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adjectivo com super adjectivo com super

more the most

aburrido boring
boring than boring debil weak
more more
interesant the most the most
interesting interesting generous
e interesting generoso generous generous
than than
happier the generous
feliz happy than happiest dificil difficult than
triste sad grande big bigger than the biggest
alto tall pequeño small
corto short facil easy
rapido fast duro hard
lento show suave soft
timido shy bueno good better than the best
more the most more
the most
espontane spontaneou spontaneou spontaneou expensive
o s s than s cotoso expensive than
cheaper the
barato cheap than cheapest
viejo old
nuevo new newer than the newest malo bad worse than the worst
bonito pretty lejano far
the most
hermoso beautiful than
feo ugly fuerte strong

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