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OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS Tartalom Introduction 1 My life 4 2 Animals 14 3 Holidays 24 4 Food 34 5 The world 44 6 Entertainment 54 Ismétlés 64 Nyelvtani dsszefoglalé 66 Szészedet 74 ra wc) ——— Pig nama Tom Hutchinson Chery! Pelteret Introduction Hello ‘1 © Write the best greeting for each situation. frd be a helyzethez illé kész6néstl 1 Its Good morning. 2 Its3 pm 2 ts7 pm 4 5 You are going to bed. Say ‘helo’ to a frend, oR 6 Say'goodbye'to =» _____ oR a friend. see 1 2 Write a dialogue. Use the words in the box. Alkoss parbeszédet a megadott szavak segitségevell And are Bye Goed Hello How I'm Fine, Max morning max Good morning . Mis Jones! URS JONES t max ? MRS OWES 1 ? max _ 1 1 tans jones. Bye, Max My family 3 Look at Patrick's family tree. Complete the sentences. Nézd meg Patrick csalédfajt, majd egészitsd ki a mondatoket! bi 7583 Howard [Debbie Edward [cynthia Pertrick voll Bens My name's Patrick and Paul is my _ brother Jennys my Johnis our _ kate is our — Debbie, Howard, Cynthia and Edward are our 6 Cynthia and Edward are our mum's Possessive adjectives 4, Complete the sentences with my, his, her, our or their. Egészitsd kia mondatokat! My, his, her, our vagy their? 1 We lve in Bristol, Our house is near the park 2. My brother loves sport favourite sport is football 3 Its my sisters birthday tomorrow. __ party ison Saturday, 4 My friends always invite me to _ houses 5 Ihave to buy flowers for _rmother en Mother's Day. 6 This isa photo of my English class. And this is teacher, Mrs Dyer Giving personal information 5 write the questions to complete the Interview. ird be az interja hisnyz6 kerdéseit! ‘7 €E=2Read the information in the chart and complete the interview, A téblécat adatai alapjan egészitsd ki a parbeszéd interviewer *_ What's your name? ornament Morgan ouver Oliver Baile. eae: irerviewer * twelve ouvee == BAI double LIE | ene brother, wo InTeREWeR 2 Ea ouver rm twelve blue inrerviewer * - ark our Thirty-two, Crescent Lane. | French nrenviewer © Fiano, vein ouverts DAT 8UT. Tae iwremviewer * ouver Its 0897 345. wreRviewer *Have you got an Internet friend, lack? wwremviewer 7 snc Yes,? Her name is ‘OuvER ‘Yes, Its, 5 wwrenviewer Thank you. renews * 3 sack She's from Canada have got / has got TERVIEWER > 2 6 @ describe the people. Készitsleirést a képen vcs Shes twelve lathaté emberekrélt merenvigwer ©. sce Yes, she's got one brother and two sisters tnveRvieweR. Can you describe her? nce She? eyes and§__ halt. 1 They ere_tal an They = noses. They hair They are wearing and long, black 2 He's and 3 He ait ~he’s He a __anda He's wearing ‘wterviewes Can she speak any languages? wace Yes @ urenvewen Can she play the guitar? snc No, *. She™ the piano and the viol Inrenviewer __ any sports? sae 4 f wy My school Vocabulary ‘1 © Complete the text. Write the words for the pictures. A képek segitségével egészitsd kia mondatokat! Hil 'm Caitlin Jerwwocd. 'm twelve and | five in Brighton. I'm in Year 8 at West Park Secondary ‘School, My favourite subjects are" Maths and e I don't ike \take the to school. My brother comes, too. He goes to the same school, but he's in Year 9, We meet our friends at’_. School starts at §________ and finishes at ?_ After school, on Wednesdays, I play ® and on Fridays igo?_. havea *___lesson on Tuesdays. After that, | 90 home and reed a" in the evening. My friends live in the same street, 0 they come to my house on Friday or Saturday ‘evenings and we watch "__ together. 1 de miy homework 2 <> Read the text in exercise 1 again. Are the statements true (7) oF false (x)? Correct the false ones. Az1. feladat alapjan igazak (/) vagy hamisak (x) az ailitésok? A hamisakat javitsd kit 1. Caitlin goes to a primary school ‘She goes to a secondary school. 2 Shesin Year 10. 3 Her brothers in the same class. 4. They go to school by bus. 5. She likes Maths ano Science. 6 She doesn’t lke history. 7 She plays tennis on Fridays. 8 She doesn't pay a musical instrument. ] 3 cEED Read the text again. Answer the questions. Olvasd el jra a széveget! Valaszolj a kérdésekre! 1. What time does school start? _itstarts at half past eight. _ 2. What time does it finish? 3. When does Caitlin do her homework? 4 When dogs she have @ music lesson? 5 What does she do on Fridays? 6 When do Caitlin and her friends watch TV? Present simple 4G, & Look at the chart. Write sentences about Ralph. Use the verbs in brackets. A tablazatban megadott informaciok és a zarojelben megadott igek felhasznalasaval egészitsd ki a Ralphrdl sz616 mondatokat! ‘Name: Raloh do you lke? Whatsubiect | What time do | What sports you get up? do youdo? Writing 5 GB Look at the chart in exercise 4 and answer the questions about yourself and your friend, Valaszol) 2 4. feladatban talaihatd 4Ablazat kérdéseire! [rj magadrél 8s barétodrél! 1 Ralph doesn’t play the trumpet, but he _plays the guitas. (play) 2 He Maths, but he. (like) 3 He but he (get up) 4 He Z but he - (play, do) 5 He buthe ake, wa) 6 Ralph and his friends but they —— (do, watch) Birthdays Months 1 © Complete the crossword with months. {rd be a keresztrejtvénybe a hénapokat! Ordinal numbers 3. © Write the ordinal numbers in words in the correct column. [rd be a sorszAmneveketa Aq fc tablézat megfelel6 oszlopabat F | int | & | | = frst Fo T F = | ZS | | ah TF i “Heth | A Dates 4, complete the chart. Egészitsd kia tablizatot! a (Wewrite [Wesay = 1 May the first of May Seasons the fifteenth of October 2 © Label the seasons. Nevezd meg az évszakokat! 3 Aeril the thirty-first of lu 22 September the eighteenth of anuary 5, cDWhen are their birthdays? Write the dates in full. Mikor van a sziiletésnapjuk? Ird le a détumokat betikkel! 1 Lucys_bisthalay is. 2 Tom's ee (is/1) the fourth of Jule (4/7) 3 Sa 23/8) 4 Cations (1/2) 5S Abbis__ 2/3) Mickey, Millie and Mut Present simple ‘1 czRead the party invitation and answer the questions. A meghivé alapjan valaszolj a kerdésekre! Please come to my !2th birthday pari! From 2.15 pm fo 20 pm Ate My fla! Flat 14 Park House, Wood Green, 1) When is the party? Its on 25 May, 2. What time does it start? 3. What time does it finish? 4 Whereis it? 5 Where is Charlie's flat? 6 Which flat isin? 7 What do you have to bring? 8 wh? 2 © Complete the questions with do or does. Egészitsd kia kérdéseket! Do vagy does? 11 What do children in your country _do_ on their birthdays? 2 ___you usually have e party? 3 What kind of cake you have? 4 ____your mother get flowers for her birthday? 5 What presents _your parents give you? everyone sing to you? they sing? 7 What 3 <> Complete the dialogues with the correct form of the words in the box. Egészitsd kia parbeszédeket az igék meafelelé alakiéval! 2 © He in the capital city 2 © Doyou and your sister TWatter school? = Yes. 1 Science World and my sister Fun with Art. 3» What sports do you and your fiends > © Amy and tennis and Jack __ football A & Do your parents other languages? » My mother ___ French and they both English 5.» Do you and your brother ssame school? * No, he 10 primary school and \ _ to.a secondary school. 6 © What time does your schoo! ? + Myschiool at 330 pm. to the Mickey, Millie and Mut Present simple 2 © Complete the questions with do or does. Egészitsd ki a kérdéseket! Do vagy does? ‘ead the party invitation and answer 1 coead the party imétaton and answer 4 what do children inyour county _do kérdésekrel on their birthdays? 2 ___you usually have a party? 3 Whatkind of cake you have? 4 ___ your mother get flowers for her birthday? 5. What oresents, your parents give you? everyone sing to you? 7 What they sing? Please come to my !2th bicthday pacly! 3 complete the dialogues with the correct form of the words in the box. Egészitsd kia parbeszédeket az igék megfelel6 alakjaval! 1 Whenis the party? son 25Mey ______ 4 «Where does the President of your country 2 What time does it start? live. 7 ————— © He____in the capital city 3 What time does it Finish? 2 © Doyou and your sister Weatter se school? 4 Where isit? = Yes. 1 Science World and my ————— sister__ Fun with Art, 5 Where is Charlies tlat? Be What sports do you and your friends 2 Amy and! tennis and Jack — ———____— _ footoall 7. What do you have to bring? 4 @ Doyour parents other languages? —____— » My mother ___ French and they 8 Why? both English, — 5 © Doyouand your brother tothe same schoo!? » No,he___ toa primary school and |___to a secondary school. 6 © What time does your school _? + Myschoot___ at 3.30pm. 1G Which flats it? Q, Caz Ask and answer questions about Molly. Use the pictures and the words in the box. A képek és a megadott szavak felhasznalasaval ir} kérdéseket Mollyrét, majd valaszolj rajuk! 1 © _Does Molly live in the UK? . she doe iw s —_— — volleyball? 36 — Spanish? Se books? Se Science? 5 = Complete the questions. Use the words in the box. A megadott szavak felhasznalasdval egészited kia kérdéseket! 1» Do you go smimming every day? = Yes, Ido. » What time © At seven o'clock, English? Yes, its my favourite subject the piano? © No, | don’t. * When » At quarter to eight, ( Daily life Jobs in the house |L_ © Match the words in A to the words in B. Parositsd dssze az igéketés a foneveket! 2 <@ Label the pictures with the expressions in exercise 1. Az 1.feladatban kapott ejezéseket irda képekala ies 1 _dlean the car 3. CEE Complete the text with the correct form of the expressions in exercise 1. Egészitsd ki a ‘mondatokat az 1. feladatban kapott kifejezések megfelelé alakjavall In our house, we all have jobs. My father aways 1 takes out the ru He puts it in the bin outside. My mother usually * but! help her. | like making pasta! After dinner, a and put everything in the cupboard. My mother¢_______ onthe Internet, because she hasn't got time to go to the ‘supermarket. | always ® His name's Bobo and he's always hunary! My brother*_. 1 dont Ike that job ~ the machine is so noisy. My fether”_ because he drives itt 4, £33 Jerome doesn’t help his mother in the house. Write what he doasn't do. Jerome nem segit édesanyjanaka hézimunkéban. rd le, milyen munkakat nem végez el! 1 _He doesn’t wash 42. Adverbs of frequency "] <2 How often do you do these things? 5 © Write the words in the box in order of frequency. Tedd a megadott szavakat jelentésik szerint sorrendbe! Haladj a leoritkabbt6l a legayakoribb felé! Te milyen gyakran végzed ezeket a tevékenységeket? pale 1 _/sometimes do the shopping. is 6 G2 Label the chart. Write five more sentences about the things Daisy does. A tablazathan megadott informéciék alapjén irj még ot mondatot Daisyral! |2 goonthe internet v 5 oi contr tones z }4 watch DVDs v Gee ease ess & tidy your room v Daisy sometimes forgets someon an awnas Progress check ‘1 Complete the chart with months and seasons, Ind a tablazatba a napok és hénapok neveit! 2 winter May _ duly “ 2. Write the dates how we say them. Ird le, hogyan mondjuk ezeket a datumokat! 11s the fist of May 2 13/2 3 19/12 4 2/6 5 31/10 6 3/4 3. Read the text. Are the statements true (/) or false (x)? Correct the false ones. Olvasd ela sz6veget Igazak (/) vagy hamisak (x) az Allitésok? A hamisakat javitsd ki! Fri Amber. This is a photo of me and my friends. We go to the same school ~ Northview Secondary School, We take the bus together. Jake and | ere in Year 7 and Patick isin Year 8. We all play in the schoo! band. | play the guitar, Jake sings and Patrick plays the drums, We always play at school parties and we sometimes practise after school in the gym. Everyone watches us. The teachers like ‘our music. But they don't like my Maths! rm not {good at it | enjoy PE and Geogrephy, Jake is good at French — he speaks it well. And Patrick knows everything about History! He likes cooking, too. He often cooks dinner for us at his house. | never ‘cook, but | ahvays wesh up and set the table, And ‘we all iove eating Patrick's food! 1 Amber and her friends are in the same class. 2. Patrick plays the drums. 3. Amber is good at Maths. 4. Jake is good at French. 5. Amber often cooks. 6 Patrick always sets the table. o}o aolala 4 Complete the questions about Amber and her friends. Then answer them. Egészitsd ki az Amberre és barétaira vonatkoz6 kérdésoket, majd valaszolj ajuk! 1. What school _do they ail go to? —They all go tc condary School. _ 2 How they get to school? 2 What instrament Amber play? 4 Where __ they practise? 5 ____the teachers lke their music? 6 ____ Amber like PE and Geography? 7 What language Jake speak well? 8 What Patrick do at his house? 5 Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. Tedd a szavakat helyes sorrendbe! 1. often /1/' make my bed / don’t | con't often make my 2 vacuuins / My mother / usualy /the floor 3. washes / My dad / up / normally / after dinner 4 the car/never ( My brother / cleans 5 take out/ We /the rubbish / every dey 6 sometimes / goes swimming / Helen / in the moming Complete the answers and tick (7) the correct box. Egészitsd ki a mondatokat, majd jeldid be, hogy mennyire mennek neked ezek a dolgok! bli a every dey, 2A 1__ to school. 3. What do you do at on Saturday? 5. I never / often /sometimes OO ny bedroom, 6 But! never /sometimes / always 7 Today is At the zoo ‘1 © Read the dialogue. Write the names of the ai als in the correct places. Olvasd el a parbeszédet, majd ird beaz dllatoknevéta megfelelé helyre! ‘cORININE HENRY coRINNE HENRY CORINNE ewer cORINNE Oh, its great at the zoo! Lets go and see the lions frst. Look at the map. Where are we now? Well, we're here, watching the bears. The elephants are next to the bears and the lons are behind the elephants. (OK. What can we see after the lions? There are monkeys next to the lions. \We can see them and then we can walk to the kangaroos. They are between the elephants and the crocodiles. Oh, | love crocodies! What about the snakes? Where are they? They're behind us, next to the bats, OK, let’ go! Zoo animals 2. © Label the animals. Nevezd meg azllatokat! 