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Story Treatment

In the 1947 Legends Park, people build the S.E.A. Tower Hotel as tribute to the late Society of
Explorers and Adventurers (SEA for short), adding it's five-story Gothic Revival tower,the eight-story
Renaissance Revival tower with its many guest rooms and a ballroom, and finally the 14-story Greek
Revival tower where the private appartments are kept. Unfortunately, they built the hotel behind the
burial grounds of Sakuras, a tribe of savage natives. And a curse has been placed, taking place at
midnight. During a party, five people board the elevator, hoping to get to the top floor, where the party
takes place. At the stroke of midnight, the lights go out.
People outside the hotel notice top floor windows are glowing. Suddenly the the windows of the
hotel shatter, and glass rain down on the people below. When they went inside to investigate. They saw
the elevator doors are broken, and the elevator shaft empty, the elevator (and its passengers) are never
seen again. The hotel is since closed. In 2005, a reporter of Legends Park Gazette, the newspaper,
decides that a mystery is a foot. And the news was spread far and wide, stating that only the bravest of
citizens are allowed to solve the mystery.
The Social Administration of Mystery Solvers (SAMS for short) also heard the news. They
recruited the citizens to solve the mystery. The rumors had it that they saw the ghost of the the fateful
five who dissapeared 58 years ago. Some nights, the hotel glows a ghostly glow. This is where the
ride's events unfold.

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