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True Random Number Service

Do you own an iOS or Android device? Check out our app!

What's this fuss about true randomness?

Perhaps you have wondered how predictable machines like computers can generate randomness. In
reality, most random numbers used in computer programs are pseudo-random, which means they are
generated in a predictable fashion using a mathematical formula. This is fine for many purposes, but it
may not be random in the way you expect if you're used to dice rolls and lottery drawings.

RANDOM.ORG offers true random numbers to anyone on the Internet. The randomness comes from
atmospheric noise, which for many purposes is better than the pseudo-random number algorithms
typically used in computer programs. People use RANDOM.ORG for holding drawings, lotteries and
sweepstakes, to drive online games, for scientific applications and for art and music. The service has
existed since 1998 and was built by Dr Mads Haahr of the School of Computer Science and Statistics at
Trinity College, Dublin in Ireland. Today, RANDOM.ORG is operated by Randomness and Integrity
Services Ltd.
As of today, RANDOM.ORG has generated 1.63 trillion random bits for the Internet community.

FREE services

Games and Lotteries

Lottery Quick Pick is perhaps the Internet's most popular with over 280 lotteries

Keno Quick Pick for the popular game played in many countries

Coin Flipper will give you heads or tails in many currencies

Dice Roller does exactly what it says on the tin

Playing Card Shuffler will draw cards from multiple shuffled decks

Birdie Fund Generator will create birdie holes for golf courses

PAID service

Random Drawings

Q3.1 in the FAQ explains how to pick a winner for your giveaway for FREE

Third-Party Draw Service is the premier solution to holding random drawings online

Step by Step Guide explains how to hold a drawing with the Third-Party Draw Service

Step by Step Video shows how to hold a drawing with the Third-Party Draw Service

Price Calculator tells exactly how much your drawing will cost

Drawing FAQ answers common questions about holding drawings

Public Records shows all completed drawings going back five years

Drawing Result Widget can be used to publish your winners on your web page

Multi-Round Giveaway Service for verified video giveaways

FREE services


Integer Generator makes random numbers in configurable intervals

Sequence Generator will randomize an integer sequence of your choice

Integer Set Generator makes sets of non-repeating integers

Gaussian Generator makes random numbers to fit a normal distribution

Decimal Fraction Generator makes numbers in the [0,1] range with configurable decimal places

Raw Random Bytes are useful for many cryptographic purposes

FREE services

Lists and Strings and Maps, Oh My!

List Randomizer will randomize a list of anything you have (names, phone numbers, etc.)

String Generator makes random alphanumeric strings

Password Generator makes secure passwords for your Wi-Fi or that extra Gmail account

Clock Time Generator will pick random times of the day

Calendar Date Generator will pick random days across nearly three and a half millennia

Geographic Coordinate Generator will pick a random spot on our planet's surface

Bitmaps in black and white

Hexadecimal Color Code Generator will pick color codes, for example for use as web colors

Pregenerated Files contain large amounts of downloadable random bits

Pure White Audio Noise for composition or just to test your audio equipment

Jazz Scales to practice improvisation for students of jazz guitar

Samuel Beckett's randomly generated short prose

DNA Protein Sequence Randomizer (at Bio-Web)

FREE services

Web Tools and Widgets for Your Pages

Integer Widget Wizard will put a mini-RANDOM.ORG on your web page or blog

Draw Widget Wizard will put the result of a paid drawing on your web page or blog

HTTP API to get true random numbers into your own code

Guidelines describe how to avoid getting in trouble

Banned Hosts lists who didn't behave and have been blocked

Learn about Randomness

Learn about Randomness

Introduction to Randomness explains what true random numbers are and why they're interesting

History explains how RANDOM.ORG started and where it is today

Many Testimonials from folks who have found very creative uses for random numbers

Acknowledgements to all the generous folks who have helped out

Quotations about randomness in science, the arts and in life generally

Media Coverage and Scientific Citations lists popular print and scientific mention of the service

News about the latest additions to the site






Lists & More


Web Tools



Learn More



True Random Number Service

Do you own an iOS or Android device? Check out our app!

What's this fuss about true randomness?

