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AGOUT THE AUTHOR KEZIA NOBLE was bor in London. She began a-music career in 2003, which led to comsiderable seccess and a record deal in the US, Kezia believed that a career in the music imdustry was her desting, until an out-ofthe-blue occurrence in 2006 introduced her to the ‘pickup'seduction community. One evening, ina trendy bar in the heart of London, a trainer from one of the largest PUA pickup anistty’) companies in the world asked her 1 come along to one of their weekend workshops. Kexia was 2 sceptic at first, but, after wimessing the astonishing results when men followed systemic technical advice in the art of picking up women, she soon became a female coach. Keria’s knowledge and techniques were born from her observations of men considered to be satwrals — i.e. consistently successful seducers af women - combined with the knowledge obtained from working with some of the PUA gurus. Kezia has. since built a major personal following even among, men-not previously aware that s seduction community existed. Her expertise has made her the world’s premier: female PUA trainer, and i now-coming to the arention of the wider public and the mass media. 19 STEPS TO BECOMING A MASTER SEDUCER Kezia Noble CONTENTS INTRODUCTION AUGUST 2003 GCIOGER 2006 THE WEEKEND. BOOT CAM MARCH 2008; BEA VU STEP ONE: UNDERSTANDING CHEMISTRY ROMANTICISM VERSES PRACTICALITY. SLOW ELILD-UP OF THE ‘CHEMISTRY SENSATION® APD BUILD-UP! OF THE “CHEMISTRY SENSATION? STEP TWO: UNDERSTANDING WHAT WOMEN WANT KNOWING YOUR TARGET FAMILIARITY THE NEED WITHIN THE PRIMAL NEED THE EVER: CHANGING DESIRES STEP THREE; CONFIDENCE ANO THE MISTARE OF BEING VAGUE JUST BE CONFIDENT? FANPOINTING YOUR STICKING POINTS. PINPOINTING YOUR STRENGTHS me STEP FOUR: THE STAGE WHAT IS THE STAGE? THE WEAK STAGE THE STRONG SLAGE THE SIX COLUMNS DF YOUR STAGE FIRST COLUMM: LEG POSITION SECOND COLUMM: ARMS THIRD COLLIN; HAHDS FOURTH COLUMN: EVE CONTACT FIFTH COLUMM: FACIAL EXPRESSION, THE NERVOUS LAUGH SISTH COLUIAR: WOCAL TOME SUMMARY OF THE STAGE STEP FIVE: THE THREE ELEMENTS OF ATTRACTION THE FORMULA OF ATTRACTION CONTRO}, EXCUSES, ERCUSES (MPACT CONMECTION ‘STEP SIX; PRE-APPROACH ASSESSING THE SITUATION OICRETION WHAT YOU ARE LOOKING POR OUTCOME DEFENDENCE WARKS GUT OF TER CREATING YOUR LIST THE NEW PREAPPROACH FRAME OF MIND STEP. SEVEN: THE OPENER AMESSAGE ABDUT CANNED MATERIAL 78 v8 76 a a BR a4 STEP EIGHT: CONVERSATION SKILLS AND THE NINE-HOOK LEAD SYSTEM 91 “BUT | CAN TALK SO WELL HATH If FRIENDS” THE NINE HOOK LEAD SvSTEM Hoos HGH-CALIBRE AND LOWMGALIBRE HOOKS WOOK [EAD OME: OPEN QUESTION HOOK LEAD TWO: FACT WOOK LEAD THREE: OPIRION THE DIFFUSION TECHNIQUE HOOK {EAD FOUR: CHALLENGE HOOK LEAD FIVE: HUAIOUR HOOK LEAD Sb: ANECDOTES HOOK LEAD SEVEN: TASKS HOOK LEAD EIGHT: YALIDATION HOOK LEAD NINE: ASSUMPTION “THE THIO-OPTION ASSUMPTION SUMMARY OF THE NINEHOOK LEAD SYSTEM PRACTICE STEP NINE: VALIDATION POSITIVE VALIGATION NEGATIVE VALIDATION. PUSHEPULL TECHNIQUE “SUMMARY ‘STEP TEN: BITCH SHIELDS ‘WHY DG WOMEN HAVE SICH SHIELOS? DESTROFING BITCH SHIELDS VALIDATE, VALIDATE AND VALIDATE! FINAL REMINOERS OM DESTROVING BITCH SHILLOS ob n u Mu 7 a job 102 103 tod 108 Hd 16 6 Ng 120, 123 15 128 1 VW 142 145, 1b lab 152 STEP 11: SEXUAL ESCALATION WHAT IS SEXUAL ESCALATION? WHT ARE SOME MEN LISELESS AT SEXUAL ESCALATION? THE THREE STAGES. THE GIPPING TECHNIQUE EFFECTIVE. DIPPING ASSESSING THE SITUATION WHAT RENT? FLIRTING STEP 12: CLOSING GETING A NUMBER AS. RESULT OF DAYTIME OR DIRECT APPRGHMCHES THE WICKHAME NUMBER CLOSE MAKING SURE YOU DON'T GET.A “FLAKY NUMBER! ONLINE ROMANCE? NO WAY! STEP 13: THE PHONE CALL THIRD DAY LOGIC WHAT TINE? THE PHONE CALL STEP 14; GOOD GUYS WS, BAD GUYS THE BAD GUY THE GOOD GUY THE NICE GUY WHY DO NICE GUS CONTINUE TO BE “Ni CE? ‘STEP 15; NEVER GOING BACK TO ZERO WHAT IF SHE THREATENS TO LEAVE? AUTHOR'S POSTSCRIPT 159 160 wl 164 169 170 "1 V3 13 1S: Te 11 143 185 186 1a? 1 m1 192 195 19 19 203 208 any INTRODUCTION AUGUST 2003 Suturday night out with the girls, We hadn't seen each other for a few months, I'd been away on a particularly Jong summer break, and [was eager to see them all again, We'd been friends since college: over the space of a few years we'd ctied on each other's shoulders when relationships had gone sour, we'd argued aver everything and anything, before always making up by admicting