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1. Full Name (first, middle, last).

- Kimberly Claribel Guifarro-Alvarez

2. Date of Birth.
- February 7, 2000
3. What colleges will you be applying to and why?
- I will be applying to UC’s, CSU’s, & Privates because I want to move on to the next level
of my education and get the best education that I can get in order to be successful in life.
- I will be applying to USC, UCSB, UCI, UCLA, UCR, CSUN, CSUF, CSULB, &
CSPUP. These are some of the colleges that I will be applying to because I have looked
into their majors and they have the major that I am interested in.
4. What do you want to major in?
- Business Administration & Management
5. What career do you want to pursue and why?
- I want to pursue the career of Business Administration & Management because I am
interested in learning how to manage and run a business in order to create a business of
my own someday.
6. Please list your top five qualities; with explanations and examples.
- I am very organized. I do not like to have anything disordered and always keep my things
in an organized manner. An example of this would be the way in which I keep my
notebooks and folders in order without any loose papers.
- I am a very outgoing person. I am always talking to others and although I may be shy at
first when meeting someone, once I get comfortable I will always be chatting around.
- I am a hardworking person. I always work hard in everything that I do and go above and
beyond in order to be able to excel in the activity that I am doing.
- I am a responsible person. I have my priorities straight when it comes to academic things
and I like to always be on top of anything that I do. I am not only responsible with my
schoolwork but at home as well. I know all my responsibilities and always complete them
when I need too, except if I am busy.
- I am a very respectful person. Ever since I was young, I was taught to always be
respectful towards my elders. My mom would always tell me to greet others even if the
other person did not reciprocate because she would say that it showed that I was being
respectful and that I had manners.
7. What makes you unique and different than any other student?
- Everyone’s background history is what makes a student unique and different from any
other student. I for one, grew up in a household of four including me, where it was like if
I was raised by a single mother since my dad was no longer with us and I had a step-dad.
And yes, there are many other students who grow up with step-dads or even step-mothers
but for them, their step-parent are actually a part of their life and they contribute in any
way possible. However, for me, that is not the case. My mom has always been both
mother and father to my brother and I, and has taught us all the right ways to live through
life. She also comes from a single mother household where she was taught many things
that she then passed on to us. Not many people are taught to be this way; humble and
uncaring of the materialistic things.
8. Discuss any struggles that you've overcome? (personal and academic; include both).
- I have overcome many hardships both personally and academically. Personally, I have
been able to overcome financial hardships within my family. Coming from a low-income
family, you learn not to waste money on unnecessary things and always be on a budget.
Although my family has never been on the borderline of something disastrous, there still
have been many struggles that we have faced. This is one of the many factors that have
contributed to my choice of pursuing the career of Business Administration &
Management, since I want to be able to help out my family financially. Academically, I
have been able to overcome my diffidence. There was a time in my life in which I
secluded myself into a certain group of friends, where I would just talk to them and not
do anything in order to self-improve. As I came to this sudden realization, I began to get
out of my comfort zone by joining clubs where I ran for leadership positions so that I
could enhance my leadership skills.
9. What is your vision for the world?
- My vision for the world is for it to be a better and just place where people can live their
lives with tranquility. There have been many issues occurring recently with the election
of the 45th president and his hatred towards immigrants so I just want for the world to be
peaceful one day where people are not characterized anymore by the color of their skin. I
want for the world to one day be in unity without any division.
10. What is your philosophy of life (thus far)?
- My philosophy of life so far is this saying that my mom has told me various times. It goes
like this, “Lo que haces con una mano con la otra lo recibes” which means that anything
that you do always has consequences. For instance, if you live your life as a good person
by helping out others and doing good things then you will have a positive effect on your
life. Otherwise, if you live your life doing bad and cruel things then you will only receive
what you commenced.
11. What are your hobbies?
- Some of my hobbies are watching T.V. (Netflix), listening to music, reading, dancing,
singing, and taking walks (alone time). I specially love to take long walks when I am
headed home because I like to have my alone time where I can think and reflect about
things without having any distractions. I also love to dance and sing but only do it when I
am alone at home because I do not like to do it in front of others. Another hobby of mine
is reading, whenever I get into a book that has a series, I will not stop reading until I am
completely done with all the books. There is a certain feeling that I get when reading a
book and I cannot separate myself from the book.
12. List your extracurricular activities, community service, and volunteer service; also, please
state if you have held/hold a leadership role.
- I joined the sport of Tennis my Junior year and did not join my senior year because of a
college class that I am taking on campus for my fifth and sixth period.
- I am currently a part of the clubs, National Honor Society (inducted my Junior year), Red
Cross Club, and Interact Club. I hold the position of treasurer for the Red Cross Club and
am an active member in the other clubs.
- I am also the manager of the girls basketball team where I help them out by selling at the
concession stand and keeping book score. I have been a part of this since my sophomore
year and am still a part of it. By being a part of this, I have been able to do volunteer
work at the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum for the football games of USC.
- This year I am a part of the Associate Student Body where I hold the position of
Commissioner of Rally.
13. What is your LAUSD GPA (W and UW), UC GPA, CSU GPA?
- LAUSD GPA: 3.57 (W), 3.42 (UW)
- UC GPA: 3.83
- CSU GPA: 3.83
14. What is your class rank?
- 30/31
14. What are your SAT scores? ACT scores?
- My first SAT score was a 990. I will be taking my second SAT on November 4th and I
have not taken the ACT.
15. What is a life well-lived?
- A life well-lived is a life that is lived to the fullest. It is when your dreams and hopes are
accomplished or fulfilled.
16. How do you define success, joy, and happiness?
- I define success, joy, and happiness as the things that one would want most out of life. To
live a life full of success, joy, and happiness is to have a life fulfilled because you have
everything that life can possibly give and you are content with your life.

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