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Nama : Arisma Nurhikmah

NPM : 1610631030047

Descriptive Statistics Correlations

Mean Std. Deviation N income earns wealth saving

income 9.9700 5.58580 100 Pearson Correlation income 1.000 .885 .677 .384

earns 7.9700 5.11179 100 earns .885 1.000 .627 .457

wealth 12.6600 16.78998 100 wealth .677 .627 1.000 .185

saving 1.7700 4.38283 100 saving .384 .457 .185 1.000

Sig. (1-tailed) income . .000 .000 .000

earns .000 . .000 .000

wealth .000 .000 . .033

Variables Entered/Removedb saving .000 .000 .033 .

Variables Variables N income 100 100 100 100

Model Entered Removed Method earns 100 100 100 100

1 saving, wealth, wealth 100 100 100 100

. Enter
earnsa saving 100 100 100 100
a. All requested variables entered.

b. Dependent Variable: income

Arisma Nurhikmah1610631030047
Model Summaryb

Change Statistics
Adjusted R Std. Error of the
Model R R Square Square Estimate R Square Change F Change df1 df2 Sig. F Change Durbin-Watson

1 .899a .808 .802 2.48630 .808 134.562 3 96 .000 2.027

a. Predictors: (Constant), saving, wealth, earns

b. Dependent Variable: income


Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

1 Regression 2495.468 3 831.823 134.562 .000a

Residual 593.442 96 6.182

Total 3088.910 99

a. Predictors: (Constant), saving, wealth, earns

b. Dependent Variable: income

Arisma Nurhikmah1610631030047

Unstandardized Coefficients Coefficients Correlations Collinearity Statistics

Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig. Zero-order Partial Part Tolerance VIF

1 (Constant) 2.511 .478 5.255 .000

earns .830 .070 .759 11.841 .000 .885 .770 .530 .486 2.056

wealth .067 .019 .201 3.461 .001 .677 .333 .155 .594 1.683

saving .000 .065 .000 -.012 .990 .384 -.001 .000 .774 1.292

a. Dependent Variable: income

Collinearity Diagnosticsa

Variance Proportions
Model on Eigenvalue Condition Index (Constant) earns wealth saving

1 1 2.799 1.000 .03 .02 .03 .04

2 .708 1.989 .03 .00 .05 .77

3 .400 2.646 .29 .00 .53 .00

4 .094 5.468 .66 .98 .39 .19

a. Dependent Variable: income

Arisma Nurhikmah1610631030047
Residuals Statisticsa

Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation N

Predicted Value 3.6085 33.9553 9.9700 5.02063 100

Residual -3.26294 9.81483 .00000 2.44834 100

Std. Predicted Value -1.267 4.777 .000 1.000 100

Std. Residual -1.312 3.948 .000 .985 100

a. Dependent Variable: income


Arisma Nurhikmah1610631030047

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