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Buddhist The Pudgalavāda (Sanskrit; Chinese: ; pinyin: Bǔtèjiāluō Lùnzhě)
Pilgrimages or "Personalist" school of Buddhism broke off from the orthodox Sthaviravāda
Buddhist Practices (elders) school around 280 BCE. The Sthaviravādins interpreted the doctrine of
Buddhist Studies anatta to mean that, since there is no true "self", all that we think of as a self
Buddhist Symbols (i.e., the subject of sentences, the being that transmigrates) is merely the
Buddhist Teachers aggregated skandhas. The Pudgalavādins asserted that, while there is no
Buddhist Views ātman, there is a pudgala or "person", which is neither the same as nor
Buddhist Writers different from the skandhas. The "person" was their method of accounting for
Chinese Buddhism karma, rebirth, and nirvana. Other schools held that the "person" exists only as
Death & Rebirth a label, a nominal reality.
Deities Criticisms of the pudgala theory
The Pudgalavādins were strongly criticized by the Theravadins (a record of a
Famous Buddhists
Theravadin attack on the pudgala is found in the Kathavatthu), Sarvastivadins,
History of
and Madhyamakas. Peter Harvey agrees with criticisms levelled against the
Pudgalavadins by Moggaliputta-Tissa and Vasubandhu, and finds that there is
Buddhism no support in the Theravada nikayas for their "person"-concept. Relationship to
Mahayana the Sammitiya
Meditation Among the most prominent of the Pudgalavādin schools were the Sammitiya. The distinguished Buddhologist Etienne
Rituals Lamotte, using the writings of the Chinese traveler Xuanzang, asserted that the Sammitiya were in all likelihood the most
Sangha populous non-Mahayanist sect in India, comprising double the number of the next largest sect, although scholar L. S.
Scholars in Cousins revised his estimate down to a quarter of all non-Mahayana monks, still the largest overall. They continued to be a
Buddhist studies
presence in India until the end of Indian Buddhism, but, never having gained a foothold elsewhere, did not continue
Buddhism Pudgalavādin, also called Vātsīputrīya , ancient Buddhist school in India that affirmed the existence of an enduring person
Tibetan Buddhism (pudgala) distinct from both the conditioned (saṃskṛta) and the unconditioned (asaṃskṛ-ta); the sole asaṃskṛta for them
Translators was nirvana. If consciousness exists, there must be a subject of consciousness, the pudgala; it is this alone that
Vajrayana transmigrates from life to life.
Western Buddhism Source
FAQ (Frequently
Asked Questions) Wikipedia:Pudgalavadin

Categories: Buddhist Terms Eighteen Sects of Hinayana

This page was last modified on 24 February 2015, at 18:17.

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