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8.º Ano

1. Read and answer the questions.

Mr. Swallow is applying for a job in a restaurant.

Mr. Carver is asking him a few questions.
Mr. Carver: So, Ms. Swallow, when did you start cooking?
Mr. Swallow: When I was a child. I loved cooking. I usually cooked lunch for ten
people: my parents, my grandparents, my brothers and sisters.
Sometimes my neighbours came for lunch, too. We all ate a lot.
Mr. Carver: Were you as fat as you are today ?!
Mr. Swallow: No, I was thinner but, you know, I couldn’t resist my cookings.
Mr. Carver: Hmm… and where did you work?
Mr. Swallow: I worked in a fast food restaurant.
Mr. Carver : In a fast food restaurant ?!
Mr. Swallow : Yes, but my pies are the best pies in the world. My grandmother
gave me the recipe. And my pizzas are the most delicious. My
grandmother also taught me how to make « pasta ».
Mr. Carver : Your grandmother ! Hmm...
Where does she live?

1.1. Who is Mr. Swallow ?

1.2. What is he doing now?
1.3. When did he start cooking ?
1.4. How many people did he cook for ?
1.5. Did they eat a lot ?
1.6. Was Mr. Swallow as fat as he is today ?
1.7. Where did he work ?
1.8. Who tauhgt him how to make « pasta » ?

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