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bate Reference ne UM 2201873 Date 2 May 2017 Dr. Hussaini bin Razali ‘MBBS, Clinical Rugya Practitioners Klinik’ AL-Hijeah Seremban Dear Dato'/ Prof. / Asso, Prof. /Dr. 3 laa. ase gat INVITATION AS A SPEAKER AND PANELIST IN IIUM WORKSHOP ON ISLAMISATION & INTEGRATION OF HUMAN KNOWLEDGE, F WIN 9 2017 May this letter reach you in the best of iman and health by the grace of Allah S.W.T. HUM Kuantan Campus Director's Office intends to organize the 9th IIUM Workshop on Islamisation and Integration of Human Knowledge (I-WIN 9), on 9! May 2017. The aim of WIN 9 2017 is to adress The Role of Islamic Pscyhospititual Therapy in the Muslim Medical Practices. ‘Your good self is cordially invited as a SPEAKER AND PANELIST in I-WIN 8, which will he held as follows: Date/Day = 23" May 2017/ Tuesday Venue ‘Banquet Hall, IUM Kuantan Campus Time 8.00am -1.20 pm Attached! herewith isthe tentative programme of -WIN 9 2017. Tam looking forward to welcome you to this intellectual and knowledge sharing workshop, Thank you, Shay pes a International Islamic University Malaysia ‘Kuantan Campus Ce Prof Dato De Tarig Abdul Razak ‘Campus Diresor, HUM Kuantan Campos Asoc. Prof. Dt. Akal Khusairy Diretorof CENTRIS, HUM Gambak Campus cENTRIS Garden of Hnowledge and Virtue (fice Address: Ofce The Campus Decor Irterational amc University Malaysia |Ra Sutan Nera Sh Bandera Mota 75200 Kuantan Pang Dar ara “el "609 370 6400 Fae +609 571 67897 Webster wim

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