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Study Strategy and Method of MATHS for NEW JEE


IIT JEE Mathematics

Mathematics is the most scoring subject in IIT JEE. Although Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics have
equal weight age in the examination but Mathematics has an edge over other two in number of ways. For
example mathematics is considered as the rank deciding subject; whenever there is a tie up of overall
score between 2 or more candidates often mathematics score decided the AIR in IIT JEE. Conventionally
mathematics as forms the backbone as it is used in the other two subjects as well. Topics like calculus,
differential equations, and quadratic equations are used indiscriminately in almost all the questions on
physics and chemistry in IIT JEE.

Mathematics is scoring as well – topics like probability, differential calculus, trigonometry, straight lines
and circles in coordinate geometry, permutations and combinations in algebra are always easy to crack in
IIT JEE. If prepared well these topics can help one get a good AIR without too much of effort. The
success mantra for IIT JEE is to “practice, learn and solve”. Gone are the times when students used to
spend 2 hours solving a question? Now the time is to get answers quickly and choose the right answer
from given choices in objective mathematics questions. So if you have practiced all types of questions
thoroughly it would help you quickly reach to the answer rather than figuring out how to crack the
question. The more your practice and learn the typical methods of solving different types of questions the
faster you can crack IIT JEE mathematics questions.


Algebra is one of the building blocks of Mathematics in IIT JEE examination. While preparing for IIT JEE,
it is this portion where an aspirant begins. Though Algebra begins with Sets and Relations but we seldom
get any direct question from this portion. Functions can be said to be a prerequisite to Calculus and
hence it is critical in IIT JEE preparation. Sequence and series is one other section which is mixed with
other concepts and then asked in the examination. Quadratic equation fetches direct questions too and is
also easy to grasp. Binomial Theorem is also a marks fetching topic as the questions on this topic is quite
easy. Permutations and Combinations along with Probability is the most important section in Algebra. IIT
JEE exam fetches a lot of questions on them. Those who get good IIT JEE rank always do well in this
section. Complex Numbers are also important as this fetches question in the IIT JEE exam almost every
year. Matrices and Determinant mostly give direct question and there are no twist and turns in the
questions based on them.

II. Study Strategy and Method of MATHS for NEW JEE


Trigonometry is one of the building blocks of Mathematics in IIT JEE examination. Trigonometry begins
with Trigonometric equations and their solutions and it can be called a prerequisite to Calculus and hence
it is critical in IIT JEE preparation. Trigonometric inequalities is one other section which is mixed with
other concepts and then asked in the examination. Inverse circular function fetches direct questions too
and is also easy to grasp. IIT JEE exam fetches a lot of questions on these topics. Those who get a good
IIT JEE rank always do well in this section.
AskIITians has devised a formula to crack the Mathematics paper for IIT JEE. Our formula is based on
the pattern in which IIT JEE tests skills in mathematics. Our esteemed faculty has been part of the core
committee who has set IIT JEE question papers. We know exactly how you should prepare for IIT JEE
mathematics in order to crack it.

Co-ordinate geometry

Co-ordinate Geometry is one of the most scoring and easy to prepare Unit in the entire preparation of
IIT JEE, AIEEE, DCE, EAMCET and other engineering entrance examinations. It is of no doubt that
along with Calculus, Co-ordinate Geometry is the most scoring of all topics in Mathematics.

The importance of Co-ordinate Geometry lies in the fact that almost all the students who aspire to get
high All India rank in IIT JEE, AIEEE, DCE, EAMCET and other engineering entrance examinations give
a good emphasis on Co-ordinate Geometry.

Co-ordinate Geometry is important not only from the point of view of Mathematics but also from the
point of view of Physics and Physical Chemistry as it helps in problems pertaining to graphs, especially
Cartesian Co-ordinates.

Co-ordinate Geometry can be further divided into many parts but The Straight Line and The
Circle holds high importance not only because more questions appear from these topics but also from
the point of view that these two chapters are prerequisite to Conic Sections.

Conic Sections can be further divided into Parabola, Ellipse and Hyperbola. It is well known that it is
really easy to score in Conic Sections as questions which come every year has few fixed pattern and
hence can be easily dealt with.

II. Study Strategy and Method of MATHS for NEW JEE

Since Co-ordinate Geometry is not new to the students as they do study some of its basics in earlier
classes. Hence, it is easy to pick up and a good take-off is not difficult. This gives an early advantage to
the students not only in Mathematics but also in Physics and Physical Chemistry.

There are few students who find Co-ordinate Geometry a bit difficult but to these students we can
advise more and more practice.

Differential Calculus

Differential Calculus is one of the most important topics in the preparation of IIT JEE, AIEEE, DCE,
EAMCET and other engineering entrance examinations. This is the easier part of Calculus and there is no
doubt it is scoring too. It is also important to learn Differential Calculus to proficiency as it is a prerequisite
to the learning of Integral Calculus too.
The importance of Differential Calculus is not just restricted to Mathematics but it is of profound
importance in the major part of Physics and Physical Chemistry. The study of Differential Calculus
includes Functions, Sets and Relations though it is considered to be a part of Algebra. Limits, Continuity
and Differentiability is one of the most favourable topics of those who have a bent towards Differential
Calculus. It is not only an easy topic but also fetches direct question in the examination. A person who
has already done a good practice of this chapter is also likely to do well in the next topic of Differentiation.
The lifeline of Differential Calculus is basically the topics which include the application of Derivatives
i.e.Tangent and Normal and Maxima and Minima. The concept of these topics are also used frequently in
Physics and some portions of Physical Chemistry.
Since Differential Calculus is new to the students as they do not study it in their 10th standard
examination, so they are advised to master the topic by practicing questions on Limits, Continuity and
Differentiability. The preparation of Differential Calculus also gives another opportunity to prepare and
revise the chapter on Functions, Sets and Relations.
In nutshell we can say, "If Calculus is the fort of Mathematics then Differential Calculus is its entry point"

II. Study Strategy and Method of MATHS for NEW JEE

Integral Calculus

It is not an exaggeration that the fort of Mathematics is Calculus and the most important part of it is
Integral Calculus. It is quite a lot scoring and should be taken very seriously in the preparation of IIT JEE,
AIEEE, DCE, EAMCET and other engineering entrance examinations. The Calculus is said to be
complete only if you have mastered the topic of Integral Calculus.
Since the prerequisite to the preparation of Integral Calculus is the study of Differential Calculus, we can
judge a student in Calculus by seeing his comfort level and proficiency in Integral Calculus. The
importance of Integral Calculus is not just restricted to Mathematics but it is of profound importance in the
major part of Physics and Physical Chemistry. The major portions of study of Integral Calculus
include Indefinite Integral and Definite Integral and they are rightly termed as tools which are further used
in its applications under the topics of Area. The topic of Area is the one which used the most in Physics
and should be taken very seriously. The next topic of Differential Equations is also quite important. Since
the syllabus do not demand differential equations of higher order so it is easy for the students to have
proficiency in the subject.
It is true that most of the students fear from Integral calculus, but all the high rank holders in IIT JEE are
always very comfortable in the topic. It is advised to do a practice in Integral Calculus at an early stage as
it is one of the new topics which students study while preparing for IIT JEE, AIEEE, DCE, EAMCET and
other engineering entrance examinations.


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