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This LAME package or ZIP file includes code licensed under the GNU LGPL

and GPL. By using the libraries and programs, you agree to the terms of
these licenses.

The LAME MP3 encoder is distributed separately from Audacity because

the MP3 technology is covered by patents in certain countries.
Therefore in addition to accepting the terms of this License Agreement,
it is your responsibility to determine the legal position in your own
country regarding use of LAME in Audacity. More information is
available online at:

The full text of the LAME Licensing Agreement follows:

Can I use LAME in my commercial program?

Yes, you can, under the restrictions of the LGPL. The easiest
way to do this is to:

1. Link to LAME as separate library (libmp3lame.a on GNU/Linux or

lame_enc.dll on Windows or libmp3lame.dylib on Mac)

2. Fully acknowledge that you are using LAME, and give a link
to our web site,

3. If you make modifications to LAME, you *must* release these

these modifications back to the LAME project, under the LGPL.


The decoding functions provided in LAME use the mpglib decoding engine
which is under GPL. They may not be used by any program not released under
the GPL unless you obtain such permission from the MPG123 project

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