that we were wrong, We helped each other In our hours of need and shared laughter, holidays and birthdays. In chat time we'd geown fram gitls to adult wamen. Hete we all were, still friends and celebrating the face that — through thick and thin, laughter and tears ~ we remained close. It was. typical busy Saturday aight in Lendoa we were sipping cocktails at one of the most fashionable clubs of the moment. The London party scene was out in full force: beautiful people; famous people; cool people; strange people; rich people; peaple who, wanted ¢0 be rich; people wha wanted to be famous. And then there were people just out fo enjoy life, exactly like we were cloing, We were attracting plenty of male attention and, asa resule of char and some lethal cockeails, our egos were getting bigger and bigger. ie * KETIA HOBLE © Men were sending us boitles of champagne: some-were brave enough to vome over to speak, same tried to dance with us, but all were sent back to their tables swith tails firmly berween their logs We even turned down twa fairly well-known celebrities, who were particularly anneyed with us for not falling ar their feet like Tost sroren immediately did, ‘The shing was, we didm't care, We were on a high, enjoying being together, laughing at the attention we were receiving, and besides = two out of the five of us had boyfviends, I, however, did not. But [did have my eve on someone at wark, in face Twas little transfixed by hint, Any man whe spoke to me was automatically and unfavanrably compacted to him. | remember feeling the need to male a phone call, maybe to check up an hin or to shamelessly remind him how much f liked him, J went nurside where i¢ was quieter; ir was a particularly pleasane watm night, Perhaps fortunately for me, bis phone was off and all] got was his answer machine. His cure voice came on and made me feel warm inside, | left a message on his voicemall and closed shur the phone, As 1 was about to turn and go back inside the club, T heard a vaice from behind me, “Why are you speaking so loudly?” Icured around to see a rather ordinary looking guy leaning back in a relaxed manner, with iis foot upon the wall behind hin, ‘He was kind of cute, bur a little short for my likingy his clothes were a hic too casual for my taste too, "Fxcuse me?” T replied, feeling sure he'd mace a mistake and thoughe Twas one of his friends. He took a drag from his cigarette and looked into my eyes defiantly, “You're speaking very loudly, when there's no noise around you, Just thoughe it was a bir eccentric, that’s all." He smiled. "Yes, sometines [speak loudly. So what?” I retalared, lnoking + 75 STEPS TO BECOMING A MASTER SEDUCER © hin up and down in an avchonsative mannet, Bur be was right, There was na noise. “You and yout friends haye heen speaking really: loudly all fight, thas probably why vow're still shouting, Don't worry about it,” he laughed. SPini wot worried about set! T fined back, getting annoyed with hin. began to search for a cigarette in my bag. 1 wanted 10 go but, for sonte reason, | stayed. probably because | slicda’t want co seesn like 1 was running scared from him or his remarks. He came over and lit my cigarette. “Thanks,” | mumbled. I wanted to tell him nor to bother, but realised as usual that 1 had oo lighter. “You're welcome.” He sniiled, returning to his original position, “Who's your friend?” he asked “Which one?™ "The one that all the guys like,” he replied, talcing another dra trom his cigarette, My mind began tocace, We were all getting atcention. Wha was Je talleitiy about? I began to feel jealous, which soured my mood. “The one in the bhie dress,” he said, noticing my apparent confusion. “Christina?” | replied, “Is thar her same?" I began to feel jealous coward Christina. It wain't anything fhajot, just a pang of mild envy, but Td never fele anyching hike that befere aboue ber. 1 didn’t like it at all, she was a dear friend of mine, a great girl, but for some reason | resented che fact thar she was apparently getting more attention than the rest of us. ‘Then I realised that this guy may have been winding ie up, so I played along, “Well, [can introduce you ta her if you like,” Lresponded, “That's okay, 1 cam intraduce myself H Ii really want. I’ oye + KEZIA NOBLE + Lea, by the way." He pur his hand out to mine, § accepted his handshake. “Pim Keria,” He beaati laughing, "What?" 1 said; geciing (ugreasingly annoyed with him. “HE Ltell you, will you promise eu nor be offended?