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Lucid dreams and how | to control them Lanaeny pp arte l Wives pe nan Dr KEITH HEARNE Dr Hearne’s original chart-record of the first ocular signals from a lucid-dream, and his ‘dream-machine’ invention are now on permanent display in the Science Museum, London. se ook ok aoe NB. Regarding Keith Hearne's discovery of the ocular- signaling technique for communicating from within lucid dreams, on the next page is what eminent Professor Allan Rechtschaffen of Chicago University wrote in September 1975 when Hearne sent him copies of ocular signals he had recorded in the sleep- laboratory at Hull University, England. At the same time, Hearne sent the same copies to Dr William Dement at Stanford University. = THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO DEPAICIMENL OF BSYCHIATEY om Cast Orn etyte curence Soptesher 5, 1975 Mr. Keith 4. Ts Hearne Depattcent of Psychology ‘the Untveroity of Hull Wut) HUG TRY, ENGLAND Dear Mr. Hoayno: ‘hanks much for your recent letter on your Jueld dream venearch. 1 certalaly think thie research 19 {mportant because {t is the one occasion when the dreamer can eritfeally evalunte his drone consciousness while it is in progresn. You have added the ingenfous and important elenent of having the dreamer comunieate hie observations to you at the kame Une. There is, of course, good reason to ure eye novencats for this communication since wo kno the oye muscles ate certainly not inhthiced during RIM sleep whereas other muscle groupe are--nt leat those in the head and neck region, J have had sinilar luck with eye eovenents as a mode of comunleation during slocp in the study of anarcoluptte Jady Guring sleap paralysis, She could respond to my questions while in slecp paralysis with clear eye novenonts in the requested dfrection, ‘fa you may know, 1 think of sleep paralysis an a REY variant tm which waking convelousness $2 not yet conpletely dizsntohed. (That is why the hypnagogie ha}1ucinations wh{ch waunlly accompany sleep pura) ase viuved us hallucinations rather than dreacs, t.0., there is a wixture of realfey perception and dveann.) Enclosed is an {lluxtvarion which shows both the opontancous and “conzand" eye tovenente during an attack of sleep paralysis. Tan convineed by your evidence that lucid dreana do indeed occur during RIM periods, I would algo guess, intuitively, that they do not oseur during KREM oleep. Uowaver, the failure to communicate with eye movenents does not necassarily ean that lucid dreams de nor occur in WREN leap, There might be a "slugelshnese” of aye movement control tn BREM sleop which would prevent chefr communication by that technique. Do noe worry about wy spreading your findings around. Keep up the good work. Sincerely youre, Qe Rodos Shelf Allan Rechtschaffen, Ph.D. Profesuor, Dapartmants of Payehiatry and Behavioral Sciences Director, Sleop Laboratory Job Enclosure

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