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Kama Sua of Vatsyayang Free Version from 4 Freedoms Tania 8. An ointment made of the fruit of the emblica myrabolans soaked in the milky juice of the milk hedge plant, of the soma plant, the calotropis gigantea, and the juice of the fruit of the vemonia anthelmintica, will make the hair white. ‘The juice of the roots of the madayantaka plant, the yellow amaranth, the anjanika plant, the clitoria temateea, and the shlakshnaparin plant, used as a lotion, will make the hair grow. . An ointment made by boiling the above roots in oil, and rubbed in, will make the hair black, and will also gradually restore hair that has fallen off. . If lac is saturated seven times in the sweat of the testicle of a white horse, and applied to a red lip, the lip will become white. . The colour of the lips can be regained by means of the madayantika and other plants mentioned above. . A woman who hears a man playing on areed pipe which has been dressed with the juices of the bahupadika plant, the tabernamontana coronaria, the costus speciosus or arabicus, the pinus deodora, the euphorbia antiquorum, the vajra and the kantaka plant, becomes his slave. . If food be mixed with the fruit of the thom apple (dathura) it causes intoxication. . If water be mixed with oil and the ashes of any kind of grass except the kusha grass, it becomes the colour of milk. . If yellow myrabolans, the hog plum, the shrawana plant, and the priyangu plant be all pounded together, and applied to iron pots, these pots become red. . Ifa lamp, trimmed with oil extracted from the shrawana and priyangu plants, its wick being made of cloth and the slough of the skins of snakes, is 205

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