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Physical education

Edgar Santiago Reyes Reyes

Physical education clases are mandatory in some school, nevertheless, in other

schools are eleminating mandatory physical educaiton. For good or for bad, this subject is
part of a debate from parent and the schools.

The argues from parents are based in that physical education is not a subject
necesary in the academic education for their children. First, they think children should
decide if they want to take physical education or not, because children should make their
own decisions about their bodies. Also, many parents feel, the time that schools devote to
physical education is waste of time. Instead of physical education, children could study
others subjects like math, biology, physics, etc. Latsly physical education could be a risk for
childres bacause they could suffer some injuries or permanent damage.

In contrast with parents’s argues, physical education is necesary from childrens,

especially, in countries with obesity problems, like UE and Mexico. Obesity is a big problem
that affects all population, incluiding the laboral sector. A good physical activity allow
people a better performance in their Jobs. Physical eduation it’s a way to fight against
obesity, That’s why physical education is very important. In addition, injuries and damages
are very rare. Actually, physical activity helps to develop a good elasticity and strenght.

It could be thought, physical education is a waste of time, but there are good
arguments that proves physical education as important as others subjects, like science and

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