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Babylonian SACRED WORDS OF POWER Mystic Gateway to A Life Abundant in Riches, Love and Health! CARL NAGEL Finbarr DEDICATION This book is dedicated to the kind spirits of the Astral Void, without whose guidance this book would not have been possible. Copyright © 1988 FINBARR INTERNATIONAL Finbarr 121 INTRODUCTION Do you desire more money for greater financial security? Do you desire greater harmony in all your interpersonal relationships? Do you wish to enjoy perpetual good luck? Do you desire to live a more fulfilling and meaningful life? Do you want better health? Does some area of your life need changing for the better? Do you desire the occult power to create the future of your choice? Are enemies, both known and unknown, making your life a misery? Is there within you a secret desire you wish to have manifest in your life? If you answered ‘Yes’ to those questions, you need worry yourself no longer. This book will show you how to use the secret rites and ceremonies of magick to change your life like never before. Long before you have finished reading this book you will be the happy and fulfilled individual you have always desired to be. Here will be found the secret spells and rituals of the Ancient Magical Adepts — Arcane Forces, Chants, Incanta- tions and Words-of-Power to foretell the future, prevent illness and disease, attract love and romance, banish evil forces, enjoy lifetime riches, and much, much more. _ Easily and automatically. Everything you desire in life can be yours once you unleash the awesome power of Universal Magick Energy in your life. 3

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