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I am against homosexual marriage

1) For love, the state is not required to modify a basic and fundamental institute, a man
and a woman are united to have children and based on the family is formed the
society that is basic and fundamental for the extension of the human race.

2) To allow homosexual marriage, is to attack the integrity of the family and is a serious
harm to children. only 7 countries in the world contemplate the figure of marriage for
people of the same sex. In addition, the countries in which this figure is included have
regulations on assisted fertilization and an open filing regime. This rule would case a
filiarial chaos in the adoption register (two mothers? two parents?)

3) The superior right of the child establishes that they can grow up with a father and a
mother for their integral development as people. Thus, granting adoption to
homosexuals would be detrimental to the minor.

4) marriage is an institution justly formed by a man and a woman who naturally unite to
give life. to avoid abuses or legal helplessness to homosexual couples does not need to
approve of homosexual marriage, since most of the benefits of a marriage can be
regulated through legal agreements (for example, in relation to inheritance, transfer of
property, etc.)

5) the marriage is an institution essentially heterosexual and this implies to denaturalize

the concept of marriage, which implies to pervert the nature of the same

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