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-- xmobar config used by Vic Fryzel

-- Author: Vic Fryzel


-- This is setup for dual 1920x1080 monitors, with the right monitor as primary
Config {
font = "xft:Fixed-8",
bgColor = "#000000",
fgColor = "#ffffff",
position = Static { xpos = 0, ypos = 0, width = 1366, height = 20 },
lowerOnStart = True,
commands = [
Run Weather "KPAO" ["-t","<tempF>F <skyCondition>","-L","64","-H","77","-
n","#CEFFAC","-h","#FFB6B0","-l","#96CBFE"] 36000,
Run MultiCpu ["-t","Cpu: <total0> <total1> <total2> <total3>","-L","30","-
H","60","-h","#FFB6B0","-l","#CEFFAC","-n","#FFFFCC","-w","3"] 10,
Run Memory ["-t","Mem: <usedratio>%","-H","8192","-L","4096","-
h","#FFB6B0","-l","#CEFFAC","-n","#FFFFCC"] 10,
Run Swap ["-t","Swap: <usedratio>%","-H","1024","-L","512","-
h","#FFB6B0","-l","#CEFFAC","-n","#FFFFCC"] 10,
Run Network "em1" ["-t","Net: <rx>, <tx>","-H","200","-L","10","-
h","#FFB6B0","-l","#CEFFAC","-n","#FFFFCC"] 10,
Run Date "%a %b %_d %l:%M" "date" 10,
Run Com "getMasterVolume" [] "volumelevel" 10,
Run StdinReader
sepChar = "%",
alignSep = "}{",
template = "%StdinReader% }{ %multicpu% %memory% %swap% %em1% |
<fc=#FFFFCC>%date%</fc> | Volume: <fc=#b2b2ff>%volumelevel%</fc>"

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