1 _akangaroo 2 €@ Look at the pictures in exercise 2. Write ‘what the animals are doing. Use the correct. form of the words in the box. Nézd meg iijra a 2, feladat képeit! A megadott szavak felhasznilisaval ird le, mit csinalnak azllatok! . hide eat sleep fly throw jump drink The kangaroo is jumping. Present continuous 5 CEB Look at the pictures and write sentences. Acképek és a megadlott szavak felhasznalasaval alkoss mondatokat! 4 @ what are they doing? Look at the pictures. Use the words to write sentences. A megadott k ndlasaval ird le, ki mit esinall szavak felhaszndlasdval ird le, ki mit csinall 4 They have tune They aren't having 1 They/go/school trip 2 Becky/ geton /bus They are going —on.a schoo! trip. _ 3. Dad/take out the rubbish 4 Jenny / wash up 5 Mum / cock dinner 5 Sueand.Melssa/ © The girs / watch / eat / lunch football Mickey’s model dinosaur Present continuous ‘1 2 complete the text. Use the correct form of the verbs in brackets. ‘Then answer the question at the end, Egészitsd kia szoveget a zat6jelben lévé igék megfelelé alakjaval, majd valaszolja kérdésre! les break time at school. The children * are playing. (989) in the playground. Two girs*___(run) and some boys 2______tkick 2 football. Some children 4 ___do) their homework, One boy 5___(draw) a picture of a cat. It «___ (imb) a tree. Some cirls 7________ throw) a teninis ball to each ‘therm in the playground too. Where *___ (hide? He® (hide). 2 G@Find seven more differences between the pictures. Write sentences. Talal) még hét kiilinbségeta két kép kézatt! [rj mondatokat! Picture A Picture B A bat is fying. a Present continuous — questions 3 © Complete Ruby's questions. Then write Ryan's short answers. Egészitsd ki Ruby Kércéselt, majd réviden valaszolj Ryan nevébent 1 © Are you arinking juice? (you / drink) ae cake? they / eat) «No, tn not. . Pee 2 «Molly / dance) Bee ? (the band / play) Be funny dothes? Ge at (people / wear) (Molly's parents / watch) 4, ©) Write questions for the answers. Use the 55 eX Answer the questions about yourself. present continuous tense. lrj kérdéseket a Most te valaszolj a kérdésekre! megadott vélaszokhoz! Hasznald a folyamatos Wh . joann 1) Whet are you wearing now’ Te Wher going? — Where afe you goin —— (90) 2 What are your parents doing now? + To the park 2e Sa Pid — eo 3 Isyour teacher talking now? « Acrossword. = ——___? os f6i) 4 Where are you sitting now? © Theglue. . 2 4 (make) 5 Are you listening to music now? « Amodel 5 > a a 5 (phone) 6 Isit raining today? © My triend, Ge _—_? (rain) «No, it ist [ My favourite animals Animals ‘1 complete the crossword. Fejtsd meg a keresztrejtvényt! Across 2. CEE Write the animals in exercise 1 in the correct column. Ind be az 1, feladatban szerepld dllatokat a megfelelé oszlopba! {Wile animats _They live in water They fly ) a giraffe, *| Present simple or present continuous? 3 © Circle the correct forms. Karikazd be az igék meofelelé alakjst! 1 + Hi Briony, what Gra you doing) do you do tight now? © Iwatch /am watching a DVD called Two Brothers 2. Every summer we are going / go to Weymouth. 3. At the moment, my mother is looking / looks fora holiday on the Internet. 4 My father usually is coming / comes home at ‘about halt past six. But today he is working / works longer 5. * Where do you go / are you going, Alex? © To the library. Are you coming / D0 you ‘come, 1007 Yes, lam. 6 © Laura, do you play are you playing a ‘computer game? It's tre for bed! © No, Mum, | 'm not playing / don’t play a game, I'm finishing / finish my homework, 4. cx Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple or the present continuous tense. Hasznalj eayszeré vagy folyamatos jelen iddt! 1. Every Tuesday after school |_have a music lesson. But today |_‘m having a dance lesson. (have) 2 Thisis Mrs Parker. Se wonderful cakes. Look, she a ‘chocolate cake now. (make) you _ Rebecca again? You __her every day! (phone) 4 atthe moment, in my diary. 1 init every week. (write) 5 Mybrother aways —_ me with my homework. At the moment, 1 him with his English| (help) 6 you bastetball today? Yes, | every week, with the school ‘team, (play) 5 Gap pur the verbs in brackets into the present simple or the present continuous tense. Ird be a zdrdjelben megadott igék eqyszerti jalen vagy folyamatos jelen idejii alakjat! |.am at the Dolphin Park today! Every day at nine o'clock, the perk keepers _ feed (feed) the dolphins. The dolphins always — (eat) fish. | — (throw) a fish to a dolphin now. Look! It ump) and (catch) the fish We ___(g0) on holiday every year: We're in Aftica, in a wildlife park now. We (sit) in the car and (watch) some giraffes. They (eat) leaves, At the moment, we ___(learn) about frogs. We are on a cass trip to the park today. This is my friend, Felix, He (draw) a frog. t__(cateh) an insect for its lunch! (* Vocabulary 1 2 c=) Compiete the story with the words in the box. © Label the pictures. ird be, mit létsz a képer The story of Chicken Licken Egészitsd kia térténetet a megadott szavak felhasznélasévall One day an old women makesa cake tsa + ginger ‘man! The old woman takes the eke out of the oven. But the gingerbread man jumps up end runs away! ‘Help,’ the old woman shouts toher? 'My gingerbread man is running aviay!’ The old woman and the old man run after him, But they can’t run fast (On the farm, there is a 3 eating ‘grass. ‘Where are you going?’ the cow asks the gingerbread man. But the gingerbread man doesn’t stop. So the cow runs after him, too. Then they see a “ walking along the The horse starts nunning, too. A is swimming in the pond. tt starts running, too. Everyone wants to catch the gingerbread man! But they can't run fast. Then the gingerbread man comes toa He stops because he can‘tswim. Butat is sitting there, next to a ‘ree. “Jump on my back. I can swim very well’ he says. So the gingerbread man jumps on his back. ‘They swim across the river. But the fox is hungry now. He says, ‘You are very heavy on my back Jump on my head. The gingerbread man jumps ‘on the fox’s head. Then the fox opens his ® and eats the gingarbread man, So next time you see'a fox, don't listen to him! €@Read the story in exercise 2 again. Are the statements true (7) or false (x)? Olvasd el Gira 2. feladat szivegét! Igazak (¥) vagy hamisak (x) azallitasok? 1 Anold woman mekesa gingerbread men. [7] 2. The gingerbread man runs away from the cow, 3. The horse doesn’t want to catch the gingerbread man, 4 The gingerbread man can run very fast 5 A fonis sitting next toa tree. 6 The fox wants to eat the gingerbread man, 7 8 9 ‘The gingerbread man climbs a tree The fox can't swim. ‘The fox eats the gingerbread man. 10 We must always listen to a fox. Subject / object pronouns 6 capella works at the 200, What must she do every day? Write sentences with must and the 4 Girdle the correct words. Kerikézd be, (Gore Inthe bok El eednattartben dolgozik. melyik névmis illik a mondatba! ‘Mia munkaja? A must segédige és. a megadott 1) There's @ new animal film on TV tonight. igék felhaszndlaséval irj mondatokat! ‘Can(DY me watch it, please? 2. My mother loves birds. She / Her always reads books about they / them 3 Wild animals are not good pets. They / Them must live in 200s or wildlife parks. 4 My sister's horse is called Lord, She / Her always rides he / him on the farm, 5 Please, Dad, can you take we / us to the z00 again? There are two new baby bears there and we / us want to see they / them, 6 My favourite animal is a giraffe. | / Me love its Jong neck and legs. must 5 Give advice. Use must and the words jin the box. A must segédige és a megadott igék felhasznalasaval adj tanécsot! 1. Ive gat a spelling test tornorrow. You must leam the words. 2 I'm always tired in the moming, 3 can’t find anything in my room! 4. My dog isr’t happy. 5. [haven't got any glue for my project. 6 My bike's diy Progress check ‘1 Cirde the correct answers. Karikazd be 2 4, steve works at the zoo. Read the interview. helyes valaszt! Complete the questions and answers. Use the verbs in brackets. Steve dllatkertben dolgozik. Which one 2 can'tfly? ‘a budgie/an eagle/a shark 3 can fly? agiratfe/an eagle/a dolphin 4 canswim? ashark/a cow/a goat 5 candimbatrea? amonkey/an ostrich/a pig © eats insects? a sheep/a goat/a frog 8 isa farm animal? a giraife/s snake/s cow 2. Find nine more animals in the wordsearch. Talalj mag kilenc allatnevet a betiiracsban! Wy ale OTs [TR] 1 [€[H]s I] R,O;HIN|S|HIA[R| KB risirelelolitlelorolsle wwrervewer What "are you doing _ (do) at the Pie lplolelelHlelciyla moment, Steve? ofolilelrlslalslolelr sme 8 (clean) the elephant pe[rtelalkfetulolele house. They aren't very ty animals! orolerolctuletali tele wwrenvewer When? usualy TLe[e/O|R|e|s|BlLlolt ee AL ATS TEIM[O[N|K[E|Y|M aver mi cfe[eltloluly|s|mly ome They — (hae) the ulti fo[n[e[Hforr| i [a breakfast at seven o'clock in the (Se tele HAIN] T Pls morning and their dinner at five 3. Write the names of the animals in exercise 2. orsockin ie aternocn rd le a 2. feladatban talait dllatok nevét! meine Wht aesleoreints (do) at the moment? 1 _a hippopotamus 2 steve Wel that’s the mother and her baby. .— she alviays* (stand) i next to her baby. At the moment she ‘ == 2 — (ash) him! . iwrervewer What @___the other elephant ; (do) over there? : sive tt (ook) ata ge. CC_=_a_.a_FH OO She®@______eat)an “— ice-cream. Elephants love ice-cream! 55 Change the nouns in brackets into he, him, Ican... she, it, us, they or them. A zéréjelben megadott ° ey ; 3 Complete the answers and tick (/) the correct box. foneveket helyettesitsd a megfelel6személyes Eas zitcd ki a mondatokat, majd jeldld be, hogy pebianetinak Ne hinyaie) tus deer vagy emt mennyire rmennek neked ezek a dolgok! ‘© | must remember my brother’ birthday next week. (My brother) "He __ishaving a party. 1. The monkeys usually = Whatare you going to buy your brother) the tee, 2 > but at the moment ¢ Imtaking (my brother) to apet they (climb, sleep) shop to buy a new hamster, » That. a good present. But (your brother) * must clean the cage often. (The cage)? gets very dirty! Its our class trip today. Our teacher, Mrs Bellis taking 2 We're at the zoo! I’ (our class)®__ to the 200, (Mrs Ball 7 - h von m is teaching (our class) * about animak. watching the __ » q The it Iwant to see the lions, (The Fons? shin Ne 1 are my favourite animals, My friends all lke the a Sean NAN = monkeys, so {my frignds) * want to see e—___ Tres ED areswimming andthe (the monkeys) "__ first, Zookeeper is feeding 6 What must these people do? Write pacers aA sentences with must, Kinek mit kell tennie? fr mondatokat a must segédige felhaszndlasaval! 1. Johnny can't play the guitar very well (practise more) _He must practise. 2 Myssister always gets 1/10 for her tests. (do her homework) practise the piano Ee + arn new words 3) My brother's hair is very long. (cut it) buy Mama birthday co Si 4. My friends aren't quiet in class, (stop talking) 3 | must Then! a ‘And it's Mums 5 I can't see the board in class. (wear alasses) birthday tomorrow. 6 We'e going to the wildlife park. (bring cameras) 3 | Al Where were you last week? Vocabulary 1 © Label the pictures, Ind le, mit latsz a képen! aut tae | 4 2 complete the text about Craig's day. miyen Was / were volt Craig napja? Egészitsd kia mondatolat! 3 © complete the text with was or were. LAE) > Egéeated kia mondatokat! Wes vagy wor? MR] uate ae aetciea we ro 2 ‘on holiday. The weather®_ very geod. Ourhotelt___ oposite the a beach. Thesea* _lovely and warm. FED) tee emsenm eon brother and 17. always in the see, but My" birthday __wass last Saturday. | was at my mum __ usually in the sun! Next to the? __ with my? the hotel, there alot of restaurants “The movie was about 4 ROR: and cafés, The ice-crearrs ©_ great! ‘reat! Later, we were at the 5 There "__twenty aifferent ice-crears! Bur ewes _sothanwsay fun, My favourite ice-cream the chocolate Iwas at?_ ate fone. There ®__also a very interesting aid there es a_ and reptile park near our hotel, There __a warmed roazaa haan big crocodile and there alotof Nwasin™ ae snakes. Tey "*__ horrible. The beach the best place to go! It was 2 great day! 24 4 (EE) Where were they? Look at the pictures 5 Write questions and answers. A megadott and correct the sentences, Ki hol volt? Aképek szavak felhasznéléséval kérdezz ¢s valaszolj! alapjan javitsd ki a mondatokat! Pins pemonese 1 she /schoo! 1. Miriam and Alison were at © _Was she at schoo! the 200 ee + Nosh She was at the swimming pool. Luke was at his sister's they / sports centre wedding. . Our teacher was ill in bed Andrea and Daniel were at a birthday party. Our holiday Vocabulary ‘1 © Label the things in the picture. {rd le, mit atsz.a képen! 