* “Promise. Now, what's so funny?” “I's beautiful, but when Lwas @ kid t can remember char my friend had a hamster with @ very similar name — semeshing like Keala, or Kena,” Although 1 teied not ca, Tcouldn't-belp bur laugh. My guard had come down THe took the last drag of his cigarecte and rubbed my arn genely, before leaving me standing on my own, “Pil cateh you insidé che club later,” he sail, before parce back and mouthing the words, “And stup speaking so fucking loudlyt" Vatood there with my phone still in my hase, Wondering what had just happened. Pow had 1 been made to experience 50 many emotions within just a few minutes by a complete stranger who was bor iny type and was also, frankly, a little coo checky? My thoughts were interrupted hy the ringing of my phone. Ir was the guy T had been trying, to call before this whole episode, [didn’t answer, figuring he could wait fora bit. Isn't if funny how what we consider impartant can change in just a couple of minutes? Back in the club, 1 began discreetly warching my friend Christina and the men all around us, sire they really lamang just at ber? | asked myself, T began looking for Lea com, | was curious ta know where he was, who he was with, but he was nowhere co be seen. I did, however, notice that one of my friends was in conversation with two very attractive men. She gaye me one at our subtle little signs which meant, "join ine [We abo had a sign Mie + 15 STEPS 70 BECOMING A MASTER SEDUCER - for ‘help’, as well ds ‘maybe help me soon’ — but this was a definite ‘come and join us right now!") Twent over They looked even beter close up, and E noticed that one of them smelled so good, "Whar aftershave is hat?” Lasked flirtationsly. “lexey Miyake,” he replied. “I bought it lase week.” Then the conversation rapidly took a cum down ‘Tediuen Avenue, He hegan asking me boring questions with hetle or no interest in my answers. Yet anoher mart wth absolutely no sex appeal and very tittle charm, I thought 10 myself, fe wasthen that I spotted Leo, standing a few metres away with three attractive women who were laughing with him, T noticed how one kept stroking his arm, deciding she muse have been his girlfriend, Buc then I noticed him taking her hand aff, giving hee 4 playful tap on the hand as if ta say enorgh ts enough. The good looking but uteerly charmless man Twas standing next to carried in talking tome about something or other, pobably still on about the aflershave he was weaving. I managed to catch Leo's cye for a few seconds, then looked Hlown to the floor Iooked up again co see him still looking at me. He smilesl, and then walked towards the exét with a lighter and cigarette in his hand, I followed, After made my excuses to Prince Charmless, | took a moment fo think about what | was doing. Why was 1 following Leo? | had fo need to go outside, Ty was obvious that there was something abour him that was drawing me towards him, but whar Tyenrually I eame up with my prevext co explain why 1 was following hims1 would say the guy | was talking to was boring me ayid | needed to get sway from him. Tt was true, bur 1 alse knew thar [ could have just gone back to my group of friends, or given ote of then the ‘help’ signal and they would have rescued me. As | came ot, [noticed Lec had adepred a ollie “RECIA NOBLE © when he had first spoken tome. Bur he looked snare attractive this time round. “Mella you," he said, “Hello ca you tea," 1 smiled. “Give me s cigarette," 1 demanded, holding ove my hand expectantly, "This is my last one, Um afraid either you share with me or you ask someone eke," he responded, ignoring my hand. “Okay, PU share,” [ seniled Sweetly, “Do you have any illnesses T need co he aware of? i you do, then you have to have the last half,* He seemed halfserions; “How dare you! CY course T don’ have any illnesses!" “Don’t get hissy, L hive to theck. You never know." He smiled, handing me his cigarette, We began chacting, He-rold me he was from: Essex and was Staying in London with his mates far che weekend, He said that the Essex scene was boring. that he was tired of the veiomen there, all orange fake tans looking for a rich goby, bee that ir seomed ty hin the girls in central London were the same, minus the orange tan, “Whit kind of oman do you. like3* Tasked, besoning