Perhaps you have wondered how predictable machines like computers can generate randomness. In
reality, most random numbers used in computer programs are pseudo-random, which means they are
generated in a predictable fashion using a mathematical formula. This is fine for many purposes, but it
may not be random in the way you expect if you're used to dice rolls and lottery drawings.

RANDOM.ORG offers true random numbers to anyone on the Internet. The randomness comes from
atmospheric noise, which for many purposes is better than the pseudo-random number algorithms
typically used in computer programs. People use RANDOM.ORG for holding drawings, lotteries and
sweepstakes, to drive online games, for scientific applications and for art and music. The service has
existed since 1998 and was built by Dr Mads Haahr of the School of Computer Science and Statistics at
Trinity College, Dublin in Ireland. Today, RANDOM.ORG is operated by Randomness and Integrity
Services Ltd.

As of today, RANDOM.ORG has generated 1.63 trillion random bits for the Internet community.

FREE services

Games and Lotteries

Lottery Quick Pick is perhaps the Internet's most popular with over 280 lotteries

Keno Quick Pick for the popular game played in many countries

Coin Flipper will give you heads or tails in many currencies

Dice Roller does exactly what it says on the tin

Playing Card Shuffler will draw cards from multiple shuffled decks

Birdie Fund Generator will create birdie holes for golf courses

PAID service

Random Drawings

Q3.1 in the FAQ explains how to pick a winner for your giveaway for FREE

Third-Party Draw Service is the premier solution to holding random drawings online

Step by Step Guide explains how to hold a drawing with the Third-Party Draw Service

Step by Step Video shows how to hold a drawing with the Third-Party Draw Service

Price Calculator tells exactly how much your drawing will cost

Drawing FAQ answers common questions about holding drawings

Public Records shows all completed drawings going back five years
Drawing Result Widget can be used to publish your winners on your web page

Multi-Round Giveaway Service for verified video giveaways

FREE services


Integer Generator makes random numbers in configurable intervals

Sequence Generator will randomize an integer sequence of your choice

Integer Set Generator makes sets of non-repeating integers

Gaussian Generator makes random numbers to fit a normal distribution

Decimal Fraction Generator makes numbers in the [0,1] range with configurable decimal places

Raw Random Bytes are useful for many cryptographic purposes

FREE services

Lists and Strings and Maps, Oh My!

List Randomizer will randomize a list of anything you have (names, phone numbers, etc.)

String Generator makes random alphanumeric strings

Password Generator makes secure passwords for your Wi-Fi or that extra Gmail account

Clock Time Generator will pick random times of the day

Calendar Date Generator will pick random days across nearly three and a half millennia

Geographic Coordinate Generator will pick a random spot on our planet's surface

Bitmaps in black and white

Hexadecimal Color Code Generator will pick color codes, for example for use as web colors

Pregenerated Files contain large amounts of downloadable random bits

Pure White Audio Noise for composition or just to test your audio equipment

Jazz Scales to practice improvisation for students of jazz guitar

Samuel Beckett's randomly generated short prose

DNA Protein Sequence Randomizer (at Bio-Web)

FREE services

Web Tools and Widgets for Your Pages

Integer Widget Wizard will put a mini-RANDOM.ORG on your web page or blog

Draw Widget Wizard will put the result of a paid drawing on your web page or blog

HTTP API to get true random numbers into your own code

Guidelines describe how to avoid getting in trouble

Banned Hosts lists who didn't behave and have been blocked

Learn about Randomness

Learn about Randomness

Introduction to Randomness explains what true random numbers are and why they're interesting

History explains how RANDOM.ORG started and where it is today

Many Testimonials from folks who have found very creative uses for random numbers

Acknowledgements to all the generous folks who have helped out

Quotations about randomness in science, the arts and in life generally

Media Coverage and Scientific Citations lists popular print and scientific mention of the service

News about the latest additions to the site



Real-Time Statistics show how the generator is performing right now

Statistical Analysis explains how you test random numbers for randomness

Bit Tally shows how much randomness has been generated since 1998 (hint: lots!)

