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What is engineering?

Engineering is the synthesis of knowledge of various sciences and

disciplines, which - together with more or less empirical and not
systematized knowledge of various techniques and social practices - aims to
solve problems of the society and its individuals, minimizing the effort and
costs of all kinds.

Engineering has evolved and has been developed over many years. We can
say that this profession is very of hand with human beings since since its
inception began to imagine and develop new techniques that allow you to
improve your lifestyle and the things surrounding it. Little by little the
engineering is advancing, this is due to the hard work of engineers and
universities that provide professionals capable of creating industries and
improve the style of life of societies.

Everything that exists, in its vast majority, today is created by engineering,

from a simple coffee, until the flight systems used at an airport. This gives
you important superior engineering on other professions given by man,
which is more help to man in its development and in its daily technological

All the advances created by engineering caused a revolution in the way of

life of all people: today life is faster, the great speed with which increase and
are born new technologies makes what you get today tomorrow already is

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