more and mare curious. “Someone wha is independent, ambitious, hag her life sorted our and is naturally sexy,” He said itin such a matteral-fact way, “You don't ask for much, do you?" | replied ironically, noticing that the cigarette was nearing its end: He paused Jor a: moment, absorbing what ld just said, “T dante understand people whe don’t have high standards, whether ie's with ‘women, ten or their everyilay circumstances, " he said thoughtfully. “Yes, mée-too," [agreed eaperly. | clidn'e want him to think | was ene of these people whe were jist content with theie lot in life. “That's good,” he remarked; taking the finished cigarere out of ive +15 STEPS TO BECOMING A MASTER SEDUCER « my hand and throwing it across the road, “Come and join me when you're ready,” “Maybe, I'ma bit busy.” I replied, well aware that | might have er iny guard down 160 much and needed co appear hare to get. “As you wish,” he said casually, turning his hack on me and going back into the club, “I.was poincless denying to myself thar | was slightly artracted to him. This guy, who was not my type physteally, had suddenly suinchow become attractive, Nor only did he intrigue me but he'd aleo pot me explaining myself, qualifying myself, taking the huge ope bed fint encountered down a peg or two. I felt good vehen | wus around him, ft was a sttange sensation but highly ackictive, nee back inside the club, | decided that 1 couldn't be bothered to play any mare games. | went over immediately to his julie, Straight away be introduced me to the gils at the table, ‘noe by one. L noted that he bad given them all nicknames, which they all seemed to love, He introduced me as ‘Miss Kezia’, which Hoved roo, He seented to command the table he was at Deried discreetly to sive up the situation, Figuring it could be because he was paying and so. everyone was being nice for the free drinks. Bur [ soon ralised he wasn't paying at all; in fact it-wasn't even his table, it ‘yey someone's he had inet that evening, As the night wore on, my fiends joined the table; | became slightly worried when Christine joined, Would the blue dress jalt Tis memory as to why he supposedly spoke ta me in. the first place? When it didn’t seem to, I breathed a sigh of relief, Tended up sitting sloser and closer co Lea; we began talking about wharawe did fora living, our likes and dislikes and what we oth weanted from life in gesieeal, He wasn't like the other guys T usually mee, I know it sounds lite @ cliché, but it was true, Ele challenged me, be asked me oyye + KETIA NOBLE + questions I hadn't been asked before, he constantly surprised me with his temarks and he made me think hefore spake, Most men would jeer agree with me and ales their opinions to He mine, but he would da no-such thing, He provoked me but it felt goad, He gor me passing his drial to hin ancl fighting his cigarettes for him too, (Cigarettes that one of the girls there had bought for him, | might well.) Every time | tried to-touich hin, he would respond as (fit was some sorkof reward for me that he had to ration, 1 didn't know how he was getting me to accept all this — bue he definitely was ‘The most interesting thing ts chat, av une pane in the evening, T began te feel mnsure of whether he liked me or noc and his challenged started to become a little tiresome. Trovas then that it seemed he had sensed my thanghts, He caine close ro my faces and whispered in my ean, “Did I mention thar you look usbelievably sexy every time you stretch aut you legs?” T looked back at him, slightly shocked, His eeaction was Honchalang, completely unapologetic; he gave an ever so shightly knowing smile and, with that, turned to someone nexe te hie and began chatting as if nothing had happened, However, he leit his hand on my bare leg. I did nat remivve it: In fact, | relished it. Every sa often ke would eurn back te me and sinile, sometimes whispering about certain people ar the table. 