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A fracture -is a break or disruption in the continuity of a bone that often affects
mobility and sensation.
2. The break is across the entire width of the bone in such a way that the bone is divided
into two distinct sections.
3. The fracture does not divide the bone into two portions because the break is through
only part of the bone.
4. he skin surface over the broken bone is disrupted which causes an external wound.
5. A simple fracture does not extend through the skin and therefore has no visible wound.
6. A cast is a rigid device that immobilizes the affected body part while allowing other
body parts to move.
7-8. 2 types of cast
9. This type of cast set in 15 minutes and can sustain weight bearing or pressure in 15 to
30 minutes.
10. This type of cast can take 24 to 72 hours to dry, and weight bearing or pressure is
contraindicated during this period.
11. What type of material is used in synthetic or non plaster cast?
12. What type of material is used in plaster casts?
13.-17 5 Ps in assessing the neurovascular status?
18. compartment syndrome-this is defined as Insufficient arterial perfusion to an
extremity caused by trauma or stasis; leads to ischemia and tissue necrosis if not reversed.
19. traction-involves a pulling force applied through use of weights on a part of the body
while a second force called counter traction pulls in the opposite direction.
20. Skin traction is applied directly to the skin, exerting indirect pull on the bone.
21. Buck's traction- It is the most common type of adult skin traction.

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