Your Quota tells how many random bits you have left for today

Contact and Help

Contact and Hel




Flash Cards



Word Finder





Examples of Synonyms

Examples of Synonyms

6th grade

7th grade

8th grade

9th grade

Middle School

High School




View & Download PDF

Synonyms are words that are similar, or have a related meaning, to another word. They can be lifesavers
when you want to avoid repeating the same word over and over. Also, sometimes the word you have in
mind might not be the most appropriate word, which is why finding the right synonym can come in
handy. Luckily, we do not have to go searching the recesses of our mind to come up with a list of
synonyms; there are numerous online tools providing synonym examples, including the thesaurus right
here at

Choosing a Synonym

There is a certain skill involved in choosing the most appropriate synonym, as not all are created equal.
It is important to consider the connotation of the word because some synonyms can inject a different
meaning than the one intended.

For example, one synonym of sad is "gloomy" however, this word carries quite a negative connotation.
Depending on the circumstance you can use it, but in this instance, if you just want to say that someone
is "down," then another synonym such as "blue" or "unhappy" would be more applicable.

Synonym examples

Here is a list of adjectives and their synonyms that are commonly used to describe people.

Beautiful: Attractive, Pretty, Lovely, Stunning

Fair: Just, Objective, Impartial, Unbiased

Funny: Humorous, Comical, Hilarious, Hysterical

Happy: Content, Joyful, Mirthful, Upbeat

Hardworking: Diligent, Determined, Industrious, Enterprising

Honest: Honorable, Fair, Sincere, Trustworthy

Intelligent: Smart, Bright, Brilliant, Sharp

Introverted: Shy, Bashful, Quiet, Withdrawn

Kind:Thoughtful, Considerate, Amiable, Gracious

Lazy: Idle, Lackadaisical, Lethargic, Indolent

Mean: Unfriendly, Unpleasant, Bad-tempered, Difficult

Outgoing: Friendly, Sociable, Warm, Extroverted

Rich: Affluent, Wealthy, Well-off, Well-to-do

Strong: Stable, Secure, Solid, Tough

Unhappy: Sad, Depressed, Melancholy, Miserable

Lucky: Auspicious, Fortunate

Positive: Optimistic, Cheerful, Starry-eyed, Sanguine

Bossy: Controlling, Tyrannical

SYNONYM TEST - View & Download PDF

Here are some miscellaneous words and their synonyms:

Baffle: confuse, deceive

Hypocrisy: duplicity, falseness

Pacify: appease, placate

Recalcitrant: obstinate, stubborn

Turbulent: disordered, violent

Valid: authorized, legitimate

Old: antiquated, ancient, obsolete, extinct, past, prehistoric, venerable, aged

True: genuine, reliable, factual, accurate, precise, correct, valid, real

Important: required, substantial, vital, essential, primary, significant, requisite, critical

Weak: frail, anemic, feeble, infirm, languid, sluggish, puny, fragile

These are just a few examples of synonyms but hopefully you can see that working with synonyms can
make your writing more varied and fun and help you expand your vocabulary.

Additional Resources

See the infographic above for a quick reference guide to navigating the differences between synonyms,
antonyms, homonyms and homophones.

For more work with synonyms and more synonym examples, check out the following sites:

Vancouver Webpages has a synonym dictionary. has an interactive synonym game "World Girl: Solving Crime with Words." has a fun online matching synonyms game. has a range of synonym worksheets for elementary to highschool level, including SAT


Do you have a good example to share? Add your example here.

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Antonyms, Synonyms and Homonyms

Examples of Antonyms

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YourDictionary Presents: Easy, Fun, Free Grammar Tools for All Ages

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[10 Words to Make You Sound Wicked Smart]

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[25 Misused Words that Make You Sound (Or Look) Dumb]

25 Misused Words that Make You Sound (Or Look) Dumb

[Funny Animal Puns]

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[Cat Puns]

Cat Puns

[10 Ways to Say I Love You]

10 Ways to Say I Love You

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© 1998-2018 RANDOM.ORG

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Real-Time Statistics show how the generator is performing right now

Statistical Analysis explains how you test random numbers for randomness

Bit Tally shows how much randomness has been generated since 1998 (hint: lots!)

Your Quota tells how many random bits you have left for today

Contact and Help

Contact and Help

FAQ contains answers to frequently asked questions

Newsletter appears at random intervals, but do sign up

Contact Details in case you want to get in touch

© 1998-2018 RANDOM.ORG

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