1 giggled, enjoying the fact chat we had this little secrer flirtation going on berweert us. His hand was constanely on my bare lew. TL eventually excused inyselF to go ro the resttoum, giving a sige 00 ‘one of mty-fliendé:to join me. I wanted to share this with someone! In the restroom 1 began checking my makeup frantically, “Huw dol kiok? Lasked my friend. *You look fing, stop panicking,” she said reassuringly, “This really isn’e like you, Keaia, co get so focused on one guy.” “What de you mean?" Tasked as [applied niy lipstick, ys « 19 STEPS TO BECOMING A MASTER SEDUCER = “Tso obvieus = come ony you are totally into chat guy, but he's nor even chat good loukingl” “I lenow!” [latighed. "Bur teust me, he is very sexy, it’s like he’s so in contral and he's very witty, he daesn't take my shit like the others ti and he's really funny too." The ist was long bur che night was short, and I decided not to waste any mare tine in the restroom. On the way back to Leo's table, 1 bumped tata the good looking guy I'd been speaking to earlier “Hoy, Jive been looking for you," he whimpered pathetically: “Ol yeah, sorry, ['ve been busy," [quickly replied, looking over His muscular canned bicep, “Yrahy | saw, with chat short guy, he looks like a phimber or something,” he sneered. [shot him a look of disgust, He was obviously biter that Ud ignored hinv in favour of someone else. “De you want a drink?" he asked, back ¢o his whimpering, tweidy voice. “Dye” Wack at the table, [noticed Leo was gathering his stuff together. “Where are vou going?” Lasked [na bir tired, and | have to ga somewhere early tomorrow,” he answered casually, taking the last gulp of his drink. My mind hegan racing, Twas not going ro ask him far his timber no way, But at che same time | really svanced to see him ‘gain, aod the gond old ‘catch you on Facebook’ line would pot be available for a few more years yet. “{ewas nice mecting you.® [smiled, hoping he was going to ask foe my number. Thy enmothed ove the creases in his jackec tharwe'd been sitting nn inthe club, “Laok at what you've done," he accused, pointing at a particular crease he coulde’t gee rid af oni * KEQTA NOBLE + | playfully punched hint in the aria, “Can yon iron?” he questioned, as | followed him like a puppy dog to the exit. “Nope,” [responded “That's a shame, then thee’ no point in me getting your sumer. A woman noe only has to have a brain, she's gor eo elo cooking ar ironing at least,” He was obviously winding. ine up. | gave hitn another gentle punch. He suddenly took my hand, leading me away front the exit and his friends inte anether coum, [twas empey, like a chill-our room or a lounge bag and the music was a lot quieter, | fele burterilies in my stomach. Nothing was predictable with Lee, He thied to face me, looking dees into my eyes as if he wanted Fo possess every nart of me, It was intoxicating, Before 1 knew it, we wert kissing passioaately. My desiec for him way becoming atcater, Evencually, chat wonderful moment was interrupted by ane of the girl, moatiing about nor feeling well, “You'd better lool after your friend,” he insermetwdl politely I didn't care about rules and playing hard to. get anymore. [ wanted to see him-again, and i he wasn’t going: ca ask far my umber then (d ask for his. Although normally this would have eft a slightly bitter taste in my mouth, Iwas prepared to-cake the bitter in order to eet to the secer, Teras aboue to reach for my phane, but itwas as if he had read ty mind, He sensed rhat Ewas going to break my personal rules of how to behave with guys, He took out his phone and passed it to me. “Pur your number im here," he ordered, Tid as 1 was cold, relieved chat I didn't have to ga through thar whole “when can I sée you again? scenario. tapped im my number and handed it back to him, double: * kyill » + 15 STEPS TO BECOMING A MASTER SEDUCER ~ checking every digit was in the correct order. He saved it under "Ker, ay ‘il drop you a text ina week of so, Gives you time to learn lume ironing, so you van come aver and fix this jacket," he oiled cheek “Whatever.” [ sighed, trying 10 recompese myself, He then proceeded to give me a long kiss on the cheek, which L (red to turn into-a longer, more passionate kiss an the lips, { failecl miserably, “Go and look after your fiend, she looks @ bie green,” he Hetracted me [againl), igaocing the faux pas I'd committed in a fetitlemanty manner, | nodded my head and mouhed the word ‘goudbye', And with tharhe was gone. Hlonked over to my friend, who was indeed mening a funny shuide of green: 1 pat iny arm around her and took her hamse, while the other girls decided to stay on in the club, As (sat in the taxi, warching the funny scenes thar go on in Jopdon ona Saturday night at 3am, 1 thought about whar had happened, Leo had literally swept me off my feet, all