLOW MUSIC, INC. and HAMPSHIRE HOUSE PUBLISHING CORP, Now York, NY 2 ap space of a min “+ tt. leave sof your sens~" es, G’mai?, FAS) .! opt. Yas with “ugk you" win’ i, ashe “eom: S mene =! eb Fn? oo gPIeD

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