1 2 Be 4 an airport evan 2 Complete the crossword. Fejtsd meg 3 keresztrejtvényt! This ‘book’ has your name, photo and countiy init, You catch this at the station. You travel on the see or river in ths. You can sleep in this. Its got wheels ‘You must buy this before you travel on a bus cr plane. You can stay here when you're on holiday, Past simple 3 Look at Katarina’s diary for last week. Write what she did on each day. Katarina naptérbejegyzésel alapjan ftdle, mit csinalt a mii héten! Monday practise tennis with Peter = visit Grandma Wednesday atch a DVD at Helenas house sen (hep gee with ey try to learn more Spanish sword Saturday olect my bus ticket for the trip Sunday pack for the school trip 1 On Monday she practised tennis with Peter _ 4 = What did the family do on holiday? What didn't they do? Write sentences. Mit csinalt, ttletve mit nem csinalt a csaléd a nyaralds alatt? {ij mondatokat! hack the labels the suitcase Vf Weteh 10 X Practsesome French tthe masoom X Ply fotball X Wile the rver Phove th bank X allt thes tthe theatre Problems Regular / irregular verbs ‘L_ © Write the past form of the verbs in the crossword. ied be az igék malt idejt alakjat a keresztrejtvénybel Across ] OF 5 steal 7 eat 8 take — FF 10axe 11 drop 12bite 7 * Down miss oi break go grab forget = leave woawne 2 <= what happened to the people? Write sentences. Use the ~} past form of the verbs in the box. rd le, mitértént aképen lathat6 emberekkel! A megadott igék mult idejd alakjat haszndld! Jose have (x2) break drop miss 5 They = 6 Alan » Past simple 3 Ez) Read the instructions. Complete Spy 009s report. Olvasd el az utasitasokat, majd egészitsd ki a 009-2 tigyndk jelentését! _ SECRET DOCUMENT Instructions for Spy 009 Report by Spy 009 ‘On Tussdey 13 February, at eight o'clock, take the tain Gn Tuesday 13 February, at eight o'clock, [took fiom Stansted Airpot 10 Liverpool Steet station n 5 ae London. When jou arrive collect your ticket to ipswich, —R& tia thom Stonsted Alport to Liverpool _ ‘Then weit under the clock. Look for s woman with a _ Street station in London. When... ‘black umbrella. When she arrives, go with her to the ‘café, Check the time and at tweve o'clock phone Boctor Strange. Leave the station ané take 2 tad to. Eysion, Go to the Bellew Hotel and collect your next instructions. Read them and then eat them. (4, cz Mandy and Kyle went on holiday last week. But their holidays were very different! Write sentences about them. Mandy és Kyle elutaztaka multhéten, de kulnbéz6képpen toltéttek sziinidejiket. A megadott szavak segitségével ird le, mit csinaltakt 1. Mandy / go /on holiday by plane 6 Kyle/ not swim/in the sea _Mandy went on holiday by olane. = — 2. Mandy /take / photos with her camera 7 yle/ have / an accident 2. Mandy / write / postcards on the beach 8 Kyle/ break /his arm 4 Mandy / be / happy 9 He /sit/at the café all day 5. Kyle / not go/ to the beach 10. Kyle/ not enjoy /his holday Mut’s holiday Holidays ‘1 <&® complete Julia's postcard. Write the words in the crossword. Egeszitsd kia mondatokat, majd ird be a szavakat a keresztrejtvénybe is! fp Pe[_L Fa Dear Elena o We are on * holiday in Croatia. We. arrived on Monday. FF ‘we? our dog, Sandy, wif our ?_. Mr Cole. Then we 4____ our car to the: Fe ; pr ae coe» pane. The §__vae lng, J > but it was fun, We? © a campite right next 40 elililélaly the ___. When we arrived, we * _ inthe beaut, warm sta: There’ a picture of ion this * Ai right we ep ina *_! ‘The he gond = sary and hot | brought my [Fe 12 wi me, $0 { can show you sore when | come hore, exe! 7 Love from Talia [ew 2 <= Complete the sentences. Then put the pictures in the correct order. Egészitsd kia mondatokat, majd tedd a képeket helyes sorrendbe! arrive four hotel 1 We _arrived at our hotel, sey / goodbye to our dog 4 We _ = 6 Mumand bad _. »] : 90/ airport peck / suitcases 5 We Past simple — questions 3 © Write questions and short answers. Use the words in brackets. Alkoss kérdéseket a megadott szavak felhasznalasval, majd valaszolj rajuk révident 1 _Did youpiay football = 2 lest week? No, 1 didn’t. (football) 5 Ge Read Marthe’s mum’s note. Martha didn’t do everything on the note. Write the questions and Martha's answers. Olvasdlel Martha édesanyjanak dzenetét! Martha még nem végzett el mindent. [rd le, mit fog anyukéja kérdezni, majd ied le Martha vélaszait ist 1 _ Did you finish _ ‘your homework? eo Yesjtdi, 2 @ When it? 3 7 3 3 the cats; _ (piano lessor) —m ** Sem! 4 © Match the questions to the answers, Parositsd Sg your suitcase? Sssze a kérdéseket a hozzéjuk tartozé valaszokkal! 1 Were you on holiday last week? ad © 6 Whe tocar? 2 Wihere did you go? é a sandwich, 3. How did you travel there? Te - you and Jamie do? 4 Where did you stay? : 5 Did you take your dog with you? 6 Who looked after him? Writing wi 2 MARE TE 6 Write about your last holiday. fjlegutobbi 8 What did you lke best? LJ nyaralésodrél! a Inahotel. b The food! No, we didn't Yes, we were. € We visited the Colosseum, f To Rome. 9 Our friends. a h By train Progress check ‘1 Label the pictures. {rd le, mit iatsz a képen! 2. Complete the dialogue with was or were. Egészitsd kia pérbeszédet! Was vagy were? Maus Were you at home yesterday evening? LAURA No, at the cinema, AMANDA your parents with you? Laura Yes, they _ AMANDA the film good? tauna Yes, great! 3. write the past form of the verbs in the box in the correct column. rd be a megadott igék mult idejd alakjét a megfelelé oszlopba! was / were, 4 Use the past form of the verbs in exercise 3 to complete Mark's blog. A 3. feladatban taléthaté igek malt idejd alakjaval egészitsd ki Mark intemnetes napiojat! Posted on: Monday, 14 May ‘On Friday!" had___abad-day. | 4 __ late at school, because! the bus. The teacher ¢ at me, because | * todo my homework. And 1® athome! So |” ______my sandwiches very hungry all dey. (On Saturday, we * tothe beach, We* in the sea and * wonderful food. Later, 1"? match on TV. Liverpool "2 a football Chelsea, twas great! Yesterday 1 the train to the cinema. But! _ my ticket, so! * home, But on the way home, my shoe * 11"___my ded and he me back home, intis car. He ® 5 What did and didn’t they do at the weekend? Read the questionnaire and write sentences. Mit csinaltak,illetve nem csinditak a gyerokek 2 hétvégén? A megadott informaciok alapjan ir] mondatokat! Patrick Konrad ‘Complete the answers and tick (7) the correct box. Egészitsd kia mondatokat. majd jeléld be, hogy. mennyire mennek neked ezeka dolgo! 1. Last year Iwent on holiday to Brighton. — = za We travelled by ‘We stayed in a can say what | did on holiday. (Dives Ji neep more practice 2 @ Did you goswimming last Friday? 1 « Not. And | a 2 (not see) my friends, bacause thay Be rot be) at ome. : can say what | didn’t do in the past. ‘ Loves ()ineep more practice i = i 8 —— 3. Where / go on holiday last manth? G Complete the questions. Egészitsd kia kérdéseket! ‘When _ cid you go swi | went swimming on Friday afternoon, How. — ? © got there by bus. Who © |Sew Maisie there What We had a pizza at a restaurant, Le after that? — it? Yes, we liked it very much, When a 2 «We got home at nine o’dock travel /by train? When /arrive? ‘What do there? have /@ good time? I can ask about things people did in the past. (ves [Ji Neco More pra Kinds of food ‘11 © Label the pictures. ird be, mit ldtsz a képen! 2 © Look at what Hanna usually eats during the day. Complete the texts. Mit szokott Hanna napkézben enni? Egészitsd kia mondatokat! Breakfast 6 For breakfast | usually have two Ye gos and a Love them with cheese and * ___.. | always have *t todrink. At lunch loften have as. and 4 Vike? tb: and?o, |also have ? 1 Dinner For dinner | sometimes eat f and ae. But my favourite is with mixed *v Ihave #c. to crink with that, Ordering food 3 ee diiveis ordering lunch. Put the dialogue in the correct order. Clive ebédet rendel. Tedd a pérbeszéd mondatait helyes sorrandbe! Anything else? Yes, can | have a salad with my cheeseburger? A coke, please, Cen! have a cheeseburger, please? *¥es;please? 's that everything? Yes, thank you. Yes, Do you want anything to drink? watreess ‘Yes, please? ave * warrness 3__ — ave 4 wares ce 8 warraess. 7 cuve Countable / uncountable nouns 4, © Write the food items in the correct column. frd be az ételek és italok nevét a megfelelé oszlopbal Chicken, riceand salad ruitsalad You need: bananas, apples, 2009 bears ‘oranges, arapes a/an 5 @ Look at the picture. Complete the text with a or an where necessary. Mit atsz a képen? Ahol szlikséges, egészitsd ki a mondatokat a megfelelé néveldvel (a vagy an)! We're having a picnic! We've got * and cheese, There are ? sandwiches and there's “__big chocolate cate, There is*__ chicken, too: And there's « big salad, We put *__egg (only ‘one),*__lettuce and *_ tomatoes in it, To drink, we've got " cola and ™_____lemonade. And there is ™__fruit 100 ~ bananas and apples, and orange, Writing G >write what you eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner. [rd le, mit szoktal reggelizni, ebédelni és vacsoréznit For breakiast | ha Stone soup Food ‘1 © Complete the crossword. Fejtsd mega keresztrejtvényt! Across Sy 9 ce 18 . o 2 write the words in exercise 1 in the correct column. [rd beaz 1, feladatban kapott szavakat amagfelelé oszlopbal ham, Revision 3 Complete the dialogue with have / has got or haven't / hasn't got. Egészitsd kia parbeszédet! Fr PF Has! have got vagy hasn't / haven't got? ELTI E J Spaghetti Bolognese g You need: FOO 7 beet / z an onion X a tomato x @ 4 salt and pepper [ Josie I've got__an idea! Let's make spaghetti | for lunch. LI ter OK.2_____ we | fa everything we need? u Josie We? some beef, but we ‘ any onions Down luxe My dad § some onions in 1? s 8 his vegetable garden, == 2 a saiie “Oh, good! Vi wy - tomatoes? ua No, he? tomatoes, but the shop next to cur house “ some. SS Josie We? some salt and pepe’, tos. ° wo 1 Luka That's everything we need! a/an, some @ © Girdle the correct words. Karikazd be 3 helyes megoldast! 1. © What would you Ike to drink? » I'd lea /Gomewater, please, 2. Can |have an/some apple, plesse? 3 Jason loves a / some chips with chicken for lunch, 4. My mum usually cooks a /some beef for our Sunday dinner. 5.» Would you like some/ a sandviich for breakfast? © Yes, please. And I'd like @/ an egg, please. 6 My brother likes pasta with a /some cheese, 7 Michelle got a/ an chocolate cake for her birthday. some/any 5 2 Rosie and her mother are writing the shopping list. Complete their dialogue. Use some ot any. Rosie és anyukdja bevasarlé listst Ir Egészitsd kia pérbeszédiket! Haszndld a some vagy az any névndst! juice Sutter carrots K mushrooms tam X owt X 1 «Have we got any juice? » Yes, we've got some juice. 2 « And carrots? 3 © Have we got any ham? 6 cep has Sam got a healthy lunch? Complete. ‘the text with some or any, Egészségesen étkezik Sam? Egészitsd ki a mondatokat a some vagy any szavakkall @ a sandwich with chicken, cheese @ fish @ fruit (apples, bananas, oranges) @salad © pasta or rice @ water or fruit juice Unhealthy things ¥ cola, lemonade ¥ sweets 1 cakes | t chips ba ‘Sam hasn't got a chicken sandwich, He's got a hamburger with _some___chips. That's rotvery ‘900d for lunch! But Sam has got ® cheese and? ____fiuit, He hasn’t got 4 apples or banianas, but he's got : oranges. He hasn't got § Have we got any butter? pasta or rice and he hasn’tgot'_ salad == _ But he's got fruit juice, He hasn’t got 5 « Are there any mushrooms? 9 ___ cola or lemonade today. He hasn't got”, sweets, He's got 6 @ Is there any salt in the cupboard? cake, but it's a healthy cake. it hasn't got = sugar init, only ™ carrots! (° Mut goes shopping Quantities ‘L © Label the pictures. Use the words in the box. 2. <=> Look at the picture. Match the words in A A megadott szavak felhasznalésdval ird le, mit to the words in B. Nézd meg j6laképet. majd litsza képent parositsd dssze az A és 8 oszlop szavait! 1 3. €2Look at the picture in exercise 2 again. Write what you can see. Nézd meg Gjraa 2. feladatban talalhato képet! [rd le, mit latsz! 1S of chocolate oa suna How much / how many? 4, © Put the things into the correct bag. {rd bea megadott szavakat a megfetelé bevasérlétaskébal 6@ Ie the correct words. Karikizd bea helyes megoldast! ‘We have to buy some hees®y cheeses. Johnny doesn’t have some / any fruit for lunch. ‘There is/ are some orange juice in the fridge, My brother doesn’t eat any bar/ bars of chocolate 5 How many / much salt do you want on your chips? 6 Did you buy any milks / milk? EE Stephen is doing the shopping. Complete the dialogue with some, any, much or many. Stephen bevasdrol. Egészitsd ki a parbeszédet some, any, much vagy many szavakkal! 5 ce complete the questions. Then answer them for yourself. Egészitsd kia kérdéseket, majd vlaszoljréjukt 1 @ How much chocolate do you eat a week? + _leat a har of chocolate a week. 2e ___ packets of crisps do you eat a week? Be cola do you buy @ week? de slices of bread do you eat for breakfast? 5s water do you dink a day? be tea do you drink a day? sveenen Have yougot*_any __pasta? do you need? srepren Two packets, please. | also need Z tomatoes, assisraur Yes, how? assistant How 2 srepsen Four big ones, please. And * ‘ream, too. assistant” [haven't got §__ cream. svePHEN OK, then” cheese, please. fi George's apple crumble Cooking instructio: ‘1 © Label the pictures. ird be, mit latsz a képent a/an, some, the the. «EE Complete the text with a, an, some or 3 Egészitsd kia mondatokat! A, an, some vagy the? 2, © Label the picture. {rc be, mit latsza képen! How to make a vegetable stir fry What do you need?" Some vegetables, of course! And ?