ina mater ff hours, He'd gone from being an averagely cheeky guy co semoone I wanted to have a relationships with. Thad to tell myself to get a grip. Ud never associated myself with the type of girls who-get hysterical over a guy, who stare Planning the names of babies alter the firsr date. I'd always voexidered myself more level-headed than that, although of ‘cote Pd experienced my fair share of passion (and outright Just), Bur there was something about chis guy char | needed misice of, ‘[ began going over the night in my head, Everything I'd said. How Vl said i), Had | come an too strong? Was he going to call ge? Would he not call ne because I'd tried to kiss hint again? Did hee * KEZIA NOBLE « he think that I vas desperate or — warse ~ easy? Why did he talle to me about Christine? Who were those pirls he was with? As T dropped my friend off, Vasked myself the most impartane question of all Did Lea know whar he was doing? Was this some sort of technique he was using on me, or was it all natural) | waneed to find owt from him, Surf never diel , OCTOBER 2006 ‘Three years had piassed, 1 was ae the engagement party af Christine (yep, she of the blue dress), who had met hee Prince Charming ouly a year ago and was letting the world know about their happiness. What better way of doing ie than throwing a house party? ‘The five of us girls were together again (plus one, thanks to Prince Charming). There were also quite a few people that I dick't know, bit one of them stuck out slightly more tha the rest, He was a tall man with long curly haie a very relaxed expression on his face anda gentle aura about him, His clothes and his general persena could almost be described as New Age. After some brief eve contact, he came over tome and incroduced himself as Anthony, We began charting: he remarked thar my necklace looked kind af ancient Greek and wondered if | was interested in that era of history: Ir was.e funny little question, hue refreshing compared to the ustial boring chit-chat thar goes ow at house parcies. We got talking about what we did; he said he was an accor, bur was working for a new company thar specialised in helping people. OF course Twas inttigued. “How? What eype of peaple2" T asked, “Men,* he replied, eyes fixed co ming, wacehing far my oe «75 STEPS TO GECOMING A MASTER SEDUCER + feaerion. T kept up my poker face. “We help men ateract women, We teach them how to ralk to women, how to build up sexual tension with them, how ta use cheir assets to the best of Uveir wd vancage.” Piried nocea, bur Peoukln't help laughing. “No way! You mean Hike ins the: filint Meéteted” ‘He tolled bis eyes. Obviously this was a comparison he had bead beferre, "A bit, but that film was moce abour secting up the vifeunttanees and manipulating events so that one particular guy fa yet one particular woman, We teach guys to be more contidene with women in general," His volee was very martersnf: “foci, but he stil) [uid this gencle aura which made hit seem warm “andl genuine, “Ko you teach tricks? Like hypnosis?” I questioned him. * Wo reach ‘canned openers’ = the kind of opener lines a guy ean ine bo make aid impact We alio teach NLP, which is not hypnosis hot it dors ise the jetwer of suggestion That sounds dodgy, Whar on earth is *“Neuralinguistic programming. You say it’s ‘dodgy’, but take a (ook at the magazines chat you girls read, full ef constane tips on haw to get men, multiple different ways to get him to fall in love “wth You too, how to make him want to marry you), TE thae’s not “tiinipollative and dodgy, then T don't know what is.” He'd made a good poine, There were loads of magazines and seminars out there to teach a woman how to bag.a man, or even how bo make hist want co father her children, In fact, us females ive inundated with tips on skills to attract the opposite sex, Open op any one of those monthly woinan's magazines and you'll find ot Joost five articles about gerting ‘him’ to propese, or giving *him' the best blowjob ever to keep thim’ faithful forever. P wasn't so bothered really abone whether manipulation was 2° cue ra the quick, ih + KETA NOBLE = iovolved, Eowas fully aware that women can be totally Manipulanve, so if men wanted te turn the tables a little then good for them, 1 was more concerned with the fact char some combination formula of skills, techniques and) NLP couldn’, possibly werk, Surely artraction was either there or it wasn't? “You can’t seriously tell me that you can grant a 20-scane man with bad breath and a bald patch the power tu attract any woman?