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Zoe 8-5 8 Ball Pool- Applying Physics to the Game

Three ways an object can display acceleration.

1.) Speed Up
2.) Slow Down
3.) Change Direction

1. Speed Up

The first way to accelerate is by speeding up. The white ball is accelerating or speeding
up from an initial velocity of 0 mph to a higher velocity after the cue stick hits the ball.
The acceleration leads the white ball to collide with the red 8 ball.

2. Slowing Down
The second way an object can accelerate is by slowing down or decelerating. After being
hit by the cue stick an 8 ball will increase then decrease velocity over a short period of
time. The red and yellow balls are decelerating to 0 mph after a play.

3. Change Direction

The last way an object can accelerate is by changing direction. The pool balls are at a
constant state of rest until the cue stick hits the balls, then they accelerate quickly. The
balls may also bounce off the walls of the pool table and change direction. They will
continue to change directions until they either collide with another ball or decelerate to 0

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