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2211012017 CyberTeacners® de Berlitz CEEIDD “uberteachers e-Lesson: Are they your friends? . Vocabulario . Gramitica . Expresi6n oral © 0 His, BIB Traductor © Speech Trainer * SALIR Presentacién de gramitica: To be: forma afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa (5/11) Introduccién F verbo to be (ser, estar; tener, Ilegar, etc.) es uno de los verbos més comunes e importantes en inglés. Lam late. (Llego tarde.) Jane and Mike are at the movies. (Jane y Mike estan en el cine.) Forma - El presente simple Forma afirmativa Forma negativa Forma interrogativa Tam (I'm) Tam not (I'm not) Am1... you are (you're) you are not (you're not or you aren't) Are you. he/she/it is (he's/she's/it's) he/she/it is not (he's/she's/it’s not or he/she/it isn't) Is he/she/it... ? hntpsileyberoachors beri comieleamning lexeresesidoExercise sp 48 2211012017 CyberTeacners® de Berlitz wearliwe're) we are not (we're not or we aren't) a you are (you're) you are not (you're not or you aren't) they are (they're) they are not (they're not or they aren't) Tam late. (Llego tarde.) Jane is tall. (Jane es alta.) Peter and Richard are early for the train. (Peter y Richard llegan pronto para coger el tren.) Lauren and I are in the same team at work. (Lauren y yo estamos en el mismo grupo de trabajo.) T'm not angry. (No estoy enfadado,) She's not hungry. (No tiene hambre.) They aren't from New Zealand. (No son de Nueva Zelanda.) Respuestas cortas [Lam. Ives, [he/she/itis lwelyou/they are. I'm not. No, [he/she/it isn't, lwe/youlthey aren't. + Are you from the United States? (;Bres de Estados Unidos?) Yes, Lam. (Si, lo soy,) ‘+ Are they teachers? (Son profesores?) Yes, they are, (Si, lo son.) # Is John a doctor? (John es médico?) No, he isn’t. (No, no lo es.) * Are Paul and Mary ready for their trip? (Paul y Mary estén listos para el viaje?) No, they aren't. (No, no lo estan.) Usos Existencia + There is a man in the garden. (Hay un hombre en el jardin.) + There aren't four chairs. (No hay cuatro sillas.) * Is there a blue pen? (Hay algim boligrafo azul? Sensacién, sentimiento 0 estado de 4nimo + I'm hot. (Tengo calor) + Are you thirsty? (Tienes sed?) + We're not sick. (No estamos enfermos.) + They are not happy. (No estén contentos,) hntpsileyberoachors beri comieleamning lexeresesidoExercise sp 218 2211012017 CyberTeacners® de Berlitz Parghablar de uno mismo y de otras personas Lam Fred. (Soy Fred.) You are 31 years old. (Tienes 31 afios.) Richard is a nice man, (Richard es un hombre simpético,) He is not a student. (EI no es estudiante.) Are they students? (;Son estudiantes?) hntpsileyberoachors beri comieleamning lexeresesidoExercise sp 38

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