_"_ rice. You can use: 2 ‘onion (one is enough), 4 ‘ed pepper, $____ mushrooms, @_____ beans,? big cam, * cabbage ~about 1009 is enough. And you need # Gil for frying. Oh, and don't forget ®___arge frying pent First wash "__ vegetables. Then peel them with ® knife. Chop ®™__ onion, cerot and cabbage. Fry everything in a oil, After that, boil © eice 2 saucepan and adit to vegetables. Mix. rice and ‘vegetables in a dish, Serve it in bowls and eat with forks, 4 DRead the text in exercise 3 again. Put the pictures into the correct order. Olvasd el Gira 23, feladat mondatait, majd tedd a képeket helyes sorrendbe! a little/a few 5 © Complete the sentences with a /itve or a few. Egészitsc ki a mondatokat! A little 6 am circle the correct words. Karikézd be ahelyes megoldést! Auice ‘NATHAN NATHAN ‘auce NATHAN auce waTwan sauce Natias Lets make %@y an chocolate cheesecake! OK! Have we got ¥e few / any chocolate? Yes, there's *a few /a little chocolate in the cupboard. How tmuch / many do we need? Alot, about tivo big Stins / bars. We haven't got enough. We cen buy some / any. ‘And of course, we need? @ / some cheese too. We've got "a few /a little cheese in the fridge. Look at the recipe. How much / many flour do we need? About a cup. And we need a/some water. And what about *a/ an egg? How "much / many eggs do we need? Tivo. We need "some / any sugar and “some? any butter, Oh, dear, We haven't got some / any sugar. ‘We can buy a "bow! / packet of sugar in the shop, too Writing ‘7 <£® Write your own recipe. Write the ingredients and instructions. [rj sajét receptet! Add meg a hozzavalokat és az utasitasokat! vagy a few? ee 1. Ike pizza with alte _ ham and cheese. 2 There are__sices of chocolate cake oon the table. as 3 Canthave ___ butter on my potatoes? a eee nS ene T EIN 4 Marianne always hes __bread with — Seer her-soup. 5 Jacob is making __pasta with ee tomatoes and cheese, 6 We need to buy more cups and ee plates for our party. ( Progress check 11 Circle the different words. Melyik sz6 nem illik a sorba? Karikazd be! 1Qow) knife fork ‘spoon 2 pork chicken trout «eof B grapes carrots oranges apples 4 tomatoes beans bananas. lettuce 5 peel chop mix buy 6 shop supermarket matket customer 2. Write C for countable or U for uncountable. €((countable=megszémléthaté) vagy U (uncountable = megszémlsthatatlan)? 1 tune Uo 6 chips __ 2 onions 7 carrots 3 lemonade 8 cola A grapes = bananas __ 5S chicken 10 pasta. _ 3. Complete the questions with much, many, is oF are. Egészitsd ki a mondatokat! Much, many, is vagy ore? 1 _is__ there? 2 lemorade: in the bottle? 3 there? 4 there? 5 How tea__ there? 6 How sandwiches there? 4, Look at the picture. Write the answers to the questions in exercise 3. Use some, any, a or an, Akép alapian valaszol) a 3. feladat kérdéseirel Hasznatd az a, an, some vagy any szavakat! 5 1 There _isn’t any water. 2 There, lemonade. 3 There _ egg. 4 There bananas, 5 Thee tea 6 There, sandwich. Label the pictures with the words in the box. Amegadott szavak felhaszndléséval ird le, mit litsza képent 1 absrof chocolate 2 _ 3 _ 4 <= 5 7 8 6 Complete the text with the words in the box. A megadott szavak felhaszndldsaval egészitsd kia szoveget! Jason and Lesley didn’t have enything to do, kt was their summer holiday but it was * ‘What can we do today?’ asked Jason. ‘We can make some?__,' said Lesley. There's a great*__in this magazine. We can make lemon cakes." “Have we got all the * 2 asked Jason, Lesiey looked in the € “We've got flour and sugar, but we need some eggs and?_" ‘Have we got ® lemons?’ asked Jason. “There aren't any on the? _..' said Lesley. “That's OK,’ said Jason. ‘There are some oranges ‘on the table.” They put the ingredients in @ * __ them together with a They made fifteen cakes with the = and put them on a dish and in the "We have thirty minutes,’ said Lesley. ‘We can *___computer games." Lesley ‘After an hour, Lesiey shouted, “Oh no! Our cakes!" They ran to the * . Jason opened the oven, The cakes were He ct _ the dish, but it was hot and he 1§__alltthe cakes on the ®_ That afternoon, Jason and Lesley had lots of things to do, They washed up and the kitchen, But they didn't have any delicious orange cakes... Ican... Complete the answors and tick (/) the correct box. Egészitsd kia mondatokat, majd jeldid be, hogy mennyite mennek neked ezek a nenatemeuennelenA tee “4 Forbreaktast,Iheve CS) —- oe | Vean say what oat. _ Dives Dineen wore eaacrice 2 wamness* Yes, please? Me 8 | have tuna anc a salad, 2 2 warrress IS me Yes,5 everything? ‘ean order food in a restaurant. (Cves [ji veep mone practice 3 How? ‘We've got a * » How? © Only’, Jean plan the shopping, (Coyes (Ji Nez more practice __appies have we got? ~ about five or six. _ butter have we got at home?| butter, We need more, 4 Tomake pancakes, you mix flour, eggs and butter Thenyou'___ the mixture intoa#____ and?_ the ip pancakes. ary My country The United Kingdom 1 © Look at the map. Label the four countries (1-4). td be a négy orszag nevét a terképre! ATLANTICOCEAN Channel Tunnel ~ ow 50k ENGLISH CHANNEL 2 © Find these things on the map in exercise 1. ‘Write the correct letters (a-i). Az 1.feladatban taléthaté térkép alapjan ird be a szavakhoz tartoz6 betijeleket! amountain [a] alake a forest ariver abeach oO hill actly tunnel an island warvranunwna Look at the map. Complete the questions and answers. Use the words in the box. Atérkép és a megadott szavak segitségével egészitsd ki a mondatokat! 1 How wide is the Millennium Bridge in London? It's four metres wide. 2 How ___is Ben Nevis? — 3 How is Lake Windermere? ts in the middle. 4 How is London? About seven million peoole live there, 5 How is the river Thames? Its ‘i 6 How is the Channel Tunnel? ies — 4, B2Cirdle the correct words. Karikézd bea helyes megoldast! 1. The lake is 300 metres@eepy old in the middle. 2 Be careful. Don’t fall The bridge is 1,000 metres short / high 3. TheNileisa very long/light river. 4 The Channel Tunnel is a wide / tall tunnel under the sea, 5 Mount Snowdon is a thick / high mountain in Wales. 6 Birmingham is a big / tall city in England, 7 \nwinter the weather is very wet / new, 8 The trees in this forest are really green / old — almost 400 years! 9 The river is very short / wide. You can't see the other side! 10. The tunnel is very old, so they are building a thin / new one now. 5 © Rewrite the sentences. Put the words in brackets in the correct place. [rd le tijra a mondatokat a zérdjelben megadott szavak felhasznalasavall 1 That's my dad. He's bald and has got eyes. (blue) That's my ded. He's bald and has got blue eyes. 2 | love the sand on the beach, (white) 3. don't lice swimming in pools. (deep) 4 There's 2 bridge across the river (stone) 5. Keiser Chiefs is a band from Leeds. (popular) 6 There are lots of forests near my house. (derk) Adjectives 6 © Complete the sentences with the adjectives jin the box. A megadott melléknevek segitségével egészitsd kia mondatokat! 1 Helo! This waters deep | can’t stand! its very in this tunnel. Be careful. This bridge is very Hive in a very town near London. 5 How is that building? hsavery 102d, Lots of cars can drive on it. f 45 North and south The weather 1 © Label the pictures. Use the words in the box. Amegadott szavak felhasznalasaval ird le, mit latsz a képent 2 @ Label the points of the compass. ird beaz égtajakat! 3 © complete the crossword. Fejtsd meg a keresztrejtvényt! Across 2 Amonth in summer that ends in -y. 5 March, Apiil, May are months in 6 Not wet. Down 1. They are in the sky. 2 Avery cold month in winter. 3. The opposite of south After May. 4. 2 Write the correct form of the verbs in brackets. A zir6jelben megadottigék megfeleld alakjaval egészitsd kia mondatokat! 1 itusually _ rains a fotin autumn, But today, it ing. (rain) 2. Look! The sun is out and it _ hot. Let's go to the beach. (get) 3. insummer, it dark until about nine o'clock at night, (not get) 4 it___now! Come and play in the snow with me. (snow) 5. The weather here is hornble! It every day. (ain) 6 Itsalovely day today. The sky is blue and the birds ing) Comparative adjectives 5, @ Read the descriptions. Label the pictures the correct names. A leirésok alapjan ird be, ki kicsoda a képen! Jenny is shorter than all the others, Kate is taller than Jenny, but shorter than the others, Diana is fatter than Tracy and Emiyy. Emily is thinner and taller than Diana. Tracy is shorter than Diana, but taller than Kate. 6 ce complete the sentences with the comparative form of the adjectives in brackets. Egészitsd ki a mondatokata zardjelben megadott melléknevek kézépfokti alakjavall 1 France is much _ smaller than Canada. (small) 2 Who doyou think is Jennifer Lopez or Angelina Jolie? (beautiful) 3 lam __ in summer than in winter. (happy) 4 I think English is than French. (difficult) 5. The south is much ____than the north. (at) 6 Antarcticais __ than any other place in the world. (cold) 7 Parrots usually ive dogs or cats. (long) 8 | think swimming in the sea is _ ‘than swimming in the peol. (nice) —— than 7 Brite sentences. Make comparisons. A megadott szavak fethasznalasaval ir} Ssszehasonlité mondatokat! 1 fong/ short antes Janice’s hair &sfonger than Simone’ 2 thins thick Alans sandwich _ 3 big /small Rexis Rover — 4 wet/dry O 63%, “7 C5 = SATURDAY SUNDAY, Saturday was Sunday (° Record breakers The world 11 © Write the names of the continents on the map (1-7). frd be a foldrészek nevét a térképre (1-7)! P 2 Write the correct letters (a-h) with these names. A térkép alapjan ird be a foldrajzi nevekhez tartozé betiket (a-h)! 4, © Draw and label your country on the map. Keresd meg és ird be orszégod nevét a térképre! REA: = Vatican City 5B) Look at the map again and answer the shale ; oe questions. A térkép alapjin valaszolj.a kérdéselere! Brerest «the Atfantic 1 Which continent isthe largest? # the UK the Pacific —<—= 5 —— = ~ oe 2. Which continent is the smallest? 3 ce Write the names in exercise 2 with the correct descriptions. A 2. feladatban talalhaté foldrajzi SS ee neveket parositsd dssze ameghatdrozdsokkal 3) Which island is the biggest in Oceania? 1 Itsa river. the Amazon, the Nile 2 eatery 4 Which continent is south of Europe? 3 Its an ocean. 4 Its a capital. 5. Its a mountain. Superlative adjectives 6 Read the information and write sentences about the tennis players. Use the words in the box. A kapott informaciok alapjan, a megadott szavak felhasznalésaval irj mondatokata teniszez6krall Andrew's serve is the fastest. 1 2 3 a Bo 5 6 4 Mount Everest is 8,848 metres high, Itis —______ mountain. 5 InDalol, Ethiopia, the average temperature is 344°C. Itis place in the worl. 6 There are more than 46,000 people per square kilometie living in Monaco. tt is country in the wortd. 7. In the Atacama Desert it rains once every 100 years Itis place in the world, 8 The Pacific Ocean is 10,925 metres deep. It is ‘ocean in the world. & em complete the questions about your country. Then try to answer them. Egészitsd kia kérdéseket Magyarorszigra vonatkoz6an a megadott melléknevek fels6fokci alakjavall Prébalj meg vaiaszolniis! 1 Whats _ the most popular place for tourists 10 vist? (popular) '7 «2Complete the descriptions of some of the world's records. Use the superlative form of the words in the box. Vildgrekordok. Egészitsd kia mondatokat 2 megadott melléknevek fels6foki alakjaval! 2 Whatis building? (tat) 3 Whatcity is ? (old) 4 Whatis = shop 1 The blue whale weighs 190 tonnes. it is _the heaviest animal, 2 In the eastern Sahara the sun shines for 97% of the day, Itis world, 3 Cherrapunji, India, gets more than 26,000 milimetres of rain a year. Ie is_ place in the world. __ place in the in your town? (expensive) 5 What is your country’s food? (delicious) 6 Whois your country’s __ singer? (famous) ({# Mickey and Millie go camping as... as ‘1 Complete the sentences with expressions with as... as. Egészitsd kia mondatokat az as... as szerkezet és megfelelé melléknév felhasznalésévalt SP 1 Come and sit by the fire! Your hands are _as 2. The young dog only weighs 500 g. Its cold as ice. 3. It's raining, but we are inside our tent. 5 He'Ssanoldman, withhair = Letsgo swimming. ts rode, 2 Look at the picture. Write the words in the correct place in the crossword. A kép alapjan fejtsd meg a keresztrejtvényt! Comparatives and superlatives 3 €= Look at the chart and complete the 4, & complete the sentences with your ideas. Use the adjectives in brackets in the comparative or superlative. A véloményed alapjan egészitsd ki a mondatokat! Hasznald sentences. A tablazat alapjén egeszitsd ki a a megadott melléknevek kézépfokii vagy mondatoleat! felsofokd alakjat! Fraiado [Ninety Mile [Cox Bazar, subject is Cassio, | Beach Bangladesh Break Australia —_|(120 kn) (aire aor) [C151 ker) __thing Ihave got is Lake Superior, |Lake Victoria, |Lake Huron, — (expensive) tneusa, —[Tanzania, the USA, 3 1a) a Caned2 [Uganda [Canada _— 2,414 m) |(€9,485 m) {159,596 m) ‘than on Monday. (happy) Caribbean |Souih China [Bering Sea ae Bescon NE Sea Sea 773m) — ____. beautitud ems) Boren, 5 The ___ day of the year is fares fan (good) (75 milton |(&2 miion |(46 mito pistosa —|vistorsa —|vistorsa S:'The: Pop group In the world yee) yea) yea) is . (bac) ‘san Marino [Farce [sugar Goi AD) |t4g6.AD) {1632 AD) Irregular adjectives Cee er (eet hicn | 5 G&xComplete the sentences with better, Grmikon |eas mition [people a the best, worse or the worst. Egészitsd ki a pees lpomes lao mondatokat! Better the best, worse vagy the veer) lyean worst? ; 1. | think pizza is_bettor in this restaurant 1. Ninety Mile Beach is longer ___ than Cox's Bazar But ___ beach is in Brazil 2 lake Victoria's __than Lake Huron, but lake is Lake Superior, 3 The Ceribbean Seas. inthe world, Itis. than the South China Sea and the Bering See. 4 country for tourists last year was France. Spain was than the USA. 5. Franceis than Bulgaria, But San Merino is__ ‘country in the world, 6 ___airport in the world is Heathrow. Schiphol airport is than Miami. than the one we went to yesterday, 2 |/had the highest test result in my class. I was \ Itrained all weekend. mwas, weekend this month! 