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Curch: iglesia

Hear: oyo / escuchaste

Tomorrow: mañana

Do: hacerlo /hazlo

Talk : hablo

Make: hacer

About: de/ hacerca de.

Did: pasado de hacer


You did tell me: no me dijiste

See you : nos vemos

Did not go: fue/ fueron

To the: a la

Did you make: hiciste

We talk: hablamos/ hablemos

His: su (el)

Tell me: cuéntame/ díganme/dime


What did she do? : que hizo ella

What did we talk about yesterday ? : de que hablamos ayer ?

Did you make foot today: tu hiciste comida hoy?

He did not answer me: el no me respondio

When did you do that?: cuando hiciste eso ?

He did not do it: el no lo hizo

She did not hear me say that : ella no me oyo decir eso

Why did I say that? : porque dije eso

Where did they go: donde ellos fueron ?

Where did you eat yesterday : donde comiste ayer

I did not use your spoon : no use tu cuchara

The boy did not go to church : el niño no fue a la iglesia

I did not say that : yo no dije eso

I did not eat cheese yesterday : yo no comi queso ayer

Yesterday we did not drink wine: ayer no bebimos vino

Where did you hear that: donde escuchaste eso

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