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Research Title : In Vivo evaluation of the antioxidant and anticancer activity of Equisetum
arvense Linn. Extract in Rats


Equisetim arvense Linn is one of the oldest known herbs famous for its variety of therapeutic properties.
Recently, there have been articles and journals indicating that it has “Natural anticancer” properties.
Horsetail significantly strengthens the immune system, and the antioxidants containing, appear to have
important effects against free radicals.



In executing this research, “In Vivo” studies is applied. A horsetail (Equisetum arvense Linn.) is going to
be prepared and dried, then the grinding process will follow so the the sample collected is going to be
submerged on ethanol to gather the plant extract. The group will inject the extract on the rats, to assess if
the antioxidant & anticancer property of the plant works.

Support for Novelty:

There are a lot of in-vitro studies about horsetail having an anticancer property, but it is rarely that we can
find “In Vivo” studies done to it. Some articles published is the “In Vitro antibacterial activity of
horsetails” which used agar and antibiotics. In this “In Vivo” study, living creatures like rats or mice are
used to validate its anticancer property.


There are so many diseases found in the world. Some of them can be cured and some others had been
killing people for years. Like, cancer, it is a disease in which the body’s cells changed in appearance and
function. Having additional medicinal plants that can help prevent cancer can be a big help to a lot of
people and can help expand more knowledge on how to cure it.


For the plant (Horsetail), it won’t be very difficult to find it because nowadays this plant has become
ornaments for some houses and I think you can find this on any plant shop but for its price it might be
costly. For the rats, a confirmation letter and permission is still needed to make sure that rats can be used
in the research, this is very costly depending on how many we are going to use. For the ethanol, it’s
already available in UST specifically in the Central Laboratory but I think we need to pay for it to be able
to use it. Overall the research can be done in one year, as long the whole group cooperates and works
ahead of time.

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