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Deshay Edwards

Professor Watson

English 1001

16 February 2018

Concept map : What is the difference between Organic and Non- GMO foods

Website notes: “ Organic food fights back against Non- GMO rival”

 The official rules for producing organic food prohibits the use of any genetic engineering

however they don’t require organic food companies to test for the presence of GMOS

 The non GMO is agriculture which was before GMO were still a chemical base


 A famer that were talked to in the article see non GMO and GMO crops to be talked

about most due to the similar techniques being used

 Even though there is a non – GMO label it could still be produced with pesticides,

antibiotics and even with no regards to animal welfare

 There’s a concern that customers aren’t actually getting what they think they are

Article notes: “ Organic vs Non- GMO food makers face --- companies vie over the making of

labels in effort to woo skeptical consumers”

 Director of California organic farmers Cathy made a statement saying organic foods is

non GMO but the difference is that non GMO is not organic

 The non GMO label is certified by private GMO companies

 The Bellingham wash a non profit organization doesn’t prohibit the use of synthetic

pesticides on crops used as ingredients or ensure animal welfare standards

 The rising non GMO products are like a two edge sword

Magazine notes: “Non GMO vs organic both are good ways to avoid CMOs,yet they have

definable distinctions: do you know the difference?”

 Products can earn a non GMO seal but still be grown with chemical fertilizers

 Products must undergo test to receive it’s non gmo seal

 22 percent of consumers now cite avoiding GMOs as a primary reason to eat more

organic products

 Many customers search for products with both the organic seal

Fifth source: “ Non GMO vs Organic labels: purity or process guarantees in a GMO

contaminated landscape.”

 Both organic and non GMO are expressing the value of standards for foods

 Non GMO is a threat to organic

 In 2016 non GMO sales rose about 16 billion dollars

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