4 | was second in the dance competition, but Sandy was | don’t like our new TV. | think its than the old one. 6 © You look hapoy. than me. She was first » Yes Myproectwas__in the schoo. © Great. Was it = Yes, it was. than Ralphs? f» Progress check 1. Write the answers. {rd be a valaszokat! 11 North and South America are examples of Complete the sentences with adverbs in exercise 1 and the expressions in the box. Egészitsd ki a mondatokat az 1.feladatban megismert hatdrozékkal és megadott 7 He kifejezések valamelyikével! 1. She _islifting the weights easily. i et , 2 _ ee 3 <> complete the sentences with adjectives or adverbs. Egészitsd kia mondatokat! Hasznélj melléknevet vagy hatéroz6sz6t! 1. Kimberty’s a good swimmer, Kimberly can swim 2 Mark's @ horrible dancer. ‘Mark dances 3 Trevor’ very careful Trevor does everything 4 Joanna can run fast Joanna is a 5 There was a sudden noise, _ _., there was a noise runner. 6 | con’t play music very loudly. Von’t like 4. Em Match the words in A to the words in B to make opposites. Use a dictionary to help you. Keresd meg az A oszlop szavainak ellentétét a B oszlopban! Segitségképpen haszndlhatsz szotart, music. 1 5 EE Choose the correct words to complete the sentences. Melyik sz6 amondatba? ‘Come and swim! The water is_ warm. (warm / warmly) Please be The children are writing a test. quiet / quietly) Vheard a noise. (ous / loudly) (Oh dear. | did very in my test. (bad / badly) + Can you dance? Yes, but not very (good weit) She plays the piano (beautiful beautifully) The crocodile opens its mouth and then shuts it again very. (stow / slowly; quick / quickly) Thisfilmisso (horrible / horribly) My bag is very (heavy/ heavily) This exercise (easy /easily) Film, cameras, action Films 2. €2Complete the sentences with words in sia i exercise 1. Egéscitsd kia mondatokat az 1. 1 Sioa sane nee oF HARA Bi feladathan megadott szavak felhasznélasaval! 1 The new Mr Bean films the funniest _comedy in the world! 2. Iwas so scared. | reelly don’t like films. 3. like films with a happy ending, especially s, where there is a wedding at the end 4 Myfavourite flmsare __—_s, They. are so exciting and full of action. 5 love old films, especially s- black and white films about comboys in America 6 Warof the Worlds isa___————_film. its about the future. 3 <2) Answer the questions in full. VAlaszolj egés2 mondatban! 1. What is your favourite fim? My favourite fin i 2 What kind of films do youlike best? 3. What kind of films don’t you like? 4 Whois your favourite actor? 5. How often do you watch films at the cinema? 6 How often do you watch films on TV? have to 4, Look at the list. What jobs do Nicole and Harry have to do? Nézd meg a listat! Milyen munkat kell Nicole-nak és Harrynek elvégeznie? 5 <> Write the questions and answers about yourself. Alkoss kérdéseket, majd valaszoj rajuk! 1. you / do homework at the weekend? Do you have to do ho Yes, | do. 2. your mother / go shopping every week? 3. your classmates / stand up when a teacher ‘comes into the classroom? 4 your parents / pay for your school? 1 Nicole and Harry _have to sell tickets for the pley. 2 Hary the costumes: 3 Nicole the make-up. 4 hey actors learn their lines. 5 Nicole flowers 6 ‘about the music to olay between scenes. Someone else has to do this! a a Le | posters ‘Jobs to do! Wicole | Harry se nkets forthe 7 a 5. yourteacher/ come to school on Saturdays? phy. help make the costumes: 4 * — Se do the make-up “ x 6 you and your fiends /buy your own clothes? help actors learn their lines wt wl _ buy flowers e | ov thinkaboutmuseto] | Writing play between scenes. | 6 Write three things that you have todo praks notions m x and three that you don’t have to do. [rj hirom olyan dolgot, amit el kell vegezned, és harom olyat, amelyet nem kell! have to go to school every dav. Comprehension 1 Read the dialogue and answer the questions, Olvasd el a parbeszédet, majd valaszol} a kérdésekre! Jaxe Hi, Tina. What are you doing? TIA Hi Jake, I'm weting about my favourite film for school, | watched a DVD at the weekend, so I'm going to write about that Jake Whats the film called? tina Blue Sky, sace Is itan adventure film? TINA No, Its @ romantic comedy. Jake Who's in it? TINA Stewart Miller, Rob Davies and Jane Smith Jace Idon't know them, What's the film about? ina Well, Stewart Miller plays the part of a student from a poor family. He mes Elizabeth (ene ‘Smith) and wants to get married with her, but her dad doesn’t ike him, wake sit good? TINA enjoyed it. I was very funny and the story ‘was good. Stewart Miller is my favourite actor and he wes in almost every scene! What are you going to write about? The lost penguin Making suggestions 2. © Match the words in A to the words in B to make phrases. Alkoss kifejezéseketaz A ésa B oszlop szavainak dsszeparositésavall 3 <= complete the sentences with the phrases in exercise 2. Egészitsd kia mondatokata 2. feladatban kapott kifejezésekkel! 1 © Let's gon the Intemet! OK, We can look for information about the theatre, 26 Why a «That's a good idea. 'm going to have ham and mushrooms on mine. Jake I think I’m going to write about the latest 3 e Shall 2 James Bond movie, © Yes, that’s a good idea, | must buy a present 1 What film is Tina going to write about? for my mum: She's going to write about Blue Sky 4 o Lets 2. What type of flm is Biue Sky? «OK. Whois playing? _ Se Why 3 Which actors play in Blue Sty? 2 - * OK, But be careful, I'm reelly good. | always 4 What is the film about? win every came! 6» Shell 2 5 Did Tina lke the film? 6 What is Jake going to wr about? © OK, Shall | meet you in front of the cinema? 4, write sentences. {rj mondatokat a megadott szavakkal! ‘really wart to get thinner! Let’ /sports centre _Let’s go to the sports centre. Shall play /tennis 'm new and don't know anyone at this school. Why / play / with us Lets /to the cinema /together tonight | want a new MP3 player but its really expensive ‘Why /find/ a cheaper one Shall /give you/ my old MP3 player I can’t do this English homework! Let’s/ together Why /ask / the teacher for help Making arrangements 5 Em Complete the dialogues. Egészitsd kia parbeszédeket! 1 @ _Lets go to the cinema this afternoon. OK. Where shall we meei? + _Why don't vie meet at the bus stop? = That's a good idea. What time? How about _ quarter past three? OK. Il see you _at the bus stop at quarter = OK. Where shall we meet? ® That's @ good idea. What time? Progress check 1 Girdle the correct answers. Kerikazd be @ helyes megoldast! 1. "Why are you laughing?" ‘i'm watching the news/ a documentary.’ 2 My unde works for a TV company. He makes documentaries /films// police dramas about animals. 3 EastEnders is one of the most popular films / reality shows / soap operas in Britain. Every week, people watch to see what happens to their favourte characters in the story. 4. ts important to know sbout things in the world, That's why | always watch comedy. shows ( reality shows /the news. 5 | love police dramas / quiz shows/ sozp operas, because | often answer all the questions! 6 When they make a character in the news / a soap opera/a cartoon, they have to daw lots of pictures and then use a computer to make them ‘move! 2 Write the types of film. ird be, milyen miifaj fflmrdt van sz6t 1. Its very funny. Eddie Murphy is the main actor and he's the funniest man in the wor'd! —eomedy 2. Then the man fails in love with the woman and 3. what are they going to do? Complete the sentences. Use going to and the words in the box. Mit fognak csinaini? A megadott szavak és a going to szerkezet felhasznildsaval egészitsd kia mondatokat! Frank _is going to watch __avcartoon on TV. 2. James and Alice computer ‘games. 3. Leroy anew watch for his mum. 4. Alison _ __her lines for the play. 5. Ourteachers the costumes. 6 Alan's dad the fim for us ‘and we can watch it later 7 Fergie and Christian ime next week. 8 Ourteacher. some photos of Us and put them in our schoo! magazine. Complete the dialogue with going to and the verbs in brackets. Egészitsd ki a pdrbeszédet a ziréjelben megadott igék és 2 going to szerkezet felhasznalaséval! ‘+ Areyou' going to study __ (study) tonight? + No, 'm too tired. 1? they get married and live happily ever after. 1's Guatehy 0v0, funny, but also very romantic. ‘© Why don't you come to the theatre with me? e (Gee) a pay, 3 There are no people, only machines and robots. ‘What play (see)? — — «© Its called The Lion, I think it 4. The singing is great and the dancing and *______________ (be) good. costumes, too. + I'm not sute I can come. My mum — « (Go) to her singing 5. itSexciting. You never know what is going to lesson and my dad ?_ (rote) happen. Is James Bond going to win? home. | have to play with my baby sister. a a + Well, wet (rave) something 6 [ts about cowboys in America. “) frst, Why don't you join us fora meal? + That’ a good idea! 5 Complete the interview with the words in the box. Use a dictionary to help you. A megadott szavak fejhasznalasaval egészitsd ki az interju icKY ricky ricky ricky 108 rucky ot eky oe szBvegét! Segitségképpen haszndihatsz sz6tart. Welcome to the Joe Andrews Show! Our ‘quest tonight is Ricky Cooper! He's the star of some of our favourite shows on TV. Ricky, some people say you are the funniest + actor__ in the country! Well, | ike making people * Ican.. Complete the answers and tick (/) the correct box. Egészitsd ki a mondatokat, majd jeldid be, hogy mennyire mennek neked ezek a dolgok! 1 On Monday | mgoing to watch Tv (watch) 2 Next week my parents (buy) 0o you always act on TV? Or do you actin but don't tke the? , too? very No, it’s not just TV. You can see me at the viva cinema and | also love being in +___ We've got $ every right, for a new drama. I'm very nervous can say what TV programmes / films like because it's the * rehearsat watching. tomerrow night and 17. weer a (yes C)iNeco more practice very strange ® wide trousers and a thick coat, 4 go/Lets/t0/ cinema /the ! Doyouhave toweara*_? + _Lets 90 to the einem, Yes, my character has got long curly hair idea /Taat’s / good / a and my own hair is too short! We ___very hot. Who" your make-up? Ido it myseif ts not very®_. But you have to do it very ® How do you learn your #_ | ead them all the time! Well, its very __. Ricky __come and see the play, then? That's a good idea! we/ meet / Shall / wo o'clock /at 7 ‘OK. /you /See/ there we/ Why/ meet /don't/ the bus stop /at ? Jean make arrangements. | Ces (]ineeo more practice [° 1 ‘Complete the interview, Egészitsd ki az interji mondatait! sam__ I'm writing about students for our school magazine. Can | ask you some questions? jenap Yes, you can, sam * What subjects? do you __fike? ‘Rap Englsh. Ilove It! And | love Maths, too. sam What sports do? ‘rao | usually do karate after school on Mondays. But this week I'm practising for a piano exam every day sam What 4 at the weekend? usually onan | often’, DVDsat home, or | , on the Internet. Sometimes my friends and © basketball or tennis sam Thanks, Brad. Write about Zoe and William. Use a verb and the correct form of have to, {rj Zoéré! &s Williamrdl! Hasznild a have to segédige megfelel6 alakjét egy odaillé ige mellett! Write the correct form of the verbs in brackets. {rd beazéréjelben megadott igék mecfelels alakjat! 1. Every Tuesday, after school |_ have have) 2 music lesson. But today (go) to the dentist, so! (cot have) a music lesson. 2 Leon usually (watch) TV in the evenings, but tonight he (@lay) football for the school vam, 3 labways (read) a lot when | g0.0n holiday At the moment, I (read) a book by Philip Pullman. (not go) to bed late. But tonight she (go) later, because she has to finish her homework. 4 Jane 4 weiee what he pela ust, Use the ‘words in the box and must. A megadott szavak és a must segédige felhasznalasaval itd le, kinek mit kell esindinial tidy bey do clean watch 1. Its Dads birthday tomorrow. fv | x | x | < v xK 1 Zoe_hasto wash up. 2 Willem wash up. 3. Zoe and Wiliam - the shopping. 4 William the rubbish, 5 Zoe the rubbish. 6 Zoe and Wiliam. a must buy a present 2. My bedroom looks horrible, ry bedroom, 3. The caris dirty the cae 4 There's a good film on TV tonight _ TV tonight. 5. My homework isn't finshed. my homework. 5 What did Mary buy? Write sentences with some or any. Mit vett Mary? [yj mondatakat a some vagy any névmésok felhasznaldséval 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 What happened to Tim on holiday? Complete the sentences with the words in the box in the past simple tense. Mi tortént Timmel nyaralds kizben? Egészitsd kia mondatokata megadott igék miilt idejd alakjéval! '7 Complete the text with the correct form of the ‘words in brackets. Egészitsd ki a mondatokat a megadott szavek megfelel6é alakjaval! | think Loony Toons is funny, but Tom and Jey is much *_fur r__ (funny), But the © (g00d) cartoon of allis The Simpsons. My favourite character is Homer. He's ® (old) and “ (fat) than Marge, his wife, But she's much § (nice) than Homer. Maggie, the baby, is *_ (young) of the three children, The? (old) child is Bart. think he's *_ (pad) at schoolwork in his class! 8 Look at Anita's diary. Write what she is going to do or not going to do next week. Nézd ‘meg Anita naptarjat! Mit fog, illetve mit nem fog csinainia jévé héten? play dennis badminton finish my homework gp-to-the cinema Mane watch a OND with Mark cook diver for Fraey Tanna buy tickets for the concert © © oO; © © © © © 1 On Monday, she _isn’t going to play. tennis she badminton. 2. On Tuesday, she her homework. 3. On Wednesday, Mark and Anita to the cinema. advo. They. 4 On Thursday, Anita dinner for Tracy. She. dinner for Joanna. 