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Depression is like drowning, except you can see everybody around you breathing, it’s

gasping for air and not being able to move, articulate to even say a single word. It’s like
having this unexplainable ache in your head and chest, as if your heart is being crushed
into million pieces. It’s like your heart is shattered and scattered into these tiny pieces,
pieces that can’t be put back together. Your thoughts hunt you until you no longer want
to feel a damn thing. You just want to end it all. You wake up wishing to die, you sleep
wishing not to wake up. Your mental pain starts to affect you physically, until you no
longer can cope with the pain. When your soul gets tired and sick, your physical state
gets affected by it and you actually get sick and tired. Life is hard people have no mercy.
People love to see others struggle in pain. Few people are good and do good in life.
Words hurt and not everyone is aware of that; not everyone is aware that one word, one
single word can pull your whole world apart. One single word can destroy someone’s

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