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DBQ: What were the primary reasons for the “fall” of Rome?

Rome was growing as it was the largest empire the world had seen.Throughout the

century many reasons had made the empire fall. Some are such as earthquakes, flu and

floods. Yet, what were the 3 major reasons why Rome fell. Three significant reasons for the

“fall” of Rome was the assassination of emperors, Foreign Invasions, and disaster/diseases.

One of the most important reason was the foreign invasions.

Rome fell, because throughout the empire problems accord. Two major ones were

natural disasters and a disease that was spreading. People were dying from both illness and

disasters. The natural disasters were floods in many different part of the empire and a

violent earthquake. Many people lost their lives from that, while others had ran to different

parts of the empire. People that had ran to different parts of the empire had caused the

plagues to spread. The population of Rome went from a million to almost 250,000. Due to

these two problems it left most of the population dead. This found on Document F.

A second reason why Rome fell was because the emperors. In 50 years or so, Rome

had 22 different emperors.Most of the time these emperors were assassinated. Some were

killed in battles or because of the plague. So, Rome had new emperors very often from the

time of 235-285 CE. Document A had gave information about the Roman Emperors. This

contributed to Rome’s “fall” because, their empire had weaken from the different emperors.

Which had made it easier for invasions.

Probably the most important reason Rome fell was the Foreign Invasions, that

destroy them slowly. Groups of the invaders could and have combined to take certain part

down. There was over 5 groups that invaded them and took their empire down. This was
also due to poor leadership coming from Rome’s Emperors. The ruling of Rome made it

easy to take over. Yet, this cause the fall of Rome because they started to get their own

empire taken away or over.

It is true there were other reasons why Rome had fell and got decline. These had

include economic corruption, a weak army and how different groups like the Huns

attacked. The three reason provided above as disaster and disease, to the assassination of

emperors and foreign invasions that had provides the best explanation why Rome had

finally crumbled in the 5th century.

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