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Exempting Circumstances

Adonis Aradillos and Albino Galabo vs. Court of Appeals

G.R. No.135619 January 15,2004

On February 3, 1992, Gloria Adviola, when she saw the petitioners Aradillos and Galabo,
in the act of cutting the bamboo bridge located on the property of her husband, rebuked them.
There upon, petitioners chased her and they caught up with her near the house. Galabo then
hit her several times with a peace of wood and his carpentry ax, hitting her on the right side of
the head and in the forehead.
The petitioners on the other hand contend that the injuries of Gloria were sustained by
mere accidents of the course of struggle between the victim and Aradillos for the possession of
the ax of the latter. As told by the petitioner Aradillos, it was Gloria who first went near to
Aradillos who was then cutting the roots of the tree. And grabbed the ax, obviously with the
intention of stopping Aradillos from cutting the tree. Not wanting to let go of the ax, Aradillos
held on to it and the two then struggled for its possession. With both of their hands on the
handle, the ax went swaying and swinging, which accidentally hit Gloria.

Whether or not the defense of accident of the accused can exempt them from criminal

No. The accused cannot invoke the defense of accident to escape the consequences of
their act. Under article 12, paragraph 4 of the revised penal code, a person who while
performing a lawful act with due care, causes injury by accident without fault or intention of
causing it, is exempt from criminal liability. It cannot be said that Aradillos was performing a
awful act when he was struggling with Gloria with the ax as the latter’s act of taking hold of the
ax equivocal, and cannot be deduced there from that he was under the threat of unlawful
aggression from her.

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