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Working Sudoku Code

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

//========= Constants =========//

const int N = 3; // The size of 1 square in the sudoku.

const int EMPTY = 0; // A sign for an empty cell.

const int STOP_INPUT = -1; // A sign for stop get input.

//====== Function Declaration ======//

void input_sud(int sud[][N*N]);

bool fill_sud(int sud[][N*N], int row, int col);

void print_sud(const int sud[][N*N]);

bool is_legal(const int sud[][N*N], int row, int col, int val);

bool is_row_ok(const int row[], int col, int val);

bool is_col_ok(const int sud[][N*N], int row, int col, int val);

bool is_sqr_ok(const int sud[][N*N], int row, int col, int val);

//========== Main ===========//

int main()

int sud[N*N][N*N] = { { EMPTY } }; // The sudoku board.


fill_sud(sud, 0, 0);

return 0;

//======== Input Sudoku ========//

// Gets the input for the sudoku,

// 0 means an empty cell.

void input_sud(int sud[][N*N])

for(int i = 0; i < N*N; i++)

for(int j = 0; j < N*N; j++)

cin >> sud[i][j];

//======== Fill Sudoku =========//

// Tries to fill-in the given sudoku board

// according to the sudoku rules.

// Returns whether it was possible to solve it or not.

bool fill_sud(int sud[][N*N], int row, int col)

// Points to the row number of the next cell.

int next_row = (col == N*N - 1) ? row + 1 : row;

// Points to the column number of the next cell.

int next_col = (col + 1) % (N*N);

// If we get here, it means we succeed to solve the sudoku.

if(row == N*N)

return true;

// Checks if we are allowed to change the value of the current cell.

// If we're not, then we're moving to the next one.

if(sud[row][col] != EMPTY)

return fill_sud(sud, next_row, next_col);

// We're about to try and find the legal and appropriate value

// to put in the current cell.

for(int value = 1; value <= N*N; value++)

sud[row][col] = value;

// Checks if 'value' can stay in the current cell,

// and returns true if it does.

if(is_legal(sud, row, col, value) && fill_sud(sud, next_row, next_col))

return true;

// Trial failed!

sud[row][col] = EMPTY;

// None of the values solved the sudoku.

return false;

//======== Print Sudoku ========//

// Prints the sudoku Graphically.

void print_sud(const int sud[][N*N])

for(int i = 0; i < N*N; i++)

for(int j = 0; j < N*N; j++)

cout << sud[i][j] << ' ';

cout << endl;

//========== Is Legal ==========//

// Checks and returns whether it's legal

// to put 'val' in A specific cell.

bool is_legal(const int sud[][N*N], int row, int col, int val)

return (is_row_ok(sud[row], col, val) &&

is_col_ok(sud, row, col, val) &&

is_sqr_ok(sud, row, col, val));


//========= Is Row OK =========//

// Checks and returns whether it's legal

// to put 'val' in A specific row.

bool is_row_ok(const int row[], int col, int val)

for(int i = 0; i < N*N; i++)

if(i != col && row[i] == val)

return false; // Found the same value again!

return true;

//========= Is Column OK =========//

// Checks and returns whether it's legal

// to put 'val' in A specific column.

bool is_col_ok(const int sud[][N*N], int row, int col, int val)

for(int i = 0; i < N*N; i++)

if(i != row && sud[i][col] == val)

return false; // Found the same value again!

return true;

//========= Is Square OK =========//

// Checks and returns whether it's legal

// to put 'val' in A specific square.

bool is_sqr_ok(const int sud[][N*N], int row, int col, int val)

int row_corner = (row / N) * N;

// Holds the row number of the current square corner cell.

int col_corner = (col / N) * N;

// Holds the column number of the current square corner cell.

for(int i = row_corner; i < (row_corner + N); i++)

for(int j = col_corner; j < (col_corner + N); j++)

if((i != row || j != col) && sud[i][j] == val)

return false; // Found the same value again!

return true;

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