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Unit 4, Captain Cook:

Pocahontas--Western vs.
Non-Western Perspective

Wednesday, October 19th

Learning Objective:
I can describe why it is imperative for historians
to study multiple perspectives. (Dimension 3)
Western Perspective
● Pocahontas is a grown
woman who is in love
with John Smith. They
have a romantic

Key Points
● Pocahontas is viewed as
a heroine for saving
John Smith.
Western Perspective
What else do you notice
about the Disney/Western
Non-Western Perspective
English name Rebecca
● Matoaka was about 10 years
old when she met John
Smith. There is no proof
of a romantic

Key Points
● Matoaka moved to England
and lost touch with her
tribe, then died at age
20. Some say this was of
Non-Western Perspective smallpox, others say

What else do you notice

about the Non-Western
perspective? How is it
different from the Western
stand in CER Format:

Claim: Is Disney making a moral

decision by sharing the
kid-friendly perspective of
Pocahontas or immoral for
changing the history?

Letter to Disney Evidence: Using what you have

learned about multiple
perspectives and both videos we
watched, what evidence do you
have to support your claim?

Reasoning: Why are you arguing

this stance?

Reminder: Please refer to the

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