™ He thoughic for a inoment helore answering, “A studear like thar woukd make it harder, yes, hecause he doesn’t have what we call a ‘hatital advantage’. But if you look ac some peapie who have made it in business or entertainment, they might nor have hada natural advantage either, Fot instance, same singers are not Very good rechjically; they might have a just-about-average voice, yet they still make ital) the way to number ane inthe charts. Then there are the thonsunds of singers our there with amaging voices, and yet they always remain backup vocalisrs, Natural advantage makes it easier, but it’s nor a guarantee of success,” [knew what he said was true. L thought back to all the good- lookitig men I'd met who hada so-called ‘natural advantage’ and yet hal never had many women, “Our techniques are nota guarantee that anyone can get anybody they choose — thae’s impossible — bur we can help them increase their chances at least." It was fascinating, | owas becoming tocally transfixed by the conversation, a8 other people at che party gathered around hin trying to join im. ‘The topic‘of ‘pickup artises' was autractiiay a large amount of attention, Themen in. the room were eager to learn some techniques for free, vehilst the women were alst incriguod, and yet slightly apprehensive at the same time about the whole ndtion of men dedrming how to attract women, As far as [was aware, Anthony was che fire bona fide pickup arr’ I'd ever met. But, as fascinating as our encounter was, 1 nll © STEPS TO BECOMING A MASTER SEDUCER * up early next morning and so 1 began te make a entertaining the small ecowd which had formed tro leave, Anthony eaughe my acm, “Listen,” he ibout coming down this weekend, We're having ‘hoor camp", which is basically a workshop su guys get tanght the techniques | was smiled geurtly, » Thanks anyway” Teeplicd, making my way weekends were precious, Leoulda’: waste them on were hoping fo get lucky dy” he persiseed. “We need girls to act as (ir the ‘hb section’, which means ‘hoe by out their techniques on you, ant you give a, ; THE WEEKEND BOOT CAMP al ed ina eentral London bar, me and seven ocher bar laving been closed aff to the public far che boot xture of men there of all different ages and were all in separate little gréups, being trained one of whom [noticed was Anthony himself, as [came i the room but was obviously he pooup he was talking to, so Tavent over and women who sat on che barstools, and seemed just trainers were actually fairly average looking certain airof confidence about them, they com the students and had an energy or aura that associate with Anchony. I noticed they all made = alll © + KEDIA NOBLE + the absolate most of themselves, with good haivents, stylish clothes and GOOD SHOES (very, very important). I'd anticipated that the instructors would be either tidiculausly goadsooking model eypes oor creepy geeks, with strange techniques learned from a community of equally strange geeks. [t-yas.a really pleasane éurpcise to find! une they were all normal men leading apparently normal lives. T gor talking to a few who tok! me how they got into the scene, Most said they wsed to be shy and lacking confidence around wotnens their lives had been firte in mast respects, excepe in this one tea of dealing with the opposite sex. They all had normal jabs, a goad social life, bue ar seme poine in their life they. had been fairly hopeless with women and had decided ta clo something about it. “Bur how did you fied out about all this?” Tasked an instructor called Phillip, who went under the nickname ‘Sicily’, “In America it’s big business,” he answered, eyeing up a passing waitress Wich particularly Jong legs, “Ever heard of Neil Strauss? Myscery? The Game?” “Nope,” I answered. They sounded like # bunch of Hemd villains to me, “Well, Neil Strauss is tike the godfather of the ‘pickup community’, he wrore a book called The Game which is the bible of pickup artists, Once I read chat book my eyes were opened, andl it spawned a whole community.on a much larger scale than over here. In the US there are major pickup artists thar da seminars, coaching, have their own ‘TY shows, they are literally celebrities out there, Anyway, once [heard about this