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Xenophobia is the irrational sensation of fear experienced about a person or a

group of persons as well as situations that are perceived as strange or foreign. It

is the fear of anything that is beyond one�s comfort zone.

The fear of unknown comes in many guises. A person may not be afraid of swimming
pools, but might experience great fear when he sees a dark lake. The fact that s/he
cannot see the bottom of the lake triggers a fear of the unknown. Such thoughts can
overwhelm the person to an extent that one�s daily life and activities are hindered
by it.

Xenophobia or the fear of foreigners can sometimes become collective leading to

racism or the rejection of �strangers�. However, the intense and irrational fear of
foreigners can also be based on a fearful experience with a stranger. Today,
xenophobic or racial violence is not uncommon and is making headlines at an
alarming rate on accounts of mass immigration and globalization.

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