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Mushroom Chap Stick Holder Le A crochet design by: Basic Information + Red Heast 100% aczylic; 5.0 02/141 g, 256 yard/234 m Weight Category: 4 Medium/Worsted, Qty: 2 balls OR - Lion Brand Heartland 100% Acrylic, 5.00 02/'142g, 251 yd/230 m Weight Category. + Medium/ Worsted Qty: 2 balls 4 SC within an inch. Be suze to check your tension before starting your work Heek Sige - Size J/6.0 Crochet Hook I prefer metal hooks to wooden ones, but beginners may find it easier to use wood. The stitches slip off less easily on wood. Copyright Kut Gut 2014 Caaented Needa. - Daming Needle ~ Stiteh Maskess Cententa. Basic Information. 1 Abbreviations. 2 Instractions. 5 Social Media: 4 Copysight Information. 5 Common Abbreviations eamOD Coy STS: Stitches *: Repeat until end Beg: Beginning R: Round SC: Single Crochet *: Repeat until end of row Copyright Knit Giut 2014 Page o Pattern Instructions Muahnsem. ( With Purple Mea ain 8 and connect to beginning stitch Rl: Work 2 sc in each se around (12 sts) R2. *Se 1, 2 sc in next sc* Repeat 6 tmes R3: *Se 2, 2 sc in next sc* Repeat 6 times R4 —R7: *Se around until end and then finish off, sew in end. Bone With white yarn, chain 8 Ri: Work 1 se in each se around (12 sts), turn and crochet 1 inte each back stitch, this is one row. R2-—R10: *Sc 1 in each stitch, you should have 50 se in each row around. You will then want to do 100 chain stitches at the end and then attach it to the other end to create the strap. Next you will want to take the fimshed base and take the string and pinch at the top, pull through the hole at the top of the cap and there! You're done As soon as you do this you just let it cool off and should have your own Mushroom Chapstick Holdet! Copyright Knit Grit 204 Page 3 coditudroll Copyright Kut Guu 04$13970/ Poge 4 Copyright Information (c) Coc Hudnall - AIL Rights Roagusedt Usti may wae thie patton gor. parasnol WoL, oo gig or gor chonity but you ane not pennittedt to aol thin. pottann on the giniahed iam gon ginancial gain. Cepynight Kut Gut 204 Page 9

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