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EC 1 - Assignment 1 –


Assignment is based on your learning of the course (session 1 to 21). You are expected to apply different
concepts of Managerial Economics in order to do the assignment problem. This is a group assignment,
form a group of two people only.

Problem Statement

Write and prepare a caselet of an Industry or a firm of your choice and analyze any one of the following
in detail. The case and analysis of the any one of the following should be based on the facts, figures, actual
data, calculation and estimation. You are expected to use different concepts which you have learnt from
the course.

a) Collusion Activities
b) Product pricing strategies – Price discrimination, Two-part pricing etc.
c) Market structure and competition level –
d) Production technique and input pricing model
e) Strategies based on Game theory
f) Major characteristic of the product’s demand and measurement of different elasticities
g) Demand forecasting on the basis of historical data
h) Different types of costs and cost structure

Please follow the guidelines strictly, violation of the same will lead to negative
marking. If you want any guidance, write me an e-mail or may ask in the class.
Guidelines –

• Deadline - Any time before 30th October, avoid last date/minute submission. Since it is online
submission there might be the possibility of some technical issue. Instructor will not be responsible
for the same. Late submission will carry negative 5 marks. There would not be extension of the
deadline. Try to submit before time.

• Submission would be accepted only through TAXILA portal – through online submission system only
(Be careful while selecting the course it should be MBA ZC – 416 not the courseware). I would not
accept any attachments through email.

• Description: Assignment is based on your learning of the course (sessions 1 to 21). You are expected
to apply different concepts of Managerial Economics and empirically test the assignment problem.

• Pages - 10 pages. Simply write your findings and understanding. Cite the references if you are taking
assistance of any sources.

• Type of submission - Soft copy. M.S. word only to check plagiarism. No PDF will be accepted

• Kindly note if plagiarism is found to be more than 30%, the awarded marks will be zero and no
further evaluation would be done. Try not to copy from previous submission and any other sources.

• Marks & Weightage(%) – 15

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