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November 2012

Bruce Lee Used A Kettlebell, Should You?

By Dr. Paul Oh, Bkin, DC

tion of your core muscles and grip strength. Similar KB move-

ments load the body differently than your traditional squat or
deadlift. There has been anecdotal evidence of a world champion
power lifter who was having back issues.
After 6 weeks he only did KB training. After, he did not have back
pain anymore and he actually improved his personal best.

Now is the KB the solution to my problems? Hold on. Like ev-

erything else in life, it is not that simple. KB training is very much
form dependent and it is integral that you keep a neutral spine and
have a good hip hinge. If you don’t know what that means than
you should seek help from a professional.

I personally have been using a KB in my own training and even

When martial artist and actor John Saxon went to Hong Kong to during rehabilitation with my patients. I find it a great tool to
visit Bruce Lee he noted that kettlebells (KB) were a part of his integrate muscle function. Many times in rehab or training we
gym set up. Bruce Lee trained and realized the benefits of this tool work on parts – biceps, rotator cuff muscles, chest, forearms, etc.
more than 50 years ago. But the million dollar question is how does this integrate back
into the whole and how the body functions? The KB has been an
Kettle Bell, Why Is This Tool So Effective? invaluable tool that has helped me understand this.
Bruce Lee was not the only person to use this “cannon ball with a
handle”, in fact the Russians developed this training instrument Our 6-week KB program
in the 1700’s. The Soviet Special Forces have been using the KB If you want to get more hands on experience and learn WHY
as an integral part of their training program since the early 1900’s. the kettlebell is such an effective tool please come see me (Dr.
The KB is unique and different from the barbell because its centre Paul Oh @ Form & Function) for more info on programs.
of mass is outside of your grip. Have you ever carried a pot or pan
with a lot of water or food inside? It definitely requires some core
Currently I will be running a 6-week
and shoulder strength. KB program with Club Markham.
So if want to be more effective with
This is the secret to the KB effectiveness. The KB requires you to your workouts and learn how your
use more than one muscle group to perform a movement. Fur- body is supposed to move come see,
thermore, the core is almost always involved. The KB movements call or email me how to get started.
such as the swing, get up, carries and snatches are more practi-
cal because they simulate movements of everyday movements (i.e. Dr. Paul Oh | (905) 604-9355
carrying, squatting, lifting, etc.).

How you hold the KB also plays a role in what muscles you use.
There are different ways to hold the KB that will increase activa-

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