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In recent years pollution has increased exponentially and is one of the

most important environmental problems affecting our world and arises
when there is an imbalance, as a result of the addition of any substance
to the environment, in such quantity, that cause adverse effects in
humans, in animals, plants or materials exposed to doses that exceed
acceptable levels in nature.

Thus, the highlight is the air pollution in Arequipa. The problem lies in how
it influences the exposure to toxic gases and vapors in the health of the
population of Arequipa, also this also causes an imbalance at
environmental level, in flora and fauna, often making this irreversible

We know that pollution is harmful to our health, the environment, animals,

plants, etc. However, the entire population coexists daily and is not able
to stop, on the contrary, we continue to contribute every day to pollute the
air with chemical elements, burning garbage, the smoke of cars and
others. All this involves the development of many diseases and therefore
destroying our nature.

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