small community in England | hecame a pact of it. The rest is history” Ttook in all he said. Although he was trying to he casual, bis enthusiasm was very obvious, “Bue you, for instance, you seem really confident. | can't see yon having a problem picking up women,” T said. “You should have seen me hefore [was terrible, like really aiv TEPS TO BECOMING A MASTER SEDUCER + one from a being # pumpkin toa caries from zero he space of two years, then mayhe these helpful than I'd originally He Gn FEN, for contact ly language and conversacion skills, and women started coming in, When that ave who he: was and who! he used ta ‘hard to. imagine that this guy was more eoufident than che men T smiled, spotting the students #10. sipeal to the girls. PhillipiSielly he birthplace of his graitddad, ihe " KEZIA NOBLE + The other girl were very pretty, two of them what one coulk describe as intimidatiigly beautiful, the others well above average type of girl-you see inthe street, These poor Buys proba can't even talk to some plain Jane in ihe office, fet alove tI eels, | though, “Hight, ladies, heve's the deal,® began Phillip, eelishing ever tuoment. Hete he was, the self-confessed ex geck, selling a group hoe gitls what-co doo! petioad his tshirt kept colling up, shovel off an ethnie-style rattoa (maybe North African or Indian} on his eym-pumped left bicep, Pcowld tell he was juse aching te be asked what it meant. Was this another well thought-out technéque? “The studehts ate going t chat you up as if you're a pitl they | Inet at random in-the bay T want you ladies ca ignore the instructors Who-are haigitg around them, like me, and to make the scenario as natural as pussible, At the end we would like jour feedback.” The girls nodded their heads in perfect synchronisation, His eyes lingerodl on the tall blonde from Sweden. (A cliché perhaps, but true.) “Tlike your tartoo,” she said, pointing ta his bicep, “What dees it meant” This stuff was good, But some of the srudents were absolutely hopeless, they were sa desperately trying to cemember some awesome line they'd heard that they forgot haw the whole polar was 10 seem relaxed and confident, To be fair, there were some wha were not so bad, just like the typical gay you mect anywhere = fairly quiet until he has a drink. “T've never done this without at least a few pints,” one of chen whispered ta me, One of the other guys used the opener, “Does my shirt laok gay?” To which J replied hovestly, “Yes, it dies, you shauld change it,” syed © “= 15 STEPS TO BECOMING A MASTER SEDUCER » «poor guy looked shocked, “Unim, uh," was his response. ned to the instruccos, who whispered something to him, utned back to me and smiled, as what [ though, but don’t you think gay guys have i hetcer style than seraight guys?” * Lanswered, (IP tree, gay guys on the whole do look 4 lor than straight men.) This was better than the student's first wring response, and as a result we got into a longer sation. The trainer was pleased and gave him the thumbs up. @ students were also trying out a rechnique called ‘kino’, Lunderstood ta he a type of skill mon can develop wherehy ‘creane comfort awirh a girl, by touching her subtly, so as to A down her shield and ger her used to a sere physical action, Unfortunately, there was one man who was averusing ih technique, and as a result of his eethusiasm he spilled ne of my drink on me, As | tried ca clean off the spillage, he just there and looked ar me, totally steck on the spotand unable inove. It seemed he just hadn't been fed the right lines to eapond to it, Alter ove hours af the good, the bad and the ugly, everyone asked to sit down, Ttwas feedback time. I noticed that a ple of the girls kept giggling, obviously shazing a joke about for maybe all} af che studenes, One of the inscructars quietly dd them to hicle theit amusement, “These guys don't mind sj feedback, bur not humiliation,” he potitely said, They pect straight away. nally, when everyone was sitting down’ in a semicirele, a i Thali man with fairly long, dark hair walked in and stood in front ol the sudience, He was noticeably a lot more relaxed and had cof an air of natural confidence than the other instructors. | Ae tateoos, no blonde highlights, no jewellery, just slightly “duhevelled plain cloches, as if he'd just gor out of bed. The only | i nevi +

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