5. On Friday, she — tickets for the concert F {' 65 Nyelvtani 6sszefoglalo 1 = Mylife 4.1 Egyszerd jelen idé - &llité mondatok 1 We | have | a holdey in May. You | buy | presents forthe chien They fe | iats | sot in november Are | ives | ona farm. a Azeqysvertjelenid képzéséne az ge sz6tarlalakiet haszndluk, Egyas szie harmadik személyben (he, she) azige-s vegzédést lap, bb Azeqyszesd jelen iddthasonaluk, haa cselehvés rendszeresen ismétlocik. © Azegyszest jelen idtheszndjuk akkor i, hatényekis Sitaldnes igazsigokrol beszélunk Faye igsk helesirssa egyes sxim harmacik szernélyben rendhagyé: 1 Azo-ra véa2bd6 igek -2 végrédeést kapnake She goes to the sports centre every day. 2. Acch.-sh.-5,xvaay ~zvégnScést igék 2s vegzSclést kapmak. Ar-es vigzédés kiejtése /. ‘She watches television 1.2. Egyszertijelen idé - tagadé mondatok a tgysertjelen idabentagadésnil az you, we és 2 they neymasok utan adont; ahe, she @sit néymasok uian a doesn't segédige és azige sz6tari alaka all, bb Mivele doesnt mir felvone 22s végabdést, az igthez nem kel keno I don’t live in Britain. She doesn't like schoel 1.3. Egyszerd jelen idé - kérdések 4 Kérdestkotésndleqyszer olen iddben a2 you, we, ‘sa they Utén 2 Do segédigét és az ige s2ctari alakjat haszndluh They play football. Do they play football? A Does seodcigathasandljua he she dit neurrdsolcal Mivel 2 Does fevers ex végrbdés az igdhes msi nem kel teri She plays the violn. Does she play the voln? Kérdechetink Kerdészavaktals pl: Where, When, iy st Where do you live? When does she do her homework? «] Fordited le magyarrat Do you play football? Does he have a birthday party? ‘Where oo they ive? When does she get up? 1.4 Egyszerd jolen idé - révid valaszok Fovid vaaszoxban ar iget NEM isméteyiax meg. Alltdskor a do/does, agadésnal a dorit vaay doesn't secédigét haszndiiut Bo you play the violin? Yes; (do, (NEM Yes, play) Does he ive on a farm? No, he doesn't. (NEN Wo, he doesn’ ive.) 1.5 Sorszémnevele Ist first 2nd second ard third 4th fourth th fifth th sixth 7th seventh eighth ninth Oth tenth twentieth thirtieth fortieth fiftieth sistieth seventioth eightieth rinetieth hundredth 2 A déiumokndl sorszémneveket hasandlunk My birthoay is the twenty-seventh of June. bb Sorszsmngwielfeezz0k ki zztis, hogy valami hinyadik This s my fourth vsit to England. Barcelona is the second biggest city in Spain. Fordited le magyarrat New Years Day isthe first of Januery. November is the eleventh month of the year: 1.6 Gyakoriségot kifejezé idohataroz6k always usualy / normally often sometimes never a A gyakorisdgot kejez6 iddnatdrozdkaz fejezik ki milyen yakran vagy rtkin csnélunk valamit vagy torténik vaiamiKérdSszavuk: Howoften..)(Milyen gyakran?) How often do you go to the cinema? 1b Amandatban sitalsban az ge eiétt dlnak | usually watch TV in the evenings. © Ha.arrondatban segédige (pl do, don’, can, have) van, 22 idohatirazo atalsbana segédige utén, de afdige et all | don't often go to the cinema What do you usually watch on TV? He has always got a lot of money. d_ Agyakorisdgor kfejezs idchatdio éltaldban aro be tan al. Its always cold in winter Forditsd le magyarrat We don't aften 99 to football matches. How often do you go to pop concerts? Fm usually not at home on Wednesdays. 2 Animals 2.1. Folyamatos jelen idé - am a 'm We sleeping, Yor | 2% | reading 2 magazine they | 7% | wearing jeans. He She i te 2 A folyamatosjeienie6t haszijuk, haa cselekves éppen ‘most, a beszéd pitarataban tetenik, Figyeld meg azalabbi helexisiszabsljotat 1 lego igehez kaavelent catekazk 2 ng vegnodés ‘g0-g0ing 2. Ar-erevegabdb géinel az Keskaz ing egz0us ett: tate ~ taking 23. Heazige egy méssthangnéra végatikés maginhanaabja ‘vid, a seovegi méssalhangz6 megkettézédic a -ing el6tt: sit sitting 2.2 Folyamatos jelen idé -tagadé mondatok a A tagaciisa to besegésige menieelé tagadé alaljaba) (e+ nor) 859 Gige ing végnSdést aaljSbo bi Tefes askok am not erence aay isnot ésa oige-ing végz6désti alakia, Osszevont alakok: 'm not, aren't. vagy isnt &3 Feige ing végeddésGalaka, Yau are not going shopping tlies alk) They aren't takirg the bus. (Ssszeventalak) 2.3 Folyamatos jelen idé - kérdések a Folysmatos len deja kérdéseltoen az Ams vagy Are az alany elt all neler csernek. He is taking a photo, Ik he taking 3 photo? _Keraeseketaothatunk kérseszavakal's, ol Wen, why sb, When are you going shopping? Why is he taking a photo? What are they dong? 2.4 Folyamatos jelen idé - révid valaszok Rovid vlaszokban csak a tobe megfeleloalajat hasznaljsk azige ing es lak’ NEM. A tobe adalat csokatagade revid vlszokban vonhatiuk 620 5 she wearing her schoo! uniform? Yes she is, (NEM Yes, she is wearing vagy Yes she's) 2.5 Egyszerii és folyamatos jelen idé |igo to school every day. am going to schoa! now, Tony gets up et eight o'clock every day. itis eight o'dock now. Tory & getting up. Forditsd le magyarrat ‘She vats for the bus every day. She is waiting for the bus et the moment. 2.6 Személyes névmasok ~ Kit? atany | Targy_) (Alany Taroy we love him, He doesn'tiove _us. Fordited lo magyarral They see her on Saturdays. She loves him, 2.7 _ must (= ke 1 You He she | must | go home now. t We They ‘A must segédigés hasznaljuk,amikor valami kételezd. ‘Amustegyes szdm hermadik személyoen nem k3p (ago Peter must do his homework. Forditsd le magyarral You must clean your 1oom. My sister must buy some new clothes. 3 Holidays 3.1 Ato beige egyszerd mult ideji alakja - allité mondatok 7 ie enheliday she | W8 | at school last week. It Sverre yesterday i on Mondoy we in tendon } you | were | fut They -Atobeige egyszeri mult ideale akkor haszndjus, haa malt egy megetéroo1 idGpontjsol,deszakare beszélink, pi lst week (mt hte, esterday (egnan). Forditsd le magyarral {was at home yesterday. ‘She was on holiday in England last year ‘They were at the cinema on Thursday. 3.2 Ato beige egyszerd malt ideja alakja ~ tagadé mondatok He | wasnot | on heliday She [wasn't | at school last week kt at the ema . yesterdey. We | were not | in tondon (on Monday. out Tee | werent Tegadésnal a not tagadészécskat tesszika létige mult ide alokja utn. Osszevont alahat wasatt vagy werent ] Nyelvtani ésszefoglalé 3.3 Atobeigeegyszerd malt idejd alakja -kérdések T here at five o'clock lat week? he | at home yesterday evening? was | she | at me cinema on eriday? it | ontelevision yesterday? we | in England twa years ago? Were | you | sthome yesterday? they _| il last week? a Kerdésekben a was/wereaz alary el6xt ll’helyet csereinek He was at hame yesterday. Was heat home yesterday? bb Keérdezhetink kérdSszavakkal is, ol: Where, When stb: Why were you at home yesterday? 3.4 Ato beige egyszerd malt ideja alakja - révid valaszok t 1 he he she | was she | wasn't Yes, | it No, |i you | were, you | weren't, ‘they they Forditsd le magyarral Were you at the cinema yesterday? Yes | vas \Was he at school last week? No, he wasn’t. 3.5 Egyszerii mult idé - szabdlyos igék I stayed in bed for three days. He watched TVallday. Iartved four days ago. They vsited us afterschool. a Az egysterd mult idot akkor hasznaljux haa cseletves a mdt egy mechatérozott idGpontiaban, idészekdoan tortén, ol: last weok ait ten), yestdy teqnap). bb Képztsekor az -ed vegaddes Illeszt0k az Ige szdtarl daljance Nake minden szemelyben megegyeri € Hebesiisismbalole 1 Az-e vegabcess igek mar idoben 0 veqzedestraprate We closed eur books, 2 He arige egy massalnanaabra vegzodik és maginhangzdja rSvid, a szbvégi massalhangzd meguerté26sik a2 ed o6tt They stopped the car. He robbed the bank. 3 Az-elvégrbaéscigtk miltidében ed weenddést kapnak: ‘She travelled to Spain, 4 Az-y végzdés6 lagi mil idejS elasiban zy Klestk 5 “ea veguodést kapnak: He studied in Londen. 4 Fontoskiejtésiszabily: Ha az ige-d vagy -thangra végz6dik a7 -ed végzis elves kietése:/d ‘She needed an operation. | wanted a book 3.6 Egyszerd mit idé - tagadé mondatok 1 He She | aia not w | eure | Pave rch vse. You They a Eqyszerd miltiddben tagadasndla didnot didnt segediget& a2 ige srbtirlalakjét hasordluk Alaa inden személyben megegye2ik. b_ A.dicn't mir mattidSben van, ig azigének'mar nem tel? jelemnie ait, He went 10 school. He didn’t go to schoo) Iearried the bag. Forditsd le magyarral Dic you see your tezcher on holiday? No, | didn’t He didn't wite the letter yesterday. 3.7 Egyszerd mult idé - rendhagyé igék thad.a headache Ir became il You wrote a fetter. We got some medicine, He went to London, They drove home, Nagyon sok ige rendhagyo médon kéow mle ide ala Etazigival egyiit meg kel tanulni, 3.8 Egyszerii milt idé - kérdések 1 urs Fi? he drop the camera? she cut her finger? id | iting? we ley rugby? you break your leg? they havea headache? a A dida domiltide)s alaka. Kerdésalkotésnal egysterd mit idoben a Dic segedigét ds a ge szStiialokjéthasendjuk. iesdesekben ald ae sany cot lhehetcserinek’ b Adid mér mit iddben van, igy azigének mdr nem kel” Jelemie a malt oot ‘She went to Londen. Did she go to Lordion? 3.9 _ Egyszerli malt idé - révid valaszok 1 1 he he she she Yes,| it did, No, | it | didn't. we we you you they thay Revi vilaszokban az igdt NEM ismétejok meg, Alitishora did tagadsenSla didnt segécigeshascnsliuk Did he play football yesterday? Yes, he did. (NEM Yas, he played) Did they 90 to Peris? ‘No, they didn’t. (NEM No, they didn’t go) Forditsd le magyarrat Did she go to Fars? Yes, she did: 3.10 Egyszerii mult idé ~ kérdések 2 Ho kérdéseéval kérdezink az ede terul seabsvoknak meggetelden aakula szcrencs When did you go to England? Why od you come home? Haar alanyra kérdeziink NINCS id, 2 ge eqyszerii eit ide alakthoszndjuc Who bought a new car? What happened to Mandy? Forditsd le megyarrat Dig they pay tennis yestercay? When ci she 90 to Paris? 4 Food AA Megszémléihate és megszémialhatatian fonevek ‘We need some tomatoes. How many do we need? We need some bread How much do we need? a Amegszémisihats fénevek slhatnak eyes vagy tbbes szimban. anapple six apoles anonion lots of enions 2 sausage 100g of sausages (° Nyelvtani 6sszefoglalé b A megsrdmisihotaton féneveknek nines eqyes vagy robbes széma ala, some milk 2 lot ofrice little butter 4,2 Hatérozatlan névelék -a/an és some a poiato ‘anepple some water hamburger an egg some onions a Aza/on hatirozatian néveldx faa neve utin 16 <26 massalhangzival kedédk 97a nével6t haa sb magénhangzévalke2dédik az on névelt hasznljuk 'b_ A some névmds hatarozatien mennyisegre utal és shat megsrémishats és megszimlahetatlan Greve! ( ‘water, nil). & megszimlsnats fneveka some utén 1bbes szmba kerbinek (pl. tomatoes,onlons, Forditsd te magyarrat We need to buy some apples. Youneed 2 frying pan and an egg, 4.3. someésany I've get some books ‘ haven‘cgot any food. ‘Have you got any money? 2A some és ny néumasok urn a megszamiathate tonevek ‘Sbbes szamba keriilnek: some books ‘A megszémlilhatatlanfonevek epyesseémban maradnak: some money 1b Allké mondatban a some névmist hasznaljuk. eid €5 tagads mondatoan azany névmdst. 1s there any milk? There isn’t any time, 4.4 How much...? | How many «2 Amagszimlathaté fénevek mennysségére a how many kéreBs26val kérdenink How many oranges have you got? Amegszimiéthatatlan fénevek mennyisigére @ how much kercoszoval kérdeztnk. How much cheese do you want? Forditsd le magyarrat How much milk do we need? How many eggs do we need? 4.5 Hatérozott névelé - the You need some oi! and a frying pan, ut the ollin the frying pan. *] 18 Athenéveldt hasenaljuk ha egy bizonyos meghatérdzott ‘aay mr erritett dolor besatiank, s mindenk! sedate eayérteims, hogy kid mir van see b Athenévelé sla egyes 6 t6bbes simi fEnevekel6r, megszémilhaté és megszémlalhetatlan Srevekkel, the apple the onions the water Forditsd le magyarrat Skce the onions. Put the flour in the bow. 4.6 Mennyiség - a little és afew Acaltle (egy kevés & afer (néheny) ks mennyisécete utalnake Azalitde nésmdst measzamidhatatian, az few névmist woes szimban llb megszimlahats {Enevetbel hasznaluk 5 Theworld 5.1 How kérdések tong [is this street? How | high is this building? deep |is this oxean? A hou kérd5s267a| & egy meli&knévvel valaminek a meéretére Kérdezink 1, A vélsszban uayanazt a melisknevet hasensljuk It 400 metres long. Its 20 meves high. 62 kilomeves deep, Forditsd le magyarrat How wide s the Amazon? How deep is the Atlantic Ocean? 5.2 Amelléknév kézépfoka 2 Alegiobb rOvid (egy sectagbo! alld) meliéknév Kéxépfokhan iran -er végzdcést ka, small- smafier 1b Az-evég0 melidinevek esek -rwégz6dést kapnak. large ~ larger © Hae melieknév egy massainangzora végrodik és magénhangrOja uid, a sz6végi massahangzd maghetézédikaz er el6t hot~ hotter d_ Az-yvég0 meliineveknél az-y-+ /-revaltozic az-er végz6dés elétt dingy ~ diner 2 Néhinymealidknéyrenchagys méston lisp Kenpo aaa far—further F A mellékrdy kézépfokit és than (mind Ssszebasonlité szbcskét Csszehasoniftasokban hasznaluk, amikor ket lembert vaay térayat hasonitunk ossz. enada is lager than England, Forditsd le magyarrat Scotland is smaller than England. lar taller than my best friend. 5.3 Amelléknév felséfoka watts [Watch | Fessek _) ‘small ‘smaller the smallest we fear tener i ae low fame, |utieeen modern more modern | the most modem er eee ie 2 Alegtdbb révid (egy sétagbl ae) maliéendy felsfokban staloan est vigz6sdést kap. Amelidknév felsGtoka ela the herdrozot nel dl 1b A baépfokns! felsorotthelestdi szabSlyok a felsBfok képztsérels vonatkoznal. Wlihnév | Kéaipfor | Fastion —) ie [eee Teena fot | hoter | thehotest dry | drer | meanest ‘© Rendhagyd: far further the furthest dA meléknév fe'ssfokd alakjét akkor hasendijuk, ha hérom vagy anndl bb emoert vagy dolgot hasonlitunk size, Ne felejsc ela the hatérozatt névelét kkennia melieknéy felsdtoka elo Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the word. Forditsd le magyarral im the oldest student in my class. ‘What s the furthest olanet from Earth? 5.4 Melléknevek kézép és felséfoka ~a good és bad rendhagyé fokozasa (_metexney | Kozéprox | Fetsofok good | batter the best tao woe the worst Forditsd le magyarral | think footballs better than basketball The worst subjectis Maths, Andy isthe best student in our dass 5.5 Melléknévfokozas~ more és the most ‘the most gorgeous more expensive | the most expensive more inteligant | the most intelligent Az eqynél ;Obb szbtaabdl ald melleknevek kozépfolat a mare sebcskdval,fesGfotdt a the most sxdcsival képez2ik more gorgeous elu) more usetul the most useful A ket sa6tagi,yra végz6d6 fOnever kivtelek happy happier the happiest Forditsd le magyarrat Geography is easier than Maths. He Sought the most beautilul cerd in the shop. ‘Who is the most inteligent person in the class? 5.6 asheawy as lead __aswhite as snow ‘Akkorhaszndjuk az os... a Ssszehasonlt6 szerkezeter, ha két Colog vagy emer tuajdonsigai megegyernek. Gyekeri ez a saerkezet s2613c0¥oan: as proud as ¢ peacock as cryas.a bone Forditsd le magyarral ‘My sist is as tall as me. That building s as high as a mountain 6 Entertainment 6.1 going to - Allft6 mondatok ie im sre | ® visit Grandma next week. it * going 10 | have pazza for lunch. “ biyarew tororow eo | fe | ‘They a Agoingtoszerkezeta io be ge megfelelsalakjabal, a going to -bél és.azige sz6tilalakjSb4l I 1 Akcor hasznaljuka going to szerkezetet, narra eldntéttak, hogy valamit meg fogurk csindinia ovSben. f Nyelvtani é6sszefoglalé Forditsd le magyarral I'm going to waich TV this evening. “They're going to have lunch in a restaurant tomorrow. 6.2 _ going to - tagad6 mondatok | [amnce ‘mot te lisnot shove Tim : isn’t | going to | play in the garden. iy computer cares We [arenst You arent “Tagadisral a going fo szerkazetben 2 to be megfelel6 agadd alakjat hasznduk. Oszevontalakok: mot nt vagy are Forditsd le magyarral He isnt going to getup early tomorrow. We arent going te eat at home today. 6.3 going to ~ kérdések Am_|i he see you this evening? is she do todays homework? it _| going to | rain ths afternoon? a have aparty? Are |you They a. Kerdesndl a goingto szerezetben ato be az alany etal ‘nebyetcseréhek’ Are they going to play football? b Hakérdészbval kérdeztnk, 22 eddig tanultszabilyoknak megfeleiSen alakul a s2brend: What are you going to do this weekend? Fordited le magyarral ‘Ave you going to have a pizza? ‘What are you going to do on your birthday? 6.4 going to - révid valaszok i am. Fm | not. we we you are, you | aren’. Yes, | they No, | they he he she fig she isn't it it vid valaszokban sem azigét, sem a goingto-tNEM Igmeételitk meg. 4 10 Ge megielelé alakait heszndljuk. Forditsd le magyarra! Is she going to play tennis tomoxrow? Yes, she s. ‘ee they going to phone you this evening? No, they aren't 6.5 Melléknév és hatérozész6 Meliéknév Hotiroz6s26 The car 8 slow. itmoves slowly. He was quiet. He spoke quietly, Shes happy. ‘She’ singing happily. 2 Amieléknév a f6revek vlamiiven tlajdonségét ia eyez hogy veami vagy valaki milyen. He was a horrible man. bb Anatarozosa9 a igre vonatkozx,aztifa le, hogyen csinalurk valanit. She opened her eyes quickly. (© Hatdrozésadt képezherink melsknévb6a ty végz6déssel ju) Hogy vagy? Seeyou (ater, teu: (ean)! S28.) Seastot (sob wlakowunk) Thankyou Getk fs FosonOM, Thanks Ouqks’” KestSrde. My family brother "binSe itestvér frend frend) bare garden 'gady/ ket vg ny Fiseames. hu seams Areve . (ae house ci hae Feng. fog! hess Mysineh Tome nti? Aneee parents peroneal. Ester emt) Srytctge Their mames are Bea seem 2! "Anevth ‘What's your name? (wots nem ‘Mianeved! wth he ahve At the sports centre Scaitee Jakiate tadkandgeh ‘dese 3 ered cin foe tds) det Basketball "basta koxifabda hileren/hlaron” gyerkek Slub iki RUE ate et! datum ‘ay sce nap email lane e-nalieetaronkus eve) Feinesanes tes Nos freseanjom fil ol whee Him rom Hungary. faim from! Nosyar Vsgytk (Magyarorgrs atom). include an'cvd’ mapdben foie interesed(n) notte all farate fata: tare firey! di lake open. "supa! mt van Sporscentze spo" seme)! sporkozpont Swimming swim) ass Tebietennis eb! lens! even lng- telephone number “elton nsbotry {eetonezin Volleyball vat splat eight taining "won tema” sbaézis Yoae e003" aa What can you do? ball Mol tebde Both as” mindtens Sige arvaid! etssan| guitar arity “gtat ” hand nnd ker etockey /un hoki’ _jégkororg|égholt risked inrument ace ptr Rangizer pisne ‘pienso! soagera peak pckbowdint pall ig ebetizn throw ru dob trumpet uxmpitrambita Violin vain’ hegeds My room ewe many? Jha mani) any ioral? lie ian oid Linder PandsGy alate wear” heele) vient What has she got? apple ep lia form fom ker beg. Teg) tsk bend ipend? Assy tart ote Mose! based Brink degk’ inn fsarcice book eksouie hkl net key fhe! ales Kee i) térd left ef bal Fetter "leisy lev mabie phone muna Tsun! -moblteeton range orm navencs pen "pen cl Photograph ouingral’ teaykdp Fight vat! job fier rly vonalas foncity Menwnfy seondc Shake jek meprani Stretch /sred/ Ryan tum around ten 3'acnd!_mesfoduli Umbrella vant brels)esery6 1 My life ‘A My school Stern) tin Sa satay ike ak Eadie Dus. (oautbuee Besson ss stop autébusamestié fxr ike macske les hlas! oxy oyournomework guj tunes! at aaanot am eheuttnla han tlacacet stor ante) Srenng inmate fray howe farourhe react! kai fish Pim bleeatn fn fn ousioeie 20 x0) mennl 00e gud Yo Bap oy, rere, a past na post F603) Nighchoe! she hzepekats hme. soa raze Intemet tose nceret tear Hig” "stnenn vores, en tenon Pian agers tite "ad seen morning Pesan regge dle near nioiey mete, kozeleben ony. Poon cn proctie prakes! gyahorslet Drimary echo pasmon skal tadnos stots quarter pas Kaos pass_neayedt ‘uarter to /hwsia TW) hiromneqved fideyour bie aid! kerésparacn| Same 85. ohn a! gyanae. int ‘eho! sku sila Sport spat! spor stare tke Subject /sxbisk tanuray toke heb feah Oo bss! bussed toe fu! is ve ‘ns Stat syslog mann thatch “meet pdm B Birthdays atotor is'nt 3K Big. bg! nay Binney obey slttsnap Sindy cle erate re Sinhdoy cord "eed esd sleep pe blowout Ibo fact ot Book. fol! kanye Bowling "asin wl’ tekendva Buy. tb veenh nie end ayes Shama aman! moe Sloines_ cae rane azat for. sl) mincegye Sreroody. (Erb minders family. Meenoll aed lowe’s an’ Wrage gee foo oda eal nes makers wieh inci > Kvdonivalit ‘mont mu honap MPS paver en On: ar MPa tse mot ins fet ome dey "act det_néenap orm noah ends Steen oa yarn Sider /suagy deeb ther Paty es bony /purt part bul arson (eople) pon (pip! ember) ‘sensi ember) present prea afnak fexaurant rere teem Sing Tam) neaea fone “nm! nahany omenhere. "Simvesey valabol fees vse eeeg thing’ in diog {oi ated me tometer femora) hohee toy or ssckoze Sally sult salban crema jncee) Pacman uk Months ofthe year fanvoryigenian! fuse Cairo ‘Rirterd Binae arch a mde Ail Feira! Ss Mayme jus June “figen! Junius July. esp jolus Sopa, Tene) ages eptember “scpiembsszepe cover /ok'tubsoktSber November "nsolvenbi’ noverrber December discal’ december C Mickey, Millie and Mut aitthe ume 99 tem’ aandoan Best oes! legjob fomputer/kom ley szémitogéo Bantask me ‘dau ask mi! Neenger ‘ede! elephant ean eletine getup. cer sp fein Rep icin Seaten Tarr knew. ar dave nav! Nem tudo. Wegotne ea. fav go sou ata Fogainam sins. language Tinanus) ye ton” aan’ oreszan penguin "peagwn. plagyn bet peu iisthaehatat resident prez elnok Sleep slip alas ingen tats” wanker Pane) tt ore ek mbket D Daily life aiwap. since! aig Setouse ‘kor! met Sreak rete Srilant” bog bains nage Suny eta Gatch “kets “etapnt Sean Men! Sats Sok kik tant Sup hap esse, te Pak keetpéozn Sher int) seco othe roping. ub fo’ besos faly a ton feed meget, for ‘Mou! peas fox ih lo seat ew nogyzeo Rappen hepa” torn! Jot sot urka ‘eve na’ “tes lower isa sok imate te bed” mck 9 ell mepésyazn teal mil eats ete never ‘evi sohe nenspape spina’ ass9 Biace pss ney plete pen Fecjeling cece skin sent Sree hulecergyaeeney) sigh ran eyes egies ‘ober unovrebet Teeth table set Bs Ql megtertent fometines scam neha taketne abby out tek 99st au ‘vnn aszemetee, x Ted ender ak Ose. ju nara! Yatuumn /Nekuan poco warsove wear rurasaeény weshup. aj xp emasegetn Culture ake! iad Thom naar begining To‘gmy endo, dee Boxing Day bk dev areseny miso naj (decade 26) broad Tirol hanya Bien Ponty be bin Yaan! Be po cal A neveet Stleorate Feaibet Gye ‘ocalate gas tfokbt ow Teele peta Me) taretony Ghriemas Day hres Prkrony tap teacober 3) cites pudding hss pe ara kvsony sien chittmrartmse mene Uh! borers ome ropether kemtagediry "sl ‘coro, asker ther Seccratons Matera dace dials Easter Fenty Powel Enter egg hunt 2st) eg Baa Rae Teisvolbent hess cater Mondoy sen mane! hisdthens Ester Sunday (ist “nd hinwasinop ei end famous euned es fertial “fens? Gnnep fests frewoks Morais taajaek Teowed by obo tv ceusn (eho) Sood ay gud rac nogypentek Ratemteicey, ttn Halder {eevheeben seine hiya" Important un'poton entos Jontards Mat hen “en ognegyndst font vnsd “tartnt ben tain ne’ rat Test eis trade “aay heap tmednigat atest ef New Yeo ‘nu jay “Oe Open 0p hg park pak pak atup or Spleen Schoseren Pakuiea! ots gyectek Sect sit) wee Sirect (sunt) es erm tam teev {own on "vas radtienal ia inayhegyomanyos tee ta eikey tok pula ypiat, up "tps Vegetaste Neaiol zolista visa megtega English across the curriculum alarm doce ‘slew Kok sbrenztsérs syight douannappotvisgonse Secade “asked Sted hourglass Faveglant omotéo ‘ier Peele venee esl Stay “meeg [Ropmoteh itopmoty stoppeéra Saal Seana opore rermometer agaa homes ‘Your project add ied hozzitenn Bh ny de ‘alencar /kelnds(ry_napeir ‘ousin. vil unokatstver aw. lero) azcia) ‘events Tens’ eseméyek fallapart Isl spt aaetesni ‘gp back. cou ‘hel! vsszamenn gpsking gco sky sel menni Seilesaine Seta inka ment er let, good time bev 9 ‘tam el team magat ‘head Med fe feat Ahoy iv estate heat _haboent hold ‘houid tartan Hon care. jar doom Kear’ Nem eek Fminiove._ fama m ‘iy! Saerelmesvaqyok ustrate. fist! seamiterl instead. 'sed heer late lew! kesdin! Ite jan élee Took bace ck bak! visszanéart Tove thw! steele lovely Via aranyos pancake pentend” palssmta Bieure pike) ke row snail special, spe! kalinleges Say. sto maradoh Wea fever wal st fa 2 Animals ‘A Our schoo! trip teach, out Tavobl bus Socodte cota! hake Sink /érok! et fy" as rend football Yorba, bniess geton get ‘fez mre) appv hen!” baleog hae” nud tom Jump sen grant tangaroo /keeg3‘it” kengury Fiten to. is halo lane sbée mmonkey "rma Malo ie fated) ie a Fosanme sorte oon Ste "ne yt Boer satay Be tip) arn eens. tarde tei ana 0. i Alton B Mickey's model dinosaur bang key bel bone /uny “cont Come an hon en Ger Sinotur dames nese gue ig Spout gay athe Frstuck lam 'stk Osangacto, Insvucions Imstakjne wastasot ost eeu ‘Gak had! ‘Tevet Took for "VIX 1) heres ( Szészedet magazine /mayo'din) fydra, trode opal model mouth mau 4) move mes! mazbgnt hone on! telefendint pour ipo time (e25) Fam ire seitee) est hd Snore snxf/_ hod sgeetng nyt) "seri Bocsnat Whers wrong? heat Too! Mia boi? My favourite animals aftemoon lef) duran atthe moment af ‘sioutan_ eben ilanattan most bark bak ugain Between ovtwen) kéaott block bleh! ‘ekete oval tes betle ot! Greg tnelach) Brown aon bam ‘age “hoy kavee cow Maw whine Seen Neral sva00 Siferent ation kulfele ‘dlphin. alfa defn eagle ial 35 cor foe) fe ‘every "erry minden egyes, mindesyik farm fn frm food ful! del lem for fake Who frog roa! “ska free otis irate Vesa sat Goat gout) hecke group /orup! coport Stara ‘ged. onsen Fippopotames ups poiomox’ vis hte oul uk ice sek rove ig) lizard toad ik rmeerkat miske seuikata(mongiztte mice (mouse) mas maon)”egerek ect) neigh Post) see Big pg) cise Pelsonous ‘povanas_ mérgeed merce tit) Suite wan elegge obbie Prete “yal orpion Pakopian! skopié Shark Tfok ipa sheep inv jah bika Shor fo reve Size sum mret Small sino Kes) ‘ad ‘wildlife perk /waldaut pack! vadvédelm reruie D The story of Chicken Licken chick i cick en. iden bara Suck “daly Tacs *] falldown (ft aon) lesa farmyard amas) bv fame) Fotow me. Tins ni KoveSOvesete goose guts) bo frase ros! ameter /hamstte/ hires8g hen Then’ yok unary hapa dhes King. an! aly leave (iv! Magy vo! meet /ni/ taalhozn night nat! zaka nose ‘nat 20) fut fant a Oh dese fou eke) Tej6 6g! pond pond! Foad tad! tt shop _/fop! bot, dlet ty ska Suedeniy” sili! hirtelen ipermarket/s:pamokil s2upeariet, ‘iemszer avraz tel ted mendoni ‘ake somebody op Teldbeszer it way ined ot Welt ne Nos wile loa feesea Wweang/ron) os ves veh samboa ap Culture budgerigar buspigate) sopopapiss) Sty ret soe Siepoear lassie ete ‘ise iS vezeel (aut!) even iva! dg... fied ld! (0d, mexd fish ff ba get out oF get aut ove kszale Sure g “at ny) wergemac Reperacing Mscerany/leesenate eep Jui tartan loc ater" Mok vig) gosdern mest moist lectO¥b frowedays” austen! manapsig popular pcp) reps prize iors)” Fide (rid vegeln ‘ging oo! vain sku lowagoskola Sateripark asi pak! seferipork fave ia! wees wed! eds Wwerld wale! viig English across the curriculum amphibian. amfsian kite Baby beh Baba Kesiye bid Msi) made See awa teams ere ee a ane ete Bie 3 Bit ha th ioe see aa rile fk) ef por pet ee produce. iprodjes’ meme repiile. eptal” hols fer cevaey the eo. fil wegen Temperature temprftr! hémérsdler ‘ype ay fata uous Worm. in! mele ‘warmbleoded “wsmblidid’ melegvérd Your project bus haf botoe fount exon s2émel ay Jae? vidsm Gum vee gum i! ume Sundiops./amdrope gumicukorka merry mer vidirn 3 Holidays ‘A Where were you last week? ‘lena way a we messze apartment epetmont! kts, akosly be. bad) ross beach "tr! tengerpart far fatry messee ere (hoki te hotel Aout’ sleds Ma bees Ibet Jost mak peighbour neibathy somsxéd hextto elit f9) relett pool ipa: medence theme park im park! vidirmpak (egy soit tei pul) there ean) oft oda ‘weather /webory Hors wedding walt” wks yemerdoy /jstaled” teg0up 8 Our holiday aicgor saps repilerér angry fayge’ merces reve san’ megerkeen bose fimo hae Gran kya! lakdiocd heck" fel) elersrint flow. isa! ‘boner Collect ‘Kslett/_beayiten ete msc) S7ab /qreb!reqreds! abel ‘erty cine lst ost” vtoso mis fms! femaradn ‘museum mjuvzan” dasa eed isin” sakstge van valrate Papert “pop! itv Bicker pe ay fein lane’ iplen/ rela Shout ifaw Kalani Someone else's sam ‘ls! vali inésnaca..(valamie) soon Su” nemsokara Su stt/ megmingly Sultcore Poke bonind tae Peek tod font Renu sdtor Hebee “Fekajsgy travel "tre! “otant trolley "soli poggréseslts kétkocs! ‘ny Tray megpréashi Unpack a ek csomagolnt ‘want vont akan! Problems accident keto beleset bite bat megharapn camers Phemra’ tenykepezogea, tamers ‘astle /kasl var ‘opy /iugoy “ekeznt forget oyev eletetent Greetings fom. grtne Fen Cdsezee balsa Journey Pig uteaas Ioee luz’ eworston. Lek Tags serencséee northern Pnsdon’ esaki postcard /pauskant! kepesep problem proba’ proba Spooky /spuki/ eset kseretes Station sefn/ dlomas Beil sil elope Stomach ache. /stanck ak’ gyomorias Wwellet wali! ata levekarca D Mut's holiciay game gem! tee . secamphng. 9 em tenpingez infact in ak valbjpan fice yaa 269 realy /Hal/tenyleg Culture abroad. fabri) \Otetbealekdin Sunt wot ngyeen fey toa fe Ghanrel Tunnel feral tsa’ abaManche ‘Guta st yet a90t coumey Fisrinorsag fecton, Meksr’_gyse Soy, Hie Komp provdioter Poranta(e. nage Fowover aes) aonban, Se ‘money "ean pone eh rt!” gine ‘through. tat Keres inde Pagel ayo wow Nok dolgoan English across the curriculum Aw fs fod adhbey Zeroplane "epic erligép fpeear ‘spray magia fice Pus Kerksar fue ald eter Shage fends," meavikexto heap. Nip led Sangerout dendsara’_veszehes fexgn ivan (negienean soy rial torwye Eeptions aspleegyntmik England “nsond!Aala Scbercve tape aebgn Seu ions goat tomy (ail ncber intvepan im bs post! amitbn gen fing Heana! ‘ta Inadeof inl ov vali késit Iotorgyde /maatsekl metoketkosr fecal pea "pecs falivey Petter vate foots Pena rea Ste fall dl Sete “ire Reresedelon Sonthort Powe aot ‘kings vasa vkingek Revision arm dock slam klk) dbestéira boring “"bsria/unalmas campste Fkampsit! Kemoing downsairs_iduua'seaefeldsziten, feldsintre eck nek! ryae ‘note ‘miot! Bar soros ene evel Your project brakes bres félek eondutor ken'dsktar)_taleve engineer endsrnins) meadonyvezetS Feeman. smn’ 2a frozen’ (room fagyott falta megan ‘ll fa” comb,nepy Ws your faut. iis foi Aves Tine fan! vena! ‘peel parol” pool (spanyel zldségos, ise isha) iene osknah pine {hile re vagina oar rsfe)duborbansoviteni runaway. /rasovelelsiabodult shail fol Felsenes ‘retle ero selep ‘yack jtrek’ nyomuonal vigdny Western wesw niga whee! /wi Keck whistle Mois gSeszabalyexd wind ion! sth Wrredk “Tsk! cones 4& Food A Food and drink Anything eke? ‘eng ‘es! Mégvalamit) banana seins" Danes beans. tz! bab ee! bil! marhohos Cant hove 2" kon Bev! Kephetndk 7 cheese Afiad sale hickon in! eke chips pe st eursp fotfne Tk Kv la Fkiuly kala Sessert idizaa) edessée sting, dank! 239 fogs fan iy) tat ‘tute “thew gyumes ‘grapes lureipy 016 Hereyouare. oj aie Tesh hotehecelate hot HoKbt! for coteidé leoreamy astm’ fagyhle {amb item bs lemonade "emaned/ monte lettuce leu" es sala meat it his Freru Pmeaie! tap rmillsbake | ulkfetk (eprurmix fixed sist veqyes crangejulce ronnds dsus) rarancste pasta pest wae ee veal pte atk pk’ sethe fptste twine bugere, tram ‘Silad /selal! lita Satsuma /se'suma "(magnéthl manda seaghertbolognese spaget tole Sostgre are emato omc! paradicon fou hear platy fina jen "enh wegetable Vesdgohi dig B Stone soup ainest insu mejdven toad sa hey Sotage eld kboo SSrrot kra sirgnrinn fete ela! pice ean ikem! stn Exptoard haba! (oles saekiény Site oni Ssiovs dips’ nom Eraseme, sigue mis nat fetch eee ren es eahoan Sooweyt igau ses Menje fare sorta tapty. syn es teat nou wee image Pmalgi bivee frean fmm 2096 oe fei mike Frushreoms.xirema) gombs onion nj! hogyma Pepper pepe) fsa hee Sait sll 50 Seucepan’ /Sospen’ (ne bos Seusages. (soniye) totase See Stan ae Smile Jaman!" maeeljogr seve up vee Sgt figs ekor fate ee ego Arana een e108 wine” wan bot Mut goes shopping Alas! ot leat Wart bor hai tb aattide) Borue how Greg ple css, srs, eons. csp Gap gsi ecde sits ehatroe| ahs les poe incre inne an marital” pe packet pe emg Sell pote Bn konaey D George's apple crumb apple cumble leph kemb) almdsmers sutemeny boil all fea vader) Bow ‘bast! tl chop. itfep! felaprtan cover hava) beech betcha degrees igre! tok leh if eden 13 flour PMawstey ae fife sited ‘rina pan ram nen! semewé ftated reid! reset margarine mada) margarin Szészedet metre nicstfry ever iy rail (roghees D Mickey and Millie go ren ae sita cat wut Sak camping He IE Oy soar aaa es ert tele Best Ra) meghimoz ep (ip my ace el TN scam Boot ‘poi beleatet fore fe ea 33, ta eeoen cyan ming sae nop edad Tey "ostverttcon Toate feo, (itn tent cease ‘the rest i> ‘rest! ammaradék high Mhai/ magas ee ee fuldebock “eaitbok! uthOryy hasan “pre IP ay ont prey iach Se egies land. falonl Saget ey pana Shae Bleot waht” Jal ava Wightaiger — FEREMR, /pes gey_popsor iat lometre lomratyklometer Se ee caw bacon bok! salonra lake ok! ts Baked beans “tet Slae/ ued loch es ok nes LochNess(6skécidbon) Culture pasedaomaetacbor feng on! nose Gaifomia rsa, Ktfomia coleteria Thefts! Snags Gterer gen mat) menete fer Fists koe Sires Teor gabonapahay Gabon) Ach malt mens federal edie" seovesegt Sit ea Ceerocintn ol malkoawe MANS, “MK, mee fag gi 78506 iterd Fetal testo ‘monster Fmt) s28my Sovernment “gvvsomen keréy foreign on’ kite ‘SouninPruontn’ heay [eranguees lon endsile! LorArgles grapefruit reel orf (others nor ina na(e) em.sem ue ja seme fheney han mez fier rans(ey Toe Srginal arise eradet jam. jem leks fea se temger oon fun! sae Fesagre’/ave:na esigra(oaszkott Fe rhames Saenz! Tenze orulation /porioten! esa testa) fumel tana agit fegon [risig terdet ket Hight Konya ‘alley’ vali vey Setter selley elope mmelncoute ‘nen tos! (Gogts ‘wide’ wan) sales Sar sic eslag Imamaide ims Oe OY Ng ad go a es ‘om and south ‘ows eke Teas midday mudd dl elo acd tbe White House to wat us! afer Poca nt at) cmap) lla ho, Tents Hoe. (69 wa han Febrie higegebed fol ha, hives, . risoto, nztoa! zat asestte) Sowdes 'kraahl!_sifet English across the curriculum Schas sata miatpedaul Sifhcoe is ae Supper spain! ecsora ry dra sare wegetaran wedssteren vegetus fine lam /setp 86 Yoghurt "age" joghurt 1 eH ay tieady fend 1 English across the curriculum iy “Ya dimberdonion fool Me thoten swoeide evstou! wokids Cet ae ane oe ee er sc Rates exch azélok Ieeaining. ne remy’ Sokar eet Sowiy bo lssan century sent _évszdzad teeny,“ nny kesh heres gn gr teenie! greene evision iraize “si kakoca northwest madwesl észak-nueat fight Ma’ reaver mountain must heay fed. rel pros vores gorgeous gcdies pomp gor ry pee feeson im esnak frnerable zion’ "Sraimas edi fouthresst Dist délkeet Spomish. “speraf’_soenyeh Seen tony wee Nour boplect endless endias| végelen Gprcod. apr etejeanl Sunay "Sin? napos Sonor taste ms Seiten Pande any is tks “wear vera, ear: gees SuifSream lfc Gelesram on leet toe IO Nigrway hare far onstage Se redwood redwud! kaliforniai Grids fe /erdo: Revision Sint Pena eae Moron rim’ sag ‘circle sxkl) kor ‘C Record breakers: es aoe Aleska folasks Alszia 6 Entertainment Sie ee ae ‘Amazon ‘amazon’ Amazonas: ise Faow ib oe ces Soot, ATV programmes Sead megan eres erie ba feideg nk oje: SSetnert Ponte Reta Groen hau et, Tee te a iy is Sra Tea teeta Ghats ls fo heselnetncsn rampbery” rayne mane ‘gold /gauld! arany aeleay pecarans ena pee stcky suki rages Loe tear documentary” /dokj meni! Sect Thohed eit Mont Blanc mont bok! Montane documenta ido | tolfee tofi/ keramella. Mount Everest aon! ‘evonst)) Mount Everest iN ttm Mur imerjaro mon kann saree 0, Met 5 The world a sats ae ete AMy country Oceania iaujr'cini’ Oceania news fee bictog wie J beaut ta gyiMe Sporaperen pst sprite fetceds, fei ici, niin a Nee eee Tkanscs ‘eat show rt fu valsi show pital Php fordtos young ny! fatal second kad! fever’ temate contol maul Kontaol/ tivo “] revise. /nivaz_tmétent Soap opersssop opra! sappanopers Spor programme /spsts preugren eportpregrm test fest dalgosst TWeguide it: caids TVemiser TWset. ie: is su eleridkesraleh B At the movies fre you al risht?, ou 9 ‘ran Jl vagy? behind invkared! mba Barket "bianis) Takeo brefeave Pbvttkea’ abtatisha fnemyfenamislenstg soa fee! tr scape isp megszi guard. (aude Rartour /:batey KikoUo hare hal’ Kerry horribly Phorsbitsxdeyen island load! seost Redvesn' matter, i dant ‘mete! Nemszémt feck ok be2ary levy aod” Rsngoson quietly aust balan Fish na) rohan Sid" Sed Somos Sate seul iztonsagos atette tala mOnots erotik tol Somach /stsmak’ gyomor strange streandy) Kalin farce whisper /wspxysutog C Film, cameras, action Action! /sekin) Febsétet aetor Maktoe)) sings Grtoon “ka tun jain comedy film ovous flight Gi Fea Enni fst! vgs) dentist / dents fonorvos fertra stra satiets hope ihaop! remetet Fofror dl "hora ifn” hovroetn ling lata sve (sxnesee) maken /metkap smn Imoskal msl) sents cara, mice Gopst ops! opps! rerncom (omantie comedy). orakom! three oni tiles ki western Westen “western vadnyugeton “teed ie) me D The lost penguin Lets ers sk.) lew (avasayorit jects, dedeesdheg) fest fostered Policeman ipstseow/ rendér Shallwe go..? ali go Menjink 2 Thats ageod ea, ba > god ia seat What sailwe d6? wot fl we “ay Mi teqyink Where shal we meet? es a wi it! Hal takozzurk? Culture ‘actress ektris sings haracterTeerkte) serep6,igua create feet) evehors) director darreKiot ~rendezé Invernovionalionsfel nemzetkes modern eda meen ‘moon men hold movie. nui! im Blasting /plesasin/ gyrna Seiset agent sik ‘eidgonitikosoyndk Several ose sesmos filet sale! name Star isvG tererepe atk theatre iat senhie tramp. remo! csvergs IWousers true nodiag English across the curriculum ac elt serene! amphitneave /emiaatte) Kersanhae uae atin hicinoeg Bottom "boul feveryy le ever Tak? mindeneapicet sce” sid domboles! Hight Maw agos rusk /nask dare openair opm eae) sobedhée Playwright pleat! dare Femember memo) emlékern! Seat ist) des Semicirulersemisakjolte’ (er alk Suge. siedy sznpad top top! tetee Trgedy rel) vapid Your project entertainment bnt'emmont/strakorés ‘Germs (ong 0) p33) fog (O88) ‘tte (aot) ml Fitthe bigtime. hk 3 big tama! bef ‘kere val Ibet abe Lefogecom. lonely “rHaonk!maginyoe ford "isd naturally netfall) termésetesen plinly viel vdgosin oper nop saiey popstar Water ir waite) teveseie Useful sets Ordinal numbers fist 16 iss 26 second 2nd /sehond! mask thed es Ose harwadie fourth 4h /fs8) ‘negyedie fifth sth it eeaih sith 6th /ks0?hatedik Seversh 7th sem neteaie fights th (6t0. myoleadin, Finth 9th mam! 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OXFORD Gent arndon Stet fot ona > Oxford nine tei parent eUriveniy of Oxford, ‘Ehether te Unrest ajo ofeclln ima hoanip ndndecaony plshing voit Oxford New Sore sand Capetown Dre Sas ng omg Krac ‘hiss tumpur Madd Mahoorre Meee iy Naa NeqrDa Stanek aie Tent Wit cer in -gentin Aut Bail Chile Cuch epic Prane Gece (eotersis Hungry Taly pan Pad Poms Singapore Sout Korea Swezerand Tala Tanke Urine Vet sextoto ua oxtono vot ar rte ate mas of ‘niondtiniveny oeinthe i rena ther ose oar niet ress 08 Toemealighotthe sear aveden asset Database igh Oxted iver Press make) ‘is pb 208 to tt 260 2009 ioaevess Nonnauthorzed photocopying Al ight reserved No par ofthis pabcaton may be pried stoning rile eternity form oy 5 ‘rou the pee peenisspninwrting ofr Unies es. ss expres ere wo nee age wnt propia Spo pic ndns epic Ents ones rpredton ‘tte sop oth aon oid sent Rigs Dopara.ens etree re atthe alts she {yor ns: iepene hss conttonon any aware? ny websted sis ube ete pb dain at {he dessa proved by Oxon Uveie Pres for formation et ‘nave Uelvwly er due ay meget conte ssox: yom 469546 Vrsbook tsi: 9280 aes CDROM Is: gro 463593 Tack Priated in Ciae scawowtsnenentes yeas: Amy Aol x3 Fes ake pp 2.2.20, 2,50,98 6, (extn Bao p71, en) 362828 2, 98.95 a0 Mark, San pp 9.31.48 2460; rane Drmmond pp 1, 12.20, 3.40,5 ‘im each p 8, # vente Mans ars pS. 2437-6 ‘hyn Contra yp ex 1) 2244 Pil Hels pp 856 ANS RODD mp 10.2637 92 3am West pp 1818.34.30. 48 ‘ne angry: Ch Kin Haut exereneie ‘ise ei sey neve Ca Reese Socket lkstwenest neve: yee Wen a ‘setantr OM heretantn 12204 Tried, tested, trusted ... and now better than ever Fébb jellegzetessége' © annyelvtan elemz6 megkozelitése valtozatos gyakorlassal a székinesfejlosztés Kiemeléso ~ a szavak tematikus rendezése képregények, jdtékok, projektmunka, valamint hagyomanyos dalok és tortenetek Culture oldalak, melyek a kultirék ésszehasoniitéséra is alkalmat adnak U1 ~ English across the curriculum oldalak, amelyek mas tantérayakhoz kapcsolédnak UU) —munkafizet csomag, amely az alabbiakat tartalmazza: ~ munkafazet az elterd képessegd csoportok szaméra is alkalmas feladatokkal ileive Onértékelésre haszndlhaté ‘can do’ dllitésokkal = CD-ROM, amely az dnéllé tanulés kialakitésdban segit a kiegészitd nyelvtani é lexikai feladatokkal, 2 prbeszédekkel illewe a DVD részietekke! =U) —kétnyelvt utasitésok a munkafzetben az els6 két szinten - magyar nyelvi nyelvtani osszefoglals és kétnyelvd szészedet a munkafazet vegen U) -kulturalis DVD, amely 2z angolszése orscdgok ¢letét mutatja be a Tandri KézikOnyy U) fénymasolhate kornmunikaciés gyakorlatokkel, DVD feladatlapokkel éstesztekkel Ue ree eee cee ne Ue OXFORD oxox ExGuSH pen ora | l] | | 9 aor eal7ese9) Renton ee Peres titny Soeur

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