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Nur Ghaliyah Sandra Putri

Beta 2015


Analisis Masalah

1. Mrs. Sukinem, 38 years old women in her fifth pregnancy delivered her son spontaneously
4 hours ago. She was helped by birth attendant in her village, about 1,5 hours away from
referral hospital. He lived with her husband who is a farmer and her mother in law who is
birth attendant. She gave birth a male baby, weighed 4000 grams. The placenta was
delivered by birth attendant, she claimed it was delivered completely. Suddenly, after
placenta was delivered, there was massive vaginal bleeding.
a. Bagaimana anatomi dari sistem reproduksi?
i. Bagaimana dampak apabila perdarahan pada kasus tidak langsung ditatalaksana

3. On arrival, as general practitioner public health service, you find the patient is conscious
but drowsy and pale. You also find approximately 1000 ml of blood clot in her pants.
According to brief anamnesis, her antenatal care history was twice with the midwife in the
Primary Public Health Service and was already diagnosed with mild anemia due to Fe
serum deficiency (Hb 9 g/dl about a month ago).
b. Bagaimana mekanisme dari kondisi pasien terkait kasus?
g. Apa makna klinis dari ANC dari pasien?

5. Pemeriksaan fisik setelah dilakukan resusitasi.

c. Apa indikator keberhasilan dari tindakan resusitasi yang dilakukan?
f. Mengapa setelah diberikan misoprostol dan dilakukan kompresi aorta abdominal
tidak menunjukkan perbaikan?


a. DD
b. How to diagnose
c. WD
d. Definisi
e. Epidemiologi
f. Factor resiko
g. Patofisiologi
h. Manifestasi klinis
i. Tatalaksana
j. Pencegahan dan edukasi
k. Pemeriksaan penunjang
l. Komplikasi
m. Prognosis

Learning